Graph pattern matcher for grappler.
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/BUILD b/tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/BUILD
index e87ec9d..3195867 100644
--- a/tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/BUILD
+++ b/tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/BUILD
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+    name = "pattern_utils",
+    srcs = [""],
+    hdrs = ["pattern_utils.h"],
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    deps = [
+        ":graph_view",
+    ],
+    name = "pattern_utils_test",
+    srcs = [""],
+    deps = [
+        ":pattern_utils",
+        "//tensorflow/cc:cc_ops",
+        "//tensorflow/cc:cc_ops_internal",
+        "//tensorflow/core:test",
+        "//tensorflow/core:test_main",
+        "//tensorflow/core:testlib",
+    ],
     name = "transitive_fanin",
     srcs = [""],
     hdrs = ["transitive_fanin.h"],
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index 0000000..4b3f845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/
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+/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/pattern_utils.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace grappler {
+namespace utils {
+// A subgraph pattern syntax implicitly defines a DAG having a single root. We
+// traverse the syntax DAG in DFS manner. This function finds a match for
+// current root of the pattern with the current node and recursively matches
+// children subpatterns with the children of current node.
+template <>
+bool SubGraphMatcher<MatchingDirection::kFollowInputs>::DoesOpTypePatternMatch(
+    const OpTypePattern& pattern, MutableNodeView* node_view,
+    NodeViewMatch* match) {
+  // Currently no control inputs and outputs are allowed.
+  if (node_view->NumControllingFanins() > 0 ||
+      node_view->NumControlledFanouts() > 0)
+    return false;
+  bool op_type_matched = false;
+  if (pattern.op == "*") {
+    op_type_matched = true;
+  } else {
+    // The op field string of current pattern might express an op among multiple
+    // op types (mutually exclusive) separated by '|'.
+    std::vector<string> op_list = str_util::Split(pattern.op, '|');
+    for (const string& op : op_list) {
+      if (node_view->node()->op() == op) {
+        op_type_matched = true;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (op_type_matched) {
+    // If op type matches and current node is visited first time, insert current
+    // node to node_label_to_index_ map with the current label as the key.
+    // Multiple occurances of same label in the pattern syntax indicates that
+    // the same node needs to be visited for each of such occurances. Hence
+    // subsequent visits should find the corresponding label in the map as a key
+    // and the current node should be the value for that key.
+    if (node_label_to_index_.find(pattern.label) ==
+        node_label_to_index_.end()) {
+      node_label_to_index_[pattern.label] = node_view->node_index();
+      // Bookkeeping
+      matched_node_indices_.insert(node_view->node_index());
+      if (pattern.node_status == NodeStatus::kRemove) {
+        remove_node_indices_.insert(node_view->node_index());
+      }
+    } else if (node_label_to_index_[pattern.label] != node_view->node_index()) {
+      return false;  // label constraint could not be satisfied.
+    } else {
+      DCHECK(node_label_to_index_[pattern.label] == node_view->node_index());
+    }
+  } else {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Current root of the pattern syntax is matched with the current node.
+  match->node_view = node_view;
+  // Go for matching child subpattern.
+  if (!pattern.children.empty()) {
+    // Currently only direction toward inputs is implemented.
+    auto node_view_children = node_view->GetRegularFanins();
+    if (node_view_children.size() != pattern.children.size()) {
+      return false;
+    } else {
+      for (int i = 0; i < pattern.children.size(); ++i) {
+        auto child_node_index = node_view_children[i].node_index();
+        // TODO (mdfaijul): Is it guaranted that GetNode will reuturn non null
+        // pointer.
+        MutableNodeView* child_node_view =
+            graph_view_->GetNode(child_node_index);
+        const OpTypePattern& child_pattern = pattern.children[i];
+        match->children.push_back(NodeViewMatch());
+        NodeViewMatch* child_match = &(match->children.back());
+        if (!DoesOpTypePatternMatch(child_pattern, child_node_view,
+                                    child_match)) {
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+// Current implementation supports pattern maching toward node's inputs only.
