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//===- Deserializer.cpp - MLIR SPIR-V Deserialization ---------------------===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file defines the SPIR-V binary to MLIR SPIR-V module deseralization.
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/Serialization.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/SPIRVBinaryUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/SPIRVOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/SPIRVTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "mlir/Support/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/bit.h"
using namespace mlir;
// Decodes a string literal in `words` starting at `wordIndex`. Update the
// latter to point to the position in words after the string literal.
static inline StringRef decodeStringLiteral(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words,
unsigned &wordIndex) {
StringRef str(reinterpret_cast<const char *>( + wordIndex));
wordIndex += str.size() / 4 + 1;
return str;
namespace {
/// A SPIR-V module serializer.
/// A SPIR-V binary module is a single linear stream of instructions; each
/// instruction is composed of 32-bit words. The first word of an instruction
/// records the total number of words of that instruction using the 16
/// higher-order bits. So this deserializer uses that to get instruction
/// boundary and parse instructions and build a SPIR-V ModuleOp gradually.
// TODO(antiagainst): clean up created ops on errors
class Deserializer {
/// Creates a deserializer for the given SPIR-V `binary` module.
/// The SPIR-V ModuleOp will be created into `context.
explicit Deserializer(ArrayRef<uint32_t> binary, MLIRContext *context);
/// Deserializes the remembered SPIR-V binary module.
LogicalResult deserialize();
/// Collects the final SPIR-V ModuleOp.
Optional<spirv::ModuleOp> collect();
// Module structure
/// Initializes the `module` ModuleOp in this deserializer instance.
spirv::ModuleOp createModuleOp();
/// Processes SPIR-V module header in `binary`.
LogicalResult processHeader();
/// Processes the SPIR-V OpMemoryModel with `operands` and updates `module`.
LogicalResult processMemoryModel(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
/// Process SPIR-V OpName with `operands`
LogicalResult processName(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
/// Method to process an OpDecorate instruction.
LogicalResult processDecoration(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words);
/// Processes the SPIR-V function at the current `offset` into `binary`.
/// The operands to the OpFunction instruction is passed in as ``operands`.
/// This method processes each instruction inside the function and dispatches
/// them to their handler method accordingly.
LogicalResult processFunction(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
/// Process the OpVariable instructions at current `offset` into `binary`. It
/// is expected that this method is used for variables that are to be defined
/// at module scope and will be deserialized into a spv.globalVariable
/// instruction.
LogicalResult processGlobalVariable(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
/// Get the FuncOp associated with a result <id> of OpFunction.
FuncOp getFunction(uint32_t id) { return funcMap.lookup(id); }
/// Get the global variable associated with a result <id> of OpVariable
spirv::GlobalVariableOp getVariable(uint32_t id) {
return globalVariableMap.lookup(id);
// Type
/// Gets type for a given result <id>.
Type getType(uint32_t id) { return typeMap.lookup(id); }
/// Returns true if the given `type` is for SPIR-V void type.
bool isVoidType(Type type) const { return type.isa<NoneType>(); }
/// Processes a SPIR-V type instruction with given `opcode` and `operands` and
/// registers the type into `module`.
LogicalResult processType(spirv::Opcode opcode, ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
LogicalResult processArrayType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
LogicalResult processFunctionType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
// Constant
/// Processes a SPIR-V Op{|Spec}Constant instruction with the given
/// `operands`. `isSpec` indicates whether this is a specialization constant.
LogicalResult processConstant(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands, bool isSpec);
/// Processes a SPIR-V Op{|Spec}Constant{True|False} instruction with the
/// given `operands`. `isSpec` indicates whether this is a specialization
/// constant.
LogicalResult processConstantBool(bool isTrue, ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
bool isSpec);
/// Processes a SPIR-V Op{|Spec}ConstantComposite instruction with the given
/// `operands`. `isSpec` indicates whether this is a specialization constant.
