blob: 87b88d92be91cb0729c5d8fa5f71716832fdae5d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# Functions "ndtr" and "ndtri" are derived from calculations made in:
# In the following email exchange, the author gives his consent to redistribute
# derived works under an Apache 2.0 license.
# From: Stephen Moshier <>
# Date: Sat, Jun 9, 2018 at 2:36 PM
# Subject: Re: Licensing cephes under Apache (BSD-like) license.
# To: rif <>
# Hello Rif,
# Yes, Google may distribute Cephes files under the Apache 2 license.
# If clarification is needed, I do not favor BSD over other free licenses.
# I would agree that Apache 2 seems to cover the concern you mentioned
# about sublicensees.
# Best wishes for good luck with your projects!
# Steve Moshier
# On Thu, 31 May 2018, rif wrote:
# > Hello Steve.
# > My name is Rif. I work on machine learning software at Google.
# >
# > Your cephes software continues to be incredibly useful and widely used. I
# > was wondering whether it would be permissible for us to use the Cephes code
# > under the Apache 2.0 license, which is extremely similar in permissions to
# > the BSD license (Wikipedia comparisons). This would be quite helpful to us
# > in terms of avoiding multiple licenses on software.
# >
# > I'm sorry to bother you with this (I can imagine you're sick of hearing
# > about this by now), but I want to be absolutely clear we're on the level and
# > not misusing your important software. In former conversation with Eugene
# > Brevdo (, you wrote "If your licensing is similar to BSD,
# > the formal way that has been handled is simply to add a statement to the
# > effect that you are incorporating the Cephes software by permission of the
# > author." I wanted to confirm that (a) we could use the Apache license, (b)
# > that we don't need to (and probably you don't want to) keep getting
# > contacted about individual uses, because your intent is generally to allow
# > this software to be reused under "BSD-like" license, and (c) you're OK
# > letting incorporators decide whether a license is sufficiently BSD-like?
# >
# > Best,
# >
# > rif
# >
# >
# >
"""Special Math Ops."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
__all__ = [
# log_ndtr uses different functions over the ranges
# (-infty, lower](lower, upper](upper, infty)
# Lower bound values were chosen by examining where the support of ndtr
# appears to be zero, relative to scipy's (which is always 64bit). They were
# then made more conservative just to be safe. (Conservative means use the
# expansion more than we probably need to.) See `NdtrTest` in
LOGNDTR_FLOAT64_LOWER = np.array(-20, np.float64)
LOGNDTR_FLOAT32_LOWER = np.array(-10, np.float32)
# Upper bound values were chosen by examining for which values of 'x'
# Log[cdf(x)] is 0, after which point we need to use the approximation
# Log[cdf(x)] = Log[1 - cdf(-x)] approx -cdf(-x). We chose a value slightly
# conservative, meaning we use the approximation earlier than needed.
LOGNDTR_FLOAT64_UPPER = np.array(8, np.float64)
LOGNDTR_FLOAT32_UPPER = np.array(5, np.float32)
def ndtr(x, name="ndtr"):
"""Normal distribution function.
Returns the area under the Gaussian probability density function, integrated
from minus infinity to x:
1 / x
ndtr(x) = ---------- | exp(-0.5 t**2) dt
sqrt(2 pi) /-inf
= 0.5 (1 + erf(x / sqrt(2)))
= 0.5 erfc(x / sqrt(2))
x: `Tensor` of type `float32`, `float64`.
name: Python string. A name for the operation (default="ndtr").
ndtr: `Tensor` with `dtype=x.dtype`.
TypeError: if `x` is not floating-type.
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
if x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64]:
raise TypeError(
"x.dtype=%s is not handled, see docstring for supported types."
% x.dtype)
return _ndtr(x)
def _ndtr(x):
"""Implements ndtr core logic."""
half_sqrt_2 = constant_op.constant(
0.5 * np.sqrt(2.), dtype=x.dtype, name="half_sqrt_2")
w = x * half_sqrt_2
z = math_ops.abs(w)
y = array_ops.where_v2(
math_ops.less(z, half_sqrt_2), 1. + math_ops.erf(w),
math_ops.greater(w, 0.), 2. - math_ops.erfc(z), math_ops.erfc(z)))
return 0.5 * y
def ndtri(p, name="ndtri"):
"""The inverse of the CDF of the Normal distribution function.
Returns x such that the area under the pdf from minus infinity to x is equal
to p.
A piece-wise rational approximation is done for the function.
This is a port of the implementation in netlib.
p: `Tensor` of type `float32`, `float64`.
name: Python string. A name for the operation (default="ndtri").
x: `Tensor` with `dtype=p.dtype`.
TypeError: if `p` is not floating-type.
