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//===- Attributes.h - MLIR Attribute Classes --------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
#include "mlir/IR/AttributeSupport.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
namespace mlir {
class AffineMap;
class Dialect;
class Function;
class FunctionAttr;
class FunctionType;
class Identifier;
class IntegerSet;
class Location;
class MLIRContext;
class Type;
class VectorOrTensorType;
namespace detail {
struct OpaqueAttributeStorage;
struct BoolAttributeStorage;
struct IntegerAttributeStorage;
struct FloatAttributeStorage;
struct StringAttributeStorage;
struct ArrayAttributeStorage;
struct AffineMapAttributeStorage;
struct IntegerSetAttributeStorage;
struct TypeAttributeStorage;
struct FunctionAttributeStorage;
struct SplatElementsAttributeStorage;
struct DenseElementsAttributeStorage;
struct DenseIntElementsAttributeStorage;
struct DenseFPElementsAttributeStorage;
struct OpaqueElementsAttributeStorage;
struct SparseElementsAttributeStorage;
class AttributeListStorage;
} // namespace detail
/// Attributes are known-constant values of operations and functions.
/// Instances of the Attribute class are references to immutable, uniqued,
/// and immortal values owned by MLIRContext. As such, an Attribute is a thin
/// wrapper around an underlying storage pointer. Attributes are usually passed
/// by value.
class Attribute {
/// Integer identifier for all the concrete attribute kinds.
enum Kind {
// Reserve attribute kinds for dialect specific extensions.
#define DEFINE_SYM_KIND_RANGE(Dialect) \
FIRST_##Dialect##_ATTR, LAST_##Dialect##_ATTR = FIRST_##Dialect##_ATTR + 0xff,
#include "DialectSymbolRegistry.def"
/// Utility class for implementing attributes.
template <typename ConcreteType, typename BaseType = Attribute,
typename StorageType = AttributeStorage>
using AttrBase = detail::StorageUserBase<ConcreteType, BaseType, StorageType,
using ImplType = AttributeStorage;
using ValueType = void;
Attribute() : impl(nullptr) {}
/* implicit */ Attribute(const ImplType *impl)
: impl(const_cast<ImplType *>(impl)) {}
Attribute(const Attribute &other) : impl(other.impl) {}
Attribute &operator=(Attribute other) {
impl = other.impl;
return *this;
bool operator==(Attribute other) const { return impl == other.impl; }
bool operator!=(Attribute other) const { return !(*this == other); }
explicit operator bool() const { return impl; }
bool operator!() const { return impl == nullptr; }
template <typename U> bool isa() const;
template <typename U> U dyn_cast() const;
template <typename U> U dyn_cast_or_null() const;
template <typename U> U cast() const;
// Support dyn_cast'ing Attribute to itself.
static bool kindof(unsigned) { return true; }
/// Return the classification for this attribute.
unsigned getKind() const { return impl->getKind(); }
/// Return the type of this attribute.
Type getType() const;
/// Return the context this attribute belongs to.
MLIRContext *getContext() const;
/// Get the dialect this attribute is registered to.
const Dialect &getDialect() const;
/// Return true if this field is, or contains, a function attribute.
bool isOrContainsFunction() const;
/// Replace a function attribute or function attributes nested in an array
/// attribute with another function attribute as defined by the provided
/// remapping table. Return the original attribute if it (or any of nested
/// attributes) is not present in the table.
Attribute remapFunctionAttrs(
const llvm::DenseMap<Attribute, FunctionAttr> &remappingTable) const;
/// Print the attribute.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
void dump() const;
/// Get an opaque pointer to the attribute.
const void *getAsOpaquePointer() const { return impl; }
/// Construct an attribute from the opaque pointer representation.
static Attribute getFromOpaquePointer(const void *ptr) {
return Attribute(
const_cast<ImplType *>(reinterpret_cast<const ImplType *>(ptr)));
friend ::llvm::hash_code hash_value(Attribute arg);
ImplType *impl;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, Attribute attr) {
return os;
namespace StandardAttributes {
enum Kind {
Unit = Attribute::FIRST_STANDARD_ATTR,
LAST_ELEMENTS_ATTR = SparseElements,
} // namespace StandardAttributes
/// Unit attributes are attributes that hold no specific value and are given
/// meaning by their existence.
