blob: 6d63e4afd2d42476228b7c37341828e24d1758e4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- LoopUnroll.cpp - Code to perform loop unrolling --------------------===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file implements loop unrolling.
#include "mlir/Transforms/Passes.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/LoopAnalysis.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/InstVisitor.h"
#include "mlir/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/LoopUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace mlir;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "loop-unroll"
static llvm::cl::OptionCategory clOptionsCategory(DEBUG_TYPE " options");
// Loop unrolling factor.
static llvm::cl::opt<unsigned> clUnrollFactor(
"unroll-factor", llvm::cl::Hidden,
llvm::cl::desc("Use this unroll factor for all loops being unrolled"),
static llvm::cl::opt<bool> clUnrollFull("unroll-full", llvm::cl::Hidden,
llvm::cl::desc("Fully unroll loops"),
static llvm::cl::opt<unsigned> clUnrollNumRepetitions(
"unroll-num-reps", llvm::cl::Hidden,
llvm::cl::desc("Unroll innermost loops repeatedly this many times"),
static llvm::cl::opt<unsigned> clUnrollFullThreshold(
"unroll-full-threshold", llvm::cl::Hidden,
"Unroll all loops with trip count less than or equal to this"),
namespace {
/// Loop unrolling pass. Unrolls all innermost loops unless full unrolling and a
/// full unroll threshold was specified, in which case, fully unrolls all loops
/// with trip count less than the specified threshold. The latter is for testing
/// purposes, especially for testing outer loop unrolling.
struct LoopUnroll : public FunctionPass {
const Optional<unsigned> unrollFactor;
const Optional<bool> unrollFull;
// Callback to obtain unroll factors; if this has a callable target, takes
// precedence over command-line argument or passed argument.
const std::function<unsigned(const ForInst &)> getUnrollFactor;
explicit LoopUnroll(
Optional<unsigned> unrollFactor = None, Optional<bool> unrollFull = None,
const std::function<unsigned(const ForInst &)> &getUnrollFactor = nullptr)
: FunctionPass(&LoopUnroll::passID), unrollFactor(unrollFactor),
unrollFull(unrollFull), getUnrollFactor(getUnrollFactor) {}
PassResult runOnFunction(Function *f) override;
/// Unroll this for inst. Returns false if nothing was done.
bool runOnForInst(ForInst *forInst);
static const unsigned kDefaultUnrollFactor = 4;
static char passID;
} // end anonymous namespace
char LoopUnroll::passID = 0;
PassResult LoopUnroll::runOnFunction(Function *f) {
// Gathers all innermost loops through a post order pruned walk.
class InnermostLoopGatherer : public InstWalker<InnermostLoopGatherer, bool> {
// Store innermost loops as we walk.
std::vector<ForInst *> loops;
// This method specialized to encode custom return logic.
using InstListType = llvm::iplist<Instruction>;
bool walkPostOrder(InstListType::iterator Start,
InstListType::iterator End) {
bool hasInnerLoops = false;
// We need to walk all elements since all innermost loops need to be
// gathered as opposed to determining whether this list has any inner
// loops or not.
while (Start != End)
hasInnerLoops |= walkPostOrder(&(*Start++));
return hasInnerLoops;
bool walkForInstPostOrder(ForInst *forInst) {
bool hasInnerLoops =
walkPostOrder(forInst->getBody()->begin(), forInst->getBody()->end());
if (!hasInnerLoops)
return true;
bool walkOpInstPostOrder(OperationInst *opInst) {
for (auto &blockList : opInst->getBlockLists())
for (auto &block : blockList)
if (walkPostOrder(block.begin(), block.end()))
return true;
return false;
// FIXME: can't use base class method for this because that in turn would
// need to use the derived class method above. CRTP doesn't allow it, and
// the compiler error resulting from it is also misleading.
using InstWalker<InnermostLoopGatherer, bool>::walkPostOrder;
// Gathers all loops with trip count <= minTripCount.
class ShortLoopGatherer : public InstWalker<ShortLoopGatherer> {
// Store short loops as we walk.
std::vector<ForInst *> loops;
const unsigned minTripCount;
ShortLoopGatherer(unsigned minTripCount) : minTripCount(minTripCount) {}
void visitForInst(ForInst *forInst) {
Optional<uint64_t> tripCount = getConstantTripCount(*forInst);
if (tripCount.hasValue() && tripCount.getValue() <= minTripCount)
if (clUnrollFull.getNumOccurrences() > 0 &&
clUnrollFullThreshold.getNumOccurrences() > 0) {
ShortLoopGatherer slg(clUnrollFullThreshold);
// Do a post order walk so that loops are gathered from innermost to
// outermost (or else unrolling an outer one may delete gathered inner
// ones).
auto &loops = slg.loops;
for (auto *forInst : loops)
return success();
unsigned numRepetitions = clUnrollNumRepetitions.getNumOccurrences() > 0
? clUnrollNumRepetitions
: 1;
// If the call back is provided, we will recurse until no loops are found.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numRepetitions || getUnrollFactor; i++) {
InnermostLoopGatherer ilg;
auto &loops = ilg.loops;
if (loops.empty())
bool unrolled = false;
for (auto *forInst : loops)
unrolled |= runOnForInst(forInst);
if (!unrolled)
// Break out if nothing was unrolled.
return success();
/// Unrolls a 'for' inst. Returns true if the loop was unrolled, false
/// otherwise. The default unroll factor is 4.
bool LoopUnroll::runOnForInst(ForInst *forInst) {
// Use the function callback if one was provided.
if (getUnrollFactor) {
return loopUnrollByFactor(forInst, getUnrollFactor(*forInst));
// Unroll by the factor passed, if any.
if (unrollFactor.hasValue())
return loopUnrollByFactor(forInst, unrollFactor.getValue());
// Unroll by the command line factor if one was specified.
if (clUnrollFactor.getNumOccurrences() > 0)
return loopUnrollByFactor(forInst, clUnrollFactor);
// Unroll completely if full loop unroll was specified.
if (clUnrollFull.getNumOccurrences() > 0 ||
(unrollFull.hasValue() && unrollFull.getValue()))
return loopUnrollFull(forInst);
// Unroll by four otherwise.
return loopUnrollByFactor(forInst, kDefaultUnrollFactor);
FunctionPass *mlir::createLoopUnrollPass(
int unrollFactor, int unrollFull,
const std::function<unsigned(const ForInst &)> &getUnrollFactor) {
return new LoopUnroll(
unrollFactor == -1 ? None : Optional<unsigned>(unrollFactor),
unrollFull == -1 ? None : Optional<bool>(unrollFull), getUnrollFactor);
static PassRegistration<LoopUnroll> pass("loop-unroll", "Unroll loops");