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/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Shapes are protobuf messages, so this utility header offers a bunch of
// functionality for querying / poking at them.
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/layout_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/primitive_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/status_macros.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/statusor.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_data.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/threadpool.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_info.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
namespace xla {
// A view into a ShapeIndex below, with the cheap/easy ability to consume the
// value at the front of the view.
// NB! ShapeIndexView does not own the memory backing the index array.
// The memory backing the index array should be owned by an object
// that lives longer than the ShapeIndexView instances pointing into
// it.
using ShapeIndexView = absl::Span<const int64_t>;
// An index for specifying a particular nested subshape within a shape. Used in
// ShapeUtil::GetSubshape and other interfaces. Shapes are recursive data
// structures (trees) and ShapeIndex defines a path through the tree where each
// element of ShapeIndex indexes into a tuple (or nested tuple) within the
// shape. For a non-nested tuple, an index has a single element. For example,
// given a 3-element tuple (a, b, c) containing arrays a, b, and c, the index
// {1} corresponds to array b. For a nested tuple, the index can have more than
// one element. For the nested tuple (a, (b, c, d), e) below are the values
// corresponding to the given indices:
// index {0} : array a
// index {1, 2} : array d
// index {2} : array e
// index {0, 0} : invalid index (element at {0} is an array not a tuple)
// For indexing into array shapes, the index is always trivially empty, ie {}.
struct ShapeIndex : public absl::InlinedVector<int64_t, 2> {
using InlinedVector::InlinedVector;
ShapeIndex() = default; // Needed to make MSVC work for some reason.
explicit ShapeIndex(ShapeIndexView view)
: ShapeIndex(view.begin(), view.end()) {}
// push_front is O(n), but shapes don't usually have a ton of dimensions.
void push_front(int64_t value) { insert(begin(), value); }
void pop_front() { erase(begin()); }
std::string ToString() const;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ShapeIndex& shape_index);
// Namespaced collection of (static) shape utilities.
// These are all effectively convenience functions for testing/tweaking proto
// properties, which do invariant checks before / after the operation.
class ShapeUtil {
// Data structure which describes the coordinates and the shape, of a tuple
// shaped sub-shape.
struct IndexedShape {
IndexedShape() = default;
IndexedShape(ShapeIndex index, Shape shape)
: index(std::move(index)), shape(std::move(shape)) {}
ShapeIndex index;
Shape shape;
// Returns the number of elements are contained within the provided shape;
// e.g. for rank 0 (scalars) the result is always 1.
// Precondition: shape.IsArray()
static int64_t ElementsIn(const Shape& shape);
// As ElementsIn(), but recurses through tuples.
static int64_t ElementsInRecursive(const Shape& shape);
// Returns true if shape has the primitive type, recurses through tuples.
static bool HasPrimitiveType(const Shape& shape,
PrimitiveType primitive_type);
// Returns true if 'shape' is an array with zero elements.
static bool IsZeroElementArray(const Shape& shape);
// Returns the number of bytes required for an allocation of shape. The
// |pointer_size| parameter is used for calculating the size of tuple
// shapes. This includes only the size of the top-level buffer. For example, a
// tuple is stored as an array of pointers to other buffers. In this case,
// this method only returns the size of the pointer array.
static int64_t ByteSizeOf(const Shape& shape, int64_t pointer_size = -1);
// Returns the number of bytes used to store the primitive_type.
// Precondition: shape.IsArray()
static int64_t ByteSizeOfPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType primitive_type);
// Returns the number of bytes required to store the tuple member pointers for
// a allocation of shape. The `shape` must be a TUPLE shape, and
// `pointer_size` must be larger than zero.
static int64_t ByteSizeOfTupleIndexTable(const Shape& shape,
int64_t pointer_size);
// Returns the number of bytes required for the elements in an allocation of
// `shape`, which must be an array shape. Shapes use a separate
// memory location for each element, and so for these shapes,
// `ByteSizeOf(shape) == ByteSizeOfElements(shape)`. This
// size also includes padding if present in the layout.
static int64_t ByteSizeOfElements(const Shape& shape);
// Returns a human-readable string that represents the given shape, with or
// without layout. e.g. "f32[42x12] {0, 1}" or "f32[64]".
static std::string HumanString(const Shape& shape);
static std::string HumanStringWithLayout(const Shape& shape);
// As above, but for program shapes, returns a string for the form:
// (param_name: f32[42x12], ...) -> f32[24x42]
static std::string HumanString(const ProgramShape& program_shape);
// Returns whether the LHS and RHS shapes have the same dimensions; note: does
// not check element type.