LogicalResult processConstantComposite(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
bool isSpec);
/// Processes a SPIR-V OpConstantNull instruction with the given `operands`.
LogicalResult processConstantNull(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
// Instruction
/// Get the Value associated with a result <id>.
Value *getValue(uint32_t id) {
if (auto varOp = getVariable(id)) {
auto addressOfOp = opBuilder.create<spirv::AddressOfOp>(
unknownLoc, varOp.type(),
return addressOfOp.pointer();
return valueMap.lookup(id);
/// Slices the first instruction out of `binary` and returns its opcode and
/// operands via `opcode` and `operands` respectively. Returns failure if
/// there is no more remaining instructions (`expectedOpcode` will be used to
/// compose the error message) or the next instruction is malformed.
sliceInstruction(spirv::Opcode &opcode, ArrayRef<uint32_t> &operands,
Optional<spirv::Opcode> expectedOpcode = llvm::None);
/// Processes a SPIR-V instruction with the given `opcode` and `operands`.
/// This method is the main entrance for handling SPIR-V instruction; it
/// checks the instruction opcode and dispatches to the corresponding handler.
/// Processing of Some instructions (like OpEntryPoint and OpExecutionMode)
/// might need to be defered, since they contain forward references to <id>s
/// in the deserialized binary, but module in SPIR-V dialect expects these to
/// be ssa-uses.
LogicalResult processInstruction(spirv::Opcode opcode,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
bool deferInstructions = true);
/// Method to dispatch to the specialized deserialization function for an
/// operation in SPIR-V dialect that is a mirror of an instruction in the
/// SPIR-V spec. This is auto-generated from ODS. Dispatch is handled for
/// all operations in SPIR-V dialect that have hasOpcode == 1.
LogicalResult dispatchToAutogenDeserialization(spirv::Opcode opcode,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> words);
/// Method to deserialize an operation in the SPIR-V dialect that is a mirror
/// of an instruction in the SPIR-V spec. This is auto generated if hasOpcode
/// == 1 and autogenSerialization == 1 in ODS.
template <typename OpTy> LogicalResult processOp(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unsupported deserialization for ")
<< OpTy::getOperationName() << " op";
/// The SPIR-V binary module.
ArrayRef<uint32_t> binary;
/// The current word offset into the binary module.
unsigned curOffset = 0;
/// MLIRContext to create SPIR-V ModuleOp into.
MLIRContext *context;
// TODO(antiagainst): create Location subclass for binary blob
Location unknownLoc;
/// The SPIR-V ModuleOp.
Optional<spirv::ModuleOp> module;
OpBuilder opBuilder;
// Result <id> to type mapping.
DenseMap<uint32_t, Type> typeMap;
// Result <id> to function mapping.
DenseMap<uint32_t, FuncOp> funcMap;
// Result <id> to variable mapping;
DenseMap<uint32_t, spirv::GlobalVariableOp> globalVariableMap;
// Result <id> to value mapping.
DenseMap<uint32_t, Value *> valueMap;
// Result <id> to name mapping.
DenseMap<uint32_t, StringRef> nameMap;
// Result <id> to decorations mapping.
DenseMap<uint32_t, NamedAttributeList> decorations;
// Result <id> to type decorations.
DenseMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> typeDecorations;
// List of instructions that are processed in a defered fashion (after an
// initial processing of the entire binary). Some operations like
// OpEntryPoint, and OpExecutionMode use forward references to function
// <id>s. In SPIR-V dialect the corresponding operations (spv.EntryPoint and
// spv.ExecutionMode) need these references resolved. So these instructions
// are deserialized and stored for processing once the entire binary is
// processed.
SmallVector<std::pair<spirv::Opcode, ArrayRef<uint32_t>>, 4>
} // namespace
Deserializer::Deserializer(ArrayRef<uint32_t> binary, MLIRContext *context)
: binary(binary), context(context), unknownLoc(UnknownLoc::get(context)),
opBuilder(module->getOperation()->getRegion(0)) {}
LogicalResult Deserializer::deserialize() {
if (failed(processHeader()))
return failure();
spirv::Opcode opcode = spirv::Opcode::OpNop;
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands;
auto binarySize = binary.size();
while (curOffset < binarySize) {
// Slice the next instruction out and populate `opcode` and `operands`.
