blob: f8d681d2c011e6126cfda1af276f1e717ec8be15 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Mid level API for TPU Embeddings."""
import functools
import math
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Text, Tuple, Union
from absl import logging
from tensorflow.core.framework import attr_value_pb2
from tensorflow.core.protobuf.tpu import tpu_embedding_configuration_pb2
from tensorflow.python.distribute import device_util
from tensorflow.python.distribute import distribute_utils
from tensorflow.python.distribute import distribution_strategy_context
from tensorflow.python.distribute import sharded_variable
from tensorflow.python.distribute import tpu_strategy
from tensorflow.python.eager import context
from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import device as tf_device
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import sparse_tensor
from tensorflow.python.framework.tensor_shape import TensorShape
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import embedding_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope
from tensorflow.python.ops import variables as tf_variables
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_tensor
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import save_context
from tensorflow.python.tpu import tpu
from tensorflow.python.tpu import tpu_embedding_v2_utils
from tensorflow.python.tpu.ops import tpu_ops
from import saveable_hook
from import base
from import tracking
from tensorflow.python.types import core
from tensorflow.python.types import internal as internal_types
from tensorflow.python.util import compat
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
_HOOK_KEY = "TPUEmbedding_saveable"
_NAME_KEY = "_tpu_embedding_layer"
# TODO(bfontain): Cleanup and remove this once there is an implementation of
# sharded variables that can be used in the PSStrategy with optimizers.
# We implement just enough of the of a tf.Variable so that this could be passed
# to an optimizer.
class TPUShardedVariable(sharded_variable.ShardedVariableMixin):
"""A ShardedVariable class for TPU."""
def _in_graph_mode(self):
return self.variables[0]._in_graph_mode # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _unique_id(self):
return self.variables[0]._unique_id # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _distribute_strategy(self):
return self.variables[0]._distribute_strategy # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _shared_name(self):
return self._name
def _add_key_attr(op, name):
op._set_attr(_NAME_KEY, attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(s=compat.as_bytes(name))) # pylint: disable=protected-access
class TPUEmbedding(tracking.AutoTrackable):
"""The TPUEmbedding mid level API.
NOTE: When instantiated under a TPUStrategy, this class can only be created
once per call to `tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system`. If you wish to
re-initialize the embedding engine you must re-initialize the tpu as well.
Doing this will clear any variables from TPU, so ensure you have checkpointed
before you do this. If a further instances of the class are needed,
set the `initialize_tpu_embedding` argument to `False`.
This class can be used to support training large embeddings on TPU. When
creating an instance of this class, you must specify the complete set of
tables and features you expect to lookup in those tables. See the
documentation of `tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TableConfig` and
`tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.FeatureConfig` for more details on the complete
set of options. We will cover the basic usage here.
NOTE: multiple `FeatureConfig` objects can use the same `TableConfig` object,
allowing different features to share the same table:
table_config_one = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TableConfig(
table_config_two = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TableConfig(
feature_config = {
'feature_one': tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.FeatureConfig(
'feature_two': tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.FeatureConfig(
'feature_three': tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.FeatureConfig(
There are two modes under which the `TPUEmbedding` class can used. This
depends on if the class was created under a `TPUStrategy` scope or not.
Under `TPUStrategy`, we allow access to the method `enqueue`, `dequeue` and
`apply_gradients`. We will show examples below of how to use these to train
and evaluate your model. Under CPU, we only access to the `embedding_tables`
property which allow access to the embedding tables so that you can use them
to run model evaluation/prediction on CPU.
First lets look at the `TPUStrategy` mode. Initial setup looks like:
strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(...)
with strategy.scope():
embedding = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding(
When creating a distributed dataset that is to be passed to the enqueue
operation a special input option must be specified:
distributed_dataset = (
dataset_iterator = iter(distributed_dataset)
Different feature inputs can have different shapes. For dense and sparse
tensor, rank 2 and above is supported. For ragged tensor, although only rank 2
is supported, you can specify the output shape to be rank 2 and above. The
output shape specified in the FeatureConfig has the first priority. The input
shape passed in build method has second priority and the input shapes
auto detected from input feature has the lowest priority. The latter two will
be converted to output shapes by omitting the last dimension. If the lower
priority one has output shapes which don't match the former one. A ValueError
will be raised. Only when the former one has undefined output shapes, the
latter one can override.
NOTE: All batches passed to the layer can have different input shapes. But
these input shapes need to match with the output shapes set by either
`FeatureConfig` or build method except for ragged tensor. Only 2D
ragged tensor with output shape set to higher dimensions is allowed as
long as the total number of elements matches. All subsequent calls must have
the same input shapes. In the event that the input shapes cannot be
automatically determined by the enqueue method, you must call
the build method with the input shapes or provide output shapes in the
`FeatureConfig` to initialize the layer.
To use this API on TPU you should use a custom training loop. Below is an
example of a training and evaluation step:
def training_step(dataset_iterator, num_steps):
def tpu_step(tpu_features):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
activations = embedding.dequeue()
model_output = model(activations)
loss = ... # some function of labels and model_output
embedding_gradients = tape.gradient(loss, activations)
# Insert your model gradient and optimizer application here
for _ in tf.range(num_steps):
embedding_features, tpu_features = next(dataset_iterator)
embedding.enqueue(embedding_features, training=True), args=(tpu_features, ))
def evalution_step(dataset_iterator, num_steps):
def tpu_step(tpu_features):
activations = embedding.dequeue()
model_output = model(activations)
# Insert your evaluation code here.
for _ in tf.range(num_steps):
embedding_features, tpu_features = next(dataset_iterator)
embedding.enqueue(embedding_features, training=False), args=(tpu_features, ))
NOTE: The calls to `enqueue` have `training` set to `True` when
`embedding.apply_gradients` is used and set to `False` when
`embedding.apply_gradients` is not present in the function. If you don't
follow this pattern you may cause an error to be raised or the tpu may
In the above examples, we assume that the user has a dataset which returns
a tuple where the first element of the tuple matches the structure of what
was passed as the `feature_config` argument to the object initializer. Also we
utilize `tf.range` to get a `tf.while_loop` in order to increase performance.
When checkpointing your model, you should include your
`tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding` object in the checkpoint. It is a
trackable object and saving it will save the embedding tables and their
optimizer slot variables:
checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(model=model, embedding=embedding)
On CPU, only the `embedding_table` property is usable. This will allow you to
restore a checkpoint to the object and have access to the table variables:
model = model_fn(...)
embedding = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding(
checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(model=model, embedding=embedding)
tables = embedding.embedding_tables
You can now use table in functions like `tf.nn.embedding_lookup` to perform
your embedding lookup and pass to your model.
def __init__(
feature_config: Union[tpu_embedding_v2_utils.FeatureConfig, Iterable], # pylint:disable=g-bare-generic
optimizer: Optional[tpu_embedding_v2_utils._Optimizer], # pylint:disable=protected-access
pipeline_execution_with_tensor_core: bool = False):
"""Creates the TPUEmbedding mid level API object.
strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(...)
with strategy.scope():
embedding = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding(
feature_config: A nested structure of
`tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.FeatureConfig` configs.
optimizer: An instance of one of `tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.SGD`,
`tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.Adagrad` or
`tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.Adam`. When not created under
TPUStrategy may be set to None to avoid the creation of the optimizer
slot variables, useful for optimizing memory consumption when exporting
the model for serving where slot variables aren't needed.
pipeline_execution_with_tensor_core: If True, the TPU embedding
computations will overlap with the TensorCore computations (and hence
will be one step old). Set to True for improved performance.