// Precondition: IsArray(lhs) && IsArray(rhs)
static bool SameDimensions(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// Returns whether the LHS and RHS shapes have the same rank; note: does
// not check element type.
// Precondition: IsArray(lhs) && IsArray(rhs)
static bool SameRank(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// Returns whether the lhs and rhs shapes have the same element type.
static bool SameElementType(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs) {
return lhs.element_type() == rhs.element_type();
// As SameElementType, but allows floating point types to have different
// precisions.
static bool SameElementTypeIgnoringFpPrecision(const Shape& a,
const Shape& b) {
if (ElementIsFloating(a) && ElementIsFloating(b)) {
return true;
return ShapeUtil::SameElementType(a, b);
// Returns the higher-precision element type if a and b are both floating
// point types; otherwise, checks that they have the same element type
// and returns it.
static PrimitiveType HigherPrecisionElementType(const Shape& a,
const Shape& b) {
return primitive_util::HigherPrecisionType(a.element_type(),
// Returns true if the rank, dimension sizes, and element type are
// identical. Layout is ignored. Tuple elements are compared recursively for
// compatibility.
static bool Compatible(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// Returns true if the rank and dimension sizes are identical. Element type
// and layout are ignored. Tuple elements are compared recursively for
// compatibility.
static bool CompatibleIgnoringElementType(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// Returns true if the tuple tree shapes and leaf ranks are identical.
// Leaf dimensions, element type, and layout are ignored. Tuple elements are
// compared recursively for compatibility.
static bool CompatibleKind(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// As Compatible, but allow one of lhs and rhs to be BF16 while the other
// being F32. Tuple elements are compared recursively for compatibility.
static bool CompatibleIgnoringFpPrecision(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// Returns whether the lhs and rhs shapes are identical.
static bool Equal(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// As Equal, but does not compare the element type.
static bool EqualIgnoringElementType(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// As Equal, but allow one of lhs and rhs to be F16 while the other is F32.
static bool EqualIgnoringFpPrecision(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// Two shapes have same structure if all subshape indices of lhs are presented
// on rhs and vice versa.
// A nested tuple shape of (F32, (S32[2], F32[2, 2])) is structurally equal to
// (S32, (F32[3], S32[2])) as their structures are both (,(,))
// In contrast, (F32, (F32, F32)) is structurally different from
// ((F32, F32), F32) as the former has structure (,(,)) while the latter has
// ((,),)
static bool EqualStructure(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// Returns the number of dimensions for which the dimension is not (trivially)
// 1. e.g., f32[2x1x1] has a true rank of 1D, the other dimensions are just
// fluff. Note that zero dimensions are included in the true rank, e.g.,
// f32[3,0,1] has a true rank of 2D.
static int64_t TrueRank(const Shape& shape);
static ProgramShape MakeProgramShape(std::initializer_list<Shape> parameters,
Shape result);
// Scalar-specific
static bool IsScalar(const Shape& shape) {
return shape.IsArray() && shape.rank() == 0;
static bool IsEffectiveScalar(const Shape& shape) {
return shape.IsArray() && TrueRank(shape) == 0;
// Returns whether "shape" is a scalar (array) with the given element_type.
static bool IsScalarWithElementType(const Shape& shape,
PrimitiveType element_type);
// Extracts the size of the shape's dimension at dimension number
// GetDimensionNumber(dimension_number).
static int64_t GetDimension(const Shape& shape, int64_t dimension_number);
// Resolves a dimension number, supporting negative indexing.
// Negative indexing has similar semantics to Python. For an N-dimensional
// array, dimension -1 is equivalent to dimension N-1, -2 is equivalent to
// N-2, and so on.