+template <>
+bool SubGraphMatcher<MatchingDirection::kFollowInputs>::GetMatchedNodes(
+    const OpTypePattern& pattern, MutableNodeView* node_view,
+    std::map<string, int>* matched_nodes_map,
+    std::set<int>* remove_node_indices) {
+  bool found_match = false;
+  match_.reset(new NodeViewMatch());
+  if (DoesOpTypePatternMatch(pattern, node_view, match_.get())) {
+    if (!HasRemoveNodeExternalDependents()) {
+      found_match = true;
+      matched_nodes_map->swap(this->node_label_to_index_);
+      remove_node_indices->swap(this->remove_node_indices_);
+    }
+  } else {
+    found_match = false;
+    // Clear all bookkeeping data
+    match_->Clear();
+    match_.reset(nullptr);
+    node_label_to_index_.clear();
+    matched_node_indices_.clear();
+    remove_node_indices_.clear();
+  }
+  return found_match;
+}  // namespace utils
+}  // namespace grappler
+}  // namespace tensorflow
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+++ b/tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/pattern_utils.h
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+/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/graph_view.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace grappler {
+namespace utils {
+// A pattern can be defined by the following grammar. Here, op_type is any valid
+// op name in the TensorFlow.
+//    leaf_pattern ::= `{` op_type `}`
+//    pattern ::= leaf_pattern |
+//                `{` op_type `,` `{` pattern `,` ... `,` pattern `}` `}`
+// (1) For example, the following pattern syntax describes a pattern for
+// _FusedConv2D (Conv2D + BiasAdd + Relu). Note that "*" means any type of op.
+//  {"Relu",
+//    {
+//      "BiasAdd",
+//      {
+//        {"Conv2D"},
+//        {"*"}
+//      }
+//    }
+//  }
+// The syntax above has a root ("Relu") and children (inputs), where each child
+// is a sub-pattern. Graph pattern matcher finds a match for the given pattern
+// syntax in a graph and returns a set of matched nodes.
+// (2) In order to match a DAG with a given root, we extend pattern syntax with
+// labels. For example, a frequently found pattern in Deep Learning models is a
+// residual block like below.
+//    Placeholder  Const
+//          |        |
+//    +-----+-----+  |
+//    |           |  |
+//    |           v  v
+//    |          Conv2D   Const
+//    |            |        |
+//    |            v  v-----+
+//    |          BiasAdd
+//    |            |
+//    v v----------+
+//   AddV2
+// As shown above, it is the same input node (Placeholder) consumed by both
+// AddV2 and and Conv2D. This constrained can be put as labels in the following
+// augmented pattern syntax.
+//  {"AddV2", "my_add",
+//    {
+//      {"*", "my_residual_input"},
+//      {"BiasAdd", "my_bias_add",
+//        {
+//          {"Conv2D", "my_conv",
+//            {
+//              {"*", "my_residual_input"},
+//              {"*", "my_filter"}
+//            }
+//          },
+//          {"*", my_bias"}
+//        }
+//      }
+//    }
+//  }
+// Note that the same label "my_residual_input" is used to tell that it is a
+// child of both "AddV2" and "Conv2D". Labels are arbitrary strings to associate
+// with the nodes to be matched as well as to uniquely identify those nodes.
+// (3) The motivatation for a grammar based pattern matching in grappler is to
+// make easy for finding fusion pattern in the remapper. A subgraph that
+// matches a given pattern, however, is not fusable if any of the matched node,
+// that will be removed as a part of fusion, has a consumer outside the matched
+// subgraph. In order to check for such type of external dependencies, we
+// further extend pattern syntax by prospective action (NodeStatus) on the
+// matched nodes as shown below. This helps cross checking the nodes to be
+// removed with the nodes matched intially.
+//  {"AddV2", "my_add", NodeStatus::kReplace,
+//    {
+//      {"*", "my_residual_input", NodeStatus::kRemain},
+//      {"BiasAdd", "my_bias_add", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+//        {
+//          {"Conv2D", "my_conv", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+//            {
+//              {"*", "my_residual_input", NodeStatus::kRemain},
+//              {"*", "my_filter", NodeStatus::Remain}
+//            }
+//          },
+//          {"*", my_bias", NodeStatus::kRemain}
+//        }
+//      }
+//    }
+//  }
+// Pattern matcher recursively matches child subpatterns. The direction
+// for children could be toward node's input (fanins) or outputs (fanouts).
