blob: 8db84b064e6dc81626e7981631fea31e6a6985d8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "mlmodel/format/Model.pb.h"
#include "mlmodel/format/NeuralNetwork.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/common.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace delegates {
namespace coreml {
class OpBuilder;
// A class represents an ID in the coreML graph.
// A node is represented by a pair (node_id, and output_index)
// API is experimental and subject to change.
class TensorID {
TensorID() {}
TensorID(int node, int output_id) : node_(node), output_id_(output_id) {}
std::string ToString() const { return absl::StrCat(node_, "__", output_id_); }
int NodeID() const { return node_; }
int OutputID() const { return output_id_; }
int node_ = -1;
int output_id_ = -1;
// Builder for the whole graph.
// All op builders should be added using AddBuilder
// and then BuildModel should be called to return the CoreML generated.
// API is experimental and subject to change.
class GraphBuilder {
explicit GraphBuilder(int coreml_version) : coreml_version_(coreml_version) {}
// Returns pointer to the created builder. Ownership still belongs
// to the GraphBuilder.
OpBuilder* AddBuilder(int builtin_code, const TfLiteNode* node);
// Returns pointer to the created builder with op builder function provided.
OpBuilder* AddBuilder(const std::function<OpBuilder*(GraphBuilder*)>& builder,
const TfLiteNode* node);
// Builds Model instance and returns it.
CoreML::Specification::Model* BuildModel();
// Returns string representing tensor 'tensor_id' in coreML.
// tensor_id should have been added before calling this method.
std::string GetTensorName(int tensor_id);
// Returns Core ML Tensor ID for TFL 'tensor_id'.
// tensor_id should have been added before calling this method.
const TensorID GetTensorID(int tensor_id);
void AddTensorWithID(int tf_tensor_id, const TensorID& tensor_id);
// Return true if this tensor was added before to the graph.
bool HasTensor(int tflite_tensor_index);
// Return if this tensor is used in the graph (not as data).
// This information is used to mark constant tensors that are used as input.
bool IsTensorUsed(int tflite_tensor_index);
const int coreml_version_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpBuilder>> builders_;
// Index in the vector is the tflite_tensor_index, the value
// is the ID in the coreml graph.
std::vector<TensorID> tensors_;
std::vector<bool> used_tensor_;
// Interface for all op layers
// API is experimental and subject to change.
class OpBuilder {
explicit OpBuilder(GraphBuilder* graph_builder)
: graph_builder_(graph_builder) {}
virtual ~OpBuilder() {}
// Returns the Layer this builder responsible for.
// Ownership is transferred to caller.
virtual CoreML::Specification::NeuralNetworkLayer* Build() {
return layer_.release();
virtual TfLiteStatus RegisterInputs(const TfLiteIntArray* inputs,
TfLiteContext* context) {
return kTfLiteOk;
virtual TfLiteStatus RegisterOutputs(const TfLiteIntArray* outputs,
TfLiteContext* context) {
return kTfLiteOk;
// Adds additional required OpBuilders, and populate builder_output_ with
// Actual output that corresponds to output tensor of TFL Node.
// Clients need to override this in cases where the nodes can be used for
// composing other ops. For example, Relu6 in TfLite can be converted to
// Relu -> Threshold -> Neg.
// TODO(b/147211734): have this called automatically when necessary.
virtual TfLiteStatus PopulateSubgraph(TfLiteContext* context) {
builder_output_ = AddOutput();
return kTfLiteOk;
virtual const char* DebugName() = 0;
void SetBuiltinData(void* builtin_data) { builtin_data_ = builtin_data; }
void SetNodeID(int id) { node_id_ = id; }
void SetTfLiteNode(const TfLiteNode* node) { tflite_node_ = node; }
int GetID() const { return node_id_; }
TensorID AddOutput();
// To be used by clients that needs the output of the node.
virtual TensorID GetOutput(TfLiteContext* context) {
if (builder_output_.NodeID() != -1) {
return builder_output_;
// builder_output_ is not set when PopulateSubgraph is not called.
builder_output_ = AddOutput();
return builder_output_;
// Adds input with tensor name.
void AddInput(const std::string& input_name);
// Adds input with CoreML tensor ID.
void AddInput(const TensorID& input_id);
// Adds input with TF Lite tensor ID.
// TODO(taeheej): cleanup AddInput use cases and used tensor tracking.
void AddInput(int tf_input_id);
// Helper to print op instance name.
void GetDebugName(const char* name, int id, char* debug_name) {
// TODO(karimnosseir): Move away from absl, probably adding overhead
// on binary size ?.
absl::SNPrintF(debug_name, 100 * sizeof(char), "%s_%d", name, id);
GraphBuilder* graph_builder_ = nullptr;
// Data needed by this node.
void* builtin_data_ = nullptr;
int node_id_ = -1;
int num_outputs_ = 0;
const TfLiteNode* tflite_node_ = nullptr;
TensorID builder_output_;
char str_debug_name_[100] = {0};
std::unique_ptr<CoreML::Specification::NeuralNetworkLayer> layer_;
} // namespace coreml
} // namespace delegates
} // namespace tflite