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//===- OpDefinition.h - Classes for defining concrete Op types --*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file implements helper classes for implementing the "Op" types. This
// includes the Op type, which is the base class for Op class definitions,
// as well as number of traits in the OpTrait namespace that provide a
// declarative way to specify properties of Ops.
// The purpose of these types are to allow light-weight implementation of
// concrete ops (like DimOp) with very little boilerplate.
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace mlir {
class Builder;
namespace OpTrait {
template <typename ConcreteType> class OneResult;
/// This class represents success/failure for operation parsing. It is
/// essentially a simple wrapper class around LogicalResult that allows for
/// explicit conversion to bool. This allows for the parser to chain together
/// parse rules without the clutter of "failed/succeeded".
class ParseResult : public LogicalResult {
ParseResult(LogicalResult result = success()) : LogicalResult(result) {}
// Allow diagnostics emitted during parsing to be converted to failure.
ParseResult(const InFlightDiagnostic &) : LogicalResult(failure()) {}
ParseResult(const Diagnostic &) : LogicalResult(failure()) {}
/// Failure is true in a boolean context.
explicit operator bool() const { return failed(*this); }
// These functions are out-of-line utilities, which avoids them being template
// instantiated/duplicated.
namespace impl {
/// Insert an operation, generated by `buildTerminatorOp`, at the end of the
/// region's only block if it does not have a terminator already. If the region
/// is empty, insert a new block first. `buildTerminatorOp` should return the
/// terminator operation to insert.
void ensureRegionTerminator(
Region &region, Location loc,
llvm::function_ref<Operation *()> buildTerminatorOp);
/// Templated version that fills the generates the provided operation type.
template <typename OpTy>
void ensureRegionTerminator(Region &region, Builder &builder, Location loc) {
ensureRegionTerminator(region, loc, [&] {
OperationState state(loc, OpTy::getOperationName());
OpTy::build(&builder, &state);
return Operation::create(state);
} // namespace impl
/// This is the concrete base class that holds the operation pointer and has
/// non-generic methods that only depend on State (to avoid having them
/// instantiated on template types that don't affect them.
/// This also has the fallback implementations of customization hooks for when
/// they aren't customized.
class OpState {
/// Ops are pointer-like, so we allow implicit conversion to bool.
operator bool() { return getOperation() != nullptr; }
/// This implicitly converts to Operation*.
operator Operation *() const { return state; }
/// Return the operation that this refers to.
Operation *getOperation() { return state; }
/// Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this operation
/// or nullptr if this is a top-level operation.
Operation *getParentOp() { return getOperation()->getParentOp(); }
/// Return the closest surrounding parent operation that is of type 'OpTy'.
template <typename OpTy> OpTy getParentOfType() {
return getOperation()->getParentOfType<OpTy>();
/// Return the context this operation belongs to.
MLIRContext *getContext() { return getOperation()->getContext(); }
/// Print the operation to the given stream.
void print(raw_ostream &os) { state->print(os); }
/// Dump this operation.
void dump() { state->dump(); }
/// The source location the operation was defined or derived from.
Location getLoc() { return state->getLoc(); }
void setLoc(Location loc) { state->setLoc(loc); }
/// Return all of the attributes on this operation.
ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> getAttrs() { return state->getAttrs(); }
/// A utility iterator that filters out non-dialect attributes.
using dialect_attr_iterator = Operation::dialect_attr_iterator;
using dialect_attr_range = Operation::dialect_attr_range;
/// Return a range corresponding to the dialect attributes for this operation.
dialect_attr_range getDialectAttrs() { return state->getDialectAttrs(); }
dialect_attr_iterator dialect_attr_begin() {
return state->dialect_attr_begin();
dialect_attr_iterator dialect_attr_end() { return state->dialect_attr_end(); }
/// Return an attribute with the specified name.