class UnitAttr : public Attribute::AttrBase<UnitAttr> {
using Base::Base;
static UnitAttr get(MLIRContext *context) {
return Base::get(context, StandardAttributes::Unit);
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) { return kind == StandardAttributes::Unit; }
/// Opaque attributes represent attributes of non-registered dialects. These are
/// attribute represented in their raw string form, and can only usefully be
/// tested for attribute equality.
class OpaqueAttr : public Attribute::AttrBase<OpaqueAttr, Attribute,
detail::OpaqueAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
/// Get or create a new OpaqueAttr with the provided dialect and string data.
static OpaqueAttr get(Identifier dialect, StringRef attrData,
MLIRContext *context);
/// Get or create a new OpaqueAttr with the provided dialect and string data.
/// If the given identifier is not a valid namespace for a dialect, then a
/// null attribute is returned.
static OpaqueAttr getChecked(Identifier dialect, StringRef attrData,
MLIRContext *context, Location location);
/// Returns the dialect namespace of the opaque attribute.
Identifier getDialectNamespace() const;
/// Returns the raw attribute data of the opaque attribute.
StringRef getAttrData() const;
/// Verify the construction of an opaque attribute.
static LogicalResult
verifyConstructionInvariants(llvm::Optional<Location> loc,
MLIRContext *context, Identifier dialect,
StringRef attrData);
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::Opaque;
class BoolAttr : public Attribute::AttrBase<BoolAttr, Attribute,
detail::BoolAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = bool;
static BoolAttr get(bool value, MLIRContext *context);
bool getValue() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) { return kind == StandardAttributes::Bool; }
class IntegerAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<IntegerAttr, Attribute,
detail::IntegerAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = APInt;
static IntegerAttr get(Type type, int64_t value);
static IntegerAttr get(Type type, const APInt &value);
APInt getValue() const;
// TODO(jpienaar): Change callers to use getValue instead.
int64_t getInt() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::Integer;
class FloatAttr : public Attribute::AttrBase<FloatAttr, Attribute,
detail::FloatAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = APFloat;
/// Return a float attribute for the specified value in the specified type.
/// These methods should only be used for simple constant values, e.g 1.0/2.0,
/// that are known-valid both as host double and the 'type' format.
static FloatAttr get(Type type, double value);
static FloatAttr getChecked(Type type, double value, Location loc);
/// Return a float attribute for the specified value in the specified type.
static FloatAttr get(Type type, const APFloat &value);
static FloatAttr getChecked(Type type, const APFloat &value, Location loc);
APFloat getValue() const;
/// This function is used to convert the value to a double, even if it loses
/// precision.
double getValueAsDouble() const;
static double getValueAsDouble(APFloat val);
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::Float;
/// Verify the construction invariants for a double value.
static LogicalResult
verifyConstructionInvariants(llvm::Optional<Location> loc, MLIRContext *ctx,
Type type, double value);
static LogicalResult
verifyConstructionInvariants(llvm::Optional<Location> loc, MLIRContext *ctx,
Type type, const APFloat &value);
class StringAttr : public Attribute::AttrBase<StringAttr, Attribute,
detail::StringAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = StringRef;
static StringAttr get(StringRef bytes, MLIRContext *context);
StringRef getValue() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::String;
/// Array attributes are lists of other attributes. They are not necessarily
/// type homogenous given that attributes don't, in general, carry types.
