blob: 5b579446c7f18d832e4a05506ad16a2e6a3ada29 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- - Base op definition file ---------------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This is the base operation definition file.
// Types.
// Base class for all types.
class Type;
// Integer types.
class I<int width> : Type {
int bitwidth = width;
def I1 : I<1>;
def I32 : I<32>;
// Floating point types.
class F<int width> : Type {
int bitwidth = width;
def F32 : F<32>;
// Vector types.
class Vector<Type t, list<int> dims> : Type {
Type elementType = t;
list<int> dimensions = dims;
// Tensor type.
// This represents a generic tensor without constraints on elemental type,
// rank, size.
def Tensor : Type;
// String type.
def String : Type;
def DerivedAttrBody : Type;
// Attributes
// Base class for all attributes.
class Attr<Type t> {
Type type = t;
code storageType = ?; // The backing mlir::Attribute type
code returnType = ?; // The underlying C++ value type
// Define converter method to convert from the storage type to the return
// type. For example, an enum can be stored as an int but returned as an
// enum class.
// Format: {0} will be expanded to the attribute. So
// '{0}.getValue().convertToFloat()' for 'FloatAttr val' will expand to
// 'getAttrOfType<FloatAttr>("val").getValue().convertToFloat()'.
code convertFromStorage = "{0}.getValue()";
def BoolAttr : Attr<I1> {
let storageType = [{ BoolAttr }];
let returnType = [{ bool }];
def ElementsAttr : Attr<?> {
let storageType = [{ ElementsAttr }];
let returnType = [{ ElementsAttr }];
code convertFromStorage = "{0}";
def F32Attr : Attr<F32> {
let storageType = [{ FloatAttr }];
let returnType = [{ float }];
let convertFromStorage = [{ {0}.getValue().convertToFloat() }];
def I32Attr : Attr<I32> {
let storageType = [{ IntegerAttr }];
let returnType = [{ int }];
let convertFromStorage = [{ {0}.getValue().getSExtValue() }];
def StrAttr : Attr<String> {
let storageType = [{ StringAttr }];
let returnType = [{ StringRef }];
// DerivedAttr are attributes whose value is computed from properties
// of the operation. They do not require additional storage and are
// materialized as needed.
class DerivedAttr<code ReturnType, code Body> : Attr<DerivedAttrBody> {
let returnType = ReturnType;
code body = Body;
// Op Properties
class OpProperty;
// Note: These are hard coded into mlir-op-gen.
def Commutative : OpProperty; // X op Y == Y op X
def NoSideEffect : OpProperty; // op has no side effect
// Ops
// Marker used to identify the argument list for an op.
def ins;
// Base class for all ops.
class Op<string mnemonic, list<OpProperty> props = []> {
// The mnemonic of the op.
string opName = mnemonic;
// One-line human-readable description of what the op does.
string summary = ?;
// Additional, longer human-readable description of what the op does.
string description = ?;
// Dag containting the arguments of the op. Default 0 arguments.
dag arguments = (ins);
// The list of return types of the op. Default no return type set.
list<Type> returnTypes = [];
// Attribute getters can be added to the op by adding an Attr member
// with the name and type of the attribute. E.g., adding int attribute
// with name "value" and type "i32":
// I32Attr value;
// Define the hooks used for building, parsing, printing, verification.
// Custom builder.
// If a derived class/def does not override this, then two default builders
// are generated, with the following signatures:
// static void build(Builder* builder, OperationState* result,
// Type resultType0, Type resultType1, ...,
// SSAValue* arg0, SSAValue* arg1, ...,
// Attribute <attr0-name>, Attribute <attr1-name>, ...);
// * where the attributes follow the same declaration order as in the op.
// static void build(Builder* builder, OperationState* result,
// ArrayRef<Type> resultTypes,
// ArrayRef<SSAValue*> args,
// ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes);
code builder = ?;
// Custom parser.
code parser = ?;
// Custom printer.
code printer = ?;
// Custom verifier.
code verifier = ?;
// Whether this op has associated canonicalization patterns.
// TODO(b/120163349): figure out a better way to write canonicalization
// patterns in TableGen rules directly instead of using this marker
// and C++ implementations.
bit hasCanonicalizationPatterns = 0b0;
// Op properties.
list<OpProperty> properties = props;
// The arguments of an op.
class Arguments<dag types> {
dag arguments = types;
// The result types of an op.
class Results<list<Type> types> {
list<Type> returnTypes = types;
// The traits of an op.
// Traits are defined in C++ and need to be included for the generated
// op definitions.
class Traits<list<string> Traits> {
list<string> traits = Traits;
class UnaryOp<string mnemonic, list<OpProperty> props> :
Op<mnemonic, props>, Arguments<(ins Tensor:$arg)>, Results<[Tensor]>;
class BinaryOp<string mnemonic, list<OpProperty> props> :
Op<mnemonic, props>, Arguments<(ins Tensor:$lhs, Tensor:$rhs)>,
class TernaryOp<string mnemonic, list<OpProperty> props> :
Op<mnemonic, props>, Arguments<(ins Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)>;
// Patterns
// Base class for op+ -> op+ rewrite patterns. These allow declaratively
// specifying rewrite patterns.
// TODO(jpienaar): Add the constraint list along with the Pattern.
class Pattern<dag patternToMatch, list<dag> resultOps> {
dag PatternToMatch = patternToMatch;
list<dag> ResultOps = resultOps;
// Form of a pattern which produces a single result.
class Pat<dag pattern, dag result> : Pattern<pattern, [result]>;