blob: 795f48711cb372added40ec5a8977e6a7636115e [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h" // from @llvm-project
namespace mlir {
// Creates a pass that breaks up an island with multiple ops into multiple
// islands, each with a single op.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateBreakUpIslandsPass();
// Creates a pass that converts mlir functions consisting of mlir ops into a
// tf_executor dialect as a single island.
namespace TF {
// Transforms functional control flow operations in the TensorFlow dialect to
// MLIR Control Flow Graph (CFG) form.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTFFunctionalControlFlowToCFG();
// Transforms functional control flow operations in the TensorFlow dialect to
// their region based counterparts.
// Transforms region bases control flow operations in the TensorFlow dialect to
// their functional counterparts.
// Materialize the MlirPassthroughOp by replacing it with the MLIR module
// attached as an attribute.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateMaterializePassthroughOpPass();
// Performs Shape Inference on the TensorFlow dialect using the global registry.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateTFShapeInferencePass();
// Optional pass which will unroll BatchMatMul and use only MatMul
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateUnrollBatchMatMulPassPass();
// Optional pass which will map TF BatchMatMul to TF Einsum
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateBatchMatMulToEinsumPass();
// Optimizes Tensorflow graph.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTFOptimizePass();
// Creates pass to rewrite RecvTPUEmbeddingActivationsOp and
// SendTPUEmbeddingGradients ops to internal variants.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateRewriteTPUEmbeddingOpsPass();
// Performs specific fusion for GPU targets.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateGpuOpFusionPass();
struct LayoutOptimizationPipelineOptions
: public PassPipelineOptions<LayoutOptimizationPipelineOptions> {
Option<std::string> force_data_format{
*this, "force-data-format",
llvm::cl::desc("Force data format for all layout sensitive ops")};
// Layout optimization assigns optimal data layout for layout sensitive
// operations, and cancels all redundant transposes.
void CreateLayoutOptimizationPipeline(
OpPassManager& pm, // NOLINT - MLIR contract is pass by mutable reference.
const LayoutOptimizationPipelineOptions& options);
struct StandardPipelineOptions
: public PassPipelineOptions<StandardPipelineOptions> {
Option<bool> enable_inliner{*this, "enable-inliner",
llvm::cl::desc("Enable inliner."),
Option<bool> form_clusters{*this, "form-clusters",
llvm::cl::desc("Enable Cluster Formation pass."),
// Propagates the pass manager with the passes involved in transforming or
// optimizing an MLIR graph without any target specialization.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE - MLIR contract is pass by mutable reference.
void CreateTFStandardPipeline(OpPassManager& pm,
const StandardPipelineOptions& options);
// Propagates device attributes of resources from callers to callees.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateResourceDeviceInferencePass();
// Creates a pass that promotes resource reads/writes in the main function to
// inputs and outputs of the main function, assuming that resource operations
// have already been decomposed and function calls have already been inlined.
// The pass also annotates the input arguments for resources with the indices
// of their aliasing output arguments.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreatePromoteResourcesToArgsPass();
// Creates a pass that promotes tf.VarHandleOp to resource arguments for all
// functions.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreatePromoteVarHandlesToArgsPass();
// Creates a pass that converts readonly reference variables to the
// corresponding resource variables.
// Creates a simple device assignment pass on TF dialect for CoreRT use case.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateSimpleTFDeviceAssignmentPass(
llvm::StringRef default_device);
// Performs resource lifting on the function body to hoist resource variable
// accesses outside all control flow statements.
LogicalResult ResourceLiftingForFunctionalControlFlow(FuncOp function);
// Converts stack ops into operations on local variables, which can later be
// removed by resource lifting. Requires known maximum sizes of stacks and
// known element shapes of push ops.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateStackOpsDecompositionPass();
// Converts tensor list operations into operations on buffers and sizes. Needs
// static shapes and known max element count.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateTensorListOpsDecompositionPass();
// Converts tensor array ops into operations on local variables, which can later
// be removed by resource lifting. Requires known sizes and known element shapes
// (either defined in TensorArrayV3 or implied in the first write).
// Create a pass that legalize HLO to TF dialect.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateLegalizeHloToTfPass();
// Matches sequence of ops to TensorFlow fused kernels. This pass should not be
// generally used beyond exporting to runtimes that supports these ops. In the
// future these fusions may be codegen'd automatically.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateFusedKernelMatcherPass();
// Creates function pass to select device index/fold tf.DeviceIndex.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateDeviceIndexSelectorPass();
} // namespace TF
namespace tf_executor {
class GraphOp;
// Returns a pass that folds switch nodes with constant predicates.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateSwitchFoldPass();
// Creates a pass to merge IslandOps from TFExecutor dialect.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTFExecutorIslandCoarseningPass();
// Creates a pass to merge IslandOps for operation marked for execution on TPU.