Attribute getAttr(StringRef name) { return state->getAttr(name); }
/// If the operation has an attribute of the specified type, return it.
template <typename AttrClass> AttrClass getAttrOfType(StringRef name) {
return getAttr(name).dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>();
/// If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new
/// value. Otherwise, add a new attribute with the specified name/value.
void setAttr(Identifier name, Attribute value) {
state->setAttr(name, value);
void setAttr(StringRef name, Attribute value) {
setAttr(Identifier::get(name, getContext()), value);
/// Set the attributes held by this operation.
void setAttrs(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes) {
void setAttrs(NamedAttributeList newAttrs) { state->setAttrs(newAttrs); }
/// Set the dialect attributes for this operation, and preserve all dependent.
template <typename DialectAttrs> void setDialectAttrs(DialectAttrs &&attrs) {
/// Remove the attribute with the specified name if it exists. The return
/// value indicates whether the attribute was present or not.
NamedAttributeList::RemoveResult removeAttr(Identifier name) {
return state->removeAttr(name);
NamedAttributeList::RemoveResult removeAttr(StringRef name) {
return state->removeAttr(Identifier::get(name, getContext()));
/// Return true if there are no users of any results of this operation.
bool use_empty() { return state->use_empty(); }
/// Remove this operation from its parent block and delete it.
void erase() { state->erase(); }
/// Emit an error with the op name prefixed, like "'dim' op " which is
/// convenient for verifiers.
InFlightDiagnostic emitOpError(const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit an error about fatal conditions with this operation, reporting up to
/// any diagnostic handlers that may be listening.
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit a warning about this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic
/// handlers that may be listening.
InFlightDiagnostic emitWarning(const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit a remark about this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic
/// handlers that may be listening.
InFlightDiagnostic emitRemark(const Twine &message = {});
/// Walk the operation in postorder, calling the callback for each nested
/// operation(including this one).
void walk(llvm::function_ref<void(Operation *)> callback) {
/// Specialization of walk to only visit operations of 'OpTy'.
template <typename OpTy> void walk(llvm::function_ref<void(OpTy)> callback) {
walk([&](Operation *opInst) {
if (auto op = dyn_cast<OpTy>(opInst))
// These are default implementations of customization hooks.
/// This hook returns any canonicalization pattern rewrites that the operation
/// supports, for use by the canonicalization pass.
static void getCanonicalizationPatterns(OwningRewritePatternList &results,
MLIRContext *context) {}
/// If the concrete type didn't implement a custom verifier hook, just fall
/// back to this one which accepts everything.
LogicalResult verify() { return success(); }
/// Unless overridden, the custom assembly form of an op is always rejected.
/// Op implementations should implement this to return failure.
/// On success, they should fill in result with the fields to use.
static ParseResult parse(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *result);
// The fallback for the printer is to print it the generic assembly form.
void print(OpAsmPrinter *p);
/// Mutability management is handled by the OpWrapper/OpConstWrapper classes,
/// so we can cast it away here.
explicit OpState(Operation *state) : state(state) {}
Operation *state;
// Allow comparing operators.
inline bool operator==(OpState lhs, OpState rhs) {
return lhs.getOperation() == rhs.getOperation();
inline bool operator!=(OpState lhs, OpState rhs) {
return lhs.getOperation() != rhs.getOperation();
/// This class represents a single result from folding an operation.
class OpFoldResult : public llvm::PointerUnion<Attribute, Value *> {
using llvm::PointerUnion<Attribute, Value *>::PointerUnion;
/// This template defines the foldHook as used by AbstractOperation.
/// The default implementation uses a general fold method that can be defined on
/// custom ops which can return multiple results.
template <typename ConcreteType, bool isSingleResult, typename = void>
class FoldingHook {
/// This is an implementation detail of the constant folder hook for
/// AbstractOperation.
static LogicalResult foldHook(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
return cast<ConcreteType>(op).fold(operands, results);
/// This hook implements a generalized folder for this operation. Operations
/// can implement this to provide simplifications rules that are applied by
/// the Builder::createOrFold API and the canonicalization pass.
/// This is an intentionally limited interface - implementations of this hook
/// can only perform the following changes to the operation:
/// 1. They can leave the operation alone and without changing the IR, and
/// return failure.
/// 2. They can mutate the operation in place, without changing anything else
/// in the IR. In this case, return success.
/// 3. They can return a list of existing values that can be used instead of
/// the operation. In this case, fill in the results list and return
/// success. The caller will remove the operation and use those results
/// instead.