// This function always returns a positive dimension number for any given
// dimension_number (which itself can be negative).
static int64_t GetDimensionNumber(const Shape& shape,
int64_t dimension_number);
// Returns a shape with the same dimensions as the original, but with the
// element type changed to type.
static Shape ChangeElementType(const Shape& original, PrimitiveType type);
// Retursn a shape with same dimensions but with all dimensions set to static.
static Shape MakeStaticShape(const Shape& original);
// Creates a tuple shape from a slice of element shapes within the tuple.
static Shape MakeTupleShape(absl::Span<const Shape> shapes);
static Shape MakeTupleShapeWithPtrs(absl::Span<const Shape* const> shapes);
// Creates a tuple shape from a slice of element shapes within the tuple. If
// only one shape is passed, returns that.
static Shape MakeMaybeTupleShape(absl::Span<const Shape> shapes);
// Creates an opaque shape. These are generally used for threading a context
// into a custom operation.
static Shape MakeOpaqueShape();
// Creates a token shape. Values of this shape are used for ordering
// side-effecting operations.
static Shape MakeTokenShape();
// Appends a shape to the given tuple.
static void AppendShapeToTuple(const Shape& shape, Shape* tuple_shape);
// Update a subshape of a tuple.
static void UpdateTupleShape(const Shape& shape, int64_t index,
Shape* tuple_shape);
// Update the dynamic dimension for a shape. This shape can be a nested tuple.
static void UpdateDynamicDimension(Shape* shape, ShapeIndexView index,
int64_t dim, bool is_dynamic);
// Appends a major dimension to the shape with the given bound.
static void AppendMajorDimension(int bound, Shape* shape);
// Appends a minor dimension to the shape with the given bound.
static void AppendMinorDimension(int bound, Shape* shape);
// Copy the dynamic dimensions property from one shape to another.
static void CopyDynamicDimensions(Shape* to, const Shape& from);
// Returns an empty tuple shape. Can be used as a sentinel Shape value.
static Shape MakeNil() { return MakeTupleShape({}); }
// Checks whether the shape is initialized.
static bool IsInitialized(const Shape& shape) {
return shape.element_type() != PRIMITIVE_TYPE_INVALID;
// Constructs a new shape with the given element type and sequence of
// dimensions.
static Shape MakeShape(PrimitiveType element_type,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions);
// Make a scalar shape with given primitive type.
static Shape MakeScalarShape(PrimitiveType element_type);
// Constructs a new shape with the given element type and sequence of
// potentially dynamic dimensions. The argument 'dynamic_dimensions' indicates
// with a true value that the respective dimension is dynamic. If the
// dimension is dynamic then the respective value in 'dimension' is an upper
// bound on the dimension size. 'dimensions' and 'dynamic_dimensions' must be
// the same size.
static Shape MakeShape(PrimitiveType element_type,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions,
const std::vector<bool>& dynamic_dimensions);
// Constructs a new shape with the given element type and sequence of
// dimensions. Method checks if the element type is valid and the shape's
// size fits in std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max().
static StatusOr<Shape> MakeValidatedShape(
PrimitiveType element_type, absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions);
static StatusOr<Shape> MakeValidatedShape(
PrimitiveType element_type, absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions,
const std::vector<bool>& dynamic_dimensions);
// Creates a Shape with element type corresponding to T and the given
// dimensions
template <typename T>
static Shape MakeShapeWithType(absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions) {
return ShapeUtil::MakeShape(primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<T>(),
// Constructs a new shape with the given minor_to_major order in its Layout.
// Returns a value shape such that shape.has_layout().
static Shape MakeShapeWithLayout(PrimitiveType element_type,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions,
absl::Span<const int64_t> minor_to_major,
absl::Span<const Tile> tiles = {},
int64_t element_size_in_bits = 0,
int64_t memory_space = 0);
// Constructs a new shape with the given dimension `dim` as the most major
// dimension in the layout. If the shape does not have a layout, assumes a
// default layout. If the shape is a tuple, apply this to all the leaf shapes
// of the tuple.
static Shape MoveDimToMajor(const Shape& shape, int64_t dim);
// Returns the same shape except with all dimensions set to be static.
static Shape MakeShapeWithStaticDimensions(const Shape& shape);
// Constructs a new shape with major-first layout (i.e. {n, n-1, ..., 0}).
static Shape MakeShapeWithDescendingLayout(
PrimitiveType element_type, absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions);
// Returns a new Shape based on the given Shape with low-dimension-major
// layout (i.e. {n, n-1, ..., 0}, like Fortran), and with the dimensions
// rearranged so that it has the same in-memory layout as the given shape.
