blob: ade98a126376b7115593bd4b3218b0b075a1dd51 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/cord.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/file_statistics.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/platform.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/stringpiece.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
#undef DeleteFile
#undef CopyFile
namespace tensorflow {
class RandomAccessFile;
class ReadOnlyMemoryRegion;
class WritableFile;
/// A generic interface for accessing a file system. Implementations
/// of custom filesystem adapters must implement this interface,
/// RandomAccessFile, WritableFile, and ReadOnlyMemoryRegion classes.
class FileSystem {
/// \brief Creates a brand new random access read-only file with the
/// specified name.
/// On success, stores a pointer to the new file in
/// *result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and
/// returns non-OK. If the file does not exist, returns a non-OK
/// status.
/// The returned file may be concurrently accessed by multiple threads.
/// The ownership of the returned RandomAccessFile is passed to the caller
/// and the object should be deleted when is not used.
virtual tensorflow::Status NewRandomAccessFile(
const string& fname, std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile>* result) = 0;
/// \brief Creates an object that writes to a new file with the specified
/// name.
/// Deletes any existing file with the same name and creates a
/// new file. On success, stores a pointer to the new file in
/// *result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and
/// returns non-OK.
/// The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.
/// The ownership of the returned WritableFile is passed to the caller
/// and the object should be deleted when is not used.
virtual tensorflow::Status NewWritableFile(
const string& fname, std::unique_ptr<WritableFile>* result) = 0;
/// \brief Creates an object that either appends to an existing file, or
/// writes to a new file (if the file does not exist to begin with).
/// On success, stores a pointer to the new file in *result and
/// returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and returns
/// non-OK.
/// The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time.
/// The ownership of the returned WritableFile is passed to the caller
/// and the object should be deleted when is not used.
virtual tensorflow::Status NewAppendableFile(
const string& fname, std::unique_ptr<WritableFile>* result) = 0;
/// \brief Creates a readonly region of memory with the file context.
/// On success, it returns a pointer to read-only memory region
/// from the content of file fname. The ownership of the region is passed to
/// the caller. On failure stores nullptr in *result and returns non-OK.
/// The returned memory region can be accessed from many threads in parallel.
/// The ownership of the returned ReadOnlyMemoryRegion is passed to the caller
/// and the object should be deleted when is not used.
virtual tensorflow::Status NewReadOnlyMemoryRegionFromFile(
const string& fname, std::unique_ptr<ReadOnlyMemoryRegion>* result) = 0;
/// Returns OK if the named path exists and NOT_FOUND otherwise.
virtual tensorflow::Status FileExists(const string& fname) = 0;
/// Returns true if all the listed files exist, false otherwise.
/// if status is not null, populate the vector with a detailed status
/// for each file.
virtual bool FilesExist(const std::vector<string>& files,
std::vector<Status>* status);
/// \brief Returns the immediate children in the given directory.
/// The returned paths are relative to 'dir'.
virtual tensorflow::Status GetChildren(const string& dir,
std::vector<string>* result) = 0;
/// \brief Given a pattern, stores in *results the set of paths that matches
/// that pattern. *results is cleared.
/// pattern must match all of a name, not just a substring.
/// pattern: { term }
/// term:
/// '*': matches any sequence of non-'/' characters
/// '?': matches a single non-'/' character
/// '[' [ '^' ] { match-list } ']':
/// matches any single character (not) on the list
/// c: matches character c (c != '*', '?', '\\', '[')
/// '\\' c: matches character c
/// character-range:
/// c: matches character c (c != '\\', '-', ']')
/// '\\' c: matches character c
/// lo '-' hi: matches character c for lo <= c <= hi
/// Typical return codes:
/// * OK - no errors
/// * UNIMPLEMENTED - Some underlying functions (like GetChildren) are not
/// implemented
virtual tensorflow::Status GetMatchingPaths(const string& pattern,
std::vector<string>* results) = 0;
/// \brief Obtains statistics for the given path.
virtual tensorflow::Status Stat(const string& fname,
FileStatistics* stat) = 0;
/// \brief Deletes the named file.
virtual tensorflow::Status DeleteFile(const string& fname) = 0;
/// \brief Creates the specified directory.
/// Typical return codes:
/// * OK - successfully created the directory.
/// * ALREADY_EXISTS - directory with name dirname already exists.
/// * PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname is not writable.
virtual tensorflow::Status CreateDir(const string& dirname) = 0;
/// \brief Creates the specified directory and all the necessary
/// subdirectories.
/// Typical return codes:
/// * OK - successfully created the directory and sub directories, even if
/// they were already created.
/// * PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname or some subdirectory is not writable.
virtual tensorflow::Status RecursivelyCreateDir(const string& dirname);
/// \brief Deletes the specified directory.
virtual tensorflow::Status DeleteDir(const string& dirname) = 0;
/// \brief Deletes the specified directory and all subdirectories and files
/// underneath it. This is accomplished by traversing the directory tree
/// rooted at dirname and deleting entries as they are encountered.
/// If dirname itself is not readable or does not exist, *undeleted_dir_count
/// is set to 1, *undeleted_file_count is set to 0 and an appropriate status
/// (e.g. NOT_FOUND) is returned.
/// If dirname and all its descendants were successfully deleted, TF_OK is
/// returned and both error counters are set to zero.
/// Otherwise, while traversing the tree, undeleted_file_count and
/// undeleted_dir_count are updated if an entry of the corresponding type
/// could not be deleted. The returned error status represents the reason that
/// any one of these entries could not be deleted.
/// REQUIRES: undeleted_files, undeleted_dirs to be not null.
/// Typical return codes:
/// * OK - dirname exists and we were able to delete everything underneath.
/// * NOT_FOUND - dirname doesn't exist
/// * PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname or some descendant is not writable
/// * UNIMPLEMENTED - Some underlying functions (like Delete) are not
/// implemented
virtual tensorflow::Status DeleteRecursively(const string& dirname,
int64* undeleted_files,
int64* undeleted_dirs);
/// \brief Stores the size of `fname` in `*file_size`.
virtual tensorflow::Status GetFileSize(const string& fname,
uint64* file_size) = 0;
/// \brief Overwrites the target if it exists.
virtual tensorflow::Status RenameFile(const string& src,
const string& target) = 0;
/// \brief Copy the src to target.
virtual tensorflow::Status CopyFile(const string& src, const string& target);
/// \brief Translate an URI to a filename for the FileSystem implementation.
/// The implementation in this class cleans up the path, removing
/// duplicate /'s, resolving .. and . (more details in
/// tensorflow::lib::io::CleanPath).
virtual string TranslateName(const string& name) const;
/// \brief Returns whether the given path is a directory or not.
/// Typical return codes (not guaranteed exhaustive):
/// * OK - The path exists and is a directory.
/// * FAILED_PRECONDITION - The path exists and is not a directory.
/// * NOT_FOUND - The path entry does not exist.
/// * PERMISSION_DENIED - Insufficient permissions.
/// * UNIMPLEMENTED - The file factory doesn't support directories.
virtual tensorflow::Status IsDirectory(const string& fname);
/// \brief Flushes any cached filesystem objects from memory.
virtual void FlushCaches();
FileSystem() {}
virtual ~FileSystem() = default;
/// A file abstraction for randomly reading the contents of a file.
class RandomAccessFile {
RandomAccessFile() {}
virtual ~RandomAccessFile() = default;
/// \brief Returns the name of the file.
/// This is an optional operation that may not be implemented by every
/// filesystem.
virtual tensorflow::Status Name(StringPiece* result) const {
return errors::Unimplemented("This filesystem does not support Name()");
/// \brief Reads up to `n` bytes from the file starting at `offset`.
/// `scratch[0..n-1]` may be written by this routine. Sets `*result`
/// to the data that was read (including if fewer than `n` bytes were
/// successfully read). May set `*result` to point at data in
/// `scratch[0..n-1]`, so `scratch[0..n-1]` must be live when
/// `*result` is used.
/// On OK returned status: `n` bytes have been stored in `*result`.
/// On non-OK returned status: `[0..n]` bytes have been stored in `*result`.
/// Returns `OUT_OF_RANGE` if fewer than n bytes were stored in `*result`
/// because of EOF.
/// Safe for concurrent use by multiple threads.
virtual tensorflow::Status Read(uint64 offset, size_t n, StringPiece* result,
char* scratch) const = 0;
// TODO(ebrevdo): Remove this ifdef when absl is updated.