/// This allows expression of some simple in-place canonicalizations (e.g.
/// "x+0 -> x", "min(x,y,x,z) -> min(x,y,z)", "x+y-x -> y", etc), as well as
/// generalized constant folding.
/// If not overridden, this fallback implementation always fails to fold.
LogicalResult fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
return failure();
/// This template specialization defines the foldHook as used by
/// AbstractOperation for single-result operations. This gives the hook a nicer
/// signature that is easier to implement.
template <typename ConcreteType, bool isSingleResult>
class FoldingHook<ConcreteType, isSingleResult,
typename std::enable_if<isSingleResult>::type> {
/// If the operation returns a single value, then the Op can be implicitly
/// converted to an Value*. This yields the value of the only result.
operator Value *() {
return static_cast<ConcreteType *>(this)->getOperation()->getResult(0);
/// This is an implementation detail of the constant folder hook for
/// AbstractOperation.
static LogicalResult foldHook(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
auto result = cast<ConcreteType>(op).fold(operands);
if (!result)
return failure();
// Check if the operation was folded in place. In this case, the operation
// returns itself.
if (result.template dyn_cast<Value *>() != op->getResult(0))
return success();
/// This hook implements a generalized folder for this operation. Operations
/// can implement this to provide simplifications rules that are applied by
/// the Builder::createOrFold API and the canonicalization pass.
/// This is an intentionally limited interface - implementations of this hook
/// can only perform the following changes to the operation:
/// 1. They can leave the operation alone and without changing the IR, and
/// return nullptr.
/// 2. They can mutate the operation in place, without changing anything else
/// in the IR. In this case, return the operation itself.
/// 3. They can return an existing SSA value that can be used instead of
/// the operation. In this case, return that value. The caller will
/// remove the operation and use that result instead.
/// This allows expression of some simple in-place canonicalizations (e.g.
/// "x+0 -> x", "min(x,y,x,z) -> min(x,y,z)", "x+y-x -> y", etc), as well as
/// generalized constant folding.
/// If not overridden, this fallback implementation always fails to fold.
OpFoldResult fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) { return {}; }
// Operation Trait Types
namespace OpTrait {
// These functions are out-of-line implementations of the methods in the
// corresponding trait classes. This avoids them being template
// instantiated/duplicated.
namespace impl {
LogicalResult verifyZeroOperands(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyOneOperand(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyNOperands(Operation *op, unsigned numOperands);
LogicalResult verifyAtLeastNOperands(Operation *op, unsigned numOperands);
LogicalResult verifyOperandsAreFloatLike(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyOperandsAreIntegerLike(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifySameTypeOperands(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyZeroResult(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyOneResult(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyNResults(Operation *op, unsigned numOperands);
LogicalResult verifyAtLeastNResults(Operation *op, unsigned numOperands);
LogicalResult verifySameOperandsAndResultShape(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifySameOperandsAndResultElementType(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifySameOperandsAndResultType(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyResultsAreBoolLike(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyResultsAreFloatLike(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyResultsAreIntegerLike(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifyIsTerminator(Operation *op);
} // namespace impl
/// Helper class for implementing traits. Clients are not expected to interact
/// with this directly, so its members are all protected.
template <typename ConcreteType, template <typename> class TraitType>
class TraitBase {
/// Return the ultimate Operation being worked on.
Operation *getOperation() {
// We have to cast up to the trait type, then to the concrete type, then to
// the BaseState class in explicit hops because the concrete type will
// multiply derive from the (content free) TraitBase class, and we need to
// be able to disambiguate the path for the C++ compiler.
auto *trait = static_cast<TraitType<ConcreteType> *>(this);
auto *concrete = static_cast<ConcreteType *>(trait);
auto *base = static_cast<OpState *>(concrete);
return base->getOperation();
/// Provide default implementations of trait hooks. This allows traits to
/// provide exactly the overrides they care about.
