blob: 27bb43f7dee7accdfa12fc97b7a5aa387503ed65 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Unroll.cpp - Code to perform loop unrolling ------------------------===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file implements loop unrolling.
#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/CFGFunction.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLFunction.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Module.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OperationSet.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/IR/StandardOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Statements.h"
#include "mlir/IR/StmtVisitor.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/Passes.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace mlir;
namespace {
struct LoopUnroll : public MLFunctionPass {
void runOnMLFunction(MLFunction *f) override;
void runOnForStmt(ForStmt *forStmt);
} // end anonymous namespace
MLFunctionPass *mlir::createLoopUnrollPass() { return new LoopUnroll(); }
/// Unrolls all the innermost loops of this MLFunction.
void LoopUnroll::runOnMLFunction(MLFunction *f) {
// Gathers all innermost loops through a post order pruned walk.
// TODO: figure out the right reusable template here to better refactor code.
class InnermostLoopGatherer : public StmtWalker<InnermostLoopGatherer, bool> {
// Store innermost loops as we walk.
std::vector<ForStmt *> loops;
// This method specialized to encode custom return logic.
typedef llvm::iplist<Statement> StmtListType;
bool walkPostOrder(StmtListType::iterator Start,
StmtListType::iterator End) {
bool hasInnerLoops = false;
// We need to walk all elements since all innermost loops need to be
// gathered as opposed to determining whether this list has any inner
// loops or not.
while (Start != End)
hasInnerLoops |= walkPostOrder(&(*Start++));
return hasInnerLoops;
// FIXME: can't use base class method for this because that in turn would
// need to use the derived class method above. CRTP doesn't allow it, and
// the compiler error resulting from it is also very misleading!
void walkPostOrder(MLFunction *f) { walkPostOrder(f->begin(), f->end()); }
bool walkForStmtPostOrder(ForStmt *forStmt) {
bool hasInnerLoops = walkPostOrder(forStmt->begin(), forStmt->end());
if (!hasInnerLoops)
return true;
bool walkIfStmtPostOrder(IfStmt *ifStmt) {
bool hasInnerLoops = walkPostOrder(ifStmt->getThenClause()->begin(),
hasInnerLoops |= walkPostOrder(ifStmt->getElseClause()->begin(),
return hasInnerLoops;
bool walkOpStmt(OperationStmt *opStmt) { return false; }
using StmtWalker<InnermostLoopGatherer, bool>::walkPostOrder;
InnermostLoopGatherer ilg;
auto &loops = ilg.loops;
for (auto *forStmt : loops)
/// Replace all uses of 'oldVal' with 'newVal' in 'stmt'
static void replaceAllStmtUses(Statement *stmt, MLValue *oldVal,
MLValue *newVal) {
struct ReplaceUseWalker : public StmtWalker<ReplaceUseWalker> {
// Value to be replaced.
MLValue *oldVal;
// Value to be replaced with.
MLValue *newVal;
ReplaceUseWalker(MLValue *oldVal, MLValue *newVal)
: oldVal(oldVal), newVal(newVal){};
void visitOperationStmt(OperationStmt *os) {
for (auto &operand : os->getStmtOperands()) {
if (operand.get() == oldVal)
ReplaceUseWalker ri(oldVal, newVal);
/// Unroll this 'for stmt' / loop completely.
void LoopUnroll::runOnForStmt(ForStmt *forStmt) {
auto lb = forStmt->getLowerBound()->getValue();
auto ub = forStmt->getUpperBound()->getValue();
auto step = forStmt->getStep()->getValue();
// Builder to add constants need for the unrolled iterator.
auto *mlFunc = forStmt->Statement::findFunction();
MLFuncBuilder funcTopBuilder(mlFunc);
// Builder to insert the unrolled bodies.
MLFuncBuilder builder(forStmt->getBlock());
// Set insertion point to right after where the for stmt ends.
// Unroll the contents of 'forStmt'.
for (int i = lb; i <= ub; i += step) {
// TODO(bondhugula): generate constants only when IV actually appears.
auto constOp = funcTopBuilder.create<ConstantIntOp>(i, 32);
auto *ivConst = cast<OperationStmt>(constOp->getOperation())->getResult(0);
// Iterator pointing to just before 'this' (i^th) unrolled iteration.
StmtBlock::iterator beforeUnrolledBody = --builder.getInsertionPoint();
// Pairs of <old op stmt result whose uses need to be replaced,
// new result generated by the corresponding cloned op stmt>.
SmallVector<std::pair<MLValue *, MLValue *>, 8> oldNewResultPairs;
for (auto &loopBodyStmt : forStmt->getStatements()) {
auto *cloneStmt = builder.clone(loopBodyStmt);
// Replace all uses of the IV in the clone with constant iteration value.
replaceAllStmtUses(cloneStmt, forStmt, ivConst);
// Whenever we have an op stmt, we'll have a new ML Value defined: replace
// uses of the old result with this one.
if (auto *opStmt = dyn_cast<OperationStmt>(&loopBodyStmt)) {
if (opStmt->getNumResults()) {
auto *cloneOpStmt = cast<OperationStmt>(cloneStmt);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = opStmt->getNumResults(); i < e; i++) {
// Store old/new result pairs.
// TODO *only* if needed later: storing of old/new results can be
// avoided, by cloning the statement list in the reverse direction
// (and running the IR builder in the reverse
// (iplist.insertAfter()). That way, a newly created result can be
// immediately propagated to all its uses, which would already been
// cloned/inserted.
&opStmt->getStmtResult(i), &cloneOpStmt->getStmtResult(i)));
// Replace uses of old op results' with the results in the just
// unrolled body.
StmtBlock::iterator endOfUnrolledBody = builder.getInsertionPoint();
for (auto it = ++beforeUnrolledBody; it != endOfUnrolledBody; it++) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < oldNewResultPairs.size(); i++) {
replaceAllStmtUses(&(*it), oldNewResultPairs[i].first,
// Erase the original for stmt from the block.