ValueError: If optimizer is not one of tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.(SGD,
Adam or Adagrad) or None when created under a TPUStrategy.
self._strategy = distribution_strategy_context.get_strategy()
self._using_tpu = isinstance(self._strategy, (tpu_strategy.TPUStrategy,
self._pipeline_execution_with_tensor_core = (
self._feature_config = feature_config
self._output_shapes = []
for feature in nest.flatten(feature_config):
# The TPU embedding ops are slightly inconsistent with how they refer to
# tables:
# * The enqueue op takes a parallel list of tensors for input, one of those
# is the table id for the feature which matches the integer index of the
# table in the proto created by _create_config_proto().
# * The recv_tpu_embedding_activations op emits lookups per table in the
# order from the config proto.
# * The send_tpu_embedding_gradients expects input tensors to be per table
# in the same order as the config proto.
# * Per optimizer load and retrieve ops are specified per table and take the
# table name rather than the table id.
# Thus we must fix a common order to tables and ensure they have unique
# names.
# Set table order here to the order of the first occurence of the table in a
# feature provided by the user. The order of this struct must be fixed
# to provide the user with deterministic behavior over multiple
# instantiations.
self._table_config = []
for feature in nest.flatten(feature_config):
if feature.table not in self._table_config:
# Ensure tables have unique names. Also error check the optimizer as we
# specifically don't do that in the TableConfig class to allow high level
# APIs that are built on this to use strings/other classes to represent
# optimizers (before they are passed to this class).
table_names = []
for i, table in enumerate(self._table_config):
if table.optimizer is None:
# TODO(bfontain) Should we allow some sort of optimizer merging here?
table.optimizer = optimizer
if ((table.optimizer is not None or self._using_tpu) and
not isinstance(table.optimizer, tpu_embedding_v2_utils._Optimizer)): # pylint: disable=protected-access
raise ValueError("{} is an unsupported optimizer class. Please pass an "
"instance of one of the optimizer classes under "
if is None: = "table_{}".format(i)
if in table_names:
raise ValueError("Tables must have a unique name. "
f"Multiple tables with name {} found.")
if self._using_tpu:
# Extract a list of callable learning rates also in fixed order. Each
# table in the confix proto will get a index into this list and we will
# pass this list in the same order after evaluation to the
# send_tpu_embedding_gradients op.
self._dynamic_learning_rates = list({
table.optimizer.learning_rate for table in self._table_config if
# We need to list of host devices for the load/retrieve operations.
self._hosts = get_list_of_hosts(self._strategy)
self._built = False
self._verify_output_shapes_on_enqueue = True
def build(self, per_replica_input_shapes=None, per_replica_batch_size=None): # pylint:disable=g-bare-generic
"""Create the underlying variables and initializes the TPU for embeddings.
This method creates the underlying variables (including slot variables). If
created under a TPUStrategy, this will also initialize the TPU for
This function will automatically get called by enqueue, which will try to
determine your output shapes. If this fails, you must manually
call this method before you call enqueue.
per_replica_input_shapes: A nested structure of The per replica input
shapes that matches the structure of the feature config. The input
shapes should be the same as the input shape of the feature (except for
ragged tensor) Note that it is fixed and the same per replica input
shapes must be used for both training and evaluation. If you want to
calculate this from the global input shapes, you can use
`num_replicas_in_sync` property of your strategy object. May be set to
None if not created under a TPUStrategy.
per_replica_batch_size: (Deprecated) The per replica batch size that you
intend to use. Note that is fixed and the same batch size must be used
for both training and evaluation. If you want to calculate this from the
global batch size, you can use `num_replicas_in_sync` property of your
strategy object. May be set to None if not created under a TPUStrategy.
ValueError: If per_replica_input_shapes is inconsistent with the output
shapes stored in the feature config or the output shapes get from the
input shapes are not fully defined.
RuntimeError: If tpu embedding is already initialized on TPU.
if self._built:
if self._using_tpu:
# If the tpu embedding is already initialized on TPU, raise runtime error.
# Below logic is not added in `initialize_system_for_tpu_embedding`
# because doing exception control flow in graph mode is difficult.
if tpu_ops.is_tpu_embedding_initialized():
raise RuntimeError(
"TPU is already initialized for embeddings. This may be caused by "
"using multiple TPUEmbedding instances in a TPU scope which is "
self._config_proto = self._create_config_proto()"Initializing TPU Embedding engine.")
def load_config():
load_config()"Done initializing TPU Embedding engine.")
# Create and load variables and slot variables into the TPU.
# Note that this is a dict of dicts. Keys to the first dict are table names.
# We would prefer to use TableConfigs, but then these variables won't be
# properly tracked by the tracking API.
self._variables = self._create_variables_and_slots()
self._built = True
# This is internally conditioned self._built and self._using_tpu
def _maybe_build(self,
output_shapes: Optional[Union[List[int], Iterable]] = None): # pylint:disable=g-bare-generic
if not self._built:
# This can be called while tracing a function, so we wrap the
# initialization code with init_scope so it runs eagerly, this means that
# it will not be included the function graph generated by tracing so that
# we can be sure that we only initialize the TPU for embeddings exactly
# once.
with ops.init_scope():
def _get_and_update_output_shapes_from_input(
per_replica_input_shapes: Optional[List[TensorShape]] = None,
per_replica_batch_size: Optional[int] = None):
"""Get and update the per replica output shapes from the input."""
per_replica_output_shapes = None
if per_replica_batch_size and per_replica_input_shapes is None:
"per_replica_batch_size argument will be deprecated, please specify"
"all the input shapes using per_replica_input_shapes argument.")
per_replica_output_shapes = self._get_output_shapes_from_batch_size(
# Update the input shapes if provided.
if per_replica_input_shapes is not None:
if isinstance(per_replica_input_shapes, int):
"Passing batch size to per_replica_input_shapes argument will be"
" deprecated, please specify all the input shapes using"
" per_replica_input_shapes argument.")
per_replica_output_shapes = self._get_output_shapes_from_batch_size(
# Convert the nested structure to list.
per_replica_input_shapes = nest.flatten(per_replica_input_shapes)
per_replica_output_shapes = self._get_output_shapes_from_input_shapes(
if per_replica_output_shapes is not None:
# Check the output shapes with existing output shapes setting.
# Update the output shapes with existing output shapes setting.
# This is necessary Because the output shapes might be missing from
# the feature config, the usr can set it:
# 1. calling the build method
# 2. output shapes auto detected when calling the dequeue method for
# for the first time. The dequeue method will call build method
# with the output shapes.
# Either these two situations will lead to an update to the existing
# output shapes.
# Check if the output shapes are fully defined. This is required in order
# to set them in the feature descriptor field of the tpu embedding config
# proto.
def _get_output_shapes_from_input_shapes(
self, input_shapes: List[TensorShape]) -> List[TensorShape]:
"""Get output shapes from the flattened input shapes list."""
output_shapes = []
for input_shape in input_shapes:
if input_shape.rank is None or input_shape.rank < 2:
raise ValueError(
"Received input tensor of shape {}. Rank must be 2 and above"
return output_shapes
def embedding_tables(
) -> Dict[tpu_embedding_v2_utils.TableConfig, tf_variables.Variable]:
"""Returns a dict of embedding tables, keyed by `TableConfig`.