// For example, transforms f32[B,H,W,C]{0,3,2,1} to f32[H,W,C,B]{3,2,1,0}.
static Shape MakeShapeWithDescendingLayoutAndSamePhysicalLayout(
const Shape& shape);
// As MakeShape, but the object to write to is passed in.
static Status PopulateShape(PrimitiveType element_type,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions,
Shape* shape);
// Validates that the provided shape satisfies invariants.
static Status ValidateShape(const Shape& shape);
// Validates the provided shape satisfies invariants, except those that
// pertain to layout.
// Layout is optional for client-provided shapes, so that the compiler may
// determine and assign an optimized layout.
static Status ValidateShapeWithOptionalLayout(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the element type of the shape is integral (signed or
// unsigned). Note that predicates are not considered integral here, since
// they are logical values.
static bool ElementIsIntegral(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the element type of the shape is floating point.
static bool ElementIsFloating(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the element type of the shape is complex.
static bool ElementIsComplex(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the element type has the given bit width.
static bool ElementHasBitWidth(const Shape& shape, int bits);
// Returns whether the element type of the shape is integral and has
// the specified number of bits.
static bool ElementIsIntegralWithBits(const Shape& shape, int bits);
// Returns whether the element type of the shape is signed. Note
// that floating point numbers are signed.
static bool ElementIsSigned(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the given primitive type corresponds to an array shape.
static bool IsArrayPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType primitive_type);
// Returns whether the shape is a tuple with at least one element which is
// also a tuple.
static bool IsNestedTuple(const Shape& shape);
// Returns true if shape is an empty tuple.
static bool IsEmptyTuple(const Shape& shape);
// Returns the number of elements in the given tuple shape.
// Precondition: IsTuple(shape)
static int64_t TupleElementCount(const Shape& shape);
// Returns the tuple element shape at given index.
// Precondition: IsTuple(shape) && TupleElementCount(shape) > index
static const Shape& GetTupleElementShape(const Shape& shape, int64_t index);
// Returns the number of elements, recursively, in the given shape.
static int64_t SubshapeCount(const Shape& shape);
// Slices tuple elements in the range [start, limit) and returns a new tuple
// shape. E.g. a tuple like (f32, s32, u32) would slice via 1,3 to (s32, u32).
static Shape SliceTuple(const Shape& tuple, int64_t start, int64_t limit);
// Returns the shape of the real/imaginary components of the given complex
// shape.
static Shape ComplexComponentShape(const Shape& complex_shape);
// Returns true if the given shape has a subshape at the given index.
static bool IndexIsValid(const Shape& shape, ShapeIndexView index);
// GetSubshape and GetMutableSubshape return a particular nested Shape within
// the given Shape argument. The non-Try variants check fail if index is
// invalid.
static const Shape& GetSubshape(const Shape& shape, ShapeIndexView index);
static StatusOr<const Shape*> TryGetSubshape(const Shape& shape,
ShapeIndexView index);
static Shape* GetMutableSubshape(Shape* shape, ShapeIndexView index);
// Returns whether the given index in the given shape is a leaf element of the
// shape.
static bool IsLeafIndex(const Shape& shape, const ShapeIndex& index);
// Returns the number of leaves in the shape.
static int64_t GetLeafCount(const Shape& shape);
// Retrieves all the leaf shapes and their indexes, in the order walked by
// the ForEachSubshape() API.
static std::vector<IndexedShape> GetLeafShapes(const Shape& shape);
// Calls the given visitor function for each subshape of the given shape.
// Subshapes are visited in DFS pre-order starting with the entire shape
// (index {}).
using VisitorFunction = std::function<void(const Shape& /*subshape*/,
const ShapeIndex& /*index*/)>;
static void ForEachSubshape(const Shape& shape, const VisitorFunction& func);
using MutatingVisitorFunction =
std::function<void(Shape* /*subshape*/, const ShapeIndex& /*index*/)>;
static void ForEachMutableSubshape(Shape* shape,
const MutatingVisitorFunction& func);
// Variants of ForEach(Mutable)Subshape which propagate Status from the
// visitor function.
using StatusVisitorFunction = std::function<Status(
const Shape& /*subshape*/, const ShapeIndex& /*index*/)>;
static Status ForEachSubshapeWithStatus(const Shape& shape,
const StatusVisitorFunction& func);
using MutatingStatusVisitorFunction =
std::function<Status(Shape* /*subshape*/, const ShapeIndex& /*index*/)>;
static Status ForEachMutableSubshapeWithStatus(
Shape* shape, const MutatingStatusVisitorFunction& func);
// Returns true if `shape` (which must be an array) with degenerate dimensions
// (dimensions with bound 1).
static bool HasDegenerateDimensions(const Shape& shape);
// Drops any degenerate dimensions (i.e. dimensions of size 1)
static Shape DropDegenerateDimensions(const Shape& shape);
// Permutes the dimensions by the given permutation, so
// return_value.dimensions[i] = argument.dimensions[permutation[i]].
