blob: b9d1d5512f436b0faff409bab6e2e90685caed94 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ==============================================================================
"""Utility functions for FlatBuffers.
All functions that are commonly used to work with FlatBuffers.
Refer to the tensorflow lite flatbuffer schema here:
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import random
import re
import flatbuffers
from tensorflow.lite.python import schema_py_generated as schema_fb
from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile
def convert_bytearray_to_object(model_bytearray):
"""Converts a tflite model from a bytearray to an object for parsing."""
model_object = schema_fb.Model.GetRootAsModel(model_bytearray, 0)
return schema_fb.ModelT.InitFromObj(model_object)
def read_model(input_tflite_file):
"""Reads a tflite model as a python object.
input_tflite_file: Full path name to the input tflite file
RuntimeError: If input_tflite_file path is invalid.
IOError: If input_tflite_file cannot be opened.
A python object corresponding to the input tflite file.
if not gfile.Exists(input_tflite_file):
raise RuntimeError('Input file not found at %r\n' % input_tflite_file)
with gfile.GFile(input_tflite_file, 'rb') as input_file_handle:
model_bytearray = bytearray(
return convert_bytearray_to_object(model_bytearray)
def read_model_with_mutable_tensors(input_tflite_file):
"""Reads a tflite model as a python object with mutable tensors.
Similar to read_model() with the addition that the returned object has
mutable tensors (read_model() returns an object with immutable tensors).
input_tflite_file: Full path name to the input tflite file
RuntimeError: If input_tflite_file path is invalid.
IOError: If input_tflite_file cannot be opened.
A mutable python object corresponding to the input tflite file.
return copy.deepcopy(read_model(input_tflite_file))
def convert_object_to_bytearray(model_object):
"""Converts a tflite model from an object to a immutable bytearray."""
# Initial size of the buffer, which will grow automatically if needed
builder = flatbuffers.Builder(1024)
model_offset = model_object.Pack(builder)
builder.Finish(model_offset, file_identifier=_TFLITE_FILE_IDENTIFIER)
model_bytearray = bytes(builder.Output())
return model_bytearray
def write_model(model_object, output_tflite_file):
"""Writes the tflite model, a python object, into the output file.
model_object: A tflite model as a python object
output_tflite_file: Full path name to the output tflite file.
IOError: If output_tflite_file path is invalid or cannot be opened.
model_bytearray = convert_object_to_bytearray(model_object)
with gfile.GFile(output_tflite_file, 'wb') as output_file_handle:
def strip_strings(model):
"""Strips all nonessential strings from the model to reduce model size.
We remove the following strings:
(find strings by searching ":string" in the tensorflow lite flatbuffer schema)
1. Model description
2. SubGraph name
3. Tensor names
We retain OperatorCode custom_code and Metadata name.
model: The model from which to remove nonessential strings.
model.description = None
for subgraph in model.subgraphs: = None
for tensor in subgraph.tensors: = None
# We clear all signature_def structure, since without names it is useless.
model.signatureDefs = None
def randomize_weights(model, random_seed=0):
"""Randomize weights in a model.
model: The model in which to randomize weights.
random_seed: The input to the random number generator (default value is 0).
# The input to the random seed generator. The default value is 0.
# Parse model buffers which store the model weights
buffers = model.buffers
for i in range(1, len(buffers)): # ignore index 0 as it's always None
buffer_i_data = buffers[i].data
buffer_i_size = 0 if buffer_i_data is None else buffer_i_data.size
# Raw data buffers are of type ubyte (or uint8) whose values lie in the
# range [0, 255]. Those ubytes (or unint8s) are the underlying
# representation of each datatype. For example, a bias tensor of type
# int32 appears as a buffer 4 times it's length of type ubyte (or uint8).
# TODO(b/152324470): This does not work for float as randomized weights may
# end up as denormalized or NaN/Inf floating point numbers.
for j in range(buffer_i_size):
buffer_i_data[j] = random.randint(0, 255)
def rename_custom_ops(model, map_custom_op_renames):
"""Rename custom ops so they use the same naming style as builtin ops.
model: The input tflite model.
map_custom_op_renames: A mapping from old to new custom op names.
for op_code in model.operatorCodes:
if op_code.customCode:
op_code_str = op_code.customCode.decode('ascii')
if op_code_str in map_custom_op_renames:
op_code.customCode = map_custom_op_renames[op_code_str].encode('ascii')
def xxd_output_to_bytes(input_cc_file):
"""Converts xxd output C++ source file to bytes (immutable).
input_cc_file: Full path name to th C++ source file dumped by xxd
RuntimeError: If input_cc_file path is invalid.
IOError: If input_cc_file cannot be opened.
A bytearray corresponding to the input cc file array.
# Match hex values in the string with comma as separator
pattern = re.compile(r'\W*(0x[0-9a-fA-F,x ]+).*')
model_bytearray = bytearray()
with open(input_cc_file) as file_handle:
for line in file_handle:
values_match = pattern.match(line)
if values_match is None:
# Match in the parentheses (hex array only)
list_text =
# Extract hex values (text) from the line
# e.g. 0x1c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x54, 0x46, 0x4c,
values_text = filter(None, list_text.split(','))
# Convert to hex
values = [int(x, base=16) for x in values_text]
return bytes(model_bytearray)
def xxd_output_to_object(input_cc_file):
"""Converts xxd output C++ source file to object.
input_cc_file: Full path name to th C++ source file dumped by xxd
RuntimeError: If input_cc_file path is invalid.
IOError: If input_cc_file cannot be opened.
A python object corresponding to the input tflite file.
model_bytes = xxd_output_to_bytes(input_cc_file)
return convert_bytearray_to_object(model_bytes)