// Interally this also updates `curOffset`.
if (failed(sliceInstruction(opcode, operands)))
return failure();
if (failed(processInstruction(opcode, operands)))
return failure();
assert(curOffset == binarySize &&
"deserializer should never index beyond the binary end");
for (auto &defered : deferedInstructions) {
if (failed(processInstruction(defered.first, defered.second, false))) {
return failure();
return success();
Optional<spirv::ModuleOp> Deserializer::collect() { return module; }
// Module structure
spirv::ModuleOp Deserializer::createModuleOp() {
Builder builder(context);
OperationState state(unknownLoc, spirv::ModuleOp::getOperationName());
// TODO(antiagainst): use target environment to select the version
state.addAttribute("major_version", builder.getI32IntegerAttr(1));
state.addAttribute("minor_version", builder.getI32IntegerAttr(0));
spirv::ModuleOp::build(&builder, &state);
return cast<spirv::ModuleOp>(Operation::create(state));
LogicalResult Deserializer::processHeader() {
if (binary.size() < spirv::kHeaderWordCount)
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"SPIR-V binary module must have a 5-word header");
if (binary[0] != spirv::kMagicNumber)
return emitError(unknownLoc, "incorrect magic number");
// TODO(antiagainst): generator number, bound, schema
curOffset = spirv::kHeaderWordCount;
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processMemoryModel(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
if (operands.size() != 2)
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpMemoryModel must have two operands");
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processDecoration(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words) {
// TODO : This function should also be auto-generated. For now, since only a
// few decorations are processed/handled in a meaningful manner, going with a
// manual implementation.
if (words.size() < 2) {
return emitError(
unknownLoc, "OpDecorate must have at least result <id> and Decoration");
auto decorationName =
if (decorationName.empty()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "invalid Decoration code : ") << words[1];
auto attrName = convertToSnakeCase(decorationName);
switch (static_cast<spirv::Decoration>(words[1])) {
case spirv::Decoration::DescriptorSet:
case spirv::Decoration::Binding:
if (words.size() != 3) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpDecorate with ")
<< decorationName << " needs a single integer literal";
case spirv::Decoration::BuiltIn:
if (words.size() != 3) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpDecorate with ")
<< decorationName << " needs a single integer literal";
case spirv::Decoration::ArrayStride:
if (words.size() != 3) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpDecorate with ")
<< decorationName << " needs a single integer literal";
typeDecorations[words[0]] = static_cast<uint32_t>(words[2]);
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unhandled Decoration : '") << decorationName;
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processFunction(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
// Get the result type
if (operands.size() != 4) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpFunction must have 4 parameters");
Type resultType = getType(operands[0]);
if (!resultType) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "undefined result type from <id> ")
<< operands[0];
if (funcMap.count(operands[1])) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "duplicate function definition/declaration");
auto functionControl = spirv::symbolizeFunctionControl(operands[2]);
if (!functionControl) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unknown Function Control: ") << operands[2];
if (functionControl.getValue() != spirv::FunctionControl::None) {
/// TODO : Handle different function controls
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unhandled Function Control: '")
<< spirv::stringifyFunctionControl(functionControl.getValue())
<< "'";
Type fnType = getType(operands[3]);
if (!fnType || !fnType.isa<FunctionType>()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unknown function type from <id> ")
<< operands[3];
auto functionType = fnType.cast<FunctionType>();
if ((isVoidType(resultType) && functionType.getNumResults() != 0) ||