This property only works when the `TPUEmbedding` object is created under a
non-TPU strategy. This is intended to be used to for CPU based lookup when
creating a serving checkpoint.
A dict of embedding tables, keyed by `TableConfig`.
RuntimeError: If object was created under a `TPUStrategy`.
# We don't support returning tables on TPU due to their sharded nature and
# the fact that when using a TPUStrategy:
# 1. Variables are stale and are only updated when a checkpoint is made.
# 2. Updating the variables won't affect the actual tables on the TPU.
if self._using_tpu:
if save_context.in_save_context():
return {table: self._variables[]["parameters"].variables[0]
for table in self._table_config}
raise RuntimeError("Unable to retrieve embedding tables when using a TPU "
"strategy. If you need access, save your model, "
"create this object under a CPU strategy and restore.")
# Only return the tables and not the slot variables. On CPU this are honest
# tf.Variables.
return {table: self._variables[]["parameters"]
for table in self._table_config}
def _create_config_proto(
) -> tpu_embedding_configuration_pb2.TPUEmbeddingConfiguration:
"""Creates the TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto.
This proto is used to initialize the TPU embedding engine.
A TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto.
config_proto = tpu_embedding_configuration_pb2.TPUEmbeddingConfiguration()
# The tensor core batch size should be the GCD of all the input batch size.
tensor_core_batch_size = self._get_tensor_core_batch_size(
# There are several things that need to be computed here:
# 1. Each table has a num_features, which corresponds to the number of
# output rows per example for this table. Sequence features count for
# their maximum sequence length.
# 2. Learning rate index: the index of the dynamic learning rate for this
# table (if it exists) in the list we created at initialization.
# We don't simply create one learning rate index per table as this has
# extremely bad performance characteristics. The more separate
# optimization configurations we have, the worse the performance will be.
num_features = {table: 0 for table in self._table_config}
for i, feature in enumerate(nest.flatten(self._feature_config)):
num_features[feature.table] += self._get_reduce_prod(
self._output_shapes[i]) // tensor_core_batch_size
# Map each callable dynamic learning rate to its in index in the list.
learning_rate_index = {r: i for i, r in enumerate(
for table in self._table_config:
table_descriptor = config_proto.table_descriptor.add() =
# For small tables, we pad to the number of hosts so that at least one
# id will be assigned to each host.
table_descriptor.vocabulary_size = max(table.vocabulary_size,
table_descriptor.dimension = table.dim
table_descriptor.num_features = num_features[table]
parameters = table_descriptor.optimization_parameters
# We handle the learning rate separately here and don't allow the
# optimization class to handle this, as it doesn't know about dynamic
# rates.
if callable(table.optimizer.learning_rate):
parameters.learning_rate.dynamic.tag = (
parameters.learning_rate.constant = table.optimizer.learning_rate
# Use optimizer to handle the rest of the parameters.
table.optimizer._set_optimization_parameters(parameters) # pylint: disable=protected-access
table_to_id = {table: i for i, table in enumerate(self._table_config)}
# Set feature descriptor field in the config proto.
for feature, output_shape in zip(
nest.flatten(self._feature_config), self._output_shapes):
feature_descriptor = config_proto.feature_descriptor.add()
if =
feature_descriptor.table_id = table_to_id[feature.table]
# The input shape of the feature is the actual shape of the input tensor
# except the last dimension because the last dimension will always be
# reduced.
# Always set mode to training, we override the mode during enqueue.
config_proto.mode = (
config_proto.batch_size_per_tensor_core = tensor_core_batch_size
config_proto.num_hosts = self._strategy.extended.num_hosts
config_proto.num_tensor_cores = self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync
# TODO(bfontain): Allow users to pick MOD for the host sharding.
config_proto.sharding_strategy = (
config_proto.pipeline_execution_with_tensor_core = (
return config_proto
def apply_gradients(self, gradients, name: Optional[Text] = None):
"""Applies the gradient update to the embedding tables.
If a gradient of `None` is passed in any position of the nested structure,
then an gradient update with a zero gradient is applied for that feature.
For optimizers like SGD or Adagrad, this is the same as applying no update
at all. For lazy Adam and other sparsely applied optimizers with decay,
ensure you understand the effect of applying a zero gradient.
strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(...)
with strategy.scope():
embedding = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding(...)
distributed_dataset = (
dataset_iterator = iter(distributed_dataset)
def training_step():
def tpu_step(tpu_features):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
activations = embedding.dequeue()
loss = ... # some computation involving activations
embedding_gradients = tape.gradient(loss, activations)
embedding_features, tpu_features = next(dataset_iterator)
embedding.enqueue(embedding_features, training=True), args=(tpu_features, ))
gradients: A nested structure of gradients, with structure matching the
`feature_config` passed to this object.
name: A name for the underlying op.
RuntimeError: If called when object wasn't created under a `TPUStrategy`
or if not built (either by manually calling build or calling enqueue).
ValueError: If a non-`tf.Tensor` non-`None` gradient is passed in, or a
`tf.Tensor` of the incorrect shape is passed in. Also if
the size of any sequence in `gradients` does not match corresponding
sequence in `feature_config`.
TypeError: If the type of any sequence in `gradients` does not match
corresponding sequence in `feature_config`.
if not self._using_tpu:
raise RuntimeError("apply_gradients is not valid when TPUEmbedding "
"object is not created under a TPUStrategy.")
if not self._built:
raise RuntimeError("apply_gradients called on unbuilt TPUEmbedding "
"object. Please either call enqueue first or manually "
"call the build method.")
nest.assert_same_structure(self._feature_config, gradients)
updated_gradients = []
for (path, gradient), feature, output_shape in zip(
nest.flatten(self._feature_config), self._output_shapes):
full_output_shape = list(output_shape) + [feature.table.dim]
if gradient is not None and not isinstance(gradient, ops.Tensor):
raise ValueError(
f"found non-tensor type: {type(gradient)} at path {path}.")
if gradient is not None:
if gradient.shape != full_output_shape:
raise ValueError("Found gradient of shape {} at path {}. Expected "
"shape {}.".format(gradient.shape, path,
# No gradient for this feature, since we must give a gradient for all
# features, pass in a zero tensor here. Note that this is not correct
# for all optimizers.
"No gradient passed for feature %s, sending zero "
"gradient. This may not be correct behavior for certain "
"optimizers like Adam.", path)
gradient = array_ops.zeros(full_output_shape, dtype=dtypes.float32)
# Some gradients can be passed with op which shape is not correctly set.
# This ensures that the shape of the gradient is correctly set.
array_ops.reshape(gradient, shape=gradient.shape))
op = tpu_ops.send_tpu_embedding_gradients(
math_ops.cast(fn(), dtype=dtypes.float32)
for fn in self._dynamic_learning_rates
# Apply the name tag to the op.
if name is not None:
_add_key_attr(op, name)
def dequeue(self, name: Optional[Text] = None):
"""Get the embedding results.
Returns a nested structure of `tf.Tensor` objects, matching the structure of
the `feature_config` argument to the `TPUEmbedding` class. The output shape
of the tensors is `(*output_shape, dim)`, `dim` is the dimension of the
corresponding `TableConfig`. For output_shape, there are three places where
it can be set.
1. FeatureConfig provided in the __init__ function.
2. Per_replica_output_shapes by directly calling the build method
after initializing the tpu embedding class.
