blob: 76b7151e030aa546437988b1d95d1f399934c364 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/llvm_ir/ir_array.h"
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/layout_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/permutation_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/llvm_ir/llvm_type_conversion_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/llvm_ir/llvm_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/statusor.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_data.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
namespace xla {
namespace llvm_ir {
IrArray::Index::Index(absl::Span<llvm::Value* const> multidim,
llvm::Value* linear, const Shape& shape,
llvm::Type* index_type)
: Index(multidim, shape, index_type) {
CHECK_NE(linear, nullptr);
linear_ = linear;
void IrArray::Index::Delinearize(std::vector<llvm::Value*>* multidim,
llvm::Value* linear, const Shape& shape,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* b) const {
int64_t divisor = 1;
const Layout& layout = shape.layout();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < layout.minor_to_major_size(); ++i) {
int64_t dimension = layout.minor_to_major(i);
int64_t size_of_current_dimension = shape.dimensions(dimension);
// If i is not the last dimension, compute
// (linear_index / divisor) % current_dimension.
// If i is the last dimension, we can skip the mod, because we assume that
// linear is in bounds.
// TODO(jlebar): We could add bounds checks here and elsewhere in this file,
// guarded under some sort of xla-memcheck flag. This might be particularly
// useful because cuda-memcheck can't help us much in XLA: Most of our
// memory lives in one big allocation, so cuda-memcheck can't detect
// out-of-bounds accesses.
auto* quot = b->CreateUDiv(linear, GetConstantWithIndexType(divisor));
if (i < layout.minor_to_major_size() - 1) {
(*multidim)[dimension] = b->CreateURem(
quot, GetConstantWithIndexType(size_of_current_dimension));
} else {
(*multidim)[dimension] = quot;
divisor *= size_of_current_dimension;
void IrArray::Index::Delinearize(std::vector<llvm::Value*>* multidim,
llvm::Value* linear, const Shape& shape,
absl::Span<llvm::Value*> dynamic_dims,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* b) const {
CHECK_EQ(shape.dimensions_size(), dynamic_dims.size());
CHECK_EQ(multidim_.size(), shape.rank());
llvm::Value* divisor = GetConstantWithIndexType(1);
const Layout& layout = shape.layout();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < layout.minor_to_major_size(); ++i) {
int64_t dimension = layout.minor_to_major(i);
// If i is not the last dimension, compute
// (linear_index / divisor) % current_dimension.
// If i is the last dimension, we can skip the mod, because we assume that
// linear is in bounds.
auto* quot = b->CreateUDiv(linear, divisor, "quot");
if (i < layout.minor_to_major_size() - 1) {
llvm::Value* casted_dynamic_dim =
b->CreateIntCast(dynamic_dims[dimension], quot->getType(),
(*multidim)[dimension] =
b->CreateURem(quot, casted_dynamic_dim, "dim_value");
divisor = b->CreateMul(divisor, casted_dynamic_dim, "divisor");
} else {
(*multidim)[dimension] = quot;
IrArray::Index::Index(llvm::Value* linear, const Shape& shape,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* b)
: multidim_(shape.rank()),
dims_(shape.dimensions().begin(), shape.dimensions().end()) {
CHECK_NE(linear, nullptr);
index_type_ = linear->getType();
<< "Shape " << ShapeUtil::HumanStringWithLayout(shape)
<< " should have a layout.";
Delinearize(&multidim_, linear, shape, b);
IrArray::Index::Index(llvm::Value* linear,
absl::Span<llvm::Value* const> multidim,
const Shape& shape, llvm::IRBuilder<>* b)
: multidim_(shape.rank()),
dims_(shape.dimensions().begin(), shape.dimensions().end()) {
CHECK_NE(linear, nullptr);
index_type_ = linear->getType();
CHECK_EQ(multidim.size(), shape.rank());
for (auto dim : multidim) {
if (dim) {
CHECK_EQ(dim->getType(), index_type_);