(functionType.getNumResults() == 1 &&
functionType.getResult(0) != resultType)) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "mismatch in function type ")
<< functionType << " and return type " << resultType << " specified";
std::string fnName = nameMap.lookup(operands[1]).str();
if (fnName.empty()) {
fnName = "spirv_fn_" + std::to_string(operands[2]);
auto funcOp = opBuilder.create<FuncOp>(unknownLoc, fnName, functionType,
funcMap[operands[1]] = funcOp;
// Parse the op argument instructions
if (functionType.getNumInputs()) {
for (size_t i = 0, e = functionType.getNumInputs(); i != e; ++i) {
auto argType = functionType.getInput(i);
spirv::Opcode opcode = spirv::Opcode::OpNop;
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands;
if (failed(sliceInstruction(opcode, operands,
spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionParameter))) {
return failure();
if (opcode != spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionParameter) {
return emitError(
"missing OpFunctionParameter instruction for argument ")
<< i;
if (operands.size() != 2) {
return emitError(
"expected result type and result <id> for OpFunctionParameter");
auto argDefinedType = getType(operands[0]);
if (!argDefinedType || argDefinedType != argType) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"mismatch in argument type between function type "
"definition ")
<< functionType << " and argument type definition "
<< argDefinedType << " at argument " << i;
if (getValue(operands[1])) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "duplicate definition of result <id> '")
<< operands[1];
auto argValue = funcOp.getArgument(i);
valueMap[operands[1]] = argValue;
// Create a new builder for building the body
OpBuilder funcBody(funcOp.getBody());
std::swap(funcBody, opBuilder);
spirv::Opcode opcode = spirv::Opcode::OpNop;
ArrayRef<uint32_t> instOperands;
while (succeeded(sliceInstruction(opcode, instOperands,
spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionEnd)) &&
opcode != spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionEnd) {
if (failed(processInstruction(opcode, instOperands))) {
return failure();
if (opcode != spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionEnd) {
return failure();
if (!instOperands.empty()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unexpected operands for OpFunctionEnd");
std::swap(funcBody, opBuilder);
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processGlobalVariable(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
unsigned wordIndex = 0;
if (operands.size() < 3) {
return emitError(
"OpVariable needs at least 3 operands, type, <id> and storage class");
// Result Type.
auto type = getType(operands[wordIndex]);
if (!type) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unknown result type <id> : ")
<< operands[wordIndex];
auto ptrType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::PointerType>();
if (!ptrType) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"expected a result type <id> to be a spv.ptr, found : ")
<< type;
// Result <id>.
auto variableID = operands[wordIndex];
auto variableName = nameMap.lookup(variableID).str();
if (variableName.empty()) {
variableName = "spirv_var_" + std::to_string(variableID);
// Storage class.
auto storageClass = static_cast<spirv::StorageClass>(operands[wordIndex]);
if (ptrType.getStorageClass() != storageClass) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "mismatch in storage class of pointer type ")
<< type << " and that specified in OpVariable instruction : "
<< stringifyStorageClass(storageClass);
// Initializer.
SymbolRefAttr initializer = nullptr;
if (wordIndex < operands.size()) {
auto initializerOp = getVariable(operands[wordIndex]);
if (!initializerOp) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unknown <id> ")
<< operands[wordIndex] << "used as initializer";
initializer = opBuilder.getSymbolRefAttr(initializerOp.getOperation());
if (wordIndex != operands.size()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"found more operands than expected when deserializing "
"OpVariable instruction, only ")
<< wordIndex << " of " << operands.size() << " processed";
auto varOp = opBuilder.create<spirv::GlobalVariableOp>(
unknownLoc, opBuilder.getTypeAttr(type),
opBuilder.getStringAttr(variableName), initializer);
// Decorations.