3. Auto detected from the shapes of the input feature.
The priority of these places is the exact same order.
strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(...)
with strategy.scope():
embedding = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding(...)
distributed_dataset = (
dataset_iterator = iter(distributed_dataset)
def training_step():
def tpu_step(tpu_features):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
activations = embedding.dequeue()
loss = ... # some computation involving activations
embedding_gradients = tape.gradient(loss, activations)
embedding_features, tpu_features = next(dataset_iterator)
embedding.enqueue(embedding_features, training=True), args=(tpu_features, ))
name: A name for the underlying op.
A nested structure of tensors, with the same structure as `feature_config`
passed to this instance of the `TPUEmbedding` object.
RuntimeError: If called when object wasn't created under a `TPUStrategy`
or if not built (either by manually calling build or calling enqueue).
if not self._using_tpu:
raise RuntimeError("dequeue is not valid when TPUEmbedding object is not "
"created under a TPUStrategy.")
if not self._built:
raise RuntimeError("dequeue called on unbuilt TPUEmbedding object. "
"Please either call enqueue first or manually call "
"the build method.")
# The activations returned by this op are per feature.
activations = tpu_ops.recv_tpu_embedding_activations(
# Apply the name tag to the op.
if name is not None:
_add_key_attr(activations[0].op, name)
# Pack the list back into the same nested structure as the features.
return nest.pack_sequence_as(self._feature_config, activations)
def _create_variables_and_slots(
) -> Dict[Text, Dict[Text, tf_variables.Variable]]:
"""Create variables for TPU embeddings.
Note under TPUStrategy this will ensure that all creations happen within a
variable creation scope of the sharded variable creator.
A dict of dicts. The outer dict is keyed by the table names and the inner
dicts are keyed by 'parameters' and the slot variable names.
def create_variables(table):
"""Create all variables."""
variable_shape = (table.vocabulary_size, table.dim)
def getter(name, shape, dtype, initializer, trainable):
del shape
# _add_variable_with_custom_getter clears the shape sometimes, so we
# take the global shape from outside the getter.
initial_value = functools.partial(initializer, variable_shape,
return tf_variables.Variable(
def variable_creator(name, initializer, trainable=True):
# use add_variable_with_custom_getter here so that we take advantage of
# the checkpoint loading to allow restore before the variables get
# created which avoids double initialization.
return self._add_variable_with_custom_getter(
parameters = variable_creator(, table.initializer,
trainable=not self._using_tpu)
def slot_creator(name, initializer):
return variable_creator( + "/" + name,
if table.optimizer is not None:
slot_vars = table.optimizer._create_slots(parameters, slot_creator) # pylint: disable=protected-access
slot_vars = {}
slot_vars["parameters"] = parameters
return slot_vars
# Store tables based on name rather than TableConfig as we can't track
# through dicts with non-string keys, i.e. we won't be able to save.
variables = {}
for table in self._table_config:
if not self._using_tpu:
variables[] = create_variables(table)
with variable_scope.variable_creator_scope(
variables[] = create_variables(table)
return variables
def _load_variables(self):
# Only load the variables if we are:
# 1) Using TPU
# 2) Variables are created
# 3) Not in save context (except if running eagerly)
if self._using_tpu and self._built and not (
not context.executing_eagerly() and save_context.in_save_context()):
def _retrieve_variables(self):
# Only retrieve the variables if we are:
# 1) Using TPU
# 2) Variables are created
# 3) Not in save context (except if running eagerly)
if self._using_tpu and self._built and not (
not context.executing_eagerly() and save_context.in_save_context()):
def _gather_saveables_for_checkpoint(
) -> Dict[Text, Callable[[Text], "TPUEmbeddingSaveable"]]:
"""Overrides default Trackable implementation to add load/retrieve hook."""
# This saveable should be here in both TPU and CPU checkpoints, so when on
# CPU, we add the hook with no functions.
# TODO(bfontain): Update restore logic in saver so that these hooks are
# always executed. Once that is done, we can output an empty list when on
# CPU.
def factory(name=_HOOK_KEY):
return TPUEmbeddingSaveable(name, self._load_variables,
return {_HOOK_KEY: factory}
# Some helper functions for the below enqueue function.
def _add_data_for_tensor(self, tensor, weight, indices, values, weights,
int_zeros, float_zeros, path):
if weight is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Weight specified for dense input {}, which is not allowed. "
"Weight will always be 1 in this case.".format(path))
# For tensors, there are no indices and no weights.
values.append(math_ops.cast(array_ops.reshape(tensor, [-1]), dtypes.int32))
def _add_data_for_sparse_tensor(self, tensor, weight, indices, values,
weights, int_zeros, float_zeros, path,
sample_indices = math_ops.cast(tensor.indices, dtypes.int32)
if tensor.shape.rank == 2:
if not feature.output_shape and feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
# Add one dimension to the last axis.
sample_indices = array_ops.pad(
sample_indices, paddings=[[0, 0], [0, 1]])
values.append(math_ops.cast(tensor.values, dtypes.int32))
# If we have weights they must be a SparseTensor.
if weight is not None:
if not isinstance(weight, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor):
raise ValueError("Weight for {} is type {} which does not match "
"type input which is SparseTensor.".format(
path, type(weight)))
weights.append(math_ops.cast(weight.values, dtypes.float32))
def _add_data_for_ragged_tensor(self, tensor, weight, row_lengths, values,
weights, int_zeros, float_zeros, path,
row_lengths.append(math_ops.cast(tensor.row_lengths(), dtypes.int32))
values.append(math_ops.cast(tensor.values, dtypes.int32))
# If we have weights they must be a RaggedTensor.
if weight is not None:
if not isinstance(weight, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
raise ValueError("Weight for {} is type {} which does not match "
"type input which is RaggedTensor.".format(
path, type(weight)))
weights.append(math_ops.cast(weight.values, dtypes.float32))
def _generate_enqueue_op(
flat_inputs: List[internal_types.NativeObject],
flat_weights: List[Optional[internal_types.NativeObject]],
flat_features: List[tpu_embedding_v2_utils.FeatureConfig],
device_ordinal: int,
mode_override: Text
) -> ops.Operation:
"""Outputs a the enqueue op given the inputs and weights.
flat_inputs: A list of input tensors.
flat_weights: A list of input weights (or None) of the same length as
flat_features: A list of FeatureConfigs of the same length as flat_inputs.
device_ordinal: The device to create the enqueue op for.
mode_override: A tensor containing the string "train" or "inference".
The enqueue op.
# Combiners are per table, list in the same order as the table order.
combiners = [table.combiner for table in self._table_config]
# These parallel arrays will be the inputs to the enqueue op.
# sample_indices for sparse, row_lengths for ragged.
indices_or_row_lengths = []
values = []
weights = []
# We have to supply a empty/zero tensor in a list position where we don't
# have data (e.g. indices for standard Tensor input, weight when no weight
# is specified). We create one op here per call, so that we reduce the
# graph size.
int_zeros = array_ops.zeros((0,), dtype=dtypes.int32)
float_zeros = array_ops.zeros((0,), dtype=dtypes.float32)
# In the following loop we insert casts so that everything is either int32
# or float32. This is because op inputs which are lists of tensors must be
# of the same type within the list. Moreover the CPU implementations of
# these ops cast to these types anyway, so we don't lose any data by casting
# early.
for inp, weight, (path, feature) in zip(
flat_inputs, flat_weights, flat_features):
if isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor):
self._add_data_for_tensor(inp, weight, indices_or_row_lengths, values,
weights, int_zeros, float_zeros, path)
elif isinstance(inp, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor):
self._add_data_for_sparse_tensor(inp, weight, indices_or_row_lengths,
values, weights, int_zeros,
float_zeros, path, feature)
elif isinstance(inp, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
self._add_data_for_ragged_tensor(inp, weight, indices_or_row_lengths,
values, weights, int_zeros,
float_zeros, path, feature)
raise ValueError("Input {} is of unknown type {}. Please only pass "
"Tensor, SparseTensor or RaggedTensor as input to "
"enqueue.".format(path, type(inp)))
return tpu_ops.enqueue_tpu_embedding_arbitrary_tensor_batch(
def _raise_error_for_incorrect_control_flow_context(self):
"""Raises an error if we are not in the TPUReplicateContext."""
