blob: 4523830129c2ce9a28c5c8fa25bc50f81ed3ae5b [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Transforms.cpp - Implementation of the linalg Transformations ------===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file implements analyses and transformations for the linalg dialect.
#include "linalg2/Transforms.h"
#include "linalg2/Analysis.h"
#include "linalg2/Intrinsics.h"
#include "linalg2/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h"
using llvm::ArrayRef;
using llvm::cast;
using llvm::isa;
using llvm::SmallVector;
using mlir::FuncBuilder;
using mlir::MemRefType;
using mlir::Value;
using mlir::edsc::ScopedContext;
using mlir::edsc::ValueHandle;
using mlir::edsc::intrinsics::constant_index;
using namespace linalg;
using namespace linalg::intrinsics;
// We need to traverse the slice chain from the original ViewOp for various
// analyses. This builds the chain.
static SmallVector<Value *, 8> getViewChain(mlir::Value *v) {
assert(v->getType().isa<ViewType>() && "ViewType expected");
if (isa<ViewOp>(v->getDefiningOp())) {
return SmallVector<mlir::Value *, 8>{v};
SmallVector<mlir::Value *, 8> tmp;
do {
auto sliceOp = cast<SliceOp>(v->getDefiningOp()); // must be a slice op
v = sliceOp.getParentView();
} while (!v->getType().isa<ViewType>());
assert(isa<ViewOp>(v->getDefiningOp()) && "must be a ViewOp");
return SmallVector<mlir::Value *, 8>(tmp.rbegin(), tmp.rend());
static mlir::Value *createFullyComposedIndexing(unsigned dim,
ArrayRef<Value *> chain) {
using namespace mlir::edsc::op;
assert(chain.front()->getType().isa<ViewType>() && "must be a ViewType");
auto viewOp = cast<ViewOp>(chain.front()->getDefiningOp());
auto *indexing = viewOp.getIndexing(dim);
if (!indexing->getType().isa<RangeType>())
return indexing;
auto rangeOp = cast<RangeOp>(indexing->getDefiningOp());
Value *min = rangeOp.getMin(), *max = rangeOp.getMax(),
*step = rangeOp.getStep();
for (auto *v : chain.drop_front(1)) {
auto slice = cast<SliceOp>(v->getDefiningOp());
if (slice.getRank() != slice.getParentRank()) {
// Rank-reducing slice.
if (slice.getSlicingDim() == dim) {
// Slice a single element across dim -> done.
return ValueHandle(min) +
ValueHandle(slice.getIndexing()) * ValueHandle(step);
// Adjust the dim to account for the slice.
dim = (slice.getSlicingDim() < dim) ? dim - 1 : dim;
} else { // not a rank-reducing slice.
if (slice.getSlicingDim() == dim) {
auto range = cast<RangeOp>(slice.getIndexing()->getDefiningOp());
auto oldMin = min;
min = ValueHandle(min) + ValueHandle(range.getMin());
// ideally: max = min(oldMin + ValueHandle(range.getMax()), oldMax);
// but we cannot represent min/max with index and have it compose with
// atm.
max = ValueHandle(oldMin) + ValueHandle(range.getMax());
// ideally: parametric steps.
// but we cannot represent parametric steps with index atm.
step = ValueHandle(step) * ValueHandle(range.getStep());
return linalg::intrinsics::range(min, max, step).getValue();
ViewOp linalg::emitAndReturnFullyComposedView(Value *v) {
FuncBuilder builder(v->getDefiningOp());
ScopedContext scope(builder, v->getDefiningOp()->getLoc());
assert(v->getType().isa<ViewType>() && "must be a ViewType");
auto *memRef = getViewSupportingMemRef(v);
auto chain = getViewChain(v);
unsigned rank = memRef->getType().cast<MemRefType>().getRank();
SmallVector<Value *, 8> ranges;
for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < rank; ++idx) {
ranges.push_back(createFullyComposedIndexing(idx, chain));
return cast<ViewOp>(view(memRef, ranges).getOperation());