+enum class MatchingDirection { kFollowInputs, kFollowOutputs };
+// Action for each node in the set of matched nodes for a given pattern.
+enum class NodeStatus { kRemain, kRemove, kReplace };
+// TODO (intel-tf): Support multiple roots by making them children of a single
+// virtual root.
+struct OpTypePattern {
+  string op;
+  string label;
+  NodeStatus node_status;
+  std::vector<OpTypePattern> children;
+  string DebugString() const {
+    string result = "{(op: " + op + ", " + "label: " + label + "), {";
+    for (const OpTypePattern& child : children) {
+      result += child.DebugString() + ",";
+    }
+    result += "}}";
+    return result;
+  }
+// This is a helpful recursive structure that keeps one-to-one mapping of
+// pattern syntax to the matched nodes. User can call DebugString to see what
+// has been matched so far and where is the failing point.
+struct NodeViewMatch {
+  MutableNodeView* node_view = nullptr;
+  std::vector<NodeViewMatch> children;
+  string DebugString() const {
+    string result = "{";
+    if (node_view == nullptr) {
+      result += "Non-Matched-Node}";
+      return result;
+    } else {
+      result += node_view->node()->DebugString();
+      result += ", {";
+      for (const NodeViewMatch& child : children) {
+        result += child.DebugString() + ",";
+      }
+      result += "}}";
+      return result;
+    }
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    for (NodeViewMatch& child : children) {
+      child.Clear();  // child is an object.
+    }
+    children.clear();  // children is a vector.
+    if (node_view != nullptr) {
+      node_view = nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+template <MatchingDirection DIRECTION = MatchingDirection::kFollowInputs>
+class SubGraphMatcher {
+ public:
+  SubGraphMatcher(MutableGraphView* graph_view) : graph_view_(graph_view){};
+  // If a given pattern is matched, this function returns true as well as the
+  // matched node and remove node info is populated.
+  bool GetMatchedNodes(const OpTypePattern& pattern, MutableNodeView* node_view,
+                       std::map<string, int>* matched_nodes_map,
+                       std::set<int>* remove_node_indices);
+ private:
+  MutableGraphView* graph_view_;
+  std::map<string, int> node_label_to_index_;
+  std::set<int> matched_node_indices_;
+  std::set<int> remove_node_indices_;
+  std::unique_ptr<NodeViewMatch> match_ = nullptr;
+  bool DoesOpTypePatternMatch(const OpTypePattern& pattern,
+                              MutableNodeView* node_view, NodeViewMatch* match);
+  // This function should be called after the pattern matcher has found
+  // potential matched nodes (i.e. when DoesOpTypePatternMatch returns "true").
+  // It performs a sanity check if the candidate nodes for removal in subgraph
+  // fusion is indeed safe to remove.
+  bool HasRemoveNodeExternalDependents() {
+    for (const auto& node_idx : remove_node_indices_) {
+      auto node_view = graph_view_->GetNode(node_idx);
+      // Traverse all the Regular Fanouts. Fanouts are stored as vector of
+      // vector, std::vector<std::vector<MutableFaninView>>. Note that
+      // a MutableNodeView's fanouts are stored in a nested vector of
+      // MutableFaninView type.
