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# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""TensorFlow-related utilities."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import six
from tensorflow.python.eager import context
from tensorflow.python.framework import composite_tensor
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import smart_cond as smart_module
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import variables
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util import object_identity
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_contextlib
def smart_cond(pred, true_fn=None, false_fn=None, name=None):
"""Return either `true_fn()` if predicate `pred` is true else `false_fn()`.
If `pred` is a bool or has a constant value, we return either `true_fn()`
or `false_fn()`, otherwise we use `tf.cond` to dynamically route to both.
pred: A scalar determining whether to return the result of `true_fn` or
true_fn: The callable to be performed if pred is true.
false_fn: The callable to be performed if pred is false.
name: Optional name prefix when using `tf.cond`.
Tensors returned by the call to either `true_fn` or `false_fn`.
TypeError: If `true_fn` or `false_fn` is not callable.
if isinstance(pred, variables.Variable):
return control_flow_ops.cond(
pred, true_fn=true_fn, false_fn=false_fn, name=name)
return smart_module.smart_cond(
pred, true_fn=true_fn, false_fn=false_fn, name=name)
def constant_value(pred):
"""Return the bool value for `pred`, or None if `pred` had a dynamic value.
pred: A scalar, either a Python bool or a TensorFlow boolean variable
or tensor, or the Python integer 1 or 0.
True or False if `pred` has a constant boolean value, None otherwise.
TypeError: If `pred` is not a Variable, Tensor or bool, or Python
integer 1 or 0.
# Allow integer booleans.
if isinstance(pred, int):
if pred == 1:
pred = True
elif pred == 0:
pred = False
if isinstance(pred, variables.Variable):
return None
return smart_module.smart_constant_value(pred)
def is_tensor_or_tensor_list(v):
v = nest.flatten(v)
if v and isinstance(v[0], ops.Tensor):
return True
return False
def get_reachable_from_inputs(inputs, targets=None):
"""Returns the set of tensors/ops reachable from `inputs`.
Stops if all targets have been found (target is optional).
Only valid in Symbolic mode, not Eager mode.
inputs: List of tensors.
targets: List of tensors.
A set of tensors reachable from the inputs (includes the inputs themselves).
inputs = nest.flatten(inputs, expand_composites=True)
reachable = object_identity.ObjectIdentitySet(inputs)
if targets:
remaining_targets = object_identity.ObjectIdentitySet(nest.flatten(targets))
queue = inputs[:]
while queue:
x = queue.pop()
if isinstance(x, tuple(_user_convertible_tensor_types)):
# Can't find consumers of user-specific types.
if isinstance(x, ops.Operation):
outputs = x.outputs[:] or []
outputs += x._control_outputs # pylint: disable=protected-access
elif isinstance(x, variables.Variable):
outputs = [x.op]
except AttributeError:
# Variables can be created in an Eager context.
outputs = []
elif tensor_util.is_tensor(x):
outputs = x.consumers()
raise TypeError('Expected Operation, Variable, or Tensor, got ' + str(x))
for y in outputs:
if y not in reachable:
if targets:
queue.insert(0, y)
if targets and not remaining_targets:
return reachable
return reachable
# This function needs access to private functions of `nest`.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def map_structure_with_atomic(is_atomic_fn, map_fn, nested):
"""Maps the atomic elements of a nested structure.
is_atomic_fn: A function that determines if an element of `nested` is
map_fn: The function to apply to atomic elements of `nested`.
nested: A nested structure.
The nested structure, with atomic elements mapped according to `map_fn`.
ValueError: If an element that is neither atomic nor a sequence is
if is_atomic_fn(nested):
return map_fn(nested)
# Recursively convert.
if not nest.is_sequence(nested):
raise ValueError(
'Received non-atomic and non-sequence element: {}'.format(nested))
if nest._is_mapping(nested):
values = [nested[k] for k in nest._sorted(nested)]
values = nested
mapped_values = [
map_structure_with_atomic(is_atomic_fn, map_fn, ele) for ele in values
return nest._sequence_like(nested, mapped_values)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
def convert_shapes(input_shape, to_tuples=True):
"""Converts nested shape representations to desired format.
TensorShapes -> tuples if `to_tuples=True`.
tuples of int or None -> TensorShapes if `to_tuples=False`.
Valid objects to be converted are:
- TensorShapes
- tuples with elements of type int or None.
- ints
- None
input_shape: A nested structure of objects to be converted to TensorShapes.
to_tuples: If `True`, converts all TensorShape to tuples. Otherwise converts
all tuples representing shapes to TensorShapes.
Nested structure of shapes in desired format.
def _is_shape_component(value):
return value is None or isinstance(value, (int, tensor_shape.Dimension))
def _is_atomic_shape(input_shape):
# Ex: TensorShape or (None, 10, 32) or 5 or `None`
if _is_shape_component(input_shape):
return True
if isinstance(input_shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape):
return True
if (isinstance(input_shape, (tuple, list)) and
all(_is_shape_component(ele) for ele in input_shape)):
return True
return False
def _convert_shape(input_shape):
input_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(input_shape)
if to_tuples:
input_shape = tuple(input_shape.as_list())
return input_shape
return map_structure_with_atomic(_is_atomic_shape, _convert_shape,
class ListWrapper(object):
"""A wrapper for lists to be treated as elements for `nest`."""
def __init__(self, list_to_wrap):
self._list = list_to_wrap
def as_list(self):
return self._list
def convert_inner_node_data(nested, wrap=False):
"""Either wraps or unwraps innermost node data lists in `ListWrapper` objects.
nested: A nested data structure.
wrap: If `True`, wrap innermost lists in `ListWrapper` objects. If `False`,
unwraps `ListWrapper` objects into lists.