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) { return success(); }
static AbstractOperation::OperationProperties getTraitProperties() {
return 0;
namespace detail {
/// Utility trait base that provides accessors for derived traits that have
/// multiple operands.
template <typename ConcreteType, template <typename> class TraitType>
struct MultiOperandTraitBase : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, TraitType> {
using operand_iterator = Operation::operand_iterator;
using operand_range = Operation::operand_range;
using operand_type_iterator = Operation::operand_type_iterator;
using operand_type_range = Operation::operand_type_range;
/// Return the number of operands.
unsigned getNumOperands() { return this->getOperation()->getNumOperands(); }
/// Return the operand at index 'i'.
Value *getOperand(unsigned i) { return this->getOperation()->getOperand(i); }
/// Set the operand at index 'i' to 'value'.
void setOperand(unsigned i, Value *value) {
this->getOperation()->setOperand(i, value);
/// Operand iterator access.
operand_iterator operand_begin() {
return this->getOperation()->operand_begin();
operand_iterator operand_end() { return this->getOperation()->operand_end(); }
operand_range getOperands() { return this->getOperation()->getOperands(); }
/// Operand type access.
operand_type_iterator operand_type_begin() {
return this->getOperation()->operand_type_begin();
operand_type_iterator operand_type_end() {
return this->getOperation()->operand_type_end();
operand_type_range getOperandTypes() {
return this->getOperation()->getOperandTypes();
} // end namespace detail
/// This class provides the API for ops that are known to have no
/// SSA operand.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class ZeroOperands : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, ZeroOperands> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyZeroOperands(op);
// Disable these.
void getOperand() {}
void setOperand() {}
/// This class provides the API for ops that are known to have exactly one
/// SSA operand.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class OneOperand : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, OneOperand> {
Value *getOperand() { return this->getOperation()->getOperand(0); }
void setOperand(Value *value) { this->getOperation()->setOperand(0, value); }
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyOneOperand(op);
/// This class provides the API for ops that are known to have a specified
/// number of operands. This is used as a trait like this:
/// class FooOp : public Op<FooOp, OpTrait::NOperands<2>::Impl> {
template <unsigned N> class NOperands {
static_assert(N > 1, "use ZeroOperands/OneOperand for N < 2");
template <typename ConcreteType>
class Impl
: public detail::MultiOperandTraitBase<ConcreteType, NOperands<N>::Impl> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyNOperands(op, N);
/// This class provides the API for ops that are known to have a at least a
/// specified number of operands. This is used as a trait like this:
/// class FooOp : public Op<FooOp, OpTrait::AtLeastNOperands<2>::Impl> {
template <unsigned N> class AtLeastNOperands {
template <typename ConcreteType>
class Impl : public detail::MultiOperandTraitBase<ConcreteType,
AtLeastNOperands<N>::Impl> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyAtLeastNOperands(op, N);
/// This class provides the API for ops which have an unknown number of
/// SSA operands.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class VariadicOperands
: public detail::MultiOperandTraitBase<ConcreteType, VariadicOperands> {};
/// This class provides return value APIs for ops that are known to have
/// zero results.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class ZeroResult : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, ZeroResult> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyZeroResult(op);
namespace detail {
/// Utility trait base that provides accessors for derived traits that have
/// multiple results.
template <typename ConcreteType, template <typename> class TraitType>
struct MultiResultTraitBase : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, TraitType> {
using result_iterator = Operation::result_iterator;
using result_range = Operation::result_range;
using result_type_iterator = Operation::result_type_iterator;
using result_type_range = Operation::result_type_range;
/// Return the number of results.
unsigned getNumResults() { return this->getOperation()->getNumResults(); }
/// Return the result at index 'i'.
Value *getResult(unsigned i) { return this->getOperation()->getResult(i); }
/// Replace all uses of results of this operation with the provided 'values'.
/// 'values' may correspond to an existing operation, or a range of 'Value'.
template <typename ValuesT> void replaceAllUsesWith(ValuesT &&values) {
/// Return the type of the `i`-th result.