if (decorations.count(variableID)) {
for (auto attr : decorations[variableID].getAttrs()) {
varOp.setAttr(attr.first, attr.second);
globalVariableMap[variableID] = varOp;
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processName(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
if (operands.size() < 2) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpName needs at least 2 operands");
if (!nameMap.lookup(operands[0]).empty()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "duplicate name found for result <id> ")
<< operands[0];
unsigned wordIndex = 1;
StringRef name = decodeStringLiteral(operands, wordIndex);
if (wordIndex != operands.size()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"unexpected trailing words in OpName instruction");
nameMap[operands[0]] = name;
return success();
// Type
LogicalResult Deserializer::processType(spirv::Opcode opcode,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
if (operands.empty()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "type instruction with opcode ")
<< spirv::stringifyOpcode(opcode) << " needs at least one <id>";
/// TODO: Types might be forward declared in some instructions and need to be
/// handled appropriately.
if (typeMap.count(operands[0])) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "duplicate definition for result <id> ")
<< operands[0];
switch (opcode) {
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeVoid:
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpTypeVoid must have no parameters");
typeMap[operands[0]] = opBuilder.getNoneType();
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeBool:
if (operands.size() != 1) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpTypeBool must have no parameters");
typeMap[operands[0]] = opBuilder.getI1Type();
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeInt:
if (operands.size() != 3) {
return emitError(
unknownLoc, "OpTypeInt must have bitwidth and signedness parameters");
if (operands[2] == 0) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unhandled unsigned OpTypeInt");
typeMap[operands[0]] = opBuilder.getIntegerType(operands[1]);
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeFloat: {
if (operands.size() != 2) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpTypeFloat must have bitwidth parameter");
Type floatTy;
switch (operands[1]) {
case 16:
floatTy = opBuilder.getF16Type();
case 32:
floatTy = opBuilder.getF32Type();
case 64:
floatTy = opBuilder.getF64Type();
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unsupported OpTypeFloat bitwdith: ")
<< operands[1];
typeMap[operands[0]] = floatTy;
} break;
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeVector: {
if (operands.size() != 3) {
return emitError(
"OpTypeVector must have element type and count parameters");
Type elementTy = getType(operands[1]);
if (!elementTy) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpTypeVector references undefined <id> ")
<< operands[1];
typeMap[operands[0]] = opBuilder.getVectorType({operands[2]}, elementTy);
} break;
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypePointer: {
if (operands.size() != 3) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpTypePointer must have two parameters");
auto pointeeType = getType(operands[2]);
if (!pointeeType) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unknown OpTypePointer pointee type <id> ")
<< operands[2];
auto storageClass = static_cast<spirv::StorageClass>(operands[1]);
typeMap[operands[0]] = spirv::PointerType::get(pointeeType, storageClass);
} break;
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeArray:
return processArrayType(operands);
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeFunction:
return processFunctionType(operands);
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unhandled type instruction");
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processArrayType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
if (operands.size() != 3) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"OpTypeArray must have element type and count parameters");
Type elementTy = getType(operands[1]);
if (!elementTy) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpTypeArray references undefined <id> ")
<< operands[1];
unsigned count = 0;
auto *countValue = getValue(operands[2]);
if (!countValue) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpTypeArray references undefined <id> ")
<< operands[2];
auto *defOp = countValue->getDefiningOp();
if (auto constOp = dyn_cast<spirv::ConstantOp>(defOp)) {