// Postcondition: For any valid permutation,
// !HasLayout(shape) ||
// TransposeIsBitcast(shape, PermuteDimensions(permutation, shape),
// permutation).
static Shape PermuteDimensions(absl::Span<const int64_t> permutation,
const Shape& shape);
// Describes how we can go from shape A to shape B by inserting degenerate
// 1-sized dimensions in `added_dimensions` and removing degenerate 1-sized
// dimensions from B in `removed_dimensions`.
// Only exists if shapes A and B only differ by degenerate dimensions.
struct ShapeEqualityDescriptor {
std::vector<int64_t> deleted_dimensions;
std::vector<int64_t> inserted_dimensions;
// If we can go from `shape_pre` to `shape_post` by merely inserting or
// deleting 1-sized dimensions, return the indices in `shape_pre` of the
// deleted dimensions and the indices in `dims_post` of the inserted
// dimensions.
// For example, if `shape_pre = {a_1, a_2, ..., a_m}` and
// `shape_post = {b_1, b_2, ..., b_n}` where we can find some sequence of `i`s
// and some sequence of `j`s so `a_i = 1` for each `i` and `b_j = 1` for each
// `j` and `a_(k-s) = b_(k-t)` where `s` and `t` are the number of `i`s and
// `j`s less than `k` for all other `k`, we return the `i`s and `j`s.
// For another example, if `shape_pre = shape_post = {}`, we return `{}`.
static std::optional<ShapeEqualityDescriptor>
InsertedOrDeleted1SizedDimensions(const Shape& shape_pre,
const Shape& shape_post);
// Suppose a reshape transforms input_shape to output shape. Returns a vector
// of pairs that indicate the input and output dimensions that this reshape
// doesn't logically (i.e. ignoring the layout) modify. For each pair (I,O) in
// the returned vector, the reshape transforms any input index whose I-th
// dimension is x to an output index whose O-th dimension is x too.
// Post-condition: the returned vector is sorted (by both input and output
// dimensions because input and output dimensions have the same order).
// Example:
// input shape = T[a, b, x, y, cd]
// output shape = T[ab, x, 1, y, c, d]
// return value = {{2, 1}, {3, 3}}
// The two pairs represent the input and output dimension of size x and
// those of size y.
static std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> DimensionsUnmodifiedByReshape(
const Shape& input_shape, const Shape& output_shape);
// Return whether the given reshape instruction leaves the dimensions at the
// given input indices unmodified, and returns their output indices.
// Example:
// input_dim_indices = {2, 3}
// input shape = T[a, b, x, y, cd]
// output shape = T[ab, x, 1, y, c, d]
// return value = {1, 3}
// Precondition: input_dim_indices is sorted.
static std::optional<std::vector<int64_t>> ReshapeLeavesDimensionsUnmodified(
const Shape& from_shape, const Shape& to_shape,
absl::Span<const int64_t> input_dim_indices);
// Returns whether a transpose from input_shape to output_shape with dimension
// mapping "dimension_mapping" produces a result which is bit-wise identical
// to its input and thus may be replaced with a bitcast.
// Precondition: Both input_shape and output_shape have explicit layouts.
static bool TransposeIsBitcast(const Shape& input_shape,
const Shape& output_shape,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dimension_mapping);
// Returns whether a reshape from "input_shape" to "output_shape" is a
// bitcast.
// Precondition: Both input_shape and output_shape have explicit layouts.
static bool ReshapeIsBitcast(const Shape& input_shape,
const Shape& output_shape);
// Find a physical layout for 'output_shape' such that
// ShapeUtil::ReshapeIsBitcast(input_shape, output_shape_with_layout) returns
// true (where 'output_shape_with_layout' is 'output_shape' with the found
// layout). The layout of 'input_shape' is kept fixed. Returns
// 'output_shape_with_layout' if such a layout can be found, and an error
// otherwise.
static std::optional<Shape> AlignLayouts(const Shape& input_shape,
const Shape& output_shape);
// Returns a shape with the given dimension deleted.
