Fixed typos in non_max_suppression_padded
diff --git a/tensorflow/python/ops/ b/tensorflow/python/ops/
index bbce257..ab57ce9 100644
--- a/tensorflow/python/ops/
+++ b/tensorflow/python/ops/
@@ -4578,7 +4578,7 @@
     sorted_input: a boolean indicating whether the input boxes and scores
       are sorted in descending order by the score.
     canonicalized_coordinates: if box coordinates are given as
-    `[y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]`, settign to True eliminate redundant
+    `[y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]`, setting to True eliminate redundant
      computation to canonicalize box coordinates.
     tile_size: an integer representing the number of boxes in a tile, i.e.,
       the maximum number of boxes per image that can be used to suppress other
@@ -4586,8 +4586,8 @@
       potentially more redundant work.
     idx: a tensor with a shape of [..., num_boxes] representing the
-      indices selected by non-max suppression. The leadign dimensions
-      are the batch dimensions of the input boxes. All numbers are are within
+      indices selected by non-max suppression. The leading dimensions
+      are the batch dimensions of the input boxes. All numbers are within
       [0, num_boxes). For each image (i.e., idx[i]), only the first num_valid[i]
       indices (i.e., idx[i][:num_valid[i]]) are valid.
     num_valid: a tensor of rank 0 or higher with a shape of [...]
@@ -4703,7 +4703,7 @@
     sorted_input: a boolean indicating whether the input boxes and scores
       are sorted in descending order by the score.
     canonicalized_coordinates: if box coordinates are given as
-    `[y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]`, settign to True eliminate redundant
+    `[y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]`, setting to True eliminate redundant
      computation to canonicalize box coordinates.
     tile_size: an integer representing the number of boxes in a tile, i.e.,
       the maximum number of boxes per image that can be used to suppress other
@@ -4711,8 +4711,8 @@
       potentially more redundant work.
     idx: a tensor with a shape of [..., num_boxes] representing the
-      indices selected by non-max suppression. The leadign dimensions
-      are the batch dimensions of the input boxes. All numbers are are within
+      indices selected by non-max suppression. The leading dimensions
+      are the batch dimensions of the input boxes. All numbers are within
       [0, num_boxes). For each image (i.e., idx[i]), only the first num_valid[i]
       indices (i.e., idx[i][:num_valid[i]]) are valid.
     num_valid: a tensor of rank 0 or higher with a shape of [...]