blob: 80cd21362ceb0caf44c06b79b5f3a4a1c9dc1fff [file] [log] [blame]
//===- UseDefLists.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file defines generic use/def list machinery and manipulation utilities.
#include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
namespace mlir {
class IROperand;
class IROperandOwner;
template <typename OperandType, typename OwnerType> class ValueUseIterator;
class IRObjectWithUseList {
~IRObjectWithUseList() {
assert(use_empty() && "Cannot destroy a value that still has uses!");
/// Returns true if this value has no uses.
bool use_empty() const { return firstUse == nullptr; }
/// Returns true if this value has exactly one use.
inline bool hasOneUse() const;
using use_iterator = ValueUseIterator<IROperand, IROperandOwner>;
using use_range = llvm::iterator_range<use_iterator>;
inline use_iterator use_begin() const;
inline use_iterator use_end() const;
/// Returns a range of all uses, which is useful for iterating over all uses.
inline use_range getUses() const;
/// Replace all uses of 'this' value with the new value, updating anything in
/// the IR that uses 'this' to use the other value instead. When this returns
/// there are zero uses of 'this'.
void replaceAllUsesWith(IRObjectWithUseList *newValue);
/// Drop all uses of this object from their respective owners.
void dropAllUses();
IRObjectWithUseList() {}
/// Return the first IROperand that is using this value, for use by custom
/// use/def iterators.
IROperand *getFirstUse() { return firstUse; }
const IROperand *getFirstUse() const { return firstUse; }
friend class IROperand;
IROperand *firstUse = nullptr;
/// Subclasses of IROperandOwner can be the owner of an IROperand. In practice
/// this is the common base between Instruction and Instruction.
class IROperandOwner {
enum class Kind {
/// These enums define ranges used for classof implementations.
INST_LAST = ForInst,
Kind getKind() const { return locationAndKind.getInt(); }
/// The source location the operation was defined or derived from.
Location getLoc() const { return locationAndKind.getPointer(); }
/// Set the source location the operation was defined or derived from.
void setLoc(Location loc) { locationAndKind.setPointer(loc); }
/// Return the context this operation is associated with.
MLIRContext *getContext() const;
IROperandOwner(Kind kind, Location location)
: locationAndKind(location, kind) {}
/// This holds information about the source location the operation was defined
/// or derived from, along with the kind of subclass this is.
llvm::PointerIntPair<Location, 3, Kind> locationAndKind;
/// A reference to a value, suitable for use as an operand of an instruction,
/// instruction, etc.
class IROperand {
IROperand(IROperandOwner *owner) : owner(owner) {}
IROperand(IROperandOwner *owner, IRObjectWithUseList *value)
: value(value), owner(owner) {
/// Return the current value being used by this operand.
IRObjectWithUseList *get() const { return value; }
/// Set the current value being used by this operand.
void set(IRObjectWithUseList *newValue) {
// It isn't worth optimizing for the case of switching operands on a single
// value.
value = newValue;
/// Return the owner of this operand, for example, the OperationInst that
/// contains an InstOperand.
IROperandOwner *getOwner() { return owner; }
const IROperandOwner *getOwner() const { return owner; }
/// \brief Remove this use of the operand.
void drop() {
value = nullptr;
nextUse = nullptr;
back = nullptr;
~IROperand() { removeFromCurrent(); }
/// Return the next operand on the use-list of the value we are referring to.
/// This should generally only be used by the internal implementation details
/// of the SSA machinery.
IROperand *getNextOperandUsingThisValue() { return nextUse; }
/// We support a move constructor so IROperand's can be in vectors, but this
/// shouldn't be used by general clients.
IROperand(IROperand &&other) : owner(other.owner) {
*this = std::move(other);
IROperand &operator=(IROperand &&other) {
value = other.value;
other.value = nullptr;
other.back = nullptr;
nextUse = nullptr;
back = nullptr;
return *this;
/// The value used as this operand. This can be null when in a
/// "dropAllUses" state.
IRObjectWithUseList *value = nullptr;
/// The next operand in the use-chain.
IROperand *nextUse = nullptr;
/// This points to the previous link in the use-chain.
IROperand **back = nullptr;
/// The owner of this operand, for example, the OperationInst that contains an
/// InstOperand.
IROperandOwner *const owner;
/// Operands are not copyable or assignable.
IROperand(const IROperand &use) = delete;
IROperand &operator=(const IROperand &use) = delete;
void removeFromCurrent() {
if (!back)
*back = nextUse;
if (nextUse)
nextUse->back = back;
void insertIntoCurrent() {
back = &value->firstUse;
nextUse = value->firstUse;
if (nextUse)
nextUse->back = &nextUse;
value->firstUse = this;
/// A reference to a value, suitable for use as an operand of an instruction,
/// instruction, etc. IRValueTy is the root type to use for values this tracks,
/// and SSAUserTy is the type that will contain operands.
template <typename IRValueTy, typename IROwnerTy>
class IROperandImpl : public IROperand {
IROperandImpl(IROwnerTy *owner) : IROperand(owner) {}
IROperandImpl(IROwnerTy *owner, IRValueTy *value) : IROperand(owner, value) {}
/// Return the current value being used by this operand.
IRValueTy *get() const { return (IRValueTy *)IROperand::get(); }
/// Set the current value being used by this operand.
void set(IRValueTy *newValue) { IROperand::set(newValue); }
/// Return the user that owns this use.
IROwnerTy *getOwner() { return (IROwnerTy *)IROperand::getOwner(); }
const IROwnerTy *getOwner() const {
return (IROwnerTy *)IROperand::getOwner();
/// Return which operand this is in the operand list of the User.
unsigned getOperandNumber() const;
/// An iterator over all uses of a ValueBase.
template <typename OperandType, typename OwnerType>
class ValueUseIterator
: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, IROperand> {
ValueUseIterator() = default;
explicit ValueUseIterator(OperandType *current) : current(current) {}
OperandType *operator->() const { return current; }
OperandType &operator*() const { return *current; }
OwnerType *getUser() const { return current->getOwner(); }
ValueUseIterator &operator++() {
assert(current && "incrementing past end()!");
current = (OperandType *)current->getNextOperandUsingThisValue();
return *this;
ValueUseIterator operator++(int unused) {
ValueUseIterator copy = *this;
return copy;
friend bool operator==(ValueUseIterator lhs, ValueUseIterator rhs) {
return lhs.current == rhs.current;
friend bool operator!=(ValueUseIterator lhs, ValueUseIterator rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
OperandType *current;
inline auto IRObjectWithUseList::use_begin() const -> use_iterator {
return use_iterator(firstUse);
inline auto IRObjectWithUseList::use_end() const -> use_iterator {
return use_iterator(nullptr);
inline auto IRObjectWithUseList::getUses() const
-> llvm::iterator_range<use_iterator> {
return {use_begin(), use_end()};
/// Returns true if this value has exactly one use.
inline bool IRObjectWithUseList::hasOneUse() const {
return firstUse && firstUse->getNextOperandUsingThisValue() == nullptr;
} // namespace mlir