<< "Shape " << ShapeUtil::HumanStringWithLayout(shape)
<< " should have a layout.";
Delinearize(&multidim_, linear, shape, b);
for (int i = 0; i < multidim.size(); ++i) {
if (multidim[i] != nullptr) {
multidim_[i] = multidim[i];
IrArray::Index::Index(llvm::Value* linear, const Shape& shape,
absl::Span<llvm::Value*> dynamic_dims,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* b)
: multidim_(shape.rank()),
dims_(shape.dimensions().begin(), shape.dimensions().end()) {
CHECK_NE(linear, nullptr);
index_type_ = linear->getType();
<< "Shape " << ShapeUtil::HumanStringWithLayout(shape)
<< " should have a layout.";
Delinearize(&multidim_, linear, shape, dynamic_dims, b);
IrArray::Index::Index(absl::Span<llvm::Value* const> multidim,
absl::Span<int64_t const> dimensions,
llvm::Type* index_type)
: Index(multidim, ShapeUtil::MakeShape(/*arbitrary*/ PRED, dimensions),
index_type) {}
IrArray::Index::Index(absl::Span<llvm::Value* const> multidim,
const Shape& shape, llvm::Type* index_type)
: multidim_(multidim.begin(), multidim.end()),
dims_(shape.dimensions().begin(), shape.dimensions().end()),
index_type_(index_type) {
CHECK_NE(index_type_, nullptr);
CHECK_EQ(shape.dimensions_size(), multidim.size());
for (const auto* dim : multidim) {
CHECK_NE(dim, nullptr);
<< "Shape " << ShapeUtil::HumanStringWithLayout(shape)
<< " should have a layout.";
IrArray::IrArray(llvm::Value* base_ptr, llvm::Type* pointee_type, Shape shape)
: base_ptr_(base_ptr),
shape_(std::move(shape)) {
int depth = 0;
element_type_ = pointee_type;
while (llvm::ArrayType* array_type =
llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::ArrayType>(element_type_)) {
element_type_ = array_type->getElementType();
if (!shape_.IsArray() || ShapeUtil::IsScalar(shape_)) {
DCHECK(depth == 1 || depth == 0) << depth;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(depth, shape_.rank()) << shape.ShortDebugString();
// Returns whether the given linear index is valid on the given shape.
bool IrArray::Index::LinearValidOnShape(const Shape& a) const {
auto b = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(a.element_type(), dims_);
*b.mutable_layout() = layout_;
return linear_ != nullptr &&
ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(a) == ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(b) &&
ShapeUtil::ReshapeIsBitcast(a, b);
IrArray::Index IrArray::Index::SourceIndexOfReshape(
const Shape& output_shape, const Shape& input_shape,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder) const {
CHECK_EQ(multidim_.size(), output_shape.rank());
std::vector<llvm::Value*> source_multidim_index(
input_shape.rank(), llvm::UndefValue::get(index_type_));
if (std::optional<ShapeUtil::ShapeEqualityDescriptor> trivial_reshape =
output_shape)) {
// This is a two-way merge of 'deleted_dims_indices' with indexing into
// 'source_multidim_index', and a two-way merge of 'inserted_dims_indices'
// with indexing into 'multidim_'. When we find a dimension in
// 'source_multidim_index' which does not belong to 'deleted_dims_indices',
// we retrieve the corresponding value from 'multidim_' (skipping any
// indices that appear in 'inserted_dims_indices').
for (int64_t i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0; i < source_multidim_index.size();
++i) {
if (j == trivial_reshape->deleted_dimensions.size() ||
trivial_reshape->deleted_dimensions[j] > i) {
// This is a dimension that was preserved. Take the matching value from
// multidim_.
while (l < trivial_reshape->inserted_dimensions.size() &&
trivial_reshape->inserted_dimensions[l] == k) {
// Skip 1-sized dimensions.
source_multidim_index[i] = multidim_[k];
} else {
// This is a 1-sized dimension that only appears in the operand.
source_multidim_index[i] = GetConstantWithIndexType(0);
} else {
const auto common_factors =
CommonFactors(input_shape.dimensions(), output_shape.dimensions());
// We compute the source indices in each common factor from only the target
// indices in the same common factor.