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[p]):
p = ops.convert_to_tensor(p, name="p")
if p.dtype.as_numpy_dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64]:
raise TypeError(
"p.dtype=%s is not handled, see docstring for supported types."
% p.dtype)
return _ndtri(p)
def _ndtri(p):
"""Implements ndtri core logic."""
# Constants used in piece-wise rational approximations. Taken from the cephes
# library:
p0 = [
q0 = [
p1 = [
q1 = [
p2 = [
q2 = [
def _create_polynomial(var, coeffs):
"""Compute n_th order polynomial via Horner's method."""
coeffs = np.array(coeffs, var.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
if not coeffs.size:
return array_ops.zeros_like(var)
return coeffs[0] + _create_polynomial(var, coeffs[1:]) * var
maybe_complement_p = array_ops.where_v2(p > -np.expm1(-2.), 1. - p, p)
# Write in an arbitrary value in place of 0 for p since 0 will cause NaNs
# later on. The result from the computation when p == 0 is not used so any
# number that doesn't result in NaNs is fine.
sanitized_mcp = array_ops.where_v2(
maybe_complement_p <= 0.,
array_ops.fill(array_ops.shape(p), np.array(0.5, p.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)),
# Compute x for p > exp(-2): x/sqrt(2pi) = w + w**3 P0(w**2)/Q0(w**2).
w = sanitized_mcp - 0.5
ww = w ** 2
x_for_big_p = w + w * ww * (_create_polynomial(ww, p0)
/ _create_polynomial(ww, q0))
x_for_big_p *= -np.sqrt(2. * np.pi)
# Compute x for p <= exp(-2): x = z - log(z)/z - (1/z) P(1/z) / Q(1/z),
# where z = sqrt(-2. * log(p)), and P/Q are chosen between two different
# arrays based on whether p < exp(-32).
z = math_ops.sqrt(-2. * math_ops.log(sanitized_mcp))
first_term = z - math_ops.log(z) / z
second_term_small_p = (
_create_polynomial(1. / z, p2) /
_create_polynomial(1. / z, q2) / z)
second_term_otherwise = (
_create_polynomial(1. / z, p1) /
_create_polynomial(1. / z, q1) / z)
x_for_small_p = first_term - second_term_small_p
x_otherwise = first_term - second_term_otherwise
x = array_ops.where_v2(
sanitized_mcp > np.exp(-2.), x_for_big_p,
array_ops.where_v2(z >= 8.0, x_for_small_p, x_otherwise))
x = array_ops.where_v2(p > 1. - np.exp(-2.), x, -x)
infinity_scalar = constant_op.constant(np.inf, dtype=p.dtype)
infinity = array_ops.fill(array_ops.shape(p), infinity_scalar)
x_nan_replaced = array_ops.where_v2(p <= 0.0, -infinity,
array_ops.where_v2(p >= 1.0, infinity, x))
return x_nan_replaced
def log_ndtr(x, series_order=3, name="log_ndtr"):
"""Log Normal distribution function.
For details of the Normal distribution function see `ndtr`.
This function calculates `(log o ndtr)(x)` by either calling `log(ndtr(x))` or
using an asymptotic series. Specifically:
- For `x > upper_segment`, use the approximation `-ndtr(-x)` based on
`log(1-x) ~= -x, x << 1`.
- For `lower_segment < x <= upper_segment`, use the existing `ndtr` technique
and take a log.
- For `x <= lower_segment`, we use the series approximation of erf to compute
the log CDF directly.
The `lower_segment` is set based on the precision of the input:
lower_segment = { -20, x.dtype=float64
{ -10, x.dtype=float32
upper_segment = { 8, x.dtype=float64
{ 5, x.dtype=float32
When `x < lower_segment`, the `ndtr` asymptotic series approximation is:
ndtr(x) = scale * (1 + sum) + R_N
scale = exp(-0.5 x**2) / (-x sqrt(2 pi))
sum = Sum{(-1)^n (2n-1)!! / (x**2)^n, n=1:N}
R_N = O(exp(-0.5 x**2) (2N+1)!! / |x|^{2N+3})
where `(2n-1)!! = (2n-1) (2n-3) (2n-5) ... (3) (1)` is a
x: `Tensor` of type `float32`, `float64`.
series_order: Positive Python `integer`. Maximum depth to
evaluate the asymptotic expansion. This is the `N` above.
name: Python string. A name for the operation (default="log_ndtr").
log_ndtr: `Tensor` with `dtype=x.dtype`.
TypeError: if `x.dtype` is not handled.
TypeError: if `series_order` is a not Python `integer.`
ValueError: if `series_order` is not in `[0, 30]`.
if not isinstance(series_order, int):
raise TypeError("series_order must be a Python integer.")
if series_order < 0:
raise ValueError("series_order must be non-negative.")
if series_order > 30:
raise ValueError("series_order must be <= 30.")
