blob: cbe852850b09ab3da2be858f1360e8cf29dcfdef [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# ==============================================================================
"""Tests for"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python import keras
from tensorflow.python.client import session as session_lib
from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import convert_to_constants
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_spec
from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import cond_v2
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import rnn
from tensorflow.python.ops import rnn_cell_impl
from tensorflow.python.ops import variables
from tensorflow.python.ops import while_v2
from tensorflow.python.platform import test
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import simple_save
from tensorflow.python.saved_model.load import load
from import save
from import tracking
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
class VariablesToConstantsTest(test.TestCase):
def _freezeModel(self, model):
"""Freezes the model.
model: Function.
root: AutoTrackable object with original ConcreteFunction.
output_func: frozen ConcreteFunction.
root = tracking.AutoTrackable()
root.f = model
input_func = root.f.get_concrete_function()
output_func = convert_to_constants.convert_variables_to_constants_v2(
input_func, lower_control_flow=False)
return root, output_func
def _hasStatefulPartitionedCallOp(self, graph_def):
"""Determines if a StatefulPartitionedCall op exists in the graph."""
for node in graph_def.node:
if node.op == "StatefulPartitionedCall":
return True
return False
def _getNumVariables(self, graph_def):
"""Returns the number of ReadVariableOp in the graph."""
return sum(node.op == "ReadVariableOp" for node in graph_def.node)
def _testConvertedFunction(self, obj, func, converted_concrete_func,
# Ensure the converted graph has no variables and no function calls.
constant_graph_def = converted_concrete_func.graph.as_graph_def()
self.assertEqual(0, self._getNumVariables(constant_graph_def))
# Check that the converted ConcreteFunction produces the same result as the
# original Function.
expected_value = nest.flatten(func(**input_data))
actual_value = nest.flatten(converted_concrete_func(**input_data))
for expected, actual in zip(expected_value, actual_value):
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected.numpy(), actual.numpy())
# Ensure the shape is retained.
for tensor in converted_concrete_func.inputs:
actual_shape = input_data[":")[0]].shape
self.assertEqual(tensor.shape, actual_shape)
# Save the converted ConcreteFunction as a signature.
save_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "frozen_saved_model")
root = tracking.AutoTrackable()
root.f = converted_concrete_func
save(root, save_dir, {"mykey": converted_concrete_func})
# Load it back and make sure it works.
loaded_obj = load(save_dir)
actual_value = nest.flatten(loaded_obj.signatures["mykey"](**input_data))
for expected, actual in zip(expected_value, actual_value):
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected.numpy(), actual.numpy())
def testConstSavedModel(self):
"""Test a basic model with functions to make sure functions are inlined."""
input_data = {"x": constant_op.constant(1., shape=[1])}
root = tracking.AutoTrackable()
root.f = def_function.function(lambda x: 2. * x)
to_save = root.f.get_concrete_function(input_data["x"])
save_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "saved_model")
save(root, save_dir, to_save)
saved_model = load(save_dir)
input_func = saved_model.signatures["serving_default"]
variable_graph_def = input_func.graph.as_graph_def()
self.assertEqual(0, self._getNumVariables(variable_graph_def))
output_func = convert_to_constants.convert_variables_to_constants_v2(
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testVariableModel(self):
"""Test a basic model with Variables."""
input_data = {"x": constant_op.constant(1., shape=[1])}
root = tracking.AutoTrackable()
root.v1 = variables.Variable(3.)
root.v2 = variables.Variable(2.)
root.f = def_function.function(lambda x: root.v1 * root.v2 * x)
input_func = root.f.get_concrete_function(input_data["x"])
variable_graph_def = input_func.graph.as_graph_def()
self.assertEqual(2, self._getNumVariables(variable_graph_def))
output_func = convert_to_constants.convert_variables_to_constants_v2(
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testScalarModel(self):
"""Test a basic model with Variables."""
input_data = {"x": constant_op.constant(1., shape=[])}
root = tracking.AutoTrackable()
root.v1 = variables.Variable(3.)
root.v2 = variables.Variable(2.)
root.f = def_function.function(lambda x: root.v1 * root.v2 * x)
input_func = root.f.get_concrete_function(input_data["x"])
variable_graph_def = input_func.graph.as_graph_def()
self.assertEqual(2, self._getNumVariables(variable_graph_def))
output_func = convert_to_constants.convert_variables_to_constants_v2(
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testVariableSavedModel(self):
"""Test a basic model with Variables with saving/loading the SavedModel."""
input_data = {"x": constant_op.constant(1., shape=[1])}
root = tracking.AutoTrackable()
root.v1 = variables.Variable(3.)
root.v2 = variables.Variable(2.)
root.f = def_function.function(lambda x: root.v1 * root.v2 * x)
to_save = root.f.get_concrete_function(input_data["x"])
save_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "saved_model")
save(root, save_dir, to_save)
saved_model = load(save_dir)
input_func = saved_model.signatures["serving_default"]
variable_graph_def = input_func.graph.as_graph_def()
output_func = convert_to_constants.convert_variables_to_constants_v2(
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testMultiFunctionModel(self):
"""Test a basic model with Variables."""
class BasicModel(tracking.AutoTrackable):
def __init__(self):
self.y = None
self.z = None
def add(self, x):
if self.y is None:
self.y = variables.Variable(2.)