# Do not allow any XLA control flow (i.e. control flow in between a
# TPUStrategy's run call and the call to this function), as we can't
# extract the enqueue from the head when in XLA control flow.
graph = ops.get_default_graph()
in_tpu_ctx = False
while graph is not None:
ctx = graph._get_control_flow_context() # pylint: disable=protected-access
while ctx is not None:
if isinstance(ctx, tpu.TPUReplicateContext):
in_tpu_ctx = True
ctx = ctx.outer_context
if in_tpu_ctx:
graph = getattr(graph, "outer_graph", None)
if graph != ops.get_default_graph() and in_tpu_ctx:
raise RuntimeError(
"Current graph {} does not match graph which contains "
"TPUReplicateContext {}. This is most likely due to the fact that "
"enqueueing embedding data is called inside control flow or a "
"nested function inside ``. This is not supported "
"because outside compilation fails to extract the enqueue ops as "
"head of computation.".format(ops.get_default_graph(), graph))
return in_tpu_ctx
def _raise_error_for_non_direct_inputs(self, features):
"""Checks all tensors in features to see if they are a direct input."""
# expand_composites here is important: as composite tensors pass through
# tpu.replicate, they get 'flattened' into their component tensors and then
# repacked before being passed to the tpu function. In means that it is the
# component tensors which are produced by an op with the
# "_tpu_input_identity" attribute.
for path, input_tensor in nest.flatten_with_joined_string_paths(
features, expand_composites=True):
if input_tensor.op.type == "Placeholder":
is_input = input_tensor.op.get_attr("_tpu_input_identity")
except ValueError:
is_input = False
if not is_input:
raise ValueError(
"Received input tensor {} which is the output of op {} (type {}) "
"which does not have the `_tpu_input_identity` attr. Please "
"ensure that the inputs to this layer are taken directly from "
"the arguments of the function called by "
" Two possible causes are: dynamic batch size "
"support or you are using a keras layer and are not passing "
"tensors which match the dtype of the `tf.keras.Input`s."
"If you are triggering dynamic batch size support, you can "
"disable it by passing tf.distribute.RunOptions("
"experimental_enable_dynamic_batch_size=False) to the options "
"argument of".format(path,,
def _raise_error_for_inputs_not_on_cpu(self, flat_inputs, flat_paths):
"""Checks all tensors in features to see are placed on the CPU."""
def check_device(path, device_string):
spec = tf_device.DeviceSpec.from_string(device_string)
if spec.device_type == "TPU":
raise ValueError(
"Received input tensor {} which is on a TPU input device {}. Input "
"tensors for TPU embeddings must be placed on the CPU. Please "
"ensure that your dataset is prefetching tensors to the host by "
"setting the 'experimental_fetch_to_device' option of the "
"dataset distribution function. See the documentation of the "
"enqueue method for an example.".format(path, device_string))
# expand_composites here is important, we need to check the device of each
# underlying tensor.
for input_tensor, input_path in zip(flat_inputs, flat_paths):
if nest.is_nested_or_composite(input_tensor):
input_tensors = nest.flatten(input_tensor, expand_composites=True)
input_tensors = [input_tensor]
for t in input_tensors:
if (t.op.type == "Identity" and
t.op.inputs[0].op.type == "TPUReplicatedInput"):
for tensor in t.op.inputs[0].op.inputs:
check_device(input_path, tensor.device)
check_device(input_path, t.device)
def enqueue(
training: bool = True,
name: Optional[Text] = None,
device: Optional[Text] = None):
"""Enqueues id tensors for embedding lookup.
This function enqueues a structure of features to be looked up in the
embedding tables. We expect that the input shapes of each of the tensors in
features matches the output shapes set via FeatureConfig or build method
(if any). the output shapes will be auto detected based on the input shapes
with the max_sequence_length or output shape setting in the FeatureConfig.
Note that the output shapes is based on per replica batch size.
If your input dataset is batched to the global batch size and you use
`tf.distribute.TPUStrategy`'s `experimental_distribute_dataset`
or if you use `distribute_datasets_from_function` and batch
to the per core batch size computed by the context passed to your input
function, the output shapes should match automatically.
The auto detected the output shapes:
1. For dense tensor, make sure the tensor has last dimension as 1. The
output shape will be the input shape excluding the last dimension.
2. For sparse tensor, make sure the tensor has rank 2 and above.
a. If feature config has max_sequence_length equals 0 or output shape
set (the max_sequence_length setting will be ignored), the
output shape will be the input shape excluding the last dimension.
b. Otherwize if the tensor is rank 2, the output shape will be input
shape with last dimension set as max_sequence_length. If the
tensor is above rank 2, the output shape will be the input shape
excluding the last dimension and the last dimension of the output
shape will be set to max_sequence_length.
3. For ragged tensor, make sure the tensor has rank 2.
a. If feature config has max_sequence_length equals 0 or output shape
set (the max_sequence_length setting will be ignored), the
output shape will be the input shape excluding the last dimension.
b. Otherwise, the output shape will be the input shape excluding the
last dimension and the last dimension of the output shape will be
set to max_sequence_length.
strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(...)
with strategy.scope():
embedding = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding(...)
distributed_dataset = (
dataset_iterator = iter(distributed_dataset)
def training_step():
def tpu_step(tpu_features):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
activations = embedding.dequeue()
loss = ... # some computation involving activations
embedding_gradients = tape.gradient(loss, activations)
embedding_features, tpu_features = next(dataset_iterator)
embedding.enqueue(embedding_features, training=True), args=(tpu_features,))
NOTE: You should specify `training=True` when using
`embedding.apply_gradients` as above and `training=False` when not using
`embedding.apply_gradients` (e.g. for frozen embeddings or when doing
For finer grained control, in the above example the line
embedding.enqueue(embedding_features, training=True)
may be replaced with
per_core_embedding_features = self.strategy.experimental_local_results(
def per_core_enqueue(ctx):
core_id = ctx.replica_id_in_sync_group
device = strategy.extended.worker_devices[core_id]
features: A nested structure of `tf.Tensor`s, `tf.SparseTensor`s or
`tf.RaggedTensor`s, with the same structure as `feature_config`. Inputs
will be downcast to `tf.int32`. Only one type out of `tf.SparseTensor`
or `tf.RaggedTensor` is supported per call.
weights: If not `None`, a nested structure of `tf.Tensor`s,
`tf.SparseTensor`s or `tf.RaggedTensor`s, matching the above, except
that the tensors should be of float type (and they will be downcast to
`tf.float32`). For `tf.SparseTensor`s we assume the `indices` are the
same for the parallel entries from `features` and similarly for
`tf.RaggedTensor`s we assume the row_splits are the same.
training: Defaults to `True`. If `False`, enqueue the batch as inference
batch (forward pass only). Do not call `apply_gradients` when this is
`False` as this may lead to a deadlock.
name: A name for the underlying op.
device: The device name (e.g. '/task:0/device:TPU:2') where this batch
should be enqueued. This should be set if and only if features is not a
`tf.distribute.DistributedValues` and enqueue is not being called
inside a TPU context (e.g. inside ``).
