blob: 06c91f9af5f05f511446b2dbc6c1b7f085525d17 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// Helper routines for encoding/decoding tensor contents.
#include <string>
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/refcount.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/platform.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/protobuf.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace port {
// Store src contents in *out. If backing memory for src is shared with *out,
// will ref obj during the call and will arrange to unref obj when no
// longer needed.
void AssignRefCounted(StringPiece src, core::RefCounted* obj, string* out);
// Copy contents of src to dst[0,src.size()-1].
inline void CopyToArray(const string& src, char* dst) {
memcpy(dst,, src.size());
// Copy subrange [pos:(pos + n)) from src to dst. If pos >= src.size() the
// result is empty. If pos + n > src.size() the subrange [pos, size()) is
// copied.
inline void CopySubrangeToArray(const string& src, size_t pos, size_t n,
char* dst) {
if (pos >= src.size()) return;
memcpy(dst, + pos, std::min(n, src.size() - pos));
// Store encoding of strings[0..n-1] in *out.
void EncodeStringList(const tstring* strings, int64 n, string* out);
// Decode n strings from src and store in strings[0..n-1].
// Returns true if successful, false on parse error.
bool DecodeStringList(const string& src, tstring* strings, int64 n);
// Assigns base[0..bytes-1] to *s
void CopyFromArray(string* s, const char* base, size_t bytes);
// Encodes sequences of strings and serialized protocol buffers into a string.
// Normal usage consists of zero or more calls to Append() and a single call to
// Finalize().
class StringListEncoder {
virtual ~StringListEncoder() = default;
// Encodes the given protocol buffer. This may not be called after Finalize().
virtual void Append(const protobuf::MessageLite& m) = 0;
// Encodes the given string. This may not be called after Finalize().
virtual void Append(const string& s) = 0;
// Signals end of the encoding process. No other calls are allowed after this.
virtual void Finalize() = 0;
// Decodes a string into sequences of strings (which may represent serialized
// protocol buffers). Normal usage involves a single call to ReadSizes() in
// order to retrieve the length of all the strings in the sequence. For each
// size returned a call to Data() is expected and will return the actual
// string.
class StringListDecoder {
virtual ~StringListDecoder() = default;
// Populates the given vector with the lengths of each string in the sequence
// being decoded. Upon returning the vector is guaranteed to contain as many
// elements as there are strings in the sequence.
virtual bool ReadSizes(std::vector<uint32>* sizes) = 0;
// Returns a pointer to the next string in the sequence, then prepares for the
// next call by advancing 'size' characters in the sequence.
virtual const char* Data(uint32 size) = 0;
std::unique_ptr<StringListEncoder> NewStringListEncoder(string* out);
std::unique_ptr<StringListDecoder> NewStringListDecoder(const string& in);
// Store src contents in *out. If backing memory for src is shared with *out,
// will ref obj during the call and will arrange to unref obj when no
// longer needed.
void AssignRefCounted(StringPiece src, core::RefCounted* obj, Cord* out);
// TODO(kmensah): Macro guard this with a check for Cord support.
inline void CopyToArray(const Cord& src, char* dst) { src.CopyToArray(dst); }
// Copy n bytes of src to dst. If pos >= src.size() the result is empty.
// If pos + n > src.size() the subrange [pos, size()) is copied.
inline void CopySubrangeToArray(const Cord& src, int64 pos, int64 n,
char* dst) {
src.Subcord(pos, n).CopyToArray(dst);
// Store encoding of strings[0..n-1] in *out.
void EncodeStringList(const tstring* strings, int64 n, Cord* out);
// Decode n strings from src and store in strings[0..n-1].
// Returns true if successful, false on parse error.
bool DecodeStringList(const Cord& src, tstring* strings, int64 n);
// Assigns base[0..bytes-1] to *c
void CopyFromArray(Cord* c, const char* base, size_t bytes);
std::unique_ptr<StringListEncoder> NewStringListEncoder(Cord* out);
std::unique_ptr<StringListDecoder> NewStringListDecoder(const Cord& in);
} // namespace port
} // namespace tensorflow