Type getType(unsigned i) { return getResult(i)->getType(); }
/// Result iterator access.
result_iterator result_begin() {
return this->getOperation()->result_begin();
result_iterator result_end() { return this->getOperation()->result_end(); }
result_range getResults() { return this->getOperation()->getResults(); }
/// Result type access.
result_type_iterator result_type_begin() {
return this->getOperation()->result_type_begin();
result_type_iterator result_type_end() {
return this->getOperation()->result_type_end();
result_type_range getResultTypes() {
return this->getOperation()->getResultTypes();
} // end namespace detail
/// This class provides return value APIs for ops that are known to have a
/// single result.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class OneResult : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, OneResult> {
Value *getResult() { return this->getOperation()->getResult(0); }
Type getType() { return getResult()->getType(); }
/// Replace all uses of 'this' value with the new value, updating anything in
/// the IR that uses 'this' to use the other value instead. When this returns
/// there are zero uses of 'this'.
void replaceAllUsesWith(Value *newValue) {
/// Replace all uses of 'this' value with the result of 'op'.
void replaceAllUsesWith(Operation *op) {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyOneResult(op);
/// This class provides the API for ops that are known to have a specified
/// number of results. This is used as a trait like this:
/// class FooOp : public Op<FooOp, OpTrait::NResults<2>::Impl> {
template <unsigned N> class NResults {
static_assert(N > 1, "use ZeroResult/OneResult for N < 2");
template <typename ConcreteType>
class Impl
: public detail::MultiResultTraitBase<ConcreteType, NResults<N>::Impl> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyNResults(op, N);
/// This class provides the API for ops that are known to have at least a
/// specified number of results. This is used as a trait like this:
/// class FooOp : public Op<FooOp, OpTrait::AtLeastNResults<2>::Impl> {
template <unsigned N> class AtLeastNResults {
template <typename ConcreteType>
class Impl : public detail::MultiResultTraitBase<ConcreteType,
AtLeastNResults<N>::Impl> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyAtLeastNResults(op, N);
/// This class provides the API for ops which have an unknown number of
/// results.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class VariadicResults
: public detail::MultiResultTraitBase<ConcreteType, VariadicResults> {};
/// This class provides verification for ops that are known to have the same
/// operand and result shape: both are scalars, vectors/tensors of the same
/// shape.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class SameOperandsAndResultShape
: public TraitBase<ConcreteType, SameOperandsAndResultShape> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifySameOperandsAndResultShape(op);
/// This class provides verification for ops that are known to have the same
/// operand and result element type.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class SameOperandsAndResultElementType
: public TraitBase<ConcreteType, SameOperandsAndResultElementType> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifySameOperandsAndResultElementType(op);
/// This class provides verification for ops that are known to have the same
/// operand and result type.
/// Note: this trait subsumes the SameOperandsAndResultShape and
/// SameOperandsAndResultElementType traits.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class SameOperandsAndResultType
: public TraitBase<ConcreteType, SameOperandsAndResultType> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifySameOperandsAndResultType(op);
/// This class verifies that any results of the specified op have a boolean
/// type, a vector thereof, or a tensor thereof.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class ResultsAreBoolLike : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, ResultsAreBoolLike> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyResultsAreBoolLike(op);
/// This class verifies that any results of the specified op have a floating
/// point type, a vector thereof, or a tensor thereof.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class ResultsAreFloatLike
: public TraitBase<ConcreteType, ResultsAreFloatLike> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyResultsAreFloatLike(op);
/// This class verifies that any results of the specified op have an integer or
/// index type, a vector thereof, or a tensor thereof.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class ResultsAreIntegerLike
: public TraitBase<ConcreteType, ResultsAreIntegerLike> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyResultsAreIntegerLike(op);
/// This class adds property that the operation is commutative.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class IsCommutative : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, IsCommutative> {
static AbstractOperation::OperationProperties getTraitProperties() {
return static_cast<AbstractOperation::OperationProperties>(
/// This class adds property that the operation has no side effects.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class HasNoSideEffect : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, HasNoSideEffect> {