if (auto intVal = constOp.value().dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>()) {
count = intVal.getInt();
} else {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpTypeArray count must come from a "
"scalar integer constant instruction");
} else {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"unsupported OpTypeArray count generated from ")
<< defOp->getName();
typeMap[operands[0]] = spirv::ArrayType::get(
elementTy, count, typeDecorations.lookup(operands[0]));
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processFunctionType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
assert(!operands.empty() && "No operands for processing function type");
if (operands.size() == 1) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "missing return type for OpTypeFunction");
auto returnType = getType(operands[1]);
if (!returnType) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unknown return type in OpTypeFunction");
SmallVector<Type, 1> argTypes;
for (size_t i = 2, e = operands.size(); i < e; ++i) {
auto ty = getType(operands[i]);
if (!ty) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unknown argument type in OpTypeFunction");
ArrayRef<Type> returnTypes;
if (!isVoidType(returnType)) {
returnTypes = llvm::makeArrayRef(returnType);
typeMap[operands[0]] = FunctionType::get(argTypes, returnTypes, context);
return success();
// Constant
LogicalResult Deserializer::processConstant(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
bool isSpec) {
StringRef opname = isSpec ? "OpSpecConstant" : "OpConstant";
if (operands.size() < 2) {
return emitError(unknownLoc)
<< opname << " must have type <id> and result <id>";
if (operands.size() < 3) {
return emitError(unknownLoc)
<< opname << " must have at least 1 more parameter";
Type resultType = getType(operands[0]);
if (!resultType) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "undefined result type from <id> ")
<< operands[0];
auto checkOperandSizeForBitwidth = [&](unsigned bitwidth) -> LogicalResult {
if (bitwidth == 64) {
if (operands.size() == 4) {
return success();
return emitError(unknownLoc)
<< opname << " should have 2 parameters for 64-bit values";
if (bitwidth <= 32) {
if (operands.size() == 3) {
return success();
return emitError(unknownLoc)
<< opname
<< " should have 1 parameter for values with no more than 32 bits";
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unsupported OpConstant bitwidth: ")
<< bitwidth;
spirv::ConstantOp op;
UnitAttr isSpecConst = isSpec ? opBuilder.getUnitAttr() : UnitAttr();
if (auto intType = resultType.dyn_cast<IntegerType>()) {
auto bitwidth = intType.getWidth();
if (failed(checkOperandSizeForBitwidth(bitwidth))) {
return failure();
APInt value;
if (bitwidth == 64) {
// 64-bit integers are represented with two SPIR-V words. According to
// SPIR-V spec: "When the type’s bit width is larger than one word, the
// literal’s low-order words appear first."
struct DoubleWord {
uint32_t word1;
uint32_t word2;
} words = {operands[2], operands[3]};
value = APInt(64, llvm::bit_cast<uint64_t>(words), /*isSigned=*/true);
} else if (bitwidth <= 32) {
value = APInt(bitwidth, operands[2], /*isSigned=*/true);
auto attr = opBuilder.getIntegerAttr(intType, value);
op = opBuilder.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(unknownLoc, intType, attr,
} else if (auto floatType = resultType.dyn_cast<FloatType>()) {
auto bitwidth = floatType.getWidth();
if (failed(checkOperandSizeForBitwidth(bitwidth))) {
return failure();
APFloat value(0.f);
if (floatType.isF64()) {
// Double values are represented with two SPIR-V words. According to
// SPIR-V spec: "When the type’s bit width is larger than one word, the
// literal’s low-order words appear first."
struct DoubleWord {
uint32_t word1;
uint32_t word2;
} words = {operands[2], operands[3]};
value = APFloat(llvm::bit_cast<double>(words));
} else if (floatType.isF32()) {
value = APFloat(llvm::bit_cast<float>(operands[2]));
} else if (floatType.isF16()) {
APInt data(16, operands[2]);
value = APFloat(APFloat::IEEEhalf(), data);
auto attr = opBuilder.getFloatAttr(floatType, value);
op = opBuilder.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(unknownLoc, floatType, attr,
} else {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "OpConstant can only generate values of "
"scalar integer or floating-point type");
valueMap[operands[1]] = op.getResult();
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processConstantBool(bool isTrue,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
bool isSpec) {
if (operands.size() != 2) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "Op")
