blob: 0497b917c955b4aae79422c6a9e073683c4ed2bc [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// ROCM-specific support for BLAS functionality -- this wraps the rocBLAS
// library capabilities, and is only included into ROCM implementation code --
// it will not introduce rocm headers into other code.
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/blas.h"
#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/port.h"
#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/thread_annotations.h"
#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/plugin_registry.h"
#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/temporary_device_memory.h"
namespace stream_executor {
class Stream;
namespace gpu {
// Type conversion helper that helps to map non-rocblas types to rocblas types
// Right now, it only converts the Eigen::half type to rocblas_half type
template <typename T>
struct RocBlasTypeConversionHelper {
using mapped_type = T;
template <>
struct RocBlasTypeConversionHelper<Eigen::half> {
using mapped_type = rocblas_half;
// Opaque and unique identifier for the rocBLAS plugin.
extern const PluginId kRocBlasPlugin;
class GpuExecutor;
// BLAS plugin for ROCM platform via rocBLAS library.
// This satisfies the platform-agnostic BlasSupport interface.
// Note that the rocBLAS handle that this encapsulates is implicitly tied to the
// context (and, as a result, the device) that the parent GpuExecutor is tied
// to. This simply happens as an artifact of creating the rocBLAS handle when a
// ROCM context is active.
// Thread-safe post-initialization.
class ROCMBlas : public blas::BlasSupport {
explicit ROCMBlas(GpuExecutor *parent);
// Allocates a rocBLAS handle.
bool Init();
// Releases the rocBLAS handle, if present.
~ROCMBlas() override;
// Tells rocBLAS to enqueue the BLAS operation onto a particular Stream.
// rocBLAS is stateful, and only be associated with one stream (in order to
// enqueue dispatch) at a given time. As a result, this generally must be
// invoked before calling into rocBLAS.
bool SetStream(Stream *stream) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mu_);
// A helper function that calls the real rocBLAS function together with error
// handling.
// rocblas_func: rocBLAS function pointer.
// rocblas_name: rocBLAS function name.
// stream: Stream to enqueue the BLAS operation onto.
// pointer_mode_host: Indicate if the pointer to a scalar value is from host
// (true) or device (false).
// err_on_failure: Whether to print an error if the rocBLAS function
// fails. args: Arguments of rocBLAS function.
template <typename FuncT, typename... Args>
bool DoBlasInternalImpl(FuncT rocblas_func, Stream *stream,
bool pointer_mode_host, bool err_on_failure,
Args... args);
// Convenience functions that call DoBlasInternalImpl with different values
// for err_on_failure.
template <typename FuncT, typename... Args>
bool DoBlasInternal(FuncT rocblas_func, Stream *stream,
bool pointer_mode_host, Args... args) {
return DoBlasInternalImpl(rocblas_func, stream, pointer_mode_host,
/*err_on_failure=*/true, args...);
template <typename FuncT, typename... Args>
bool DoBlasInternalFailureOK(FuncT rocblas_func, Stream *stream,
bool pointer_mode_host, Args... args) {
return DoBlasInternalImpl(rocblas_func, stream, pointer_mode_host,
/*err_on_failure=*/false, args...);
// A helper allocation function to convert raw pointers memory layout to
// strided flavor
template <typename T>
port::Status AllocateStridedBuffer(
const std::vector<typename RocBlasTypeConversionHelper<T>::mapped_type *>
int batch_count, uint64_t batch_stride,
ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator, Stream *stream,
typename RocBlasTypeConversionHelper<T>::mapped_type>> *temp_memory,
DeviceMemory<typename RocBlasTypeConversionHelper<T>::mapped_type>
// A helper function to implement DoBlasGemmBatched interfaces for generic
// types.
// Note: This function is implemented using gemm_strided_batched interface,
// NOT gemm_batched interface, because rocblas do not support it. As a
// result, if the passed in batch matrix are not allocated in strided batched
// format, it might end up in non-trivial amount of memory allocation and
// copy. To avoid this, always prioritize to use DoBlasGemmStridedBatched
// interface.
// In most use cases, batch matrix do get allocated in strided manner, making
// calling this interface equivalent with DoBlasGemmStridedBatched. The only
// use case we see so far that violates this observation is when batch
// matrix is created by broadcasting from a smaller matrix. When it happens,
// It will take advantage of the AllocateStridedBuffer subroutine to
// reallocate the memory layout to be strided batched.
template <typename T, typename FuncT>
port::Status DoBlasGemmBatchedInternal(
FuncT rocblas_func, Stream *stream, blas::Transpose transa,
blas::Transpose transb, uint64 m, uint64 n, uint64 k, T alpha,
const port::ArraySlice<DeviceMemory<T> *> &a_ptrs_to_wrappers, int lda,
const port::ArraySlice<DeviceMemory<T> *> &b_ptrs_to_wrappers, int ldb,
T beta, const port::ArraySlice<DeviceMemory<T> *> &c_ptrs_to_wrappers,
int ldc, int batch_count, ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator);
// Helper function for implementing DoBlasGemmWithAlgorithm.
// We take alpha and beta by const reference because T might be Eigen::half,
// and we want to avoid pulling in a dependency on Eigen. When we pass the
// references to rocBLAS, we essentially reinterpret_cast to __half, which is
// safe because Eigen::half inherits from __half.
template <typename InT, typename OutT, typename CompT>
bool DoBlasGemmWithAlgorithmImpl(
Stream *stream, blas::Transpose transa, blas::Transpose transb, uint64 m,
uint64 n, uint64 k, const CompT &alpha, const DeviceMemory<InT> &a,
int lda, const DeviceMemory<InT> &b, int ldb, const CompT &beta,
DeviceMemory<OutT> *c, int ldc, blas::ComputationType computation_type,
blas::AlgorithmType algorithm,
blas::ProfileResult *output_profile_result);
// Helper function for implementing DoBlasGemmWithProfiling.
template <typename T, typename ParamType>
bool DoBlasGemmWithProfilingImpl(
Stream *stream, blas::Transpose transa, blas::Transpose transb, uint64 m,
uint64 n, uint64 k, const ParamType &alpha, const DeviceMemory<T> &a,
int lda, const DeviceMemory<T> &b, int ldb, const ParamType &beta,
DeviceMemory<T> *c, int ldc, blas::ProfileResult *output_profile_result);
// Helper function for implementing DoBlasGemvWithProfiling.
template <typename T>
bool DoBlasGemvWithProfilingImpl(Stream *stream, blas::Transpose trans,
uint64 m, uint64 n, const T &alpha,
const DeviceMemory<T> &a, int lda,
const DeviceMemory<T> &x, int incx,
const T &beta, DeviceMemory<T> *y, int incy,
blas::ProfileResult *output_profile_result);
// mutex that guards the rocBLAS handle for this device.
absl::Mutex mu_;
// GpuExecutor which instantiated this ROCMBlas.
// Immutable post-initialization.
GpuExecutor *parent_;
// rocBLAS library handle on the device.
rocblas_handle blas_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace stream_executor