+      auto fanouts_by_ports = node_view->GetRegularFanouts();
+      for (const auto& fanouts : fanouts_by_ports) {
+        for (const auto& fanout : fanouts) {
+          if (!matched_node_indices_.count(fanout.node_index())) {
+            return true;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+}  // namespace utils
+}  // namespace grappler
+}  // namespace tensorflow
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ea0b6
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+++ b/tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/pattern_utils.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/util/dump_graph.h"
+#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/nn_ops_internal.h"
+#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status_test_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/test.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/test_benchmark.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace grappler {
+namespace utils {
+namespace {
+using ::tensorflow::ops::Placeholder;
+void GetMatMulBiasAddGeluGraph(GraphDef* graph,
+                               bool add_external_dependent = false) {
+  tensorflow::Scope s = tensorflow::Scope::NewRootScope();
+  auto input_shape = ops::Placeholder::Shape({8, 32});
+  auto weight_shape = ops::Placeholder::Shape({32, 64});
+  auto bias_shape = ops::Placeholder::Shape({64});
+  auto input = Placeholder(s.WithOpName("input"), DT_FLOAT, input_shape);
+  auto weight = Placeholder(s.WithOpName("weight"), DT_FLOAT, weight_shape);
+  auto bias = Placeholder(s.WithOpName("bias"), DT_FLOAT, bias_shape);
+  auto matmul = ops::MatMul(s.WithOpName("matmul"), input, weight);
+  auto bias_add = ops::BiasAdd(s.WithOpName("bias_add"), matmul, bias);
+  if (add_external_dependent) {
+    auto external_dependent =
+        ops::Identity(s.WithOpName("external_dependent"), bias_add);
+  }
+  // Gelu with smaller ops
+  auto one_over_square_root_two =
+      ops::Const(s.WithOpName("one_over_square_root_two"), {0.707f}, {});
+  auto bias_add_times_const = ops::Mul(s.WithOpName("bias_add_times_const"),
+                                       bias_add, one_over_square_root_two);
+  auto erf = ops::Erf(s.WithOpName("erf"), bias_add_times_const);
+  auto one = ops::Const(s.WithOpName("one"), {1.0f}, {});
+  auto erf_plus_one = ops::AddV2(s.WithOpName("erf_plus_one"), erf, one);
+  auto one_half = ops::Const(s.WithOpName("one_half"), {0.5f}, {});
+  auto one_half_times_erf_plus_one = ops::Mul(
+      s.WithOpName("one_half_times_erf_plus_one"), one_half, erf_plus_one);
+  auto gelu =
+      ops::Mul(s.WithOpName("gelu"), one_half_times_erf_plus_one, bias_add);
+  auto fetch = ops::Identity(s.WithOpName("fetch"), gelu);
+  TF_ASSERT_OK(s.ToGraphDef(graph));
+OpTypePattern GetMatMulBiasAddGeluPattern() {
+  // Although labels are arbitrary, for the convenience of check they are
+  // prefixed with "my_" to the orginal node names in the global graph.
+  // clang-format off
+  OpTypePattern pattern_syntax{"Mul", "my_gelu", NodeStatus::kReplace,
+    {
+      {"Mul", "my_one_half_times_erf_plus_one", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+        {
+          {"Const", "my_one_half", NodeStatus::kRemain},
+          {"AddV2", "my_erf_plus_one", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+            {
+              {"Erf", "my_erf", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+                {
+                  {"Mul", "my_bias_add_times_const", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+                    {
+                      {"BiasAdd", "my_bias_add", NodeStatus::kRemove},
+                      {"Const", "my_one_over_square_root_two", NodeStatus::kRemain}
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              {"Const", "my_one", NodeStatus::kRemain}
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      {"BiasAdd", "my_bias_add", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+        {
+          {"MatMul", "my_matmul", NodeStatus::kRemove},
+          {"*", "my_bias", NodeStatus::kRemain}
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  };  // clang-format on
+  return pattern_syntax;
+class PatternMatcherTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+  struct NodeConfig {
+    NodeConfig(string name, string op, std::vector<string> inputs)
+        : name(std::move(name)), op(std::move(op)), inputs(std::move(inputs)) {}
+    string name;
+    string op;
+    std::vector<string> inputs;
+  };
+  static GraphDef CreateGraph(const std::vector<NodeConfig>& nodes) {
+    GraphDef graph;
+    for (const NodeConfig& node : nodes) {
+      NodeDef node_def;
+      node_def.set_name(;
+      node_def.set_op(node.op);
+      for (const string& input : node.inputs) {
+        node_def.add_input(input);
+      }
+      *graph.add_node() = std::move(node_def);
+    }
+    return graph;
+  }
+TEST_F(PatternMatcherTest, Tree) {
+  // A Data flow graph. Data flows from top to bottom. Here A, B, C, D, and E
+  // are ops.
