blob: c487aa9e2818b1124de66e9ca9a6501972123609 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#ifdef INTEL_MKL
#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/eager/eager_op_rewrite_registry.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/mkl_graph_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/mkl_layout_pass.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/mkl_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/util.h"
namespace tensorflow {
class MklEagerOpRewrite : public EagerOpRewrite {
MklEagerOpRewrite(string name, string file, string line);
typedef struct {
string op_name;
std::function<bool(EagerOperation*)> RewriteRule;
std::function<Status(EagerOperation*, std::unique_ptr<EagerOperation>*)>
} MklEagerOp;
// TODO(intel-tf): refactor with unordered_map;
// especially when adding more ops/rewrite rules in future.
std::vector<MklEagerOp> mkl_eager_ops_;
// The entry point to execute the op rewrite.
Status Run(EagerOperation* orig_op,
std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::EagerOperation>* out_op);
// Initializes the new op and sets up its inputs and attributes
static Status SetupNewOp(EagerOperation* orig_op, const string mkl_op_name,
std::unique_ptr<EagerOperation>* new_mkl_op);
// Creates new MKL op for MatMul
static Status CreateMklMatMul(EagerOperation* orig_op,
std::unique_ptr<EagerOperation>* mkl_matmul_op);
// Creates new MKL op for Conv2D, Conv2DBackpropInput and
// Conv2DBackpropFilter.
static Status CreateMklConv2DOp(
EagerOperation* orig_op, std::unique_ptr<EagerOperation>* mkl_conv2d_op);
// Rewrite rule for Conv2D, Conv2DBackpropInput and Conv2DBackpropFilter.
static bool RewriteConv2D(EagerOperation* op);
// Calls op-specific rewrite function to create new MKL op.
Status RewriteToMklOp(EagerOperation* orig_op,
std::unique_ptr<EagerOperation>* mkl_op,
const int op_idx);
// Checks whether we can rewrite the op to MKL one or not.
bool ShouldRewriteOp(EagerOperation* op, int* op_idx);
// Default rewrite rule to be used when rewrite should happen without any
// restriction.
static bool AlwaysRewrite(EagerOperation* op) { return true; }
REGISTER_REWRITE(EagerOpRewriteRegistry::PRE_EXECUTION, MklEagerOpRewrite);
// Constructor
MklEagerOpRewrite::MklEagerOpRewrite(string name, string file, string line)
: EagerOpRewrite(name, file, line) {
mkl_eager_ops_.push_back({"Conv2D", RewriteConv2D, CreateMklConv2DOp});
{"Conv2DBackpropInput", RewriteConv2D, CreateMklConv2DOp});
{"Conv2DBackpropFilter", RewriteConv2D, CreateMklConv2DOp});
mkl_eager_ops_.push_back({"MatMul", AlwaysRewrite, CreateMklMatMul});
Status MklEagerOpRewrite::Run(
EagerOperation* orig_op,
std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::EagerOperation>* out_op) {
int found_op_idx = -1;
if (ShouldRewriteOp(orig_op, &found_op_idx)) {
TF_CHECK_OK(RewriteToMklOp(orig_op, out_op, found_op_idx));
return Status::OK();
Status MklEagerOpRewrite::SetupNewOp(
EagerOperation* orig_op, const string mkl_op_name,
std::unique_ptr<EagerOperation>* new_mkl_op) {
const tensorflow::AttrTypeMap* types;
bool is_function = false;
tensorflow::AttrTypeMapForOp(mkl_op_name.c_str(), &types, &is_function));
EagerContext* ctx = orig_op->EagerContext();
new_mkl_op->reset(new tensorflow::EagerOperation(ctx, mkl_op_name.c_str(),
is_function, types));
int num_inputs = orig_op->Inputs().size();
// Add all inputs to the new op.
for (int i = 0; i < num_inputs; ++i) {
// Copy all attributes to the new op.
string name;
const NodeDef& orig_ndef = orig_op->MutableAttrs()->BuildNodeDef();
AttrSlice attr_list(orig_ndef);
for (const auto& attr : attr_list) {
(*new_mkl_op)->MutableAttrs()->Set(attr.first, attr.second);
->Set("_kernel", mkl_op_registry::kMklNameChangeOpLabel);
if (orig_op->Device() != nullptr) {
} else {
string device_name =
return Status::OK();
Status MklEagerOpRewrite::CreateMklMatMul(
EagerOperation* orig_op, std::unique_ptr<EagerOperation>* mkl_matmul_op) {
const string mkl_op_name = mkl_op_registry::GetMklOpName(orig_op->Name());
TF_CHECK_OK(SetupNewOp(orig_op, mkl_op_name, mkl_matmul_op));
return Status::OK();
Status MklEagerOpRewrite::CreateMklConv2DOp(
EagerOperation* orig_op, std::unique_ptr<EagerOperation>* mkl_conv2d_op) {
const string mkl_op_name =
TF_CHECK_OK(SetupNewOp(orig_op, mkl_op_name, mkl_conv2d_op));
return Status::OK();
bool MklEagerOpRewrite::ShouldRewriteOp(EagerOperation* op, int* op_idx) {
// Don't rewrite the op if MKL use is disabled at runtime.
if (DisableMKL()) {
return false;
DataType data_type;
if (op->Attrs().Get("T", &data_type) != Status::OK()) {
return false;
// Check if we have registered MKL kernel for this op.
if (!mkl_op_registry::IsMklNameChangeOp(
mkl_op_registry::GetMklEagerOpName(op->Name()), data_type) &&
mkl_op_registry::GetMklOpName(op->Name()), data_type)) {
return false;
*op_idx = -1;
// Find and call the op's rewrite rule that determines whether we need to
// rewrite this op or not.
for (auto it = mkl_eager_ops_.begin(); it != mkl_eager_ops_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->>Name()) == 0 && it->RewriteRule(op)) {
*op_idx = it - mkl_eager_ops_.begin();
return true;
return false;
Status MklEagerOpRewrite::RewriteToMklOp(
EagerOperation* orig_op, std::unique_ptr<EagerOperation>* mkl_op,
const int op_idx) {
mkl_eager_ops_[op_idx].CreateMklOp(orig_op, mkl_op);
return Status::OK();
bool MklEagerOpRewrite::RewriteConv2D(EagerOperation* op) {
const NodeDef& ndef = op->MutableAttrs()->BuildNodeDef();
string padding;
TF_CHECK_OK(GetNodeAttr(ndef, "padding", &padding));
// Right now MKL Conv2D does not support explicit padding.
return (padding != "EXPLICIT");
} // namespace tensorflow
#endif // INTEL_MKL