ValueError: When called inside a call and input is not
directly taken from the args of the `` call. Also if
the size of any sequence in `features` does not match corresponding
sequence in `feature_config`. Similarly for `weights`, if not `None`.
If input shapes of features is unequal or different from a previous
RuntimeError: When called inside a call and inside XLA
control flow. If batch_size is not able to be determined and build was
not called.
TypeError: If the type of any sequence in `features` does not match
corresponding sequence in `feature_config`. Similarly for `weights`, if
not `None`.
if not self._using_tpu:
raise RuntimeError("enqueue is not valid when TPUEmbedding object is not "
"created under a TPUStrategy.")
in_tpu_context = self._raise_error_for_incorrect_control_flow_context()
nest.assert_same_structure(self._feature_config, features)
if not self._verify_output_shapes_on_enqueue:
if not self._output_shapes or not self._built:
raise ValueError(
"Configured not to check output shapes on each enqueue() call; please "
"ensure build() was called with output shapes to initialize "
"the TPU for embeddings.")
input_shapes = self._get_input_shapes(features, in_tpu_context)
# If is already built, we still need to check if the output shapes matches
# with the previous ones.
flat_inputs = nest.flatten(features)
flat_weights = [None] * len(flat_inputs)
if weights is not None:
nest.assert_same_structure(self._feature_config, weights)
flat_weights = nest.flatten(weights)
flat_features = nest.flatten_with_joined_string_paths(self._feature_config)
flat_paths, _ = zip(*flat_features)
self._raise_error_for_inputs_not_on_cpu(flat_inputs, flat_paths)
# If we are in a tpu_context, automatically apply outside compilation.
if in_tpu_context:
def generate_enqueue_ops():
"""Generate enqueue ops for outside compilation."""
# Note that we put array_ops.where_v2 rather than a python if so that
# the op is explicitly create and the constant ops are both in the graph
# even though we don't expect training to be a tensor (and thus generate
# control flow automatically). This need to make it easier to re-write
# the graph later if we need to fix which mode needs to be used.
mode_override = array_ops.where_v2(training,
# Device ordinal is -1 here, a later rewrite will fix this once the op
# is expanded by outside compilation.
enqueue_op = self._generate_enqueue_op(
flat_inputs, flat_weights, flat_features, device_ordinal=-1,
# Apply the name tag to the op.
if name is not None:
_add_key_attr(enqueue_op, name)
# Ensure that this op has outbound control flow, otherwise it won't be
# executed.
elif device is None:
mode_override = "train" if training else "inference"
# We generate enqueue ops per device, so we need to gather the all
# features for a single device in to a dict.
# We rely here on the fact that the devices in the PerReplica value occur
# in the same (standard) order as self._strategy.extended.worker_devices.
enqueue_ops = []
for replica_id in range(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync):
replica_inputs = distribute_utils.select_replica(replica_id,
replica_weights = distribute_utils.select_replica(replica_id,
tpu_device = self._strategy.extended.worker_devices[replica_id]
# TPU devices string are like /job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:0
# the device ordinal is the last number
device_ordinal = (
with ops.device(device_util.get_host_for_device(tpu_device)):
enqueue_op = self._generate_enqueue_op(
replica_inputs, replica_weights, flat_features,
device_ordinal=device_ordinal, mode_override=mode_override)
# Apply the name tag to the op.
if name is not None:
_add_key_attr(enqueue_op, name)
mode_override = "train" if training else "inference"
device_spec = tf_device.DeviceSpec.from_string(device)
if device_spec.device_type != "TPU":
raise ValueError(
"Non-TPU device {} passed to enqueue.".format(device))
with ops.device(device_util.get_host_for_device(device)):
enqueue_op = self._generate_enqueue_op(
flat_inputs, flat_weights, flat_features,
# Apply the name tag to the op.
if name is not None:
_add_key_attr(enqueue_op, name)
def _get_input_shapes(self, tensors,
in_tpu_context: bool) -> List[TensorShape]:
"""Get the input shapes from the input tensor."""
input_shapes = []
for (path, maybe_tensor), feature in zip(
if not in_tpu_context:
tensor = distribute_utils.select_replica(0, maybe_tensor)
tensor = maybe_tensor
if isinstance(tensor, ops.Tensor):
self._get_input_shape_for_tensor(tensor, feature, path))
elif isinstance(tensor, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor):
self._get_input_shape_for_sparse_tensor(tensor, feature, path))
elif isinstance(tensor, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
self._get_input_shape_for_ragged_tensor(tensor, feature, path))
return input_shapes
def _get_input_shape_for_tensor(self, tensor, feature, path) -> TensorShape:
"""Get the input shape for the dense tensor."""
shape = tensor.shape.as_list()
if len(shape) < 1:
raise ValueError("Only rank 1 and above dense tensor is supported,"
" find rank {} sparse tensor for input {}".format(
len(shape), path))
if shape[-1] != 1:
return TensorShape(shape + [1])
return TensorShape(shape)
def _get_input_shape_for_sparse_tensor(self, tensor, feature,
path) -> TensorShape:
"""Get the input shape for the sparse tensor."""
shape = tensor.shape.as_list()
# Only 2 and above rank sparse tensor is supported.
if len(shape) < 2:
raise ValueError("Only rank 2 and above sparse tensor is supported,"
" find rank {} sparse tensor for input {}".format(
len(shape), path))
if not feature.output_shape and feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
# If the max_sequence_length is set and the output shape for FeatureConfig
# is not set, we modify the shape of the input feature. Only rank 2
# feature output shape is modified
if len(shape) == 2:
# If the sparse tensor is 2D and max_sequence_length is set,
# we need to add one dimension to the input feature.
shape.insert(len(shape) - 1, feature.max_sequence_length)
return TensorShape(shape)
def _get_input_shape_for_ragged_tensor(self, tensor, feature,
path) -> TensorShape:
"""Get the input shape for the ragged tensor."""
shape = tensor.shape.as_list()
# Only rank 2 ragged tensor is supported.
if len(shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("Only rank 2 ragged tensor is supported,"
" find rank {} ragged tensor for input {}".format(
len(shape), path))
if not feature.output_shape and feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
# If the max_sequence_length is set and the output shape for FeatureConfig
# is not set, add the sequence length as second last dimension of
# the ragged tensor.
shape.insert(len(shape) - 1, feature.max_sequence_length)
return TensorShape(shape)
def _get_tensor_core_batch_size(self, output_shapes):
"""Get the tensor core batch size based on the output shapes."""
tensor_core_batch_size = self._get_reduce_prod(output_shapes[0])
for output_shape in output_shapes[1:]:
tensor_core_batch_size = math.gcd(tensor_core_batch_size,
return tensor_core_batch_size
def _get_reduce_prod(self, shape: TensorShape) -> int:
"""Get the reduce prod of a tensorshape."""
result = 1
for dim in shape.as_list():
result *= dim
return result
def _update_output_shapes(self, incoming_output_shapes: List[TensorShape]):
"""Update the existing output shapes based on the new output shapes.