for (ssize_t k = common_factors.size() - 2; k >= 0; --k) {
absl::Span<int64_t const> dimensions = output_shape.dimensions().subspan(
common_factors[k + 1].second - common_factors[k].second);
llvm::Value* logical_linear_index =
Index(absl::Span<llvm::Value* const>(multidim_).subspan(
common_factors[k + 1].second - common_factors[k].second),
dimensions, index_type_)
.Linearize(dimensions, builder);
// Delinearizes logical_linear_index for the source array in row-major
// collapsed order. The first rank-1 indices are the remainder of the
// linear index by each dimension size.
for (int64_t i = common_factors[k + 1].first - 1;
i >= common_factors[k].first; --i) {
llvm::Value* divisor =
if (input_shape.dimensions(i) == 1) {
source_multidim_index[i] = GetConstantWithIndexType(0);
} else if (i == common_factors[k].first) {
source_multidim_index[i] = logical_linear_index;
} else {
source_multidim_index[i] =
builder->CreateURem(logical_linear_index, divisor);
logical_linear_index =
builder->CreateUDiv(logical_linear_index, divisor);
if (linear() != nullptr && LayoutUtil::HasLayout(input_shape) &&
LayoutUtil::HasLayout(output_shape) &&
ShapeUtil::ReshapeIsBitcast(input_shape, output_shape)) {
return Index(source_multidim_index, linear(), input_shape, index_type_);
return Index(source_multidim_index, input_shape, index_type_);
IrArray::Index IrArray::Index::SourceIndexOfSlice(
const Shape& operand_shape, absl::Span<const int64_t> starts,
absl::Span<const int64_t> strides, llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder) const {
std::vector<llvm::Value*> source_multi_index(multidim_.size());
for (int i = 0; i < multidim_.size(); ++i) {
int64_t stride = strides[i];
if (stride != 1) {
source_multi_index[i] = builder->CreateAdd(
builder->CreateMul(multidim_[i], GetConstantWithIndexType(stride)),
} else {
source_multi_index[i] =
builder->CreateAdd(multidim_[i], GetConstantWithIndexType(starts[i]));
return Index(source_multi_index, operand_shape, index_type_);
IrArray::Index IrArray::Index::SourceIndexOfTranspose(
const Shape& shape, const Shape& operand_shape,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dimension_mapping) const {
std::vector<llvm::Value*> operand_multidim_index =
PermuteInverse(multidim(), dimension_mapping);
if (linear() != nullptr && LayoutUtil::HasLayout(operand_shape) &&
LayoutUtil::HasLayout(shape) &&
ShapeUtil::TransposeIsBitcast(operand_shape, shape, dimension_mapping)) {
return Index(operand_multidim_index, linear(), operand_shape, index_type_);
return Index(operand_multidim_index, operand_shape, index_type_);
IrArray::Index IrArray::Index::SourceIndexOfBitcast(
const Shape& shape, const Shape& operand_shape,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder) const {
CHECK(LayoutUtil::HasLayout(shape) && LayoutUtil::HasLayout(operand_shape));
// In case the bitcast is just a reshape, we can use SourceIndexOfReshape()
// instead. This will reuse linear() if possible, so we don't have to build a
// new 'linear_index'.
if (ShapeUtil::ReshapeIsBitcast(operand_shape, shape)) {
return SourceIndexOfReshape(shape, operand_shape, builder);
// If we have a linear index, we can definitely use it because we know the
// operation is a bitcast. This will recompute the multi-dimensional index for
// the operand based on the linear index.
if (linear() != nullptr) {
return Index(linear(), operand_shape, builder);
// First linearize the index coming from the output of the bitcast. We want
// the physical index of the element in the buffer. This is like Linearize,
// but takes the layout into account.
int64_t scale = 1;
llvm::Value* linear_index = GetConstantWithIndexType(0);
for (auto dimension : LayoutUtil::MinorToMajor(shape)) {
linear_index = builder->CreateAdd(
GetConstantWithIndexType(scale), "",
/*HasNUW=*/true, /*HasNSW=*/true),
"", /*HasNUW=*/true, /*HasNSW=*/true);
scale *= shape.dimensions(dimension);
return Index(linear_index, operand_shape, builder);
IrArray::Index IrArray::Index::SourceIndexOfBroadcast(
const Shape& shape, const Shape& operand_shape,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dimension_mapping,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder) const {
int64_t rank = operand_shape.rank();
std::vector<llvm::Value*> source_index(rank);
for (int64_t i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
source_index[i] = multidim_[dimension_mapping[i]];
if (linear_ == nullptr || !LayoutUtil::HasLayout(operand_shape) ||
!LayoutUtil::HasLayout(shape) || rank == 1) {
return Index(source_index, operand_shape, index_type_);
// High-level idea: we can reuse the linear index if the broadcasted
// dimensions are contiguous, and this part of the operation is a bitcast.