// For example:
// • `DeleteDimension(1, T[m, n, k]) = T[m, k]`
static Shape DeleteDimension(int64_t dim_to_delete, Shape shape);
// Returns a shape with dimensions in `to_drop` dropped.
static Shape DeleteDimensions(absl::Span<int64_t const> dims_to_delete,
Shape shape);
// Returns a shape with all the dimensions of the input shape for which `p`
// returns true.
// For examples:
// • `FilterDimensions((< 2), T[m, n, k]) = T[m, n]`
// • `FilterDimensions(is_even_number, T[m, n, k]) = T[m, k]`
static Shape FilterDimensions(const std::function<bool(int64_t)>& p,
Shape shape);
// Returns true if `dynamic_shape` has dimensions that are less-equal to the
// "bounded_shape". Shapes must be arrays.
static bool DynamicArrayShapeIsCompatible(const xla::Shape& dynamic_shape,
const xla::Shape& bounded_shape);
// Same as DynamicArrayShapeIsCompatible() but supports tuples.
static bool DynamicShapeIsCompatible(const xla::Shape& dynamic_shape,
const xla::Shape& bounded_shape);
// Iterates through all the shape indexes, in minor to major order,
// starting from the base indexes, incrementing by the incr steps, up to
// count (index[i] < base[i] + count[i]), and calls the visitor_function
// with the current index. The visitor_function visitor function should
// return true if it wants to continue, or false otherwise.
// visitor_function must be a callable of type
// StatusOr<bool>(absl::Span<int64_t>) or compatible.
template <typename FnType>
static Status ForEachIndexWithStatus(const Shape& shape,
absl::Span<const int64_t> base,
absl::Span<const int64_t> count,
absl::Span<const int64_t> incr,
const FnType& visitor_function) {
return ForEachIndexInternal(
shape, base, count, incr,
[&visitor_function](absl::Span<const int64_t> indexes,
int /*thread_id*/) {
return visitor_function(indexes);
// Simple ergonomic wrapper around ShapeUtil::ForEachIndexWithStatus.
struct IndexIterationSpace {
std::vector<int64_t> index_base;
std::vector<int64_t> index_count;
std::vector<int64_t> index_incr;
template <typename FnTy>
static Status ForEachIndexWithStatus(
const Shape& shape, const IndexIterationSpace& iteration_space,
FnTy&& function) {
return ShapeUtil::ForEachIndexWithStatus(
shape, iteration_space.index_base, iteration_space.index_count,
iteration_space.index_incr, std::forward<FnTy>(function));
template <typename FnType>
static void ForEachIndex(const Shape& shape, absl::Span<const int64_t> base,
absl::Span<const int64_t> count,
absl::Span<const int64_t> incr,
const FnType& visitor_function) {
ForEachIndexWithStatus(shape, base, count, incr,
[&](absl::Span<const int64_t> indices) {
return StatusOr<bool>(visitor_function(indices));
// These convenience wrappers don't take `base`, `count` and `incr`
// explicitly, but iterate over every element in `shape` instead.
template <typename FnType>
static Status ForEachIndexWithStatus(const Shape& shape,
const FnType& visitor_function) {
std::vector<int64_t> base(shape.dimensions_size());
std::vector<int64_t> incr(shape.dimensions_size(), 1);
return ForEachIndexWithStatus(shape, base,
/*count=*/shape.dimensions(), incr,
template <typename FnType>
static void ForEachIndex(const Shape& shape, const FnType& visitor_function) {
ForEachIndexWithStatus(shape, [&](absl::Span<const int64_t> indices) {
return StatusOr<bool>(visitor_function(indices));
// A parallel version of ForEachIndex(WithStatus). This can only be used if
// the visitor_function is thread-safe and the order of iteration does not
// matter.
// visitor_function must be a callable of type
// void(Span<int64_t>, int thread_id) or compatible.
template <typename FnType>
static void ForEachIndexParallel(const Shape& shape,
absl::Span<const int64_t> base,
absl::Span<const int64_t> count,
absl::Span<const int64_t> incr,
const FnType& visitor_function) {
// The parallel version of ForEachIndexInternal can never fail.
shape, base, count, incr,
[&visitor_function](absl::Span<const int64_t> indexes,
int thread_id) -> StatusOr<bool> {
visitor_function(indexes, thread_id);
return true;
// Convenience wrapper which doesn't take `base`, `count` and `incr`
// explicitly, but iterates over every element in `shape` instead.
