blob: 5cca7985c1fa5f320a1ff95db18cd4230d91f55a [file] [log] [blame]
"""Loads pasta python package."""
load("//third_party:repo.bzl", "tf_http_archive", "tf_mirror_urls")
def repo():
name = "pasta",
urls = tf_mirror_urls(""),
strip_prefix = "pasta-0.1.8",
sha256 = "c6dc1118250487d987a7b1a404425822def2e8fb2b765eeebc96887e982b6085",
build_file = "//third_party/pasta:BUILD.bazel",
system_build_file = "//third_party/pasta:BUILD.system",
# We want to add a bazel macro for use in the `@pasta` BUILD file.
# If we have this file live in this repo, referencing it from `@pasta`
# becomes tricky. If we do `@//` the build breaks when this repo
# (TensorFlow) is *not* the main repo (i.e. when TensorFlow is used as
# a dependency in another workspace). If we hardcode `@org_tensorflow`,
# the build breaks when this repo is used in another workspace under a
# different name.
# We could generate `build_defs.bzl` to reference this repo by whatever
# name it's registered with. Or we could just symlink `build_defs.bzl`
# into the `@pasta` repo and then reference it with a repo relative
# label; i.e. `//:build_defs.bzl`:
link_files = {
"//third_party/pasta:build_defs.bzl": "build_defs.bzl",