blob: 9d495ea48be67a56778455e68896521f96d071a1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/worker_cache.h"
namespace tensorflow {
class WorkerCacheWrapper : public WorkerCacheInterface {
WorkerCacheWrapper(WorkerCacheInterface* wrapped) : wrapped_(wrapped) {}
// Updates *workers with strings naming the remote worker tasks to
// which open channels have been established.
void ListWorkers(std::vector<string>* workers) const override {
return wrapped_->ListWorkers(workers);
void ListWorkersInJob(const string& job_name,
std::vector<string>* workers) const override {
return wrapped_->ListWorkersInJob(job_name, workers);
// If "target" names a remote task for which an RPC channel exists
// or can be constructed, returns a pointer to a WorkerInterface object
// wrapping that channel. The returned value must be destroyed by
// calling `this->ReleaseWorker(target, ret)`
WorkerInterface* GetOrCreateWorker(const string& target) override {
return wrapped_->GetOrCreateWorker(target);
// Release a worker previously returned by this->GetOrCreateWorker(target).
// TODO(jeff,sanjay): Consider moving target into WorkerInterface.
// TODO(jeff,sanjay): Unify all worker-cache impls and factor out a
// per-rpc-subsystem WorkerInterface creator.
void ReleaseWorker(const string& target, WorkerInterface* worker) override {
return wrapped_->ReleaseWorker(target, worker);
Status GetEagerClientCache(
std::unique_ptr<eager::EagerClientCache>* eager_client_cache) override {
return wrapped_->GetEagerClientCache(eager_client_cache);
// Set *locality with the DeviceLocality of the specified remote device
// within its local environment. Returns true if *locality
// was set, using only locally cached data. Returns false
// if status data for that device was not available. Never blocks.
bool GetDeviceLocalityNonBlocking(const string& device,
DeviceLocality* locality) override {
return wrapped_->GetDeviceLocalityNonBlocking(device, locality);
// Set *locality with the DeviceLocality of the specified remote device
// within its local environment. Callback gets Status::OK if *locality
// was set.
void GetDeviceLocalityAsync(const string& device, DeviceLocality* locality,
StatusCallback done) override {
return wrapped_->GetDeviceLocalityAsync(device, locality, std::move(done));
// Start/stop logging activity.
void SetLogging(bool active) override { wrapped_->SetLogging(active); }
// Discard any saved log data.
void ClearLogs() override { wrapped_->ClearLogs(); }
// Return logs for the identified step in *ss. Any returned data will no
// longer be stored.
bool RetrieveLogs(int64 step_id, StepStats* ss) override {
return wrapped_->RetrieveLogs(step_id, ss);
WorkerCacheInterface* wrapped_; // Not owned.
} // namespace tensorflow