// This is a V1 backward compatibility.
// Creates a pass to outlining TPU clusters from single IslandOp into a nested
// module suitable for being processed as-if it was a V2 module.
// This is a V1 backward compatibility.
// Creates a pass to inline calls to the nested TPU module, this reverses the
// effect of the `TFExecutorTPUV1IslandOutlining` pass above.
// This is a V1 backward compatibility.
// Creates a pass to prune tf_executor.graph from dead nodes.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTFExecutorGraphPruningPass();
// Prunes unreachable operations of a tf_executor.graph operation.
void PruneGraph(GraphOp graph);
// Sink `tf.Const` operations in the LaunchOp region using them. This is
// performed in order to limit the number of values implicitly captured in this
// region before outlining.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTFExecutorConstantSinkingPass();
} // namespace tf_executor
namespace TFDevice {
// Creates a pass that forms clusters from instructions that are assigned to
// same device.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateClusterFormationPass();
// Creates a pass that outlines regions of tf_device.launch operations.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateClusterOutliningPass();
// A pass that decomposes composite resource operations into primitive ones like
// ReadVariableOp, AssignVariableOp and other computations to facilitate
// transformations like resource op lifting.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateDecomposeResourceOpsPass();
// Creates a pass that lifts operations on external resource variables from
// device computation nested in `tf_device::LaunchOp` out so that resource
// variable load operations are all before device computation while resource
// variable store operations are all after device computation. After this pass,
// device computation no longer interacts with external resource variables.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateResourceOpLiftingPass();
// Lifts resource operations from tf_device.launch_func ops nested in `op`
// outside. Returns a failure if there are remaining resource-type values that
// can not be lifted.
LogicalResult LiftResourceOps(Operation* op);
// Creates a pass that hoists invariant operations in a `tf_device.replicate`.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateReplicateInvariantOpHoistingPass();
// Creates a pass that forms replica `tf_executor.island` from a single
// `tf_device.replicate` island.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateReplicateToIslandPass();
// Creates a pass that creates `tf_executor.island` from a single
// `tf_device.parallel_execute` island.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateParallelExecuteToIslandsPass();
// Creates a pass that annotates whether a LaunchFuncOp's parameters have the
// same data across replicas.
// Creates a pass that hoists a `tf_device.launch` body and assigns a `device`
// attribute to each TensorFlow dialect op in the body based on the `device`
// attribute on the `tf_device.launch`.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateLaunchToDeviceAttributePass();
} // namespace TFDevice
namespace TFTPU {
// Creates a pass that forms clusters from operations of the same
// `_tpu_replicate` attribute.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTPUClusterFormationPass();
// Creates a pass that allows TPU program inputs to have layouts determined at
// run time.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTPUDynamicLayoutPass();
// Creates a pass that remaps and assigns padding map from a
// `tf_device.launch_func` `padding_map` attribute to its encapsulated function.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateTPUDynamicPaddingMapperPass();
// Creates a pass that rewrites `tf_device.launch_func` on TPUs into TPU runtime
// ops.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateTPURewritePass();
// Creates a pass that identifies XLASharding ops in launch op for TPU
// computation.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateTPUShardingIdentificationPass();
// Creates a pass that merges device variable reads/updates into the surrounded
// TPUExecute node. This allows the execute node to perform in-place variable
// updates.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTPUMergeVariablesWithExecutePass();
// Creates a pass that adds ops which perform formatting on variables at
// run-time according to compilation result.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> CreateTPUVariableReformattingPass();
// Creates a pass that groups outside compiled operations (CPU ops inside TPU
// cluster) into clusters that can be extracted and run on the CPU.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTPUOutsideCompilationClusterPass();
// Creates a pass that extracts outside compilation (CPU ops inside TPU cluster)
// at head/tail of TPU cluster to run before/after TPU computation.
// Creates a pass that expands outside compilation cluster at the head/tail of
// TPU computation by adding outside compilation attribute to identity/cast ops
// that are only used for host computation.
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<FuncOp>> CreateTPUHostComputationExpansionPass();
// Creates a pass that extract outside compilation (CPU ops inside TPU cluster)
// ops to a separate parallel_execute region to run on CPU.
// Populates the supplied passmanager with the passes required to run the
void CreateTPUBridgePipeline(OpPassManager& pm);
// Populates the supplied passmanager with the passes required to run the
// bridge in V1 mode.
void CreateTPUBridgePipelineV1(OpPassManager& pm);
} // namespace TFTPU
} // namespace mlir