static AbstractOperation::OperationProperties getTraitProperties() {
return static_cast<AbstractOperation::OperationProperties>(
/// This class verifies that all operands of the specified op have a float type,
/// a vector thereof, or a tensor thereof.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class OperandsAreFloatLike
: public TraitBase<ConcreteType, OperandsAreFloatLike> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyOperandsAreFloatLike(op);
/// This class verifies that all operands of the specified op have an integer or
/// index type, a vector thereof, or a tensor thereof.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class OperandsAreIntegerLike
: public TraitBase<ConcreteType, OperandsAreIntegerLike> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyOperandsAreIntegerLike(op);
/// This class verifies that all operands of the specified op have the same
/// type.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class SameTypeOperands : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, SameTypeOperands> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifySameTypeOperands(op);
/// This class provides the API for ops that are known to be terminators.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class IsTerminator : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, IsTerminator> {
static AbstractOperation::OperationProperties getTraitProperties() {
return static_cast<AbstractOperation::OperationProperties>(
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifyIsTerminator(op);
unsigned getNumSuccessors() {
return this->getOperation()->getNumSuccessors();
unsigned getNumSuccessorOperands(unsigned index) {
return this->getOperation()->getNumSuccessorOperands(index);
Block *getSuccessor(unsigned index) {
return this->getOperation()->getSuccessor(index);
void setSuccessor(Block *block, unsigned index) {
return this->getOperation()->setSuccessor(block, index);
void addSuccessorOperand(unsigned index, Value *value) {
return this->getOperation()->addSuccessorOperand(index, value);
void addSuccessorOperands(unsigned index, ArrayRef<Value *> values) {
return this->getOperation()->addSuccessorOperand(index, values);
/// This class provides the API for ops that are known to be isolated from
/// above.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class IsIsolatedFromAbove
: public TraitBase<ConcreteType, IsIsolatedFromAbove> {
static AbstractOperation::OperationProperties getTraitProperties() {
return static_cast<AbstractOperation::OperationProperties>(
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
for (auto &region : op->getRegions())
if (!region.isIsolatedFromAbove(op->getLoc()))
return failure();
return success();
/// This class provides APIs and verifiers for ops with regions having a single
/// block that must terminate with `TerminatorOpType`.
template <typename TerminatorOpType> struct SingleBlockImplicitTerminator {
template <typename ConcreteType>
class Impl : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, Impl> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = op->getNumRegions(); i < e; ++i) {
Region &region = op->getRegion(i);
// Empty regions are fine.
if (region.empty())
// Non-empty regions must contain a single basic block.
if (std::next(region.begin()) != region.end())
return op->emitOpError("expects region #")
<< i << " to have 0 or 1 blocks";
Block &block = region.front();
if (block.empty())
return op->emitOpError() << "expects a non-empty block";
Operation &terminator = block.back();
if (isa<TerminatorOpType>(terminator))
return op->emitOpError("expects regions to end with '" +
TerminatorOpType::getOperationName() +
"', found '" +
terminator.getName().getStringRef() + "'")
<< "in custom textual format, the absence of terminator implies "
<< TerminatorOpType::getOperationName() << '\'';
return success();
/// Ensure that the given region has the terminator required by this trait.
static void ensureTerminator(Region &region, Builder &builder,
Location loc) {
::mlir::impl::template ensureRegionTerminator<TerminatorOpType>(
region, builder, loc);
/// This class provides a verifier for ops that are expecting a specific parent.
template <typename ParentOpType> struct HasParent {
template <typename ConcreteType>
class Impl : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, Impl> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
if (isa<ParentOpType>(op->getParentOp()))
return success();
return op->emitOpError() << "expects parent op '"
<< ParentOpType::getOperationName() << "'";
} // end namespace OpTrait
// Operation Definition classes
/// This provides public APIs that all operations should have. The template
/// argument 'ConcreteType' should be the concrete type by CRTP and the others
/// are base classes by the policy pattern.
template <typename ConcreteType, template <typename T> class... Traits>
class Op : public OpState,
public Traits<ConcreteType>...,
public FoldingHook<ConcreteType,
Traits<ConcreteType>...>::value> {
/// Return if this operation contains the provided trait.
template <template <typename T> class Trait>
static constexpr bool hasTrait() {
return llvm::is_one_of<Trait<ConcreteType>, Traits<ConcreteType>...>::value;
/// Return the operation that this refers to.
Operation *getOperation() { return OpState::getOperation(); }
/// Return the dialect that this refers to.
