blob: a0b7d275e35ce7272e744d58f09c7e423fff8912 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Keras text CategoryEncoding preprocessing layer."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import json
import numbers
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import sparse_tensor
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_spec
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import base_preprocessing_layer
from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import layer_utils
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import bincount_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import init_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_tensor
from tensorflow.python.util import compat
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export
TFIDF = "tf-idf"
INT = "int"
BINARY = "binary"
COUNT = "count"
# The string tokens in the extracted vocabulary
_NUM_ELEMENTS_NAME = "num_elements"
# The inverse-document-frequency weights
_IDF_NAME = "idf"
@keras_export("keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CategoryEncoding", v1=[])
class CategoryEncoding(base_preprocessing_layer.CombinerPreprocessingLayer):
"""Category encoding layer.
This layer provides options for condensing data into a categorical encoding.
It accepts integer values as inputs and outputs a dense representation
(one sample = 1-index tensor of float values representing data about the
sample's tokens) of those inputs.
>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CategoryEncoding(
... max_tokens=4)
>>> layer([[0, 1], [0, 0], [1, 2], [3, 1]])
<tf.Tensor: shape=(4, 4), dtype=float32, numpy=
array([[1., 1., 0., 0.],
[2., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 1., 0.],
[0., 1., 0., 1.]], dtype=float32)>
Examples with weighted inputs:
>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CategoryEncoding(
... max_tokens=4)
>>> count_weights = np.array([[.1, .2], [.1, .1], [.2, .3], [.4, .2]])
>>> layer([[0, 1], [0, 0], [1, 2], [3, 1]], count_weights=count_weights)
<tf.Tensor: shape=(4, 4), dtype=float64, numpy=
array([[0.1, 0.2, 0. , 0. ],
[0.2, 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[0. , 0.2, 0.3, 0. ],
[0. , 0.2, 0. , 0.4]])>
max_tokens: The maximum size of the vocabulary for this layer. If None,
there is no cap on the size of the vocabulary.
output_mode: Optional specification for the output of the layer. Values can
be "binary", "count" or "tf-idf", configuring the layer as follows:
"binary": Outputs a single int array per batch, of either vocab_size or
max_tokens size, containing 1s in all elements where the token mapped
to that index exists at least once in the batch item.
"count": As "binary", but the int array contains a count of the number
of times the token at that index appeared in the batch item.
"tf-idf": As "binary", but the TF-IDF algorithm is applied to find the
value in each token slot.
sparse: Boolean. If true, returns a `SparseTensor` instead of a dense
`Tensor`. Defaults to `False`.
Call arguments:
inputs: A 2D tensor `(samples, timesteps)`.
count_weights: A 2D tensor in the same shape as `inputs` indicating the
weight for each sample value when summing up in `count` mode. Not used in
`binary` or `tfidf` mode.
def __init__(self,
# 'output_mode' must be one of (COUNT, BINARY, TFIDF)
allowable_strings=(COUNT, BINARY, TFIDF),
# If max_tokens is set, the value must be greater than 1 - otherwise we
# are creating a 0-element vocab, which doesn't make sense.
if max_tokens is not None and max_tokens < 1:
raise ValueError("max_tokens must be > 1.")
# We need to call super() before we call _add_state_variable().
combiner = _CategoryEncodingCombiner(
compute_max_element=max_tokens is None,
compute_idf=output_mode == TFIDF)
super(CategoryEncoding, self).__init__(combiner=combiner, **kwargs)
self._max_tokens = max_tokens
self._output_mode = output_mode
self._sparse = sparse
self._called = False
# We are adding these here instead of in build() since they do not depend
# on the input shape at all.
if max_tokens is None:
self.num_elements = self._add_state_variable(
if self._output_mode == TFIDF:
# The TF-IDF weight may have a (None,) tensorshape. This creates
# a 1D variable with arbitrary shape, which we can assign any weight to
# so long as it has 1 dimension. In order to properly initialize this
# weight in Keras, we need to provide a custom callable initializer which
# does not depend on the shape of the weight (as all other initializers
# do) since the weight is not known. Hence the lambda shape, dtype: [0].
if max_tokens is None:
initializer = lambda shape, dtype: [0]
initializer = init_ops.zeros_initializer
self.tf_idf_weights = self._add_state_variable(
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
return tensor_shape.TensorShape([input_shape[0], self._max_tokens])
def compute_output_signature(self, input_spec):
output_shape = self.compute_output_shape(input_spec.shape.as_list())
output_dtype = K.floatx() if self._output_mode == TFIDF else dtypes.int64
if self._sparse:
return sparse_tensor.SparseTensorSpec(
shape=output_shape, dtype=output_dtype)
return tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=output_shape, dtype=output_dtype)
def adapt(self, data, reset_state=True):
"""Fits the state of the preprocessing layer to the dataset.
