blob: 6ebfbe750678ff774def1ab17f5404758f2bff44 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/reference/fully_connected.h"
#include <xtensa/tie/xt_hifi2.h>
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/builtin_op_data.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/common.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/common.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/quantization_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/reference/integer_ops/fully_connected.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/tensor_ctypes.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/kernel_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/kernels/xtensa_hifimini/fixedpoint_utils.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace ops {
namespace micro {
namespace xtensa {
namespace hifimini {
void FullyConnected(const FullyConnectedParams& params,
const RuntimeShape& input_shape, const int8_t* input_data,
const RuntimeShape& filter_shape, const int8_t* filter_data,
const RuntimeShape& bias_shape, const int32* bias_data,
const RuntimeShape& output_shape, int8_t* output_data) {
// TODO(b/154032858): Investigate removing extra copies.
const int32 input_offset = params.input_offset;
const int32 filter_offset = params.weights_offset;
const int32 output_offset = params.output_offset;
const int32 output_multiplier = params.output_multiplier;
const int output_shift = params.output_shift;
const int32 output_activation_min = params.quantized_activation_min;
const int32 output_activation_max = params.quantized_activation_max;
const int filter_dim_count = filter_shape.DimensionsCount();
const int batches = output_shape.Dims(0);
const int output_depth = output_shape.Dims(1);
const int accum_depth = filter_shape.Dims(filter_dim_count - 1);
const int accum_depth_iters = accum_depth / 2;
ae_p24x2s offsets_input_24x2 = AE_MOVPA24(input_offset);
ae_p24x2s offsets_filter_24x2 = AE_MOVPA24(filter_offset);
ae_q56s output_offset_56 = AE_CVTQ48A32S(output_offset);
ae_q56s output_activation_max_56 = AE_CVTQ48A32S(output_activation_max);
ae_q56s output_activation_min_56 = AE_CVTQ48A32S(output_activation_min);
for (int b = 0; b < batches; ++b) {
for (int out_c = 0; out_c < output_depth; ++out_c) {
// Load intrinsics advance pointer before loading so backoff data pointers
// by two before loading:
const int8_t* input_ptr = (input_data + b * accum_depth) - 2;
const int8_t* filter_ptr = (filter_data + out_c * accum_depth) - 2;
// Main accumulator register entry for loop:
ae_q56s sum_56 = AE_ZEROQ56();
for (int d = 0; d < accum_depth_iters; d++) {
// Load the signed 8bit values into the PR register:
ae_p24x2s input_24x2;
ae_p24x2s filter_24x2;
AE_LP8X2F_IU(input_24x2, input_ptr, 2);
AE_LP8X2F_IU(filter_24x2, filter_ptr, 2);
// Right shift the signed 8bit values to expand to signed 24bit values:
input_24x2 = AE_P24X2S_SRAI(input_24x2, 16);
filter_24x2 = AE_P24X2S_SRAI(filter_24x2, 16);
// Add offsets to data values (24 bit aligned):
input_24x2 = AE_P24S_ADDS_P24X2S(offsets_input_24x2, input_24x2);
filter_24x2 = AE_P24S_ADDS_P24X2S(offsets_filter_24x2, filter_24x2);
// 24x2 signed integer dual MAC w/ addition into 56bit accumulator (48
// bit aligned):
AE_MULAAP24S_HH_LL(sum_56, input_24x2, filter_24x2);
// Left shift to get back into 32bit space (right padded to 48bit):
sum_56 = AE_Q56S_SLAI(sum_56, 16);
// Add bias data if needed:
if (bias_data) {
ae_q56s bias_56 = AE_CVTQ48A32S(bias_data[out_c]);
sum_56 = AE_ADDQ56(sum_56, bias_56);
// Shift left into 24bit space and place back on PR register:
sum_56 = AE_Q56S_SLAI(sum_56, 8);
ae_p24x2s sum_24x2 = AE_TRUNCP24Q48(sum_56);
// MultiplyByQuantizedMultiplier returns a 48bit aligned value
sum_56 = MultiplyByQuantizedMultiplier(sum_24x2, output_multiplier,
// Add output_offset and cap min/max values:
sum_56 = AE_ADDQ56(sum_56, output_offset_56);
sum_56 = AE_MINQ56S(sum_56, output_activation_max_56);
sum_56 = AE_MAXQ56S(sum_56, output_activation_min_56);
output_data[out_c + output_depth * b] =
} // namespace hifimini
} // namespace xtensa
namespace fully_connected {
namespace {
struct OpData {
// The scaling factor from input to output (aka the 'real multiplier') can
// be represented as a fixed point multiplier plus a left shift.