+  //
+  //     Input graph              Subgraph for pattern matcher
+  //
+  //         A                          C   D
+  //         |                           \ /
+  //         B                            E
+  //        /
+  //       C   D
+  //        \ /
+  //         E
+  //
+  // E is the root of pattern syntax as shown below that the pattern matcher
+  // would match.
+  //  {"E", "my_e", NodeStatus::kReplace,
+  //    {
+  //      {"C", "my_c", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+  //      {"D", "my_d", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  ::tensorflow::Status status;
+  GraphDef graph = CreateGraph({{"e", "E", {"c", "d"}},
+                                {"c", "C", {"b"}},
+                                {"d", "D", {}},
+                                {"b", "B", {"a"}},
+                                {"a", "A", {}}});
+  // clang-format off
+  OpTypePattern pattern{"E", "my_e", NodeStatus::kReplace,
+    {
+      {"C", "my_c", NodeStatus::kRemove},
+      {"D", "my_d", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+    }
+  };  // clang-format on
+  MutableGraphView graph_view(&graph, &status);
+  TF_ASSERT_OK(status);
+  graph_view.SortTopologically(/*ignore_cycles=*/false, {});
+  auto root_node_view = graph_view.GetNode("e");
+  SubGraphMatcher<MatchingDirection::kFollowInputs> graph_matcher(&graph_view);
+  std::map<string, int> matched_nodes_map;  // label to node index map
+  std::set<int> remove_node_indices;
+  bool found_match = graph_matcher.GetMatchedNodes(
+      pattern, root_node_view, &matched_nodes_map, &remove_node_indices);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(found_match);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(matched_nodes_map.empty());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(remove_node_indices.empty());
+  bool all_indices_matched = true;
+  for (auto it = matched_nodes_map.begin(); it != matched_nodes_map.begin();
+       it++) {
+    auto label = str_util::StripPrefix(it->first, "my_");
+    int matched_node_idx = it->second;
+    int expected_node_idx = graph_view.GetNode(label)->node_index();
+    if (matched_node_idx != expected_node_idx) {
+      all_indices_matched = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE(all_indices_matched);
+TEST_F(PatternMatcherTest, DAG) {
+  // A Data flow graph. Data flows from top to bottom. Here A, B, C, D, and E
+  // are ops.
+  //
+  //     Input graph              Subgraph for pattern matcher
+  //
+  //         A
+  //         |                           B
+  //         B                          / \
+  //        / \                        C   D
+  //       C   D                        \ /
+  //        \ /                          E
+  //         E
+  //
+  // E is the root of pattern syntax as shown below that the pattern matcher
+  // would match.
+  //  {"E", "my_e", NodeStatus::kReplace,
+  //    {
+  //      {"C", "my_c", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+  //        {
+  //          {"B", "my_b", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+  //        }
+  //      },
+  //      {"D", "my_d", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+  //        {
+  //          {"B", "my_b", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+  //        }
+  //      }
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  ::tensorflow::Status status;
+  GraphDef graph = CreateGraph({{"e", "E", {"c", "d"}},
+                                {"c", "C", {"b"}},
+                                {"d", "D", {"b"}},
+                                {"b", "B", {"a"}},
+                                {"a", "A", {}}});
+  // clang-format off
+  OpTypePattern pattern{"E", "my_e", NodeStatus::kReplace,
+    {
+      {"C", "my_c", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+        {
+          {"B", "my_b", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+        }
+      },
+      {"D", "my_d", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+        {
+          {"B", "my_b", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  };  // clang-format on
+  MutableGraphView graph_view(&graph, &status);
+  TF_ASSERT_OK(status);
+  graph_view.SortTopologically(/*ignore_cycles=*/false, {});
+  auto root_node_view = graph_view.GetNode("e");
+  SubGraphMatcher<MatchingDirection::kFollowInputs> graph_matcher(&graph_view);
+  std::map<string, int> matched_nodes_map;  // label to node index map
+  std::set<int> remove_node_indices;
+  bool found_match = graph_matcher.GetMatchedNodes(
+      pattern, root_node_view, &matched_nodes_map, &remove_node_indices);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(found_match);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(matched_nodes_map.empty());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(remove_node_indices.empty());
+  bool all_indices_matched = true;
+  for (auto it = matched_nodes_map.begin(); it != matched_nodes_map.begin();
+       it++) {
+    auto label = str_util::StripPrefix(it->first, "my_");
+    int matched_node_idx = it->second;
+    int expected_node_idx = graph_view.GetNode(label)->node_index();
+    if (matched_node_idx != expected_node_idx) {
+      all_indices_matched = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE(all_indices_matched);
+// Pattern should not be matched if any of candidate remove nodes has external
+// dependent.