// The other dimensions can be masked out with a div and a mod operation.
std::vector<int64_t> logical_to_physical =
int64_t output_rank = shape.rank();
// The minimum physical dimension that is broadcasted.
int64_t min_broadcasted_dimension = output_rank;
// The maximum physical dimension that is broadcasted.
int64_t max_broadcasted_dimension = -1;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
int64_t physical_dim = logical_to_physical[dimension_mapping[i]];
min_broadcasted_dimension =
std::min(min_broadcasted_dimension, physical_dim);
max_broadcasted_dimension =
std::max(max_broadcasted_dimension, physical_dim);
bool contiguous_broadcast_dimensions =
max_broadcasted_dimension - min_broadcasted_dimension == rank - 1;
if (!contiguous_broadcast_dimensions) {
return Index(source_index, operand_shape, index_type_);
// Check if the mapped dimensions are a bitcast.
std::vector<int64_t> operand_logical_to_physical =
for (int64_t i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
if (operand_logical_to_physical[i] !=
logical_to_physical[dimension_mapping[i]] - min_broadcasted_dimension) {
return Index(source_index, operand_shape, index_type_);
llvm::Value* linear = linear_;
int64_t divisor = 1;
for (int64_t i = max_broadcasted_dimension + 1; i < output_rank; ++i) {
divisor *= shape.dimensions(LayoutUtil::Major(shape.layout(), i));
if (divisor > 1) {
linear = builder->CreateUDiv(linear, GetConstantWithIndexType(divisor));
if (min_broadcasted_dimension > 0) {
int64_t mod = 1;
for (int64_t i = min_broadcasted_dimension; i <= max_broadcasted_dimension;
++i) {
mod *= shape.dimensions(LayoutUtil::Major(shape.layout(), i));
linear = builder->CreateURem(linear, GetConstantWithIndexType(mod));
return Index(source_index, linear, operand_shape, index_type_);
llvm::Value* IrArray::Index::Linearize(absl::Span<const int64_t> dimensions,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder) const {
// Each dimension is multiplied by the product of the sizes of all
// earlier dimensions and added to the accumulator logical_linear_index.
CHECK_EQ(size(), dimensions.size());
llvm::Value* logical_linear_index = GetConstantWithIndexType(0);
int64_t multiplier = 1;
for (ssize_t i = size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
llvm::Value* addend =
builder->CreateMul((*this)[i], GetConstantWithIndexType(multiplier), "",
/*HasNUW=*/true, /*HasNSW=*/true);
addend = builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(addend, index_type_);
logical_linear_index = builder->CreateAdd(logical_linear_index, addend, "",
/*HasNUW=*/true, /*HasNSW=*/true);
multiplier *= dimensions[i];
return logical_linear_index;
llvm::Value* IrArray::Index::Linearize(
const std::vector<llvm::Value*>& dynamic_dims,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder) const {
// Each dimension is multiplied by the product of the sizes of all
// earlier dimensions and added to the accumulator logical_linear_index.
CHECK_EQ(size(), dynamic_dims.size());
llvm::Value* logical_linear_index = GetConstantWithIndexType(0);
llvm::Value* multiplier = GetConstantWithIndexType(1);
for (ssize_t i = size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
llvm::Value* addend = builder->CreateMul((*this)[i], multiplier, "",
/*HasNUW=*/true, /*HasNSW=*/true);
addend = builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(addend, index_type_);
logical_linear_index = builder->CreateAdd(logical_linear_index, addend, "",
/*HasNUW=*/true, /*HasNSW=*/true);
if (i) {
multiplier = builder->CreateMul(multiplier, dynamic_dims[i],
return logical_linear_index;
llvm::Value* IrArray::EmitArrayElementAddress(const IrArray::Index& index,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* b,
absl::string_view name,
bool use_linear_index) const {
if (ShapeUtil::IsScalar(shape_)) {
// Special handling of scalars: a scalar pretends to have the same value for
// every index, thus effectively implementing broadcasting of its value
// over higher-rank arrays.