int32_t output_multiplier;
int output_shift;
// The range of the fused activation layer. For example for kNone and
// uint8_t these would be 0 and 255.
int32_t output_activation_min;
int32_t output_activation_max;
// The index of the temporary tensor where the quantized inputs are cached.
int input_quantized_index;
constexpr int kInputTensor = 0;
constexpr int kWeightsTensor = 1;
constexpr int kBiasTensor = 2;
constexpr int kOutputTensor = 0;
TfLiteStatus CalculateOpData(TfLiteContext* context,
TfLiteFusedActivation activation,
TfLiteType data_type, const TfLiteTensor* input,
const TfLiteTensor* filter,
const TfLiteTensor* bias, TfLiteTensor* output,
OpData* data) {
TFLITE_DCHECK(data_type != kTfLiteFloat32);
double real_multiplier = 0.0;
context, input, filter, bias, output, &real_multiplier));
real_multiplier, &data->output_multiplier, &data->output_shift);
return CalculateActivationRangeQuantized(context, activation, output,
} // namespace
void* Init(TfLiteContext* context, const char* buffer, size_t length) {
TFLITE_DCHECK(context->AllocatePersistentBuffer != nullptr);
return context->AllocatePersistentBuffer(context, sizeof(OpData));
TfLiteStatus Prepare(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) {
TFLITE_DCHECK(node->user_data != nullptr);
TFLITE_DCHECK(node->builtin_data != nullptr);
OpData* data = static_cast<OpData*>(node->user_data);
const auto* params =
const TfLiteTensor* input = GetInput(context, node, kInputTensor);
const TfLiteTensor* filter = GetInput(context, node, kWeightsTensor);
const TfLiteTensor* bias = GetOptionalInputTensor(context, node, kBiasTensor);
TfLiteTensor* output = GetOutput(context, node, kOutputTensor);
return CalculateOpData(context, params->activation, input->type, input,
filter, bias, output, data);
TfLiteStatus EvalQuantizedInt8(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node,
const OpData& data, const TfLiteTensor* input,
const TfLiteTensor* filter,
const TfLiteTensor* bias, TfLiteTensor* output) {
// TODO(b/154032858): Investigate removing extra copies, and also passing by
// value. TODO(b/155656675): Consider passing OpData by value once it is also
// passed to the FullyConnected function. Until it is copied to a local
// op_param variable, we do not get any latency improvements from passing by
// value.
FullyConnectedParams op_params;
op_params.input_offset = -input->params.zero_point;
op_params.weights_offset = -filter->params.zero_point;
op_params.output_offset = output->params.zero_point;
op_params.output_multiplier = data.output_multiplier;
op_params.output_shift = data.output_shift;
op_params.quantized_activation_min = data.output_activation_min;
op_params.quantized_activation_max = data.output_activation_max;
op_params, GetTensorShape(input), GetTensorData<int8_t>(input),
GetTensorShape(filter), GetTensorData<int8_t>(filter),
GetTensorShape(bias), GetTensorData<int32_t>(bias),
GetTensorShape(output), GetTensorData<int8_t>(output));
return kTfLiteOk;
TfLiteStatus Eval(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) {
TFLITE_DCHECK(node->user_data != nullptr);
const OpData& data = *(static_cast<const OpData*>(node->user_data));
const TfLiteTensor* input = GetInput(context, node, kInputTensor);
const TfLiteTensor* filter = GetInput(context, node, kWeightsTensor);
const TfLiteTensor* bias = GetOptionalInputTensor(context, node, kBiasTensor);
TfLiteTensor* output = GetOutput(context, node, kOutputTensor);
TFLITE_DCHECK(filter->type == kTfLiteInt8);
return EvalQuantizedInt8(context, node, data, input, filter, bias, output);
} // namespace fully_connected
TfLiteRegistration Register_FULLY_CONNECTED() {
return {/*init=*/fully_connected::Init,
} // namespace micro
} // namespace ops
} // namespace tflite