class ArrayAttr : public Attribute::AttrBase<ArrayAttr, Attribute,
detail::ArrayAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = ArrayRef<Attribute>;
static ArrayAttr get(ArrayRef<Attribute> value, MLIRContext *context);
ArrayRef<Attribute> getValue() const;
size_t size() const { return getValue().size(); }
using iterator = llvm::ArrayRef<Attribute>::iterator;
iterator begin() const { return getValue().begin(); }
iterator end() const { return getValue().end(); }
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::Array;
class AffineMapAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<AffineMapAttr, Attribute,
detail::AffineMapAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = AffineMap;
static AffineMapAttr get(AffineMap value);
AffineMap getValue() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::AffineMap;
class IntegerSetAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<IntegerSetAttr, Attribute,
detail::IntegerSetAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = IntegerSet;
static IntegerSetAttr get(IntegerSet value);
IntegerSet getValue() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::IntegerSet;
class TypeAttr : public Attribute::AttrBase<TypeAttr, Attribute,
detail::TypeAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = Type;
static TypeAttr get(Type value);
Type getValue() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) { return kind == StandardAttributes::Type; }
/// A function attribute represents a reference to a function object.
/// When working with IR, it is important to know that a function attribute can
/// exist with a null Function inside of it, which occurs when a function object
/// is deleted that had an attribute which referenced it. No references to this
/// attribute should persist across the transformation, but that attribute will
/// remain in MLIRContext.
class FunctionAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<FunctionAttr, Attribute,
detail::FunctionAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = Function *;
static FunctionAttr get(Function *value);
Function *getValue() const;
FunctionType getType() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::Function;
/// This function is used by the internals of the Function class to null out
/// attributes referring to functions that are about to be deleted.
static void dropFunctionReference(Function *value);
/// A base attribute that represents a reference to a vector or tensor constant.
class ElementsAttr : public Attribute {
using Attribute::Attribute;
VectorOrTensorType getType() const;
/// Return the value at the given index. If index does not refer to a valid
/// element, then a null attribute is returned.
Attribute getValue(ArrayRef<uint64_t> index) const;
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind >= StandardAttributes::FIRST_ELEMENTS_ATTR &&
kind <= StandardAttributes::LAST_ELEMENTS_ATTR;
/// An attribute that represents a reference to a splat vector or tensor
/// constant, meaning all of the elements have the same value.
class SplatElementsAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<SplatElementsAttr, ElementsAttr,
detail::SplatElementsAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = Attribute;
static SplatElementsAttr get(VectorOrTensorType type, Attribute elt);
Attribute getValue() const;
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::SplatElements;
/// An attribute that represents a reference to a dense vector or tensor object.
class DenseElementsAttr : public ElementsAttr {
using ElementsAttr::ElementsAttr;
using ImplType = detail::DenseElementsAttributeStorage;
/// It assumes the elements in the input array have been truncated to the bits
/// width specified by the element type.
static DenseElementsAttr get(VectorOrTensorType type, ArrayRef<char> data);
// Constructs a dense elements attribute from an array of element values. Each
// element attribute value is expected to be an element of 'type'.
static DenseElementsAttr get(VectorOrTensorType type,
ArrayRef<Attribute> values);
/// Returns the number of elements held by this attribute.
size_t size() const;
/// Return the value at the given index. If index does not refer to a valid
/// element, then a null attribute is returned.
Attribute getValue(ArrayRef<uint64_t> index) const;
void getValues(SmallVectorImpl<Attribute> &values) const;
ArrayRef<char> getRawData() const;
/// Writes value to the bit position `bitPos` in array `rawData`. 'rawData' is
/// expected to be a 64-bit aligned storage address.
static void writeBits(char *rawData, size_t bitPos, APInt value);
/// Reads the next `bitWidth` bits from the bit position `bitPos` in array
/// `rawData`. 'rawData' is expected to be a 64-bit aligned storage address.
static APInt readBits(const char *rawData, size_t bitPos, size_t bitWidth);
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::DenseIntElements ||
kind == StandardAttributes::DenseFPElements;
/// A utility iterator that allows walking over the internal raw APInt values.
class RawElementIterator
: public llvm::iterator_facade_base<RawElementIterator,
APInt, std::ptrdiff_t, APInt, APInt> {
/// Iterator movement.
RawElementIterator &operator++() {
return *this;
RawElementIterator &operator--() {
return *this;
/// Accesses the raw APInt value at this iterator position.