<< (isSpec ? "Spec" : "") << "Constant"
<< (isTrue ? "True" : "False")
<< " must have type <id> and result <id>";
auto attr = opBuilder.getBoolAttr(isTrue);
UnitAttr isSpecConst = isSpec ? opBuilder.getUnitAttr() : UnitAttr();
auto op = opBuilder.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(
unknownLoc, opBuilder.getI1Type(), attr, isSpecConst);
valueMap[operands[1]] = op.getResult();
return success();
Deserializer::processConstantComposite(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
bool isSpec) {
if (operands.size() < 2) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"OpConstantComposite must have type <id> and result <id>");
if (operands.size() < 3) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"OpConstantComposite must have at least 1 parameter");
Type resultType = getType(operands[0]);
if (!resultType) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "undefined result type from <id> ")
<< operands[0];
SmallVector<Attribute, 4> elements;
elements.reserve(operands.size() - 2);
for (unsigned i = 2, e = operands.size(); i < e; ++i) {
Value *value = getValue(operands[i]);
if (!value) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"OpConstantComposite references undefined <id> ")
<< operands[i];
auto *defOp = value->getDefiningOp();
if (auto elementOp = dyn_cast<spirv::ConstantOp>(defOp)) {
} else {
return emitError(
"unsupported OpConstantComposite component generated from ")
<< defOp->getName();
spirv::ConstantOp op;
UnitAttr isSpecConst = isSpec ? opBuilder.getUnitAttr() : UnitAttr();
if (auto vectorType = resultType.dyn_cast<VectorType>()) {
auto attr = opBuilder.getDenseElementsAttr(vectorType, elements);
op = opBuilder.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(unknownLoc, resultType, attr,
} else if (auto arrayType = resultType.dyn_cast<spirv::ArrayType>()) {
auto attr = opBuilder.getArrayAttr(elements);
op = opBuilder.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(unknownLoc, resultType, attr,
} else {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unsupported OpConstantComposite type: ")
<< resultType;
valueMap[operands[1]] = op.getResult();
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processConstantNull(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
if (operands.size() != 2) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"OpConstantNull must have type <id> and result <id>");
Type resultType = getType(operands[0]);
if (!resultType) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "undefined result type from <id> ")
<< operands[0];
spirv::ConstantOp op;
if (resultType.isa<IntegerType>() || resultType.isa<FloatType>() ||
resultType.isa<VectorType>()) {
auto attr = opBuilder.getZeroAttr(resultType);
UnitAttr isSpecConst;
op = opBuilder.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(unknownLoc, resultType, attr,
} else {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "unsupported OpConstantNull type: ")
<< resultType;
valueMap[operands[1]] = op.getResult();
return success();
// Instruction
Deserializer::sliceInstruction(spirv::Opcode &opcode,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> &operands,
Optional<spirv::Opcode> expectedOpcode) {
auto binarySize = binary.size();
if (curOffset >= binarySize) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "expected ")
<< (expectedOpcode ? spirv::stringifyOpcode(*expectedOpcode)
: "more")
<< " instruction";
// For each instruction, get its word count from the first word to slice it
// from the stream properly, and then dispatch to the instruction handler.
uint32_t wordCount = binary[curOffset] >> 16;
if (wordCount == 0)
return emitError(unknownLoc, "word count cannot be zero");
uint32_t nextOffset = curOffset + wordCount;
if (nextOffset > binarySize)
return emitError(unknownLoc, "insufficient words for the last instruction");
opcode = static_cast<spirv::Opcode>(binary[curOffset] & 0xffff);
operands = binary.slice(curOffset + 1, wordCount - 1);
curOffset = nextOffset;
return success();
LogicalResult Deserializer::processInstruction(spirv::Opcode opcode,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
bool deferInstructions) {
// First dispatch all the instructions whose opcode does not correspond to
// those that have a direct mirror in the SPIR-V dialect
switch (opcode) {
case spirv::Opcode::OpMemoryModel:
return processMemoryModel(operands);
case spirv::Opcode::OpEntryPoint:
case spirv::Opcode::OpExecutionMode:
if (deferInstructions) {
deferedInstructions.emplace_back(opcode, operands);
return success();
case spirv::Opcode::OpVariable:
