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//===- Builders.h - Helpers for constructing MLIR Classes -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
#include "mlir/IR/Function.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Instructions.h"
namespace mlir {
class AffineExpr;
class BlockAndValueMapping;
class Module;
class UnknownLoc;
class UniquedFilename;
class FileLineColLoc;
class Type;
class PrimitiveType;
class IntegerType;
class FunctionType;
class MemRefType;
class VectorType;
class RankedTensorType;
class UnrankedTensorType;
class BoolAttr;
class IntegerAttr;
class FloatAttr;
class StringAttr;
class TypeAttr;
class ArrayAttr;
class FunctionAttr;
class ElementsAttr;
class DenseElementsAttr;
class DenseIntElementsAttr;
class AffineMapAttr;
class AffineMap;
/// This class is a general helper class for creating context-global objects
/// like types, attributes, and affine expressions.
class Builder {
explicit Builder(MLIRContext *context) : context(context) {}
explicit Builder(Module *module);
MLIRContext *getContext() const { return context; }
Identifier getIdentifier(StringRef str);
Module *createModule();
// Locations.
UnknownLoc getUnknownLoc();
UniquedFilename getUniquedFilename(StringRef filename);
FileLineColLoc getFileLineColLoc(UniquedFilename filename, unsigned line,
unsigned column);
Location getFusedLoc(ArrayRef<Location> locs,
Attribute metadata = Attribute());
// Types.
FloatType getBF16Type();
FloatType getF16Type();
FloatType getF32Type();
FloatType getF64Type();
IndexType getIndexType();
IntegerType getI1Type();
IntegerType getIntegerType(unsigned width);
FunctionType getFunctionType(ArrayRef<Type> inputs, ArrayRef<Type> results);
MemRefType getMemRefType(ArrayRef<int64_t> shape, Type elementType,
ArrayRef<AffineMap> affineMapComposition = {},
unsigned memorySpace = 0);
VectorType getVectorType(ArrayRef<int64_t> shape, Type elementType);
RankedTensorType getTensorType(ArrayRef<int64_t> shape, Type elementType);
UnrankedTensorType getTensorType(Type elementType);
/// Get or construct an instance of the type 'ty' with provided arguments.
template <typename Ty, typename... Args> Ty getType(Args... args) {
return Ty::get(context, args...);
// Attributes.
BoolAttr getBoolAttr(bool value);
IntegerAttr getIntegerAttr(Type type, int64_t value);
IntegerAttr getIntegerAttr(Type type, const APInt &value);
FloatAttr getFloatAttr(Type type, double value);
FloatAttr getFloatAttr(Type type, const APFloat &value);
StringAttr getStringAttr(StringRef bytes);
ArrayAttr getArrayAttr(ArrayRef<Attribute> value);
AffineMapAttr getAffineMapAttr(AffineMap map);
IntegerSetAttr getIntegerSetAttr(IntegerSet set);
TypeAttr getTypeAttr(Type type);
FunctionAttr getFunctionAttr(const Function *value);
ElementsAttr getSplatElementsAttr(VectorOrTensorType type, Attribute elt);
ElementsAttr getDenseElementsAttr(VectorOrTensorType type,
ArrayRef<char> data);
ElementsAttr getDenseElementsAttr(VectorOrTensorType type,
ArrayRef<Attribute> values);
ElementsAttr getSparseElementsAttr(VectorOrTensorType type,
DenseIntElementsAttr indices,
DenseElementsAttr values);
ElementsAttr getOpaqueElementsAttr(VectorOrTensorType type, StringRef bytes);
// Returns a 0-valued attribute of the given `type`. This function only
// supports boolean, integer, and 32-/64-bit float types, and vector or ranked
// tensor of them. Returns null attribute otherwise.
Attribute getZeroAttr(Type type);
// Convenience methods for fixed types.
FloatAttr getF32FloatAttr(float value);
FloatAttr getF64FloatAttr(double value);
IntegerAttr getI32IntegerAttr(int32_t value);
IntegerAttr getI64IntegerAttr(int64_t value);
// Affine expressions and affine maps.
AffineExpr getAffineDimExpr(unsigned position);
AffineExpr getAffineSymbolExpr(unsigned position);
AffineExpr getAffineConstantExpr(int64_t constant);
AffineMap getAffineMap(unsigned dimCount, unsigned symbolCount,
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> results,
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> rangeSizes);
// Special cases of affine maps and integer sets
/// Returns a single constant result affine map with 0 dimensions and 0
/// symbols. One constant result: () -> (val).
AffineMap getConstantAffineMap(int64_t val);
// One dimension id identity map: (i) -> (i).
AffineMap getDimIdentityMap();
// Multi-dimensional identity map: (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2).
AffineMap getMultiDimIdentityMap(unsigned rank);
// One symbol identity map: ()[s] -> (s).
AffineMap getSymbolIdentityMap();
/// Returns a map that shifts its (single) input dimension by 'shift'.