APInt operator*() const;
/// Iterator equality.
bool operator==(const RawElementIterator &rhs) const {
return rawData == rhs.rawData && index == rhs.index;
bool operator!=(const RawElementIterator &rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
friend DenseElementsAttr;
/// Constructs a new iterator.
RawElementIterator(DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t index);
/// The base address of the raw data buffer.
const char *rawData;
/// The current element index.
size_t index;
/// The bitwidth of the element type.
size_t bitWidth;
/// Raw element iterators for this attribute.
RawElementIterator raw_begin() const { return RawElementIterator(*this, 0); }
RawElementIterator raw_end() const {
return RawElementIterator(*this, size());
// Constructs a dense elements attribute from an array of raw APInt values.
// Each APInt value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the element type
// of 'type'.
static DenseElementsAttr get(VectorOrTensorType type, ArrayRef<APInt> values);
/// An attribute that represents a reference to a dense integer vector or tensor
/// object.
class DenseIntElementsAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<DenseIntElementsAttr, DenseElementsAttr,
detail::DenseElementsAttributeStorage> {
/// DenseIntElementsAttr iterates on APInt, so we can use the raw element
/// iterator directly.
using iterator = DenseElementsAttr::RawElementIterator;
using Base::Base;
using DenseElementsAttr::get;
using DenseElementsAttr::getValues;
/// Constructs a dense integer elements attribute from an array of APInt
/// values. Each APInt value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
/// element type of 'type'.
static DenseIntElementsAttr get(VectorOrTensorType type,
ArrayRef<APInt> values);
/// Constructs a dense integer elements attribute from an array of integer
/// values. Each value is expected to be within the bitwidth of the element
/// type of 'type'.
static DenseIntElementsAttr get(VectorOrTensorType type,
ArrayRef<int64_t> values);
/// Gets the integer value of each of the dense elements.
void getValues(SmallVectorImpl<APInt> &values) const;
/// Iterator access to the integer element values.
iterator begin() const { return raw_begin(); }
iterator end() const { return raw_end(); }
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::DenseIntElements;
/// An attribute that represents a reference to a dense float vector or tensor
/// object. Each element is stored as a double.
class DenseFPElementsAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<DenseFPElementsAttr, DenseElementsAttr,
detail::DenseElementsAttributeStorage> {
/// DenseFPElementsAttr iterates on APFloat, so we need to wrap the raw
/// element iterator.
class ElementIterator final
: public llvm::mapped_iterator<RawElementIterator,
std::function<APFloat(const APInt &)>> {
friend DenseFPElementsAttr;
/// Initializes the float element iterator to the specified iterator.
ElementIterator(const llvm::fltSemantics &smt, RawElementIterator it);
using iterator = ElementIterator;
using Base::Base;
using DenseElementsAttr::get;
using DenseElementsAttr::getValues;
// Constructs a dense float elements attribute from an array of APFloat
// values. Each APFloat value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
// element type of 'type'.
static DenseFPElementsAttr get(VectorOrTensorType type,
ArrayRef<APFloat> values);
/// Gets the float value of each of the dense elements.
void getValues(SmallVectorImpl<APFloat> &values) const;
/// Iterator access to the float element values.
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const;
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::DenseFPElements;
/// An opaque attribute that represents a reference to a vector or tensor
/// constant with opaque content. This respresentation is for tensor constants
/// which the compiler may not need to interpret. This attribute is always
/// associated with a particular dialect, which provides a method to convert
/// tensor representation to a non-opaque format.
class OpaqueElementsAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<OpaqueElementsAttr, ElementsAttr,
detail::OpaqueElementsAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using ValueType = StringRef;
static OpaqueElementsAttr get(Dialect *dialect, VectorOrTensorType type,
StringRef bytes);
StringRef getValue() const;
/// Return the value at the given index. If index does not refer to a valid
/// element, then a null attribute is returned.
Attribute getValue(ArrayRef<uint64_t> index) const;
/// Decodes the attribute value using dialect-specific decoding hook.