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
if x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype == np.float64:
lower_segment = LOGNDTR_FLOAT64_LOWER
upper_segment = LOGNDTR_FLOAT64_UPPER
elif x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype == np.float32:
lower_segment = LOGNDTR_FLOAT32_LOWER
upper_segment = LOGNDTR_FLOAT32_UPPER
raise TypeError("x.dtype=%s is not supported." % x.dtype)
# The basic idea here was ported from:
# We copy the main idea, with a few changes
# * For x >> 1, and X ~ Normal(0, 1),
# Log[P[X < x]] = Log[1 - P[X < -x]] approx -P[X < -x],
# which extends the range of validity of this function.
# * We use one fixed series_order for all of 'x', rather than adaptive.
# * Our docstring properly reflects that this is an asymptotic series, not a
# Taylor series. We also provided a correct bound on the remainder.
# * We need to use the max/min in the _log_ndtr_lower arg to avoid nan when
# x=0. This happens even though the branch is unchosen because when x=0
# the gradient of a select involves the calculation 1*dy+0*(-inf)=nan
# regardless of whether dy is finite. Note that the minimum is a NOP if
# the branch is chosen.
return array_ops.where_v2(
math_ops.greater(x, upper_segment),
-_ndtr(-x), # log(1-x) ~= -x, x << 1
math_ops.greater(x, lower_segment),
math_ops.log(_ndtr(math_ops.maximum(x, lower_segment))),
_log_ndtr_lower(math_ops.minimum(x, lower_segment), series_order)))
def _log_ndtr_lower(x, series_order):
"""Asymptotic expansion version of `Log[cdf(x)]`, appropriate for `x<<-1`."""
x_2 = math_ops.square(x)
# Log of the term multiplying (1 + sum)
log_scale = -0.5 * x_2 - math_ops.log(-x) - 0.5 * np.log(2. * np.pi)
return log_scale + math_ops.log(_log_ndtr_asymptotic_series(x, series_order))
def _log_ndtr_asymptotic_series(x, series_order):
"""Calculates the asymptotic series used in log_ndtr."""
dtype = x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype
if series_order <= 0:
return np.array(1, dtype)
x_2 = math_ops.square(x)
even_sum = array_ops.zeros_like(x)
odd_sum = array_ops.zeros_like(x)
x_2n = x_2 # Start with x^{2*1} = x^{2*n} with n = 1.
for n in range(1, series_order + 1):
y = np.array(_double_factorial(2 * n - 1), dtype) / x_2n
if n % 2:
odd_sum += y
even_sum += y
x_2n *= x_2
return 1. + even_sum - odd_sum
def erfinv(x, name="erfinv"):
"""The inverse function for erf, the error function.
x: `Tensor` of type `float32`, `float64`.
name: Python string. A name for the operation (default="erfinv").
x: `Tensor` with `dtype=x.dtype`.
TypeError: if `x` is not floating-type.
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
if x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64]:
raise TypeError(
"x.dtype=%s is not handled, see docstring for supported types."
% x.dtype)
return ndtri((x + 1.0) / 2.0) / np.sqrt(2)
def _double_factorial(n):
"""The double factorial function for small Python integer `n`."""
return, 1, -2))
def log_cdf_laplace(x, name="log_cdf_laplace"):
"""Log Laplace distribution function.
This function calculates `Log[L(x)]`, where `L(x)` is the cumulative
distribution function of the Laplace distribution, i.e.
```L(x) := 0.5 * int_{-infty}^x e^{-|t|} dt```
For numerical accuracy, `L(x)` is computed in different ways depending on `x`,
x <= 0:
Log[L(x)] = Log[0.5] + x, which is exact
0 < x:
Log[L(x)] = Log[1 - 0.5 * e^{-x}], which is exact
x: `Tensor` of type `float32`, `float64`.
name: Python string. A name for the operation (default="log_ndtr").
`Tensor` with `dtype=x.dtype`.
TypeError: if `x.dtype` is not handled.
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
# For x < 0, L(x) = 0.5 * exp{x} exactly, so Log[L(x)] = log(0.5) + x.
lower_solution = -np.log(2.) + x
# safe_exp_neg_x = exp{-x} for x > 0, but is
# bounded above by 1, which avoids
# log[1 - 1] = -inf for x = log(1/2), AND
# exp{-x} --> inf, for x << -1
safe_exp_neg_x = math_ops.exp(-math_ops.abs(x))
# log1p(z) = log(1 + z) approx z for |z| << 1. This approxmation is used
# internally by log1p, rather than being done explicitly here.
upper_solution = math_ops.log1p(-0.5 * safe_exp_neg_x)
return array_ops.where_v2(x < 0., lower_solution, upper_solution)