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//===- Types.h - MLIR Type Classes ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
#include "mlir/IR/TypeSupport.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
namespace mlir {
class FloatType;
class Identifier;
class IndexType;
class IntegerType;
class MLIRContext;
class TypeStorage;
namespace detail {
struct FunctionTypeStorage;
struct OpaqueTypeStorage;
} // namespace detail
/// Instances of the Type class are immutable and uniqued. They wrap a pointer
/// to the storage object owned by MLIRContext. Therefore, instances of Type
/// are passed around by value.
/// Some types are "primitives" meaning they do not have any parameters, for
/// example the Index type. Parametric types have additional information that
/// differentiates the types of the same kind between them, for example the
/// Integer type has bitwidth, making i8 and i16 belong to the same kind by be
/// different instances of the IntegerType.
/// Types are constructed and uniqued via the 'detail::TypeUniquer' class.
/// Derived type classes are expected to implement several required
/// implementation hooks:
/// * Required:
/// - static bool kindof(unsigned kind);
/// * Returns if the provided type kind corresponds to an instance of the
/// current type. Used for isa/dyn_cast casting functionality.
/// * Optional:
/// - static LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(
/// Optional<Location> loc,
/// MLIRContext *context,
/// Args... args)
/// * This method is invoked when calling the 'TypeBase::get/getChecked'
/// methods to ensure that the arguments passed in are valid to construct
/// a type instance with.
/// * This method is expected to return failure if a type cannot be
/// constructed with 'args', success otherwise.
/// * 'args' must correspond with the arguments passed into the
/// 'TypeBase::get' call after the type kind.
/// Type storage objects inherit from TypeStorage and contain the following:
/// - The type kind (for LLVM-style RTTI).
/// - The dialect that defined the type.
/// - Any parameters of the type.
/// For non-parametric types, a convenience DefaultTypeStorage is provided.
/// Parametric storage types must derive TypeStorage and respect the following:
/// - Define a type alias, KeyTy, to a type that uniquely identifies the
/// instance of the type within its kind.
/// * The key type must be constructible from the values passed into the
/// detail::TypeUniquer::get call after the type kind.
/// * If the KeyTy does not have an llvm::DenseMapInfo specialization, the
/// storage class must define a hashing method:
/// 'static unsigned hashKey(const KeyTy &)'
/// - Provide a method, 'bool operator==(const KeyTy &) const', to
/// compare the storage instance against an instance of the key type.
/// - Provide a construction method:
/// 'DerivedStorage *construct(TypeStorageAllocator &, const KeyTy &key)'
/// that builds a unique instance of the derived storage. The arguments to
/// this function are an allocator to store any uniqued data within the
/// context and the key type for this storage.
class Type {
/// Integer identifier for all the concrete type kinds.
/// Note: This is not an enum class as each dialect will likely define a
/// separate enumeration for the specific types that they define. Not being an
/// enum class also simplifies the handling of type kinds by not requiring
/// casts for each use.
enum Kind {
// Builtin types.
// Reserve type kinds for dialect specific type system extensions.
#define DEFINE_SYM_KIND_RANGE(Dialect) \
FIRST_##Dialect##_TYPE, LAST_##Dialect##_TYPE = FIRST_##Dialect##_TYPE + 0xff,
#include "DialectSymbolRegistry.def"
/// Utility class for implementing types.
template <typename ConcreteType, typename BaseType,
typename StorageType = DefaultTypeStorage>
using TypeBase = detail::StorageUserBase<ConcreteType, BaseType, StorageType,
using ImplType = TypeStorage;
Type() : impl(nullptr) {}
/* implicit */ Type(const ImplType *impl)
: impl(const_cast<ImplType *>(impl)) {}
Type(const Type &other) = default;
Type &operator=(const Type &other) = default;
bool operator==(Type other) const { return impl == other.impl; }
bool operator!=(Type other) const { return !(*this == other); }
explicit operator bool() const { return impl; }
bool operator!() const { return impl == nullptr; }
template <typename U> bool isa() const;
template <typename U> U dyn_cast() const;
template <typename U> U dyn_cast_or_null() const;
template <typename U> U cast() const;
// Support type casting Type to itself.
static bool classof(Type) { return true; }
/// Return the classification for this type.
unsigned getKind() const;
/// Return the LLVMContext in which this type was uniqued.
MLIRContext *getContext() const;
/// Get the dialect this type is registered to.