+TEST_F(PatternMatcherTest, DAGExternalDependent) {
+  // A Data flow graph. Data flows from top to bottom. Here A, B, C, D, E, and F
+  // are ops.
+  //
+  //     Input graph              Subgraph for pattern matcher
+  //
+  //         A
+  //         |                           B
+  //         B                          / \
+  //        / \                        C   D
+  //       C   D                        \ /
+  //        \ / \                        E
+  //         E   F
+  //
+  // E is the root of pattern syntax as shown below that the pattern matcher
+  // would match. Note D is a candidate for remove node as mentioned in the
+  // syntax. So Pattern matcher should not find a match.
+  //  {"E", "my_e", NodeStatus::Replace,
+  //    {
+  //      {"C", "my_c", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+  //        {
+  //          {"B", "my_b", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+  //        }
+  //      },
+  //      {"D", "my_d", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+  //        {
+  //          {"B", "my_b", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+  //        }
+  //      }
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  ::tensorflow::Status status;
+  GraphDef graph = CreateGraph({{"f", "F", {"d"}},
+                                {"e", "E", {"c", "d"}},
+                                {"c", "C", {"b"}},
+                                {"d", "D", {"b"}},
+                                {"b", "B", {"a"}},
+                                {"a", "A", {}}});
+  // clang-format off
+  OpTypePattern pattern{"E", "my_e", NodeStatus::kReplace,
+    {
+      {"C", "my_c", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+        {
+          {"B", "my_b", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+        }
+      },
+      {"D", "my_d", NodeStatus::kRemove,
+        {
+          {"B", "my_b", NodeStatus::kRemove}
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  };  // clang-format on
+  MutableGraphView graph_view(&graph, &status);
+  TF_ASSERT_OK(status);
+  graph_view.SortTopologically(/*ignore_cycles=*/false, {});
+  auto root_node_view = graph_view.GetNode("e");
+  SubGraphMatcher<MatchingDirection::kFollowInputs> graph_matcher(&graph_view);
+  std::map<string, int> matched_nodes_map;  // label to node index map
+  std::set<int> remove_node_indices;
+  bool found_match = graph_matcher.GetMatchedNodes(
+      pattern, root_node_view, &matched_nodes_map, &remove_node_indices);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(found_match);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(matched_nodes_map.empty());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(remove_node_indices.empty());
+TEST_F(PatternMatcherTest, MatMulBiasAddGelu) {
+  ::tensorflow::Status status;
+  GraphDef graph;
+  GetMatMulBiasAddGeluGraph(&graph);
+  OpTypePattern pattern = GetMatMulBiasAddGeluPattern();
+  MutableGraphView graph_view(&graph, &status);
+  TF_ASSERT_OK(status);
+  graph_view.SortTopologically(/*ignore_cycles=*/false, {});
+  auto root_node_view = graph_view.GetNode("gelu");
+  SubGraphMatcher<MatchingDirection::kFollowInputs> graph_matcher(&graph_view);
+  std::map<string, int> matched_nodes_map;  // label to node index map
+  std::set<int> remove_node_indices;
+  bool found_match = graph_matcher.GetMatchedNodes(
+      pattern, root_node_view, &matched_nodes_map, &remove_node_indices);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(found_match);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(matched_nodes_map.empty());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(remove_node_indices.empty());
+  bool all_indices_matched = true;
+  for (auto it = matched_nodes_map.begin(); it != matched_nodes_map.begin();
+       it++) {
+    auto label = str_util::StripPrefix(it->first, "my_");
+    int matched_node_idx = it->second;
+    int expected_node_idx = graph_view.GetNode(label)->node_index();
+    if (matched_node_idx != expected_node_idx) {
+      all_indices_matched = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE(all_indices_matched);
+// Pattern should not be matched if any of candidate remove nodes has external
+// dependent.