if (isa<spirv::ModuleOp>(opBuilder.getBlock()->getParentOp())) {
return processGlobalVariable(operands);
case spirv::Opcode::OpName:
return processName(operands);
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeVoid:
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeBool:
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeInt:
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeFloat:
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeVector:
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeArray:
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypeFunction:
case spirv::Opcode::OpTypePointer:
return processType(opcode, operands);
case spirv::Opcode::OpConstant:
return processConstant(operands, /*isSpec=*/false);
case spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstant:
return processConstant(operands, /*isSpec=*/true);
case spirv::Opcode::OpConstantComposite:
return processConstantComposite(operands, /*isSpec=*/false);
case spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstantComposite:
return processConstantComposite(operands, /*isSpec=*/true);
case spirv::Opcode::OpConstantTrue:
return processConstantBool(/*isTrue=*/true, operands, /*isSpec=*/false);
case spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstantTrue:
return processConstantBool(/*isTrue=*/true, operands, /*isSpec=*/true);
case spirv::Opcode::OpConstantFalse:
return processConstantBool(/*isTrue=*/false, operands, /*isSpec=*/false);
case spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstantFalse:
return processConstantBool(/*isTrue=*/false, operands, /*isSpec=*/true);
case spirv::Opcode::OpConstantNull:
return processConstantNull(operands);
case spirv::Opcode::OpDecorate:
return processDecoration(operands);
case spirv::Opcode::OpFunction:
return processFunction(operands);
return dispatchToAutogenDeserialization(opcode, operands);
namespace {
template <>
Deserializer::processOp<spirv::EntryPointOp>(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words) {
unsigned wordIndex = 0;
if (wordIndex >= words.size()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"missing Execution Model specification in OpEntryPoint");
auto exec_model = opBuilder.getI32IntegerAttr(words[wordIndex++]);
if (wordIndex >= words.size()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "missing <id> in OpEntryPoint");
// Get the function <id>
auto fnID = words[wordIndex++];
// Get the function name
auto fnName = decodeStringLiteral(words, wordIndex);
// Verify that the function <id> matches the fnName
auto parsedFunc = getFunction(fnID);
if (!parsedFunc) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "no function matching <id> ") << fnID;
if (parsedFunc.getName() != fnName) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "function name mismatch between OpEntryPoint "
"and OpFunction with <id> ")
<< fnID << ": " << fnName << " vs. " << parsedFunc.getName();
SmallVector<Attribute, 4> interface;
while (wordIndex < words.size()) {
auto arg = getVariable(words[wordIndex]);
if (!arg) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "undefined result <id> ")
<< words[wordIndex] << " while decoding OpEntryPoint";
opBuilder.create<spirv::EntryPointOp>(unknownLoc, exec_model,
return success();
template <>
Deserializer::processOp<spirv::ExecutionModeOp>(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words) {
unsigned wordIndex = 0;
if (wordIndex >= words.size()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc,
"missing function result <id> in OpExecutionMode");
// Get the function <id> to get the name of the function
auto fnID = words[wordIndex++];
auto fn = getFunction(fnID);
if (!fn) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "no function matching <id> ") << fnID;
// Get the Execution mode
if (wordIndex >= words.size()) {
return emitError(unknownLoc, "missing Execution Mode in OpExecutionMode");
auto execMode = opBuilder.getI32IntegerAttr(words[wordIndex++]);
// Get the values
SmallVector<Attribute, 4> attrListElems;
while (wordIndex < words.size()) {
auto values = opBuilder.getArrayAttr(attrListElems);
unknownLoc, opBuilder.getSymbolRefAttr(fn.getName()), execMode, values);
return success();
// Pull in auto-generated Deserializer::dispatchToAutogenDeserialization() and
// various Deserializer::processOp<...>() specializations.
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/"
} // namespace
Optional<spirv::ModuleOp> spirv::deserialize(ArrayRef<uint32_t> binary,
MLIRContext *context) {
Deserializer deserializer(binary, context);
if (failed(deserializer.deserialize()))
return llvm::None;
return deserializer.collect();