return base_ptr_;
CHECK_EQ(index.size(), shape_.rank());
<< "Shape " << index.AsShapeWithType(shape_.element_type()).ToString(true)
<< " is not compatible with " << shape_.ToString(true);
if (use_linear_index && index.LinearValidOnShape(shape_)) {
llvm::Module* module = b->GetInsertBlock()->getParent()->getParent();
llvm::Type* type = PrimitiveTypeToIrType(shape_.element_type(), module);
return b->CreateInBoundsGEP(
type, b->CreateBitCast(base_ptr_, type->getPointerTo()), index.linear(),
std::vector<llvm::Value*> actual_index;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < index.size(); ++i) {
// When dimension i is of size 1, LLVM optimization is able to replace
// index[i] with 0. However, setting index[i] to 0 here still allows LLVM to
// produce better code in some cases.
auto dim = shape_.dimensions(i);
dim == 1 ? llvm::ConstantInt::get(index[i]->getType(), 0) : index[i]);
// "base_ptr_" has the type of "<ir_type_for_its_shape>*"
// (e.g. [3 x [2 x float]]*). Therefore, the address of the indexed element
// should be computed by
// getelementptr base_ptr_, 0, most major index, ..., most minor index
CHECK_GT(index.size(), 0);
std::vector<llvm::Value*> gep_indices(
1, llvm::ConstantInt::get(index[0]->getType(), 0));
for (int64_t i = 0; i < LayoutUtil::MinorToMajor(shape_).size(); ++i) {
int64_t dimension = LayoutUtil::Major(shape_.layout(), i);
return b->CreateInBoundsGEP(pointee_type_, base_ptr_, gep_indices,
void IrArray::AnnotateLoadStoreInstructionWithMetadata(
llvm::Instruction* instruction) const {
CHECK(llvm::isa<llvm::LoadInst>(instruction) ||
CHECK(!llvm::isa<llvm::StoreInst>(instruction) || !is_invariant_)
<< "Trying to create a store to an invariant IRArray.";
for (const auto& kind_md_pair : metadata_) {
instruction->setMetadata(kind_md_pair.first, kind_md_pair.second);
llvm::Value* IrArray::EmitReadArrayElement(const Index& index,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* b,
absl::string_view name,
bool use_linear_index) const {
llvm::Value* element_address =
EmitArrayElementAddress(index, b, name, use_linear_index);
llvm::LoadInst* load =
b->CreateLoad(element_type_, element_address, llvm_ir::AsStringRef(name));
return load;
void IrArray::EmitWriteArrayElement(const Index& index, llvm::Value* value,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* b,
bool use_linear_index) const {
llvm::Value* element_address =
EmitArrayElementAddress(index, b, "", use_linear_index);
llvm::StoreInst* store = b->CreateStore(value, element_address);
IrArray IrArray::CastToShape(const Shape& new_shape,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* b) const {
llvm::Module* module = b->GetInsertBlock()->getParent()->getParent();
llvm::Type* new_ir_type = llvm_ir::ShapeToIrType(new_shape, module);
IrArray new_irarray(
b->CreatePointerCast(base_ptr_, new_ir_type->getPointerTo()), new_ir_type,
new_irarray.metadata_ = metadata_;
return new_irarray;
bool IrArray::Index::ShapeIsCompatible(const Shape& a, const Shape& b) {
// Compute strides for two sides of the comparison. Sometimes different shapes
// give the same strides:
// [10, 20, 30, 1]{3,2,1,0} vs [10, 20, 1, 30]{3,2,1,0}
// which should be considered compatible.
const auto get_strides = [](const Shape& shape) {
int rank = shape.dimensions().size();
int64_t stride = 1;
std::vector<int64_t> strides;
for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
auto dim = shape.dimensions(shape.layout().minor_to_major(i));
if (dim != 1) {
stride *= dim;
return strides;
return get_strides(a) == get_strides(b);
} // namespace llvm_ir
} // namespace xla