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//===- PassDetail.h - MLIR Pass details -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
// Verifier Passes
/// Pass to verify a function and signal failure if necessary.
class FunctionVerifierPass : public FunctionPass<FunctionVerifierPass> {
void runOnFunction() override;
/// Pass to verify a module and signal failure if necessary.
class ModuleVerifierPass : public ModulePass<ModuleVerifierPass> {
void runOnModule() override;
// PassExecutor
/// The abstract base pass executor class.
class PassExecutor {
enum Kind { FunctionExecutor, ModuleExecutor };
explicit PassExecutor(Kind kind) : kind(kind) {}
/// Get the kind of this executor.
Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
/// The kind of executor this object is.
Kind kind;
/// A pass executor that contains a list of passes over a function.
class FunctionPassExecutor : public PassExecutor {
FunctionPassExecutor() : PassExecutor(Kind::FunctionExecutor) {}
FunctionPassExecutor(FunctionPassExecutor &&) = default;
FunctionPassExecutor(const FunctionPassExecutor &rhs);
/// Run the executor on the given function.
LogicalResult run(FuncOp function, FunctionAnalysisManager &fam);
/// Add a pass to the current executor. This takes ownership over the provided
/// pass pointer.
void addPass(FunctionPassBase *pass) { passes.emplace_back(pass); }
/// Returns the number of passes held by this executor.
size_t size() const { return passes.size(); }
static bool classof(const PassExecutor *pe) {
return pe->getKind() == Kind::FunctionExecutor;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FunctionPassBase>> passes;
/// A pass executor that contains a list of passes over a module unit.
class ModulePassExecutor : public PassExecutor {
ModulePassExecutor() : PassExecutor(Kind::ModuleExecutor) {}
ModulePassExecutor(ModulePassExecutor &&) = default;
// Don't allow copying.
ModulePassExecutor(const ModulePassExecutor &) = delete;
ModulePassExecutor &operator=(const ModulePassExecutor &) = delete;
/// Run the executor on the given module.
LogicalResult run(ModuleOp module, ModuleAnalysisManager &mam);
/// Add a pass to the current executor. This takes ownership over the provided
/// pass pointer.
void addPass(ModulePassBase *pass) { passes.emplace_back(pass); }
static bool classof(const PassExecutor *pe) {
return pe->getKind() == Kind::ModuleExecutor;
/// Set of passes to run on the given module.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ModulePassBase>> passes;
// ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor
/// An adaptor module pass used to run function passes over all of the
/// non-external functions of a module synchronously on a single thread.
class ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor
: public ModulePass<ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor> {
/// Run the held function pipeline over all non-external functions within the
/// module.
void runOnModule() override;
/// Returns the function pass executor for this adaptor.
FunctionPassExecutor &getFunctionExecutor() { return fpe; }
FunctionPassExecutor fpe;
/// An adaptor module pass used to run function passes over all of the
/// non-external functions of a module asynchronously across multiple threads.
class ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptorParallel
: public ModulePass<ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptorParallel> {
/// Run the held function pipeline over all non-external functions within the
/// module.
void runOnModule() override;
/// Returns the function pass executor for this adaptor.
FunctionPassExecutor &getFunctionExecutor() { return fpe; }
// The main function pass executor for this adaptor.
FunctionPassExecutor fpe;
// A set of executors, cloned from the main executor, that run asynchronously
// on different threads.
std::vector<FunctionPassExecutor> asyncExecutors;
/// Utility function to return if a pass refers to an
/// ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor instance.
inline bool isModuleToFunctionAdaptorPass(Pass *pass) {
return isa<ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptorParallel>(pass) ||
/// Utility function to return if a pass refers to an adaptor pass. Adaptor
/// passes are those that internally execute a pipeline, such as the
/// ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor.
inline bool isAdaptorPass(Pass *pass) {
return isModuleToFunctionAdaptorPass(pass);
/// Utility function to return if a pass refers to a verifier pass.
inline bool isVerifierPass(Pass *pass) {
return isa<FunctionVerifierPass>(pass) || isa<ModuleVerifierPass>(pass);
} // end namespace detail
} // end namespace mlir