Dialect &getDialect() const;
// Convenience predicates. This is only for floating point types,
// derived types should use isa/dyn_cast.
bool isIndex();
bool isBF16();
bool isF16();
bool isF32();
bool isF64();
/// Return true if this is an integer type with the specified width.
bool isInteger(unsigned width);
/// Return the bit width of an integer or a float type, assert failure on
/// other types.
unsigned getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
/// Return true if this is an integer or index type.
bool isIntOrIndex();
/// Return true if this is an integer, index, or float type.
bool isIntOrIndexOrFloat();
/// Return true of this is an integer or a float type.
bool isIntOrFloat();
/// Print the current type.
void print(raw_ostream &os);
void dump();
friend ::llvm::hash_code hash_value(Type arg);
unsigned getSubclassData() const;
void setSubclassData(unsigned val);
/// Methods for supporting PointerLikeTypeTraits.
const void *getAsOpaquePointer() const {
return static_cast<const void *>(impl);
static Type getFromOpaquePointer(const void *pointer) {
return Type(reinterpret_cast<ImplType *>(const_cast<void *>(pointer)));
ImplType *impl;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, Type type) {
return os;
/// Function types map from a list of inputs to a list of results.
class FunctionType
: public Type::TypeBase<FunctionType, Type, detail::FunctionTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static FunctionType get(ArrayRef<Type> inputs, ArrayRef<Type> results,
MLIRContext *context);
// Input types.
unsigned getNumInputs() const { return getSubclassData(); }
Type getInput(unsigned i) const { return getInputs()[i]; }
ArrayRef<Type> getInputs() const;
// Result types.
unsigned getNumResults() const;
Type getResult(unsigned i) const { return getResults()[i]; }
ArrayRef<Type> getResults() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) { return kind == Kind::Function; }
/// Opaque types represent types of non-registered dialects. These are types
/// represented in their raw string form, and can only usefully be tested for
/// type equality.
class OpaqueType
: public Type::TypeBase<OpaqueType, Type, detail::OpaqueTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
/// Get or create a new OpaqueType with the provided dialect and string data.
static OpaqueType get(Identifier dialect, StringRef typeData,
MLIRContext *context);
/// Get or create a new OpaqueType with the provided dialect and string data.
/// If the given identifier is not a valid namespace for a dialect, then a
/// null type is returned.
static OpaqueType getChecked(Identifier dialect, StringRef typeData,
MLIRContext *context, Location location);
/// Returns the dialect namespace of the opaque type.
Identifier getDialectNamespace() const;
/// Returns the raw type data of the opaque type.
StringRef getTypeData() const;
/// Verify the construction of an opaque type.
static LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(Optional<Location> loc,
MLIRContext *context,
Identifier dialect,
StringRef typeData);
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) { return kind == Kind::Opaque; }
// Make Type hashable.
inline ::llvm::hash_code hash_value(Type arg) {
return ::llvm::hash_value(arg.impl);
template <typename U> bool Type::isa() const {
assert(impl && "isa<> used on a null type.");
return U::classof(*this);
template <typename U> U Type::dyn_cast() const {
return isa<U>() ? U(impl) : U(nullptr);
template <typename U> U Type::dyn_cast_or_null() const {
return (impl && isa<U>()) ? U(impl) : U(nullptr);
template <typename U> U Type::cast() const {
return U(impl);
} // end namespace mlir
namespace llvm {
// Type hash just like pointers.
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::Type> {
static mlir::Type getEmptyKey() {
auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey();
return mlir::Type(static_cast<mlir::Type::ImplType *>(pointer));
static mlir::Type getTombstoneKey() {
auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey();
return mlir::Type(static_cast<mlir::Type::ImplType *>(pointer));
static unsigned getHashValue(mlir::Type val) { return mlir::hash_value(val); }
static bool isEqual(mlir::Type LHS, mlir::Type RHS) { return LHS == RHS; }
/// We align TypeStorage by 8, so allow LLVM to steal the low bits.
template <> struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::Type> {
static inline void *getAsVoidPointer(mlir::Type I) {
return const_cast<void *>(I.getAsOpaquePointer());
static inline mlir::Type getFromVoidPointer(void *P) {
return mlir::Type::getFromOpaquePointer(P);
enum { NumLowBitsAvailable = 3 };
} // namespace llvm
#endif // MLIR_IR_TYPES_H