/// Returns false if decoding is successful. If not, returns true and leaves
/// 'result' argument unspecified.
bool decode(ElementsAttr &result);
/// Returns dialect associated with this opaque constant.
Dialect *getDialect() const;
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::OpaqueElements;
/// An attribute that represents a reference to a sparse vector or tensor
/// object.
/// This class uses COO (coordinate list) encoding to represent the sparse
/// elements in an element attribute. Specifically, the sparse vector/tensor
/// stores the indices and values as two separate dense elements attributes of
/// tensor type (even if the sparse attribute is of vector type, in order to
/// support empty lists). The dense elements attribute indices is a 2-D tensor
/// of 64-bit integer elements with shape [N, ndims], which specifies the
/// indices of the elements in the sparse tensor that contains nonzero values.
/// The dense elements attribute values is a 1-D tensor with shape [N], and it
/// supplies the corresponding values for the indices.
/// For example,
/// `sparse<tensor<3x4xi32>, [[0, 0], [1, 2]], [1, 5]>` represents tensor
/// [[1, 0, 0, 0],
/// [0, 0, 5, 0],
/// [0, 0, 0, 0]].
class SparseElementsAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<SparseElementsAttr, ElementsAttr,
detail::SparseElementsAttributeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static SparseElementsAttr get(VectorOrTensorType type,
DenseIntElementsAttr indices,
DenseElementsAttr values);
DenseIntElementsAttr getIndices() const;
DenseElementsAttr getValues() const;
/// Return the value of the element at the given index.
Attribute getValue(ArrayRef<uint64_t> index) const;
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) {
return kind == StandardAttributes::SparseElements;
template <typename U> bool Attribute::isa() const {
assert(impl && "isa<> used on a null attribute.");
return U::kindof(getKind());
template <typename U> U Attribute::dyn_cast() const {
return isa<U>() ? U(impl) : U(nullptr);
template <typename U> U Attribute::dyn_cast_or_null() const {
return (impl && isa<U>()) ? U(impl) : U(nullptr);
template <typename U> U Attribute::cast() const {
return U(impl);
// Make Attribute hashable.
inline ::llvm::hash_code hash_value(Attribute arg) {
return ::llvm::hash_value(arg.impl);
/// NamedAttribute is used for named attribute lists, it holds an identifier for
/// the name and a value for the attribute. The attribute pointer should always
/// be non-null.
using NamedAttribute = std::pair<Identifier, Attribute>;
/// A NamedAttributeList is used to manage a list of named attributes. This
/// provides simple interfaces for adding/removing/finding attributes from
/// within a raw AttributeListStorage.
/// We assume there will be relatively few attributes on a given function
/// (maybe a dozen or so, but not hundreds or thousands) so we use linear
/// searches for everything.
class NamedAttributeList {
NamedAttributeList() : attrs(nullptr) {}
NamedAttributeList(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes);
/// Return all of the attributes on this operation.
ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> getAttrs() const;
/// Replace the held attributes with ones provided in 'newAttrs'.
void setAttrs(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes);
/// Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
Attribute get(StringRef name) const;
Attribute get(Identifier name) const;
/// If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new
/// value. Otherwise, add a new attribute with the specified name/value.
void set(Identifier name, Attribute value);
enum class RemoveResult { Removed, NotFound };
/// Remove the attribute with the specified name if it exists. The return
/// value indicates whether the attribute was present or not.
RemoveResult remove(Identifier name);
detail::AttributeListStorage *attrs;
} // end namespace mlir.
namespace llvm {
// Attribute hash just like pointers
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::Attribute> {
static mlir::Attribute getEmptyKey() {
auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey();
return mlir::Attribute(static_cast<mlir::Attribute::ImplType *>(pointer));
static mlir::Attribute getTombstoneKey() {
auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey();
return mlir::Attribute(static_cast<mlir::Attribute::ImplType *>(pointer));
static unsigned getHashValue(mlir::Attribute val) {
return mlir::hash_value(val);
static bool isEqual(mlir::Attribute LHS, mlir::Attribute RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
} // namespace llvm