#if defined(PLATFORM_GOOGLE)
/// \brief Read up to `n` bytes from the file starting at `offset`.
virtual tensorflow::Status Read(uint64 offset, size_t n,
absl::Cord* cord) const {
return errors::Unimplemented(
"Read(uint64, size_t, absl::Cord*) is not "
/// \brief A file abstraction for sequential writing.
/// The implementation must provide buffering since callers may append
/// small fragments at a time to the file.
class WritableFile {
WritableFile() {}
virtual ~WritableFile() = default;
/// \brief Append 'data' to the file.
virtual tensorflow::Status Append(StringPiece data) = 0;
// TODO(ebrevdo): Remove this ifdef when absl is updated.
#if defined(PLATFORM_GOOGLE)
// \brief Append 'data' to the file.
virtual tensorflow::Status Append(const absl::Cord& cord) {
return errors::Unimplemented("Append(absl::Cord) is not implemented");
/// \brief Close the file.
/// Flush() and de-allocate resources associated with this file
/// Typical return codes (not guaranteed to be exhaustive):
/// * OK
/// * Other codes, as returned from Flush()
virtual tensorflow::Status Close() = 0;
/// \brief Flushes the file and optionally syncs contents to filesystem.
/// This should flush any local buffers whose contents have not been
/// delivered to the filesystem.
/// If the process terminates after a successful flush, the contents
/// may still be persisted, since the underlying filesystem may
/// eventually flush the contents. If the OS or machine crashes
/// after a successful flush, the contents may or may not be
/// persisted, depending on the implementation.
virtual tensorflow::Status Flush() = 0;
// \brief Returns the name of the file.
/// This is an optional operation that may not be implemented by every
/// filesystem.
virtual tensorflow::Status Name(StringPiece* result) const {
return errors::Unimplemented("This filesystem does not support Name()");
/// \brief Syncs contents of file to filesystem.
/// This waits for confirmation from the filesystem that the contents
/// of the file have been persisted to the filesystem; if the OS
/// or machine crashes after a successful Sync, the contents should
/// be properly saved.
virtual tensorflow::Status Sync() = 0;
/// \brief Retrieves the current write position in the file, or -1 on
/// error.
/// This is an optional operation, subclasses may choose to return
/// errors::Unimplemented.
virtual tensorflow::Status Tell(int64* position) {
*position = -1;
return errors::Unimplemented("This filesystem does not support Tell()");
/// \brief A readonly memmapped file abstraction.
/// The implementation must guarantee that all memory is accessible when the
/// object exists, independently from the Env that created it.
class ReadOnlyMemoryRegion {
ReadOnlyMemoryRegion() {}
virtual ~ReadOnlyMemoryRegion() = default;
/// \brief Returns a pointer to the memory region.
virtual const void* data() = 0;
/// \brief Returns the length of the memory region in bytes.
virtual uint64 length() = 0;
/// \brief A registry for file system implementations.
/// Filenames are specified as an URI, which is of the form
/// [scheme://]<filename>.
/// File system implementations are registered using the REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM
/// macro, providing the 'scheme' as the key.
/// There are two `Register` methods: one using `Factory` for legacy filesystems
/// (deprecated mechanism of subclassing `FileSystem` and using
/// `REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM` macro), and one using `std::unique_ptr<FileSystem>`
/// for the new modular approach.
/// Note that the new API expects a pointer to `ModularFileSystem` but this is
/// not checked as there should be exactly one caller to the API and doing the
/// check results in a circular dependency between `BUILD` targets.
/// Plan is to completely remove the filesystem registration from `Env` and
/// incorporate it into `ModularFileSystem` class (which will be renamed to be
/// the only `FileSystem` class and marked as `final`). But this will happen at
/// a later time, after we convert all filesystems to the new API.
/// TODO(mihaimaruseac): After all filesystems are converted, remove old
/// registration and update comment.
class FileSystemRegistry {
typedef std::function<FileSystem*()> Factory;
virtual ~FileSystemRegistry() = default;
virtual tensorflow::Status Register(const std::string& scheme,
Factory factory) = 0;
virtual tensorflow::Status Register(
const std::string& scheme, std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> filesystem) = 0;
virtual FileSystem* Lookup(const std::string& scheme) = 0;
virtual tensorflow::Status GetRegisteredFileSystemSchemes(
std::vector<std::string>* schemes) = 0;
} // namespace tensorflow