The existing output shapes always have higher piority than the new incoming
output shapes.
incoming_output_shapes: nested structure of TensorShape to override the
existing output shapes.
nest.assert_same_structure(self._output_shapes, incoming_output_shapes)
updated_output_shapes = []
for old_output_shape, incoming_output_shape in zip(self._output_shapes,
if old_output_shape:
self._output_shapes = updated_output_shapes
def _check_output_shapes(self, incoming_output_shapes: List[TensorShape]):
"""Check the incoming output shapes against the output shapes stored."""
# The incoming output shape should have the same structure with the existing
# output shapes.
nest.assert_same_structure(self._output_shapes, incoming_output_shapes)
for (path, feature), old_output_shape, incoming_output_shape in zip(
self._output_shapes, incoming_output_shapes):
# First check if both shapes are not None.
if old_output_shape and incoming_output_shape:
# We skip the check when the incoming output shape is rank 1 or 2 and
# rank of the old output shape is larger. This can happen for
# (sequence) ragged tensor, we push the check down to the enqueue op.
if (len(incoming_output_shape) == 1 or len(incoming_output_shape)
== 2) and len(old_output_shape) > len(incoming_output_shape):
if len(old_output_shape) != len(
incoming_output_shape) or not self._is_tensor_shape_match(
old_output_shape, incoming_output_shape):
raise ValueError(
f"Inconsistent shape founded for input feature {path}, "
f"Output shape is set to be {old_output_shape}, "
f"But got incoming output shape {incoming_output_shape}")
def _check_output_shapes_fully_defined(self):
"""Check if the output shape is fully defined."""
for (path, feature), output_shape in zip(
if not output_shape.is_fully_defined():
raise ValueError(
f"Input Feature {path} has output shape set as"
f"{output_shape} which is not fully defined. "
"Please specify the fully defined shape in either FeatureConfig"
"or for the build method.")
def _is_tensor_shape_match(self, shape_a: TensorShape,
shape_b: TensorShape) -> bool:
"""Check if shape b matches with shape a."""
for s_a, s_b in zip(shape_a.as_list(), shape_b.as_list()):
if s_a and s_b and s_a != s_b:
return False
return True
def _get_output_shapes_from_batch_size(self, per_replica_batch_size):
"""Get the output shapes from the batch size."""
output_shapes = []
for feature in nest.flatten(self._feature_config):
if not feature.output_shape and feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
TensorShape([per_replica_batch_size, feature.max_sequence_length]))
return output_shapes
def _load_variables_impl(
config: Text,
hosts: List[Tuple[int, Text]],
variables: Dict[Text, Dict[Text, tf_variables.Variable]],
table_config: tpu_embedding_v2_utils.TableConfig):
"""Load embedding tables to onto TPU for each table and host.
config: A serialized TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto.
hosts: A list of CPU devices, on per host.
variables: A dictionary of dictionaries of TPUShardedVariables. First key is
the table name, second key is 'parameters' or the optimizer slot name.
table_config: A list of tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TableConfig objects.
def select_fn(host_id):
def select_or_zeros(x):
if host_id >= len(x.variables):
# In the edge case where we have more hosts than variables, due to using
# a small number of rows, we load zeros for the later hosts. We copy
# the shape of the first host's variables, which we assume is defined
# because TableConfig guarantees at least one row.
return array_ops.zeros_like(x.variables[0])
return x.variables[host_id]
return select_or_zeros
for host_id, host in enumerate(hosts):
with ops.device(host):
host_variables = nest.map_structure(select_fn(host_id), variables)
for table in table_config:
table.optimizer._load()( # pylint: disable=protected-access,
# Ensure that only the first table/first host gets a config so that we
# don't bloat graph by attaching this large string to each op.
# We have num tables * num hosts of these so for models with a large
# number of tables training on a large slice, this can be an issue.
config = None
def _retrieve_variables_impl(
config: Text,
hosts: List[Tuple[int, Text]],
variables: Dict[Text, Dict[Text, tf_variables.Variable]],
table_config: tpu_embedding_v2_utils.TableConfig):
"""Retrieve embedding tables from TPU to host memory.
config: A serialized TPUEmbeddingConfiguration proto.
hosts: A list of all the host CPU devices.
variables: A dictionary of dictionaries of TPUShardedVariables. First key is
the table name, second key is 'parameters' or the optimizer slot name.
table_config: A list of tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TableConfig objects.
for host_id, host in enumerate(hosts):
with ops.device(host):
for table in table_config:
retrieved = table.optimizer._retrieve()( # pylint: disable=protected-access,
# When there are no slot variables (e.g with SGD) this returns a
# single tensor rather than a tuple. In this case we put the tensor in
# a list to make the following code easier to write.
if not isinstance(retrieved, tuple):
retrieved = (retrieved,)
for i, slot in enumerate(["parameters"] +
table.optimizer._slot_names()): # pylint: disable=protected-access
# We must assign the CPU variables the values of tensors that were
# returned from the TPU.
sharded_var = variables[][slot]
if host_id < len(sharded_var.variables):
# In the edge case where we have more hosts than variables, due to
# using a small number of rows, we skip the later hosts.
# Ensure that only the first table/first host gets a config so that we
# don't bloat graph by attaching this large string to each op.
# We have num tables * num hosts of these so for models with a large
# number of tables training on a large slice, this can be an issue.
config = None
class TPUEmbeddingSaveable(saveable_hook.SaveableHook):
"""Save/Restore hook to Retrieve/Load TPUEmbedding variables."""
def __init__(
name: Text,
load: Callable[[], Any],
retrieve: Callable[[], Any]):
self._load = load
self._retrieve = retrieve
super(TPUEmbeddingSaveable, self).__init__(name=name)
def before_save(self):
if self._retrieve is not None:
def after_restore(self):
if self._load is not None:
def _ragged_embedding_lookup_with_reduce(
table: tf_variables.Variable,
ragged: ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor,
weights: ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor,
combiner: Text) -> core.Tensor:
"""Compute a ragged lookup followed by a reduce on axis 1.
table: The embedding table.
ragged: A RaggedTensor of ids to look up.
weights: A RaggedTensor of weights (or None).
combiner: One of "mean", "sum", "sqrtn".
A Tensor.
if weights is None:
weights = array_ops.ones_like(ragged, dtype=table.dtype)
weights = array_ops.expand_dims(weights, axis=2)
ragged_result = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_ragged(table, ragged)
ragged_result = math_ops.reduce_sum(ragged_result * weights, axis=1)
if combiner == "mean":
ragged_result = ragged_result / math_ops.reduce_sum(weights, axis=1)
elif combiner == "sqrtn":
ragged_result = ragged_result, math_ops.sqrt(math_ops.reduce_sum(
weights*weights, axis=1))
return ragged_result
def cpu_embedding_lookup(inputs, weights, tables, feature_config):
"""Apply standard lookup ops with `tf.tpu.experimental.embedding` configs.
This function is a utility which allows using the
`tf.tpu.experimental.embedding` config objects with standard lookup functions.
This can be used when exporting a model which uses
`tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding` for serving on CPU. In particular
`tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding` only supports lookups on TPUs and
should not be part of your serving graph.
Note that TPU specific options (such as `max_sequence_length`) in the
configuration objects will be ignored.