/// (d0) -> (d0 + shift)
AffineMap getSingleDimShiftAffineMap(int64_t shift);
/// Returns an affine map that is a translation (shift) of all result
/// expressions in 'map' by 'shift'.
/// Eg: input: (d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0, d1 + s0), shift = 2
/// returns: (d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0 + 2, d1 + s0 + 2)
AffineMap getShiftedAffineMap(AffineMap map, int64_t shift);
// Integer set.
IntegerSet getIntegerSet(unsigned dimCount, unsigned symbolCount,
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> constraints,
ArrayRef<bool> isEq);
// TODO: Helpers for affine map/exprs, etc.
MLIRContext *context;
/// This class helps build a Function. Instructions that are created are
/// automatically inserted at an insertion point. The builder is copyable.
class FuncBuilder : public Builder {
/// Create a function builder and set the insertion point to the start of
/// the function.
FuncBuilder(Function *func) : Builder(func->getContext()), function(func) {
if (!func->empty())
setInsertionPoint(&func->front(), func->front().begin());
/// Create a function builder and set insertion point to the given
/// instruction, which will cause subsequent insertions to go right before it.
FuncBuilder(Instruction *inst) : FuncBuilder(inst->getFunction()) {
FuncBuilder(Block *block) : FuncBuilder(block->getFunction()) {
setInsertionPoint(block, block->end());
FuncBuilder(Block *block, Block::iterator insertPoint)
: FuncBuilder(block->getFunction()) {
setInsertionPoint(block, insertPoint);
/// Return the function this builder is referring to.
Function *getFunction() const { return function; }
/// Reset the insertion point to no location. Creating an operation without a
/// set insertion point is an error, but this can still be useful when the
/// current insertion point a builder refers to is being removed.
void clearInsertionPoint() {
this->block = nullptr;
insertPoint = Block::iterator();
/// Set the insertion point to the specified location.
void setInsertionPoint(Block *block, Block::iterator insertPoint) {
// TODO: check that insertPoint is in this rather than some other block.
this->block = block;
this->insertPoint = insertPoint;
/// Sets the insertion point to the specified operation, which will cause
/// subsequent insertions to go right before it.
void setInsertionPoint(Instruction *inst) {
setInsertionPoint(inst->getBlock(), Block::iterator(inst));
/// Sets the insertion point to the start of the specified block.
void setInsertionPointToStart(Block *block) {
setInsertionPoint(block, block->begin());
/// Sets the insertion point to the end of the specified block.
void setInsertionPointToEnd(Block *block) {
setInsertionPoint(block, block->end());
/// Return the block the current insertion point belongs to. Note that the
/// the insertion point is not necessarily the end of the block.
Block *getInsertionBlock() const { return block; }
/// Returns the current insertion point of the builder.
Block::iterator getInsertionPoint() const { return insertPoint; }
/// Add new block and set the insertion point to the end of it. If an
/// 'insertBefore' block is passed, the block will be placed before the
/// specified block. If not, the block will be appended to the end of the
/// current function.
Block *createBlock(Block *insertBefore = nullptr);
/// Returns a builder for the body of a 'for' instruction.
static FuncBuilder getForInstBodyBuilder(ForInst *forInst) {
return FuncBuilder(forInst->getBody(), forInst->getBody()->end());
/// Returns the current block of the builder.
Block *getBlock() const { return block; }
/// Creates an operation given the fields represented as an OperationState.
OperationInst *createOperation(const OperationState &state);
/// Create operation of specific op type at the current insertion point.
template <typename OpTy, typename... Args>
OpPointer<OpTy> create(Location location, Args... args) {
OperationState state(getContext(), location, OpTy::getOperationName());
OpTy::build(this, &state, args...);
auto *inst = createOperation(state);
auto result = inst->dyn_cast<OpTy>();
assert(result && "Builder didn't return the right type");
return result;
/// Creates a deep copy of the specified instruction, remapping any operands
/// that use values outside of the instruction using the map that is provided
/// ( leaving them alone if no entry is present). Replaces references to
/// cloned sub-instructions to the corresponding instruction that is copied,
/// and adds those mappings to the map.
Instruction *clone(const Instruction &inst, BlockAndValueMapping &mapper) {
Instruction *cloneInst = inst.clone(mapper, getContext());
block->getInstructions().insert(insertPoint, cloneInst);
return cloneInst;
Instruction *clone(const Instruction &inst) {
Instruction *cloneInst = inst.clone(getContext());
block->getInstructions().insert(insertPoint, cloneInst);
return cloneInst;
// Creates a for instruction. When step is not specified, it is set to 1.
ForInst *createFor(Location location, ArrayRef<Value *> lbOperands,
AffineMap lbMap, ArrayRef<Value *> ubOperands,
AffineMap ubMap, int64_t step = 1);
// Creates a for instruction with known (constant) lower and upper bounds.
// Default step is 1.
ForInst *createFor(Location loc, int64_t lb, int64_t ub, int64_t step = 1);
Function *function;
Block *block = nullptr;
Block::iterator insertPoint;
} // namespace mlir