+TEST_F(PatternMatcherTest, MatMulBiasAddGeluExternalDependent) {
+  ::tensorflow::Status status;
+  GraphDef graph;
+  GetMatMulBiasAddGeluGraph(&graph, /*add_external_dependent=*/true);
+  OpTypePattern pattern = GetMatMulBiasAddGeluPattern();
+  MutableGraphView graph_view(&graph, &status);
+  TF_ASSERT_OK(status);
+  graph_view.SortTopologically(/*ignore_cycles=*/false, {});
+  auto root_node_view = graph_view.GetNode("gelu");
+  SubGraphMatcher<MatchingDirection::kFollowInputs> graph_matcher(&graph_view);
+  std::map<string, int> matched_nodes_map;  // label to node index map
+  std::set<int> remove_node_indices;
+  bool found_match = graph_matcher.GetMatchedNodes(
+      pattern, root_node_view, &matched_nodes_map, &remove_node_indices);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(found_match);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(matched_nodes_map.empty());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(remove_node_indices.empty());
+TEST_F(PatternMatcherTest, MatMulBiasAddGeluMutation) {
+  ::tensorflow::Status status;
+  GraphDef graph;
+  GetMatMulBiasAddGeluGraph(&graph);
+  OpTypePattern pattern = GetMatMulBiasAddGeluPattern();
+  MutableGraphView graph_view(&graph, &status);
+  TF_ASSERT_OK(status);
+  graph_view.SortTopologically(/*ignore_cycles=*/false, {});
+  auto root_node_view = graph_view.GetNode("gelu");
+  SubGraphMatcher<MatchingDirection::kFollowInputs> graph_matcher(&graph_view);
+  std::map<string, int> matched_nodes_map;  // label to node index map
+  std::set<int> remove_node_indices;
+  bool found_match = graph_matcher.GetMatchedNodes(
+      pattern, root_node_view, &matched_nodes_map, &remove_node_indices);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(found_match);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(matched_nodes_map.empty());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(remove_node_indices.empty());
+  // Before mutation number of nodes.
+  int num_nodes_before = graph_view.NumNodes();
+  // Before mutation node_names of the remove candidate nodes.
+  std::vector<string> remove_node_names;
+  for (auto const& node_idx : remove_node_indices) {
+    remove_node_names.push_back(graph_view.GetNode(node_idx)->GetName());
+  }
+  Mutation* mutation = graph_view.GetMutationBuilder();
+  // Replace with fused op.
+  NodeDef fused_node;
+  fused_node.set_name("gelu");
+  fused_node.set_op("_FusedMatMul");
+  fused_node.add_input(graph_view.GetNode("matmul")->node()->input(0));
+  fused_node.add_input(graph_view.GetNode("matmul")->node()->input(1));
+  fused_node.add_input(graph_view.GetNode("bias_add")->node()->input(1));
+  mutation->AddNode(std::move(fused_node), &status);
+  TF_ASSERT_OK(status);
+  mutation->Apply();
+  // Remove nodes that are marked as NodeStatus::kRemove.
+  for (auto const& node_idx : remove_node_indices) {
+    mutation->RemoveNode(graph_view.GetNode(node_idx));
+  }
+  mutation->Apply();
+  // After mutation number of nodes.
+  int num_nodes_after = graph_view.NumNodes();
+  EXPECT_EQ(num_nodes_before - remove_node_indices.size(), num_nodes_after);
+  bool remove_nodes_deleted = true;
+  for (auto const& node_name : remove_node_names) {
+    if (graph_view.GetNode(node_name) != nullptr) {
+      remove_nodes_deleted = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE(remove_nodes_deleted);
+  bool replace_node_exist = graph_view.HasNode("gelu") ? true : false;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(replace_node_exist);
+}  // namespace
+}  // namespace utils
+}  // namespace grappler
+}  // namespace tensorflow