return x + self.y
def sub(self, x):
if self.z is None:
self.z = variables.Variable(3.)
return x - self.z
input_data = {"x": constant_op.constant(1., shape=[1])}
root = BasicModel()
input_func = root.add.get_concrete_function(input_data["x"])
variable_graph_def = input_func.graph.as_graph_def()
self.assertEqual(1, self._getNumVariables(variable_graph_def))
output_func = convert_to_constants.convert_variables_to_constants_v2(
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.add, output_func, input_data)
def testKerasModel(self):
"""Test a basic Keras model with Variables."""
input_data = {"x": constant_op.constant(1., shape=[1, 1])}
# Create a simple Keras model.
x = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [-3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7]
model = keras.models.Sequential(
[keras.layers.Dense(units=1, input_shape=[1])])
model.compile(optimizer="sgd", loss="mean_squared_error"), y, epochs=1)
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=[1, 1], dtype=dtypes.float32)
def to_save(x):
return model(x)
root, output_func = self._freezeModel(to_save)
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def _singleMetaGraphSavedModel(self):
export_graph = ops.Graph()
with export_graph.as_default():
start = array_ops.placeholder(
shape=[1, 1], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="start")
distractor = variables.RefVariable(-1., name="distractor")
v = variables.RefVariable(3., name="v")
local_variable = variables.VariableV1(
output = array_ops.identity(start * v * local_variable, name="output")
with session_lib.Session() as session:[v.initializer, distractor.initializer,
path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "saved_model", str(ops.uid()))
inputs={"start": start},
outputs={"output": output},
return path
def testRefVariableImport(self):
"""Test a model with 1.X ReferenceVariables."""
input_data = {"start": constant_op.constant(1., shape=[1, 1])}
saved = self._singleMetaGraphSavedModel()
imported = load(saved)
fn = imported.signatures["serving_default"]
output_func = convert_to_constants.convert_variables_to_constants_v2(fn)
root = tracking.AutoTrackable()
self._testConvertedFunction(root, fn, output_func, input_data)
def testIf(self):
"""Test a model with the If op."""
input_data = {
"x": constant_op.constant([1., 2.], shape=[1, 2]),
"b": constant_op.constant(True)
weights = variables.Variable([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]], dtype=dtypes.float32)
def true_fn(x):
return math_ops.matmul(x, weights)
def false_fn(x):
return math_ops.add(x, weights)
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=[1, 2], dtype=dtypes.float32),
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=dtypes.bool)
def model(x, b):
return control_flow_ops.cond(
b, true_fn=lambda: true_fn(x), false_fn=lambda: false_fn(x))
root, output_func = self._freezeModel(model)
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testStatelessIf(self):
"""Test a model with the StatelessIf op."""
input_data = {"b": constant_op.constant(True)}
x = constant_op.constant([1., 2.], shape=[1, 2], name="x")
def true_fn():
return x
def false_fn():
return x + 2
input_signature=[tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=dtypes.bool)])
def model(b):
return cond_v2.cond_v2(b, true_fn, false_fn)
root, output_func = self._freezeModel(model)
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testStaticRnn(self):
"""Test a StaticRnn containing If ops."""
input_data = {
np.array(np.random.random_sample((3, 10)), dtype=np.float32))
cell = rnn_cell_impl.LSTMCell(10)
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=[3, 10], dtype=dtypes.float32)
def model(x):
seq = array_ops.split(x, 3, 0)
return rnn.static_rnn(
cell, seq, dtype=dtypes.float32, sequence_length=[1])
root, output_func = self._freezeModel(model)
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testWhile(self):
"""Test a While loop."""
input_data = {"x": constant_op.constant([1., 2., 3., 4.], shape=[2, 2])}
weights = variables.Variable([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]], dtype=dtypes.float32)
def condition(x):
return math_ops.reduce_sum(x) < 100
def body(x):
return math_ops.add(x, weights)
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=[2, 2], dtype=dtypes.float32)
def model(x):
return control_flow_ops.while_loop(condition, body, [x])
root, output_func = self._freezeModel(model)
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testStatelessWhile(self):
"""Test a StatelessWhile loop."""
input_data = {"x": constant_op.constant(2.)}
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=dtypes.float32)
def model(x):
return while_v2.while_loop(
lambda v: v < 4.,
lambda v: v * v, [x],
name="while_1") # x**2
root, output_func = self._freezeModel(model)
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testDynamicRnn(self):
"""Test a DynamicRnn containing While loops."""
input_data = {
np.random.random_sample((3, 10, 10)), dtype=np.float32))
cell = rnn_cell_impl.LSTMCell(10)
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=[3, 10, 10], dtype=dtypes.float32)
def model(x):
return rnn.dynamic_rnn(cell, x, dtype=dtypes.float32)
root, output_func = self._freezeModel(model)
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
def testKerasLSTM(self):
"""Test a Keras LSTM containing dynamic_rnn ops."""
input_data = {
np.random.random_sample((10, 10, 10)), dtype=np.float32))
model = keras.models.Sequential(
[keras.layers.LSTM(units=10, input_shape=(10, 10))])
tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=[10, 10, 10], dtype=dtypes.float32)
def to_save(x):
return model(x)
root, output_func = self._freezeModel(to_save)
self._testConvertedFunction(root, root.f, output_func, input_data)
if __name__ == "__main__":