Overrides the default adapt method to apply relevant preprocessing to the
inputs before passing to the combiner.
data: The data to train on. It can be passed either as a Dataset,
or as a numpy array.
reset_state: Optional argument specifying whether to clear the state of
the layer at the start of the call to `adapt`. This must be True for
this layer, which does not support repeated calls to `adapt`.
RuntimeError: if the layer cannot be adapted at this time.
if not reset_state:
raise ValueError("CategoryEncoding does not support streaming adapts.")
if self._called and self._max_tokens is None:
raise RuntimeError("CategoryEncoding can't be adapted after being called "
"if max_tokens is None.")
super(CategoryEncoding, self).adapt(data, reset_state)
def _set_state_variables(self, updates):
if not self.built:
raise RuntimeError("_set_state_variables() must be called after build().")
if self._max_tokens is None:
if self._output_mode == TFIDF:
def get_config(self):
config = {
"max_tokens": self._max_tokens,
"output_mode": self._output_mode,
"sparse": self._sparse,
base_config = super(CategoryEncoding, self).get_config()
return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))
def _convert_to_ndarray(self, x):
if isinstance(x, ops.Tensor):
return x
return np.array(x)
def _convert_to_sparse_inputs(self, inputs):
if isinstance(inputs, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor):
return inputs
elif isinstance(inputs, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
return inputs.to_sparse()
indices = array_ops.where_v2(
math_ops.greater_equal(inputs, array_ops.constant(0, inputs.dtype)))
values = array_ops.gather_nd(inputs, indices)
shape = array_ops.shape(inputs, out_type=dtypes.int64)
return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(indices, values, shape)
def set_num_elements(self, num_elements):
if self._max_tokens is not None:
raise RuntimeError(
"In order to dynamically set the number of elements, the "
"layer's 'max_tokens' arg must be set to None.")
if not isinstance(num_elements, numbers.Integral):
raise ValueError("num_elements must be a scalar integer.")
if self._called:
raise RuntimeError("num_elements cannot be changed after the layer is "
K.set_value(self.num_elements, num_elements)
def set_tfidf_data(self, tfidf_data):
tfidf_data = self._convert_to_ndarray(tfidf_data)
if self._output_mode != TFIDF:
raise RuntimeError(
"In order to set TF-IDF data, the output mode must be 'tf-idf'.")
if tfidf_data.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("TF-IDF data must be a 1-index array.")
if self._max_tokens is not None:
input_data_length = tfidf_data.shape[0]
if input_data_length > self._max_tokens:
raise ValueError("The array provided has %d elements. This layer is "
"configured to only allow %d elements." %
(input_data_length, self._max_tokens))
if input_data_length < self._max_tokens:
tfidf_data = np.resize(tfidf_data, (self._max_tokens,))
K.set_value(self.tf_idf_weights, tfidf_data)
def call(self, inputs, count_weights=None):
if count_weights is not None and self._output_mode != COUNT:
raise ValueError("count_weights is not used in `output_mode='tf-idf'`, "
"or `output_mode='binary'`. Please pass a single input.")
self._called = True
if self._max_tokens is None:
out_depth = K.get_value(self.num_elements)
out_depth = self._max_tokens
if self._output_mode == TFIDF:
# If the input is a sparse tensor, we densify it with the default value of
# -1. Because -1 is ignored by one_hot, this effectively drops the non-set
# positions from the output encoding.
if isinstance(inputs, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor):
inputs = sparse_ops.sparse_tensor_to_dense(inputs, default_value=-1)
one_hot_data = array_ops.one_hot(inputs, depth=out_depth)
counts = math_ops.reduce_sum(one_hot_data, axis=1)
tf_idf_data = math_ops.multiply(counts, self.tf_idf_weights)
tf_idf_data.set_shape(tensor_shape.TensorShape((None, out_depth)))
return tf_idf_data
binary_output = (self._output_mode == BINARY)
if self._sparse:
result = bincount_ops.sparse_bincount(
return math_ops.cast(result, K.floatx())
result = bincount_ops.bincount(
result.set_shape(tensor_shape.TensorShape((None, out_depth)))
return result
class _CategoryEncodingAccumulator(
collections.namedtuple("Accumulator", ["data", "per_doc_count_dict"])):
class _CategoryEncodingCombiner(base_preprocessing_layer.Combiner):
"""Combiner for the CategoryEncoding preprocessing layer.
This class encapsulates the logic for computing the number of elements in the
input dataset and the document frequency for each element.
compute_max_element: (Optional) If set, this combiner will return the
maximum element in this set as part of its `extract()` call.
compute_idf: (Optional) If set, the inverse document frequency will be
computed for each value.