In the following example we take a trained model (see the documentation for
`tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding` for the context) and create a
saved model with a serving function that will perform the embedding lookup and
pass the results to your model:
model = model_fn(...)
embedding = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding(
checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(model=model, embedding=embedding)
@tf.function(input_signature=[{'feature_one': tf.TensorSpec(...),
'feature_two': tf.TensorSpec(...),
'feature_three': tf.TensorSpec(...)}])
def serve_tensors(embedding_features):
embedded_features = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.serving_embedding_lookup(
embedding_features, None, embedding.embedding_tables,
return model(embedded_features)
model.embedding_api = embedding,
signatures={'serving_default': serve_tensors})
NOTE: Its important to assign the embedding api object to a member of your
model as `` only supports saving variables one `Trackable`
object. Since the model's weights are in `model` and the embedding table are
managed by `embedding`, we assign `embedding` to and attribute of `model` so
that can find the embedding variables.
NOTE: The same `serve_tensors` function and `` call will
work directly from training.
inputs: a nested structure of Tensors, SparseTensors or RaggedTensors.
weights: a nested structure of Tensors, SparseTensors or RaggedTensors or
None for no weights. If not None, structure must match that of inputs, but
entries are allowed to be None.
tables: a dict of mapping TableConfig objects to Variables.
feature_config: a nested structure of FeatureConfig objects with the same
structure as inputs.
A nested structure of Tensors with the same structure as inputs.
nest.assert_same_structure(inputs, feature_config)
flat_inputs = nest.flatten(inputs)
flat_weights = [None] * len(flat_inputs)
if weights is not None:
nest.assert_same_structure(inputs, weights)
flat_weights = nest.flatten(weights)
flat_features = nest.flatten_with_joined_string_paths(feature_config)
outputs = []
for inp, weight, (path, feature) in zip(
flat_inputs, flat_weights, flat_features):
table = tables[feature.table]
if weight is not None:
if isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor):
raise ValueError(
"Weight specified for {}, but input is dense.".format(path))
elif type(weight) is not type(inp):
raise ValueError(
"Weight for {} is of type {} but it does not match type of the "
"input which is {}.".format(path, type(weight), type(inp)))
elif feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
raise ValueError("Weight specified for {}, but this is a sequence "
if isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor):
if feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
raise ValueError("Feature {} is a sequence feature but a dense tensor "
"was passed.".format(path))
outputs.append(embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(table, inp))
elif isinstance(inp, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor):
if feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
batch_size = math_ops.cast(array_ops.shape(inp)[0], dtype=dtypes.int64)
sparse_shape = array_ops.stack(
[batch_size, feature.max_sequence_length], axis=0)
# TPU Embedding truncates sequences to max_sequence_length, and if we
# don't truncate, scatter_nd will error out if the index was out of
# bounds.
truncated_inp = sparse_ops.sparse_slice(inp, start=[0, 0],
dense_output_shape = array_ops.stack(
[batch_size, feature.max_sequence_length, feature.table.dim],
array_ops.gather(table.read_value(), truncated_inp.values),
inp_rank = inp.dense_shape.get_shape()[0]
if (not feature.validate_weights_and_indices and
inp_rank is not None and inp_rank <= 2):
elif isinstance(inp, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
if feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
batch_size = inp.shape[0]
dense_output_shape = [
batch_size, feature.max_sequence_length, feature.table.dim]
ragged_lookup = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(table, inp)
# Unlike scatter_nd, RaggedTensor.to_tensor truncates to the given
# shape.
table, inp, weight, feature.table.combiner))
raise ValueError("Input {} is type {}. Tensor, SparseTensor or "
"RaggedTensor expected.".format(path, type(inp)))
return nest.pack_sequence_as(feature_config, outputs)
def get_list_of_hosts(strategy: tpu_strategy.TPUStrategy) -> List[Text]:
"""Returns a sorted list of CPU devices for the remote jobs.
strategy: A TPUStrategy object.
A sort list of device strings.
list_of_hosts = []
# Assume this is sorted by task
for tpu_device in strategy.extended.worker_devices:
host = device_util.get_host_for_device(tpu_device)
if host not in list_of_hosts:
assert len(list_of_hosts) == strategy.extended.num_hosts
return list_of_hosts
def extract_variable_info(
kwargs) -> Tuple[Text, Tuple[int, ...], dtypes.DType, Callable[[], Any]]:
"""Extracts the variable creation attributes from the kwargs.
kwargs: a dict of keyword arguments that were passed to a variable creator
A tuple of variable name, shape, dtype, initialization function.
if (isinstance(kwargs["initial_value"], functools.partial) and (
"shape" in kwargs["initial_value"].keywords or
# Sometimes shape is passed positionally, sometimes it's passed as a kwarg.
if "shape" in kwargs["initial_value"].keywords:
shape = kwargs["initial_value"].keywords["shape"]
shape = kwargs["initial_value"].args[0]
return (kwargs["name"], shape,
kwargs["initial_value"].keywords.get("dtype", kwargs["dtype"]),
elif "shape" not in kwargs or kwargs["shape"] is None or not callable(
raise ValueError(
"Unable to extract initializer function and shape from {}. Please "
"either pass a function that expects a shape and dtype as the "
"initial value for your variable or functools.partial object with "
"the shape and dtype kwargs set. This is needed so that we can "
"initialize the shards of the ShardedVariable locally.".format(
return (kwargs["name"], kwargs["shape"], kwargs["dtype"],
def make_sharded_variable_creator(
hosts: List[Text]) -> Callable[..., TPUShardedVariable]:
"""Makes a sharded variable creator given a list of hosts.
hosts: a list of tensorflow devices on which to shard the tensors.
A variable creator function.
def sharded_variable_creator(
next_creator: Callable[..., tf_variables.Variable], *args, **kwargs):
"""The sharded variable creator."""
kwargs["skip_mirrored_creator"] = True
num_hosts = len(hosts)
name, shape, dtype, unwrapped_initial_value = extract_variable_info(kwargs)
initial_value = kwargs["initial_value"]
rows = shape[0]
cols = shape[1]
partial_partition = rows % num_hosts
full_rows_per_host = rows // num_hosts
# We partition as if we were using MOD sharding: at least
# `full_rows_per_host` rows to `num_hosts` hosts, where the first
# `partial_partition` hosts get an additional row when the number of rows
# is not cleanly divisible. Note that `full_rows_per_host` may be zero.
partitions = (
[full_rows_per_host + 1] * partial_partition
+ [full_rows_per_host] * (num_hosts - partial_partition))
variables = []
sharding_aware = "shard_info" in tf_inspect.getargspec(initial_value).args
# Keep track of offset for sharding aware initializers.
offset = 0
kwargs["dtype"] = dtype
for i, p in enumerate(partitions):
if p == 0:
# Skip variable creation for empty partitions, resulting from the edge
# case of 'rows < num_hosts'. This is safe because both load/restore
# can handle the missing values.
with ops.device(hosts[i]):
kwargs["name"] = "{}_{}".format(name, i)
kwargs["shape"] = (p, cols)
if sharding_aware:
shard_info = base.ShardInfo(kwargs["shape"], (offset, 0))
kwargs["initial_value"] = functools.partial(
initial_value, shard_info=shard_info)
offset += p
kwargs["initial_value"] = functools.partial(
unwrapped_initial_value, kwargs["shape"], dtype=dtype)
variables.append(next_creator(*args, **kwargs))
return TPUShardedVariable(variables, name=name)
return sharded_variable_creator