blob: 41e21ca1ee7005ae408786d51e5a9a425bda31e3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// This header file defines common utils used by TFLite transformation
// passes to work with op attributes.
#include <unordered_map>
#include "mlir/Dialect/QuantOps/QuantTypes.h" // TF:local_config_mlir
#include "mlir/IR/BlockAndValueMapping.h" // TF:local_config_mlir
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h" // TF:local_config_mlir
#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h" // TF:local_config_mlir
#include "mlir/StandardOps/Ops.h" // TF:local_config_mlir
namespace mlir {
namespace TFL {
using QuantParams = quant::QuantizedType;
using SignedInteger = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>; // bitwidth and sign
using QuantParamsForResults = llvm::SmallVector<QuantParams, 4>;
using AccumulatorScaleFunc =
std::function<QuantParams(const std::vector<QuantParams>&)>;
// Quantization spec of an op, driving the quantization algorithm.
struct OpQuantSpec {
// Whether the op has quantizable result. This flag is set to false if the op
// has "TFL::NoQuantizableResult" trait.
bool is_quantizable = true;
// Whether it requires same inputs and result scale. This flag is set to true
// if the op has "TFL::SameOperandsAndResultScale" trait.
bool requires_same_scale = false;
// Maps the operand index of a bias input to its quantization specifications,
// including the non-bias operand indexes and the method retrieving
// quantization parameters from list of parameters of the non-bias operands.
// This map is empty if the op doesn't havea bias operand.
std::unordered_map<int, std::pair<std::vector<int>, AccumulatorScaleFunc>>
// Quantization parameters for value restricted outputs. This is the
// "hard-coded" parameters and should be used unconditionally for the
// quantized op. This vector is empty if the op doesn't have value resctricted
// outputs.
llvm::DenseMap<SignedInteger, QuantParamsForResults> restricted_output_params;
// A function signature for getting the particular OpQuantSpec for the provided
// op.
typedef std::unique_ptr<OpQuantSpec> (*OpQuantSpecGetter)(Operation* op);
// A generic rewrite pattern which matches any N-in-1-out operations with
// quantization parameters propagated to all the operands and results values.
// The quantization parameters are annotated by the Q/DQ op pairs. Each matched
// pattern are rewritten by its quantized alternatives.
// This pattern assumes all the matched ops are quantizable. This assumption is
// always right, except when a "Q" op is used as a requantize op. For non-"Q"
// ops, quantization parameters should be propagated to their result.
// This pattern only matches ops which only have one result.
template <typename Q, typename DQ>
struct GenericFullQuantizationPattern : public RewritePattern {
explicit GenericFullQuantizationPattern(MLIRContext* context)
: RewritePattern(Q::getOperationName(), 1, context) {}
PatternMatchResult matchAndRewrite(Operation* op,
PatternRewriter& rewriter) const override {
if (op->getNumResults() != 1) {
return matchFailure();
auto quantize_op = cast<Q>(op);
Operation* quantized_op = quantize_op.input()->getDefiningOp();
// If it is a block argument, requantize op, or has more than one result, we
// shouldn't rewrite this op.
if (!quantized_op || llvm::isa<Q>(quantized_op) ||
llvm::isa<DQ>(quantized_op)) {
return matchFailure();
// Collect all the quantized inputs and "clone" the matched op by these
// inputs.
SmallVector<Value*, 4> inputs;
for (auto operand : quantized_op->getOperands()) {
auto tensor_type = operand->getType().dyn_cast<TensorType>();
if (!tensor_type) {
// There are none type values.
return matchFailure();
auto operand_ele_type = tensor_type.getElementType();
if (auto op_inst = dyn_cast_or_null<DQ>(operand->getDefiningOp())) {
} else if (operand_ele_type.isa<IntegerType>()) {
// If the operand is an integer tensor, then it doesn't require the
// DQ op in the pattern.
} else {
return matchFailure();
// Collect all the quantized outputs and replace them by the results of the
// new quantized op.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<Value*, int> outputs_replaced;
SmallVector<Type, 4> output_types;
for (auto result : llvm::enumerate(quantized_op->getResults())) {
if (!result.value()->hasOneUse()) return matchFailure();
auto result_ele_type =
if (auto user = dyn_cast_or_null<Q>(*result.value()->user_begin())) {
outputs_replaced.insert({user.output(), result.index()});
} else if (result_ele_type.template isa<IntegerType>()) {
// If the result is an integer tensor, then it doesn't require the
// D op in the pattern.
outputs_replaced.insert({result.value(), result.index()});
} else {
return matchFailure();
// Use OpBuilder so we can use op name to create the new op.
OpBuilder builder(quantized_op);
OperationState new_state(quantized_op->getLoc(),
quantized_op->getName().getStringRef(), inputs,
output_types, quantized_op->getAttrs());
Operation* new_op = builder.createOperation(new_state);
for (auto output : outputs_replaced) {
return matchSuccess();
// Converts the min/max/storage_type/narrow_range information to a
// QuantizedType, and then returns the attribute containing the QuantizedType.
TypeAttr GetQuantizedTypeAttr(Builder builder, Type input_type, FloatAttr min,
FloatAttr max, Type storage_type,
bool narrow_range = false,
bool is_signed = false);
// Converts the min/max/num_bits/narrow_range information to a
// QuantizedType, and then returns the attribute containing the QuantizedType.
// Note that this method assumes an unsigned quantization type, which is
// implicitly defined by FakeQuant* ops in TensorFlow.
TypeAttr GetQuantizedTypeAttr(Builder builder, Type input_type, Attribute min,
Attribute max, IntegerAttr num_bits,
BoolAttr narrow_range);
// Casts the `target` type to a quantized type by using the quantization
// parameters from the type in the `source` type attribute.
// Examples:
// f32 -> !quant.uniform<i8:f32, 1.0>
// tensor<4xf32> -> tensor<4x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 1.0>>
// The result is wrapped by a type attribute. Returns nullptr if the cast isn't
// valid.
TypeAttr CastQuantizedTypeAttrFromExpressedType(Builder builder,
TypeAttr source, Type target);
// Quantizes the elements in the attribute `real_value` by the quantization
// parameters in `tensor_type`. Returns empty Attribute if the
// `tensor_type` is not a QuantizedType or the quantization fails.
ElementsAttr Quantize(Attribute real_value, Type tensor_type);
// Returns the quantized type for an element attribute. The quantization
// parameters in this type is based on the min and max element of the attribute.
// When the elements in the `attr` are not in floating-point, or the value range
// isn't straddling zero, an empty type is returned.
Type GetUniformQuantizedTypeForElementsAttr(ElementsAttr attr,
unsigned storage_type_width,
bool is_sign, bool narrow_range);
// Returns the quantized type of a bias input, given the quantized types of
// other operands which are multiply-accumulated (the bias is added to the
// accumulated value).
quant::QuantizedType GetUniformQuantizedTypeForBias(
const std::vector<quant::QuantizedType>& op_types);
// Propagates quantization parameters across ops in this function and satisfy
// the quantization specification of the ops. This methods assumes the initial
// quantization parameters are stored as adjacent quantize and dequantize ops
// and the propagation results are materialized by inserting pairs of quantize
// and dequantize ops to this function.
void ApplyQuantizationParamsPropagation(mlir::FuncOp func, bool is_signed,
OpQuantSpecGetter op_quant_spec_getter);
} // end namespace TFL
} // end namespace mlir