# These are indices into the accumulator's `data` array.
def __init__(self, compute_max_element=True, compute_idf=False):
self._compute_idf = compute_idf
self._compute_max_element = compute_max_element
def compute(self, values, accumulator=None):
"""Computes a step in this computation, returning a new accumulator."""
values = base_preprocessing_layer.convert_to_list(values)
if accumulator is None:
accumulator = self._create_accumulator()
# TODO(momernick): Benchmark improvements to this algorithm.
for element in values:
current_doc_id =[self.DOC_ID_IDX]
for value in element:
current_max_value =[self.MAX_VALUE_IDX]
if value > current_max_value:[self.MAX_VALUE_IDX] = value
if self._compute_idf:
doc_count = accumulator.per_doc_count_dict[value]
if doc_count["last_doc_id"] != current_doc_id:
doc_count["count"] += 1
doc_count["last_doc_id"] = current_doc_id[self.DOC_ID_IDX] += 1
return accumulator
def merge(self, accumulators):
"""Merges several accumulators to a single accumulator."""
if not accumulators:
return accumulators
base_accumulator = accumulators[0]
for accumulator in accumulators[1:]:[self.DOC_ID_IDX] +=[
self.DOC_ID_IDX][self.MAX_VALUE_IDX] = max([self.MAX_VALUE_IDX],[self.MAX_VALUE_IDX])
if self._compute_idf:
for token, value in accumulator.per_doc_count_dict.items():
# Any newly created token counts in 'base_accumulator''s
# per_doc_count_dict will have a last_doc_id of -1. This is always
# less than the next doc id (which are strictly positive), so any
# future occurrences are guaranteed to be counted.
base_accumulator.per_doc_count_dict[token]["count"] += value["count"]
return base_accumulator
def _inverse_document_frequency(self, document_counts, num_documents):
"""Computes the inverse-document-frequency (IDF) component of TFIDF.
Uses the default weighting scheme described in
document_counts: An array of the # of documents each token appears in.
num_documents: An int representing the total number of documents
An array of "inverse document frequency" weights.
return np.log(1 + num_documents / (1 + np.array(document_counts)))
def extract(self, accumulator):
"""Converts an accumulator into a dict of output values.
accumulator: An accumulator aggregating over the full dataset.
A dict of:
"num_elements": The number of unique elements in the data set. Only
returned if `compute_max_element` is True.
"idf": The inverse-document-frequency for each index, where idf[i] is
the IDF value for index i. Only returned if `compute_idf` is True.
data, document_counts = accumulator
max_element = data[self.MAX_VALUE_IDX]
output_dict = {}
if self._compute_max_element:
output_dict[_NUM_ELEMENTS_NAME] = max_element + 1
if self._compute_idf:
num_documents = data[self.DOC_ID_IDX]
# Here, we need to get the doc_counts for every token value, including
# values we have not yet seen (and are not in the document_counts dict).
# However, because document_counts is a defaultdict (see below), querying
# the dict directly for those values gives us meaningful counts (of 0).
# However, this also means we can't just extract the values in
# document_counts - we need to do a deliberate indexing using range().
doc_counts = [document_counts[i]["count"] for i in range(max_element + 1)]
idf = self._inverse_document_frequency(doc_counts, num_documents)
output_dict[_IDF_NAME] = idf
return output_dict
def restore(self, output):
"""Creates an accumulator based on 'output'."""
raise NotImplementedError(
"CategoryEncoding does not restore or support streaming updates.")
def serialize(self, accumulator):
"""Serializes an accumulator for a remote call."""
output_dict = {}
output_dict["data"] =
if self._compute_idf:
output_dict["idf_vocab"] = list(accumulator.per_doc_count_dict.keys())
output_dict["idf_counts"] = [
for counter in accumulator.per_doc_count_dict.values()
return compat.as_bytes(json.dumps(output_dict))
def deserialize(self, encoded_accumulator):
"""Deserializes an accumulator received from 'serialize()'."""
accumulator_dict = json.loads(compat.as_text(encoded_accumulator))
accumulator = self._create_accumulator()
for i, value in enumerate(accumulator_dict["data"]):[i] = value
if self._compute_idf:
create_dict = lambda x: {"count": x, "last_doc_id": -1}
idf_count_dicts = [
create_dict(count) for count in accumulator_dict["idf_counts"]
idf_dict = dict(zip(accumulator_dict["idf_vocab"], idf_count_dicts))
return accumulator
def _create_accumulator(self):
"""Accumulates a sorted array of vocab tokens and corresponding counts."""
if self._compute_idf:
create_default_dict = lambda: {"count": 0, "last_doc_id": -1}
per_doc_count_dict = collections.defaultdict(create_default_dict)
per_doc_count_dict = None
data = [0, 0]
return _CategoryEncodingAccumulator(data, per_doc_count_dict)