blob: 8cad7161a2f9f2cd184f8dce552a329c6e8d7322 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include <cstdint>
// TODO(ghodrat): Remove this header file and the dependency to internal data
// structure.
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/builtin_op_data.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define __restrict__ __restrict
namespace tflite {
namespace tensor_utils {
// Limit a float input f between +abs_limit and -abs_limit.
float PortableClip(float f, float abs_limit);
bool PortableIsZeroVector(const float* vector, int v_size);
void PortableSymmetricQuantizeFloats(const float* values, const int size,
int8_t* quantized_values, float* min_value,
float* max_value, float* scaling_factor);
// Multiply a matrix by a batch vector, and store results in a batch-size
// vector.
void PortableMatrixBatchVectorMultiplyAccumulate(const float* matrix,
int m_rows, int m_cols,
const float* vector,
int n_batch, float* result,
int result_stride);
void PortableMatrixBatchVectorMultiplyAccumulate(
const int8_t* __restrict__ matrix, const int m_rows, const int m_cols,
const int8_t* __restrict__ vectors, const float* scaling_factors,
int n_batch, float* __restrict__ result, int result_stride);
void PortableSparseMatrixBatchVectorMultiplyAccumulate(
const float* __restrict__ matrix, const uint8_t* __restrict__ ledger,
int m_rows, int m_cols, const float* __restrict__ vector, int n_batch,
float* __restrict__ result, int result_stride);
void PortableSparseMatrixBatchVectorMultiplyAccumulate(
const int8_t* __restrict__ matrix, const uint8_t* ledger, const int m_rows,
const int m_cols, const int8_t* __restrict__ vectors,
const float* scaling_factors, int n_batch, float* __restrict__ result,
int result_stride);
// Cwise product of two vectors.
void PortableVectorVectorCwiseProduct(const float* vector1,
const float* vector2, int v_size,
float* result);
// Cwise product and accumulate of two vectors. Since it's a MAC opertation, the
// assumption here is that result array is initialized to valid values.
void PortableVectorVectorCwiseProductAccumulate(const float* vector1,
const float* vector2,
int v_size, float* result);
// Dot product of two vectors.
float PortableVectorVectorDotProduct(const float* vector1, const float* vector2,
int v_size);
// Dot product of two batch vectors.
void PortableBatchVectorBatchVectorDotProduct(const float* vector1,
const float* vector2, int v_size,
int n_batch, float* result,
int result_stride);
// Cwise product of a vector and a batch-vector.
void PortableVectorBatchVectorCwiseProduct(const float* vector, int v_size,
const float* batch_vector,
int n_batch, float* result);
// Cwise product and accumulate of a vector and a batch-vector. Since it's a MAC
// operation, the assumption here is that result array is initialized to valid
// values.
void PortableVectorBatchVectorCwiseProductAccumulate(const float* vector,
int v_size,
const float* batch_vector,
int n_batch,
float* result);
void PortableMatrixBatchVectorMultiplyAccumulate(
const int8_t* input, int32_t input_zeropoint,
const int8_t* input_to_gate_weights, int32_t multiplier, int32_t shift,
const int32_t* gate_bias, int32_t n_batch, int32_t n_input,
int32_t n_output, int32_t output_zp, int16_t* output);
void PortableMatrixBatchVectorMultiplyAccumulate(
const int8_t* input, int32_t input_zeropoint,
const int8_t* input_to_gate_weights, int32_t multiplier, int32_t shift,
const int32_t* gate_bias, int32_t n_batch, int32_t n_input,
int32_t n_output, int32_t output_zp, int8_t* output);
void PortableApplyLayerNorm(const int16_t* input,
const int16_t* layer_norm_weights,
const int32_t* bias, int32_t layer_norm_scale_a,
int32_t layer_norm_scale_b, int32_t variance_limit,
int n_batch, int n_input, int16_t* output);
void PortableApplySigmoid(const int16_t* input, int32_t n_batch,
int32_t n_input, int16_t* output);
void PortableApplyTanh3(const int16_t* input, int32_t n_batch, int32_t n_input,
int16_t* output);
void PortableApplyTanh4(const int16_t* input, int32_t n_batch, int32_t n_input,
int16_t* output);
void PortableCwiseMul(const int16_t* input_1, const int16_t* input_2,
int n_batch, int n_input, int shift, int16_t* output);
void PortableCwiseMul(const int16_t* input_1, const int16_t* input_2,
int n_batch, int n_input, int shift, int8_t* output);
void PortableCwiseAdd(const int16_t* input_1, const int16_t* input_2,
int n_batch, int n_input, int16_t* output);
void PortableCwiseClipping(int16_t* input, const int16_t clipping_value,
int32_t n_batch, int32_t n_input);
void PortableCwiseClipping(int8_t* input, const int8_t clipping_value,
int32_t n_batch, int32_t n_input);
// Batch vector initialization with another vector.
void PortableVectorBatchVectorAssign(const float* vector, int v_size,
int n_batch, float* batch_vector);
// Add another vector for each batch in the batch vector.
void PortableVectorBatchVectorAdd(const float* vector, int v_size, int n_batch,
float* batch_vector);
// Apply sigmoid to elements of a vector.
void PortableApplySigmoidToVector(const float* vector, int v_size,
float* result);
// Apply activation function to elements of a vector.
void PortableApplyActivationToVector(const float* vector, int v_size,
TfLiteFusedActivation activation,
float* result);
// Compute "1.0f - elements of vector" (used in CIFG).
void PortableSub1Vector(const float* vector, int v_size, float* result);
// Multiply all elements of vector with a scalar.
void PortableVectorScalarMultiply(const int8_t* vector, int v_size, float scale,
float* result);
// Clip elements of a vector using a abs_limit value.
void PortableClipVector(const float* vector, int v_size, float abs_limit,
float* result);
// Shift left a vector in place with v_size size.
void PortableVectorShiftLeft(float* vector, int v_size, float shift_value);
// Reduce-sum on a float input vector:
// input_vector: float pointer to input vector.
// output_vector: float pointer to vector.
// output_size: output vector size.
// reduction_size: number of consecutive elements from input vector which are
// added to get one element of output.
void PortableReductionSumVector(const float* input_vector, float* output_vector,
int output_size, int reduction_size);
// Layer norm for each batch.
// normalization_epsilon is added to avoid divergence.
void PortableMeanStddevNormalization(const float* input_vector,
float* output_vector, int v_size,
int n_batch, float normalization_epsilon);
} // namespace tensor_utils
} // namespace tflite