template <typename FnType>
static void ForEachIndexParallel(const Shape& shape,
const FnType& visitor_function) {
std::vector<int64_t> base(shape.dimensions_size());
std::vector<int64_t> incr(shape.dimensions_size(), 1);
return ForEachIndexParallel(shape, base,
/*count=*/shape.dimensions(), incr,
// About 0-2-1 transpose:
// If a shape can be viewed as three logical components 0-1-2 in the order of
// major to minor, a 0-2-1-transpose changes the order of such logical
// components to 0-2-1. We call the shape being transposed the input shape and
// the transposed shape the output shape. The logical view of the input/output
// shapes for the transpose are called the 0-1-2/0-2-1 shapes or the
// normalized shapes. The original input/output shapes are called unnormalized
// shapes.
// If `b` is a 0-2-1 transpose of `a` in 0-1-2, return the dimensions for the
// normalized shape of `b` or the 0-2-1 shape.
static std::optional<std::vector<int64_t>> FindTranspose021(const Shape& a,
const Shape& b);
// Strips device-specific information, namely tiling and memory-space
// information, from a shape.
static Shape DeviceShapeToHostShape(Shape s);
// Returns true iff element type of shape `from` can be safely upcasted to
// element type of shape `to`.
static bool ElementCanUpcast(const Shape& from, const Shape& to);
// Computes byte strides of an array shape `shape`. `shape` must have a
// layout. Ignores tiling. `strides` must have size equal to the number of
// dimensions of `shape`.
static Status ByteStrides(const Shape& shape, absl::Span<int64_t> strides);
// Returns the array size in bytes (layout/tiling required), all paddings are
// included.
static int64_t ArraySize(const Shape& shape);
// Returns the size of array data in bytes, ignoring the trailing padding
// due to the tiling requirement.
static int64_t ArrayDataSize(const Shape& shape);
// Fills *shape. Returns true on success.
// REQUIRES: *shape is empty.
static bool FillNewShape(PrimitiveType element_type,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions, Shape* shape);
// Validates the shape size is sane. This makes sure it's safe to do
// calculations in int64_t without overflowing.
static Status ValidateShapeSize(const Shape& shape);
// Validates all of the non-layout properties of the shape -- this is a helper
// used by both the layout-optional and layout-required public method.
static Status ValidateShapeWithOptionalLayoutInternal(const Shape& shape);
template <typename FnType>
static Status ForEachIndexInternal(const Shape& shape,
absl::Span<const int64_t> base,
absl::Span<const int64_t> count,
absl::Span<const int64_t> incr,
const FnType& visitor_function,
bool parallel = false) {
if (ShapeUtil::IsZeroElementArray(shape)) {
return OkStatus();
CHECK_EQ(shape.rank(), base.size());
CHECK_EQ(incr.size(), base.size());
CHECK_EQ(count.size(), base.size());
const int64_t rank = LayoutUtil::MinorToMajor(shape).size();
// Allows handling R0 arrays, such that the visitor function will be called
// once with the proper empty indexes.
int64_t n = -1;
std::vector<int64_t> indexes(base.begin(), base.end());
const int kNumThreads = tensorflow::port::MaxParallelism();
std::optional<tensorflow::thread::ThreadPool> pool;
if (parallel) {
pool.emplace(tensorflow::Env::Default(), "foreach", kNumThreads);
absl::Mutex mu;
Status status; // Guarded by mu
while (n < rank) {
if (pool != std::nullopt) {
pool->Schedule([indexes, &visitor_function, &mu, &status, &pool] {
const int thread_id = pool->CurrentThreadId();
StatusOr<bool> result = visitor_function(indexes, thread_id);
if (!result.ok()) {
absl::MutexLock lock(&mu);
status = status.ok() ? result.status() : status;
} else {
TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(bool should_continue,
visitor_function(indexes, /*thread_id=*/-1));
if (!should_continue) {
// Increments dimensions in minor to major order.
for (n = 0; n < rank; ++n) {
int64_t dim = LayoutUtil::Minor(shape.layout(), n);
indexes[dim] += incr[dim];
if (indexes[dim] < base[dim] + count[dim]) {
indexes[dim] = base[dim];
// Waits for the scheduled work to complete.
return status;
ShapeUtil(const ShapeUtil&) = delete;
ShapeUtil& operator=(const ShapeUtil&) = delete;
} // namespace xla