Structure of same type as nested, with lists wrapped/unwrapped.
def _is_serialized_node_data(nested):
# Node data can be of form `[layer_name, node_id, tensor_id]` or
# `[layer_name, node_id, tensor_id, kwargs]`.
if (isinstance(nested, list) and (len(nested) in [3, 4]) and
isinstance(nested[0], six.string_types)):
return True
return False
def _is_atomic_nested(nested):
"""Returns `True` if `nested` is a list representing node data."""
if isinstance(nested, ListWrapper):
return True
if _is_serialized_node_data(nested):
return True
return not nest.is_sequence(nested)
def _convert_object_or_list(nested):
"""Convert b/t `ListWrapper` object and list representations."""
if wrap:
if isinstance(nested, ListWrapper):
return nested
if _is_serialized_node_data(nested):
return ListWrapper(nested)
return nested
if isinstance(nested, ListWrapper):
return nested.as_list()
return nested
return map_structure_with_atomic(_is_atomic_nested, _convert_object_or_list,
def shape_type_conversion(fn):
"""Decorator that handles tuple/TensorShape conversion.
Used in `compute_output_shape` and `build`.
fn: function to wrap.
Wrapped function.
def wrapper(instance, input_shape):
# Pass shapes as tuples to `fn`
# This preserves compatibility with external Keras.
if input_shape is not None:
input_shape = convert_shapes(input_shape, to_tuples=True)
output_shape = fn(instance, input_shape)
# Return shapes from `fn` as TensorShapes.
if output_shape is not None:
output_shape = convert_shapes(output_shape, to_tuples=False)
return output_shape
return wrapper
def are_all_symbolic_tensors(tensors):
return all(is_symbolic_tensor(tensor) for tensor in tensors)
_user_convertible_tensor_types = set()
def is_symbolic_tensor(tensor):
"""Returns whether a tensor is symbolic (from a TF graph) or an eager tensor.
A Variable can be seen as either: it is considered symbolic
when we are in a graph scope, and eager when we are in an eager scope.
tensor: A tensor instance to test.
True for symbolic tensors, False for eager tensors.
if isinstance(tensor, tuple(_user_convertible_tensor_types)):
tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor_or_composite(tensor)
if isinstance(tensor, variables.Variable):
# Variables that are output of a Keras Layer in Functional API mode
# should be considered symbolic.
# TODO(omalleyt): We need a better way to check this in order to
# enable `run_eagerly=True` for Models containing Layers that
# return Variables as outputs.
return (getattr(tensor, '_keras_history', False) or
not context.executing_eagerly())
if isinstance(tensor, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor):
return tensor._is_graph_tensor # pylint: disable=protected-access
if isinstance(tensor, ops.Tensor):
return hasattr(tensor, 'graph')
return False
def register_symbolic_tensor_type(cls):
"""Allows users to specify types regarded as symbolic `Tensor`s.
Used in conjunction with `tf.register_tensor_conversion_function`, calling
`tf.keras.utils.register_symbolic_tensor_type(cls)` allows non-`Tensor`
objects to be plumbed through Keras layers.
# One-time setup.
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, input_):
self._input = input_
def value(self):
return tf.constant(42.)
Foo, lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x.value())
# User-land.
layer = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda input_: Foo(input_))
cls: A `class` type which shall be regarded as a symbolic `Tensor`.
global _user_convertible_tensor_types
def is_tensor_or_variable(x):
return tensor_util.is_tensor(x) or isinstance(x, variables.Variable)
def assert_no_legacy_layers(layers):
"""Prevent tf.layers.Layers from being used with Keras.
Certain legacy layers inherit from their keras analogs; however they are
not supported with keras and can lead to subtle and hard to diagnose bugs.
layers: A list of layers to check
TypeError: If any elements of layers are tf.layers.Layers
# isinstance check for tf.layers.Layer introduces a circular dependency.
legacy_layers = [l for l in layers if getattr(l, '_is_legacy_layer', None)]
if legacy_layers:
layer_str = '\n'.join([' ' + str(l) for l in legacy_layers])
raise TypeError(
'The following are legacy tf.layers.Layers:\n{}\nTo use keras as a '
'framework (for instance using the Network, Model, or Sequential '
'classes), please use the tf.keras.layers implementation instead. '
'(Or, if writing custom layers, subclass from tf.keras.layers rather '
'than tf.layers)'.format(layer_str))
def maybe_init_scope(layer):
"""Open an `init_scope` if in V2 mode and using the keras graph.
layer: The Layer/Model that is currently active.
# Don't open an init_scope in V1 mode or when using legacy tf.layers.
if (ops.executing_eagerly_outside_functions() and
getattr(layer, '_keras_style', True)):
with ops.init_scope():
def graph_context_for_symbolic_tensors(*args, **kwargs):
"""Returns graph context manager if any of the inputs is a symbolic tensor."""
if any(is_symbolic_tensor(v) for v in list(args) + list(kwargs.values())):
with K.get_graph().as_default():