Dialect *getDialect() { return getOperation()->getDialect(); }
/// Return the parent Region of this operation.
Region *getParentRegion() { return getOperation()->getParentRegion(); }
/// Return true if this "op class" can match against the specified operation.
/// This hook can be overridden with a more specific implementation in
/// the subclass of Base.
static bool classof(Operation *op) {
return op->getName().getStringRef() == ConcreteType::getOperationName();
/// This is the hook used by the AsmParser to parse the custom form of this
/// op from an .mlir file. Op implementations should provide a parse method,
/// which returns failure. On success, they should return fill in result with
/// the fields to use.
static ParseResult parseAssembly(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *result) {
return ConcreteType::parse(parser, result);
/// This is the hook used by the AsmPrinter to emit this to the .mlir file.
/// Op implementations should provide a print method.
static void printAssembly(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter *p) {
auto opPointer = dyn_cast<ConcreteType>(op);
assert(opPointer &&
"op's name does not match name of concrete type instantiated with");
/// This is the hook that checks whether or not this operation is well
/// formed according to the invariants of its opcode. It delegates to the
/// Traits for their policy implementations, and allows the user to specify
/// their own verify() method.
/// On success this returns false; on failure it emits an error to the
/// diagnostic subsystem and returns true.
static LogicalResult verifyInvariants(Operation *op) {
return failure(
failed(BaseVerifier<Traits<ConcreteType>...>::verifyTrait(op)) ||
// Returns the properties of an operation by combining the properties of the
// traits of the op.
static AbstractOperation::OperationProperties getOperationProperties() {
return BaseProperties<Traits<ConcreteType>...>::getTraitProperties();
/// Expose the type we are instantiated on to template machinery that may want
/// to introspect traits on this operation.
using ConcreteOpType = ConcreteType;
/// This is a public constructor. Any op can be initialized to null.
explicit Op() : OpState(nullptr) {}
Op(std::nullptr_t) : OpState(nullptr) {}
/// This is a public constructor to enable access via the llvm::cast family of
/// methods. This should not be used directly.
explicit Op(Operation *state) : OpState(state) {}
/// Methods for supporting PointerLikeTypeTraits.
const void *getAsOpaquePointer() const {
return static_cast<const void *>((Operation *)*this);
static ConcreteOpType getFromOpaquePointer(const void *pointer) {
return ConcreteOpType(
reinterpret_cast<Operation *>(const_cast<void *>(pointer)));
template <typename... Types> struct BaseVerifier;
template <typename First, typename... Rest>
struct BaseVerifier<First, Rest...> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return failure(failed(First::verifyTrait(op)) ||
template <typename...> struct BaseVerifier {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) { return success(); }
template <typename... Types> struct BaseProperties;
template <typename First, typename... Rest>
struct BaseProperties<First, Rest...> {
static AbstractOperation::OperationProperties getTraitProperties() {
return First::getTraitProperties() |
template <typename...> struct BaseProperties {
static AbstractOperation::OperationProperties getTraitProperties() {
return 0;
/// Returns true if this operation contains the trait for the given classID.
static bool hasTrait(ClassID *traitID) {
return llvm::is_contained(llvm::makeArrayRef({ClassID::getID<Traits>()...}),
/// Allow access to 'hasTrait'.
friend AbstractOperation;
// These functions are out-of-line implementations of the methods in BinaryOp,
// which avoids them being template instantiated/duplicated.
namespace impl {
void buildBinaryOp(Builder *builder, OperationState *result, Value *lhs,
Value *rhs);
ParseResult parseBinaryOp(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *result);
// Prints the given binary `op` in custom assembly form if both the two operands
// and the result have the same time. Otherwise, prints the generic assembly
// form.
void printBinaryOp(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter *p);
} // namespace impl
// These functions are out-of-line implementations of the methods in CastOp,
// which avoids them being template instantiated/duplicated.
namespace impl {
void buildCastOp(Builder *builder, OperationState *result, Value *source,
Type destType);
ParseResult parseCastOp(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *result);
void printCastOp(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter *p);
Value *foldCastOp(Operation *op);
} // namespace impl
} // end namespace mlir