blob: 161bb217a10cd10a432f8dae543b187ec0cc11d6 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- NestedMacher.h - Nested matcher for MLFunction -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
#include "mlir/IR/InstVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include <utility>
namespace mlir {
struct NestedPatternStorage;
struct NestedMatchStorage;
class Instruction;
/// An NestedPattern captures nested patterns. It is used in conjunction with
/// a scoped NestedPatternContext which is an llvm::BumPtrAllocator that
/// handles memory allocations efficiently and avoids ownership issues.
/// In order to use NestedPatterns, first create a scoped context. When the
/// context goes out of scope, everything is freed.
/// This design simplifies the API by avoiding references to the context and
/// makes it clear that references to matchers must not escape.
/// Example:
/// {
/// NestedPatternContext context;
/// auto gemmLike = Doall(Doall(Red(LoadStores())));
/// auto matches = gemmLike.match(f);
/// // do work on matches
/// } // everything is freed
/// Recursive abstraction for matching results.
/// Provides iteration over the Instruction* captured by a Matcher.
/// Implemented as a POD value-type with underlying storage pointer.
/// The underlying storage lives in a scoped bumper allocator whose lifetime
/// is managed by an RAII NestedPatternContext.
/// This is used by value everywhere.
struct NestedMatch {
using EntryType = std::pair<Instruction *, NestedMatch>;
using iterator = EntryType *;
static NestedMatch build(ArrayRef<NestedMatch::EntryType> elements = {});
NestedMatch(const NestedMatch &) = default;
NestedMatch &operator=(const NestedMatch &) = default;
explicit operator bool() { return !empty(); }
iterator begin();
iterator end();
EntryType &front();
EntryType &back();
unsigned size() { return end() - begin(); }
unsigned empty() { return size() == 0; }
friend class NestedPattern;
friend class NestedPatternContext;
friend class NestedMatchStorage;
/// Underlying global bump allocator managed by a NestedPatternContext.
static llvm::BumpPtrAllocator *&allocator();
NestedMatch(NestedMatchStorage *storage) : storage(storage){};
/// Copy the specified array of elements into memory managed by our bump
/// pointer allocator. The elements are all PODs by constructions.
static NestedMatch copyInto(ArrayRef<NestedMatch::EntryType> elements);
/// POD payload.
NestedMatchStorage *storage;
/// A NestedPattern is a special type of InstWalker that:
/// 1. recursively matches a substructure in the tree;
/// 2. uses a filter function to refine matches with extra semantic
/// constraints (passed via a lambda of type FilterFunctionType);
/// 3. TODO(ntv) Optionally applies actions (lambda).
/// Implemented as a POD value-type with underlying storage pointer.
/// The underlying storage lives in a scoped bumper allocator whose lifetime
/// is managed by an RAII NestedPatternContext.
/// This should be used by value everywhere.
using FilterFunctionType = std::function<bool(const Instruction &)>;
static bool defaultFilterFunction(const Instruction &) { return true; };
struct NestedPattern : public InstWalker<NestedPattern> {
NestedPattern(Instruction::Kind k, ArrayRef<NestedPattern> nested,
FilterFunctionType filter = defaultFilterFunction);
NestedPattern(const NestedPattern &) = default;
NestedPattern &operator=(const NestedPattern &) = default;
/// Returns all the matches in `function`.
NestedMatch match(Function *function);
/// Returns all the matches nested under `instruction`.
NestedMatch match(Instruction *instruction);
unsigned getDepth();
friend class NestedPatternContext;
friend InstWalker<NestedPattern>;
/// Underlying global bump allocator managed by a NestedPatternContext.
static llvm::BumpPtrAllocator *&allocator();
Instruction::Kind getKind();
ArrayRef<NestedPattern> getNestedPatterns();
FilterFunctionType getFilterFunction();
void matchOne(Instruction *elem);
void visitForInst(ForInst *forInst) { matchOne(forInst); }
void visitOperationInst(OperationInst *opInst) { matchOne(opInst); }
/// POD paylod.
/// Storage for the PatternMatcher.
NestedPatternStorage *storage;
// By-value POD wrapper to underlying storage pointer.
NestedMatch matches;
/// RAII structure to transparently manage the bump allocator for
/// NestedPattern and NestedMatch classes.
struct NestedPatternContext {
NestedPatternContext() {
NestedPattern::allocator() = &allocator;
NestedMatch::allocator() = &allocator;
~NestedPatternContext() {
NestedPattern::allocator() = nullptr;
NestedMatch::allocator() = nullptr;
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator allocator;
namespace matcher {
// Syntactic sugar NestedPattern builder functions.
NestedPattern Op(FilterFunctionType filter = defaultFilterFunction);
NestedPattern If(NestedPattern child);
NestedPattern If(FilterFunctionType filter, NestedPattern child);
NestedPattern If(ArrayRef<NestedPattern> nested = {});
NestedPattern If(FilterFunctionType filter,
ArrayRef<NestedPattern> nested = {});
NestedPattern For(NestedPattern child);
NestedPattern For(FilterFunctionType filter, NestedPattern child);
NestedPattern For(ArrayRef<NestedPattern> nested = {});
NestedPattern For(FilterFunctionType filter,
ArrayRef<NestedPattern> nested = {});
bool isParallelLoop(const Instruction &inst);
bool isReductionLoop(const Instruction &inst);
bool isLoadOrStore(const Instruction &inst);
} // end namespace matcher
} // end namespace mlir