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//===- DialectConversion.h - MLIR dialect conversion pass -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file declares a generic pass for converting between MLIR dialects.
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
namespace mlir {
// Forward declarations.
class Block;
class FuncBuilder;
class Instruction;
class MLIRContext;
class Type;
class Value;
// Private implementation class.
namespace impl {
class FunctionConversion;
/// Base class for the dialect op conversion patterns. Specific conversions
/// must derive this class and implement `PatternMatch match(Instruction *)`
/// defined in `Pattern` and at least one of `rewrite` and `rewriteTerminator`.
// TODO(zinenko): this should eventually converge with RewritePattern. So far,
// rewritePattern is missing support for operations with successors as well as
// an ability to accept new operands instead of reusing those of the existing
// operation.
class DialectOpConversion : public Pattern {
/// Construct an DialectOpConversion. `rootName` must correspond to the
/// canonical name of the first operation matched by the pattern.
DialectOpConversion(StringRef rootName, PatternBenefit benefit,
MLIRContext *ctx)
: Pattern(rootName, benefit, ctx) {}
/// Hook for derived classes to implement rewriting. `op` is the (first)
/// operation matched by the pattern, `operands` is a list of rewritten values
/// that are passed to this operation, `rewriter` can be used to emit the new
/// operations. This function returns the values produced by the newly
/// created operation(s). These values will be used instead of those produced
/// by the original operation. This function must be reimplemented if the
/// DialectOpConversion ever needs to replace an operation that does not have
/// successors. This function should not fail. If some specific cases of the
/// operation are not supported, these cases should not be matched.
virtual SmallVector<Value *, 4> rewrite(Instruction *op,
ArrayRef<Value *> operands,
FuncBuilder &rewriter) const {
llvm_unreachable("unimplemented rewrite, did you mean rewriteTerminator?");
/// Hook for derived classes to implement rewriting. `op` is the (first)
/// operation matched by the pattern, `properOperands` is a list of rewritten
/// values that are passed to the operation itself, `destinations` is a list
/// of (potentially rewritten) successor blocks, `operands` is a list of lists
/// of rewritten values passed to each of the successors, co-indexed with
/// `destinations`, `rewriter` can be used to emit the new operations. Since
/// terminators never produce results (which could not be used anyway), this
/// function does not return anything. It must be reimplemented if the
/// DialectOpConversion ever needs to replace a terminator operation that has
/// successors. This function should not fail the pass. If some specific
/// cases of the operation are not supported, these cases should not be
/// matched.
virtual void rewriteTerminator(Instruction *op,
ArrayRef<Value *> properOperands,
ArrayRef<Block *> destinations,
ArrayRef<ArrayRef<Value *>> operands,
FuncBuilder &rewriter) const {
llvm_unreachable("unimplemented rewriteTerminator, did you mean rewrite?");
// Helper class to create a list of dialect conversion patterns given a list of
// their types and a list of attributes perfect-forwarded to each of the
// conversion constructors.
template <typename Arg, typename... Args> struct ConversionListBuilder {
template <typename... ConstructorArgs>
static llvm::DenseSet<DialectOpConversion *>
build(llvm::BumpPtrAllocator *allocator,
ConstructorArgs &&... constructorArgs) {
auto sub = ConversionListBuilder<Args...>::build(
allocator, std::forward<ConstructorArgs>(constructorArgs)...);
auto *ptr = allocator->Allocate<Arg>();
new (ptr) Arg(std::forward<ConstructorArgs>(constructorArgs)...);
return sub;
// Template specialization to stop recursion.
template <typename Arg> struct ConversionListBuilder<Arg> {
template <typename... ConstructorArgs>
static llvm::DenseSet<DialectOpConversion *>
build(llvm::BumpPtrAllocator *allocator,
ConstructorArgs &&... constructorArgs) {
auto *ptr = allocator->Allocate<Arg>();
new (ptr) Arg(std::forward<ConstructorArgs>(constructorArgs)...);
return {ptr};
/// Base class for dialect conversion passes. Specific passes must derive this
/// class and implement the pure virtual functions.
/// The module pass proceeds as follows.
/// 1. Call `initConverters` to obtain a set of conversions to apply, given the
/// current MLIR context.
/// 2. For each function in the module do the following.
// a. Create a new function with the same name and convert its signature
// using `convertType`.
// b. For each block in the function, create a block in the function with
// its arguments converted using `convertType`.
// c. Traverse blocks in DFS-preorder of successors starting from the entry
// block (if any), and convert individual operations as follows. Pattern
// match against the list of conversions. On the first match, call
// `rewriteTerminator` for terminator operations with successors and
// `rewrite` for other operations, and advance to the next iteration. If no
// match is found, replicate the operation as is. Note that if two patterns
// match the same operation, it is undefined which of them will be applied.
/// 3. Update all attributes of function type to point to the new functions.
/// 4. Replace old functions with new functions in the module.
/// If any error happend during the conversion, the pass fails as soon as
/// possible.
/// If the pass fails, the module is not modified.
class DialectConversion : public ModulePass {
friend class impl::FunctionConversion;
/// Construct a pass given its unique identifier.
DialectConversion(const void *passID) : ModulePass(passID) {}
/// Run the pass on the module.
PassResult runOnModule(Module *m) override;
/// Derived classes must implement this hook to produce a set of conversion
/// patterns to apply. They may use `mlirContext` to obtain registered
/// dialects or operations. This will be called in the beginning of the pass.
virtual llvm::DenseSet<DialectOpConversion *>
initConverters(MLIRContext *mlirContext) = 0;
/// Derived classes must reimplement this hook if they need to convert
/// block or function argument types or function result types. If the target
/// dialect has support for custom first-class function types, convertType
/// should create those types for arguments of MLIR function type. It can be
/// used for values (constant, operands, resutls) of function type but not for
/// the function signatures. For the latter, convertFunctionSignatureType is
/// used instead.
/// For block attribute types, this function will be called for each attribute
/// individually.
/// If type conversion can fail, this function should return a
/// default-constructed Type. The failure will be then propagated to trigger
/// the pass failure.
virtual Type convertType(Type t) { return t; }
/// Derived classes must reimplement this hook if they need to change the
/// function signature during conversion. This function will be called on
/// a function type corresponding to a function signature and must produce the
/// converted MLIR function type.
/// Note: even if some target dialects have first-class function types, they
/// cannot be used at the top level of MLIR function signature.
/// The default behavior of this function is to call convertType on individual
/// function operands and results, and then create a new MLIR function type
/// from those.
virtual FunctionType convertFunctionSignatureType(FunctionType t);
} // end namespace mlir