blob: e91a9f89757ae6f0009ea20120cd98ab25cd1437 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include "tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/google_auth_provider.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <pwd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "include/json/json.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/io/path.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/base64.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/retrying_utils.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace {
// The environment variable pointing to the file with local
// Application Default Credentials.
constexpr char kGoogleApplicationCredentials[] =
// The environment variable to override token generation for testing.
constexpr char kGoogleAuthTokenForTesting[] = "GOOGLE_AUTH_TOKEN_FOR_TESTING";
// The environment variable which can override '~/.config/gcloud' if set.
constexpr char kCloudSdkConfig[] = "CLOUDSDK_CONFIG";
// The environment variable used to skip attempting to fetch GCE credentials:
// setting this to 'true' (case insensitive) will skip attempting to contact
// the GCE metadata service.
constexpr char kNoGceCheck[] = "NO_GCE_CHECK";
// The default path to the gcloud config folder, relative to the home folder.
constexpr char kGCloudConfigFolder[] = ".config/gcloud/";
// The name of the well-known credentials JSON file in the gcloud config folder.
constexpr char kWellKnownCredentialsFile[] =
// The minimum time delta between now and the token expiration time
// for the token to be re-used.
constexpr int kExpirationTimeMarginSec = 60;
// The URL to retrieve the auth bearer token via OAuth with a refresh token.
constexpr char kOAuthV3Url[] = "";
// The URL to retrieve the auth bearer token via OAuth with a private key.
constexpr char kOAuthV4Url[] = "";
// The URL to retrieve the auth bearer token when running in Google Compute
// Engine.
constexpr char kGceTokenPath[] = "instance/service-accounts/default/token";
// The authentication token scope to request.
constexpr char kOAuthScope[] = "";
/// Returns whether the given path points to a readable file.
bool IsFile(const string& filename) {
std::ifstream fstream(filename.c_str());
return fstream.good();
/// Returns the credentials file name from the env variable.
Status GetEnvironmentVariableFileName(string* filename) {
if (!filename) {
return errors::FailedPrecondition("'filename' cannot be nullptr.");
const char* result = std::getenv(kGoogleApplicationCredentials);
if (!result || !IsFile(result)) {
return errors::NotFound(strings::StrCat("$", kGoogleApplicationCredentials,
" is not set or corrupt."));
*filename = result;
return Status::OK();
/// Returns the well known file produced by command 'gcloud auth login'.
Status GetWellKnownFileName(string* filename) {
if (!filename) {
return errors::FailedPrecondition("'filename' cannot be nullptr.");
string config_dir;
const char* config_dir_override = std::getenv(kCloudSdkConfig);
if (config_dir_override) {
config_dir = config_dir_override;
} else {
// Determine the home dir path.
const char* home_dir = std::getenv("HOME");
if (!home_dir) {
return errors::FailedPrecondition("Could not read $HOME.");
config_dir = io::JoinPath(home_dir, kGCloudConfigFolder);
auto result = io::JoinPath(config_dir, kWellKnownCredentialsFile);
if (!IsFile(result)) {
return errors::NotFound(
"Could not find the credentials file in the standard gcloud location.");
*filename = result;
return Status::OK();
} // namespace
std::shared_ptr<ComputeEngineMetadataClient> compute_engine_metadata_client)
: GoogleAuthProvider(std::unique_ptr<OAuthClient>(new OAuthClient()),
Env::Default()) {}
std::unique_ptr<OAuthClient> oauth_client,
std::shared_ptr<ComputeEngineMetadataClient> compute_engine_metadata_client,
Env* env)
: oauth_client_(std::move(oauth_client)),
env_(env) {}
Status GoogleAuthProvider::GetToken(string* t) {
mutex_lock lock(mu_);
const uint64 now_sec = env_->NowSeconds();
if (now_sec + kExpirationTimeMarginSec < expiration_timestamp_sec_) {
*t = current_token_;
return Status::OK();
if (GetTokenForTesting().ok()) {
*t = current_token_;
return Status::OK();
auto token_from_files_status = GetTokenFromFiles();
if (token_from_files_status.ok()) {
*t = current_token_;
return Status::OK();
char* no_gce_check_var = std::getenv(kNoGceCheck);
bool skip_gce_check = no_gce_check_var != nullptr &&
absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(no_gce_check_var, "true");
Status token_from_gce_status;
if (skip_gce_check) {
token_from_gce_status =
strings::StrCat("GCE check skipped due to presence of $",
kNoGceCheck, " environment variable."));
} else {
token_from_gce_status = GetTokenFromGce();
if (token_from_gce_status.ok()) {
*t = current_token_;
return Status::OK();
<< "All attempts to get a Google authentication bearer token failed, "
<< "returning an empty token. Retrieving token from files failed with \""
<< token_from_files_status.ToString() << "\"."
<< " Retrieving token from GCE failed with \""
<< token_from_gce_status.ToString() << "\".";
// Public objects can still be accessed with an empty bearer token,
// so return an empty token instead of failing.
*t = "";
// We only want to keep returning our empty token if we've tried and failed
// the (potentially slow) task of detecting GCE.
if (skip_gce_check) {
expiration_timestamp_sec_ = 0;
} else {
expiration_timestamp_sec_ = UINT64_MAX;
current_token_ = "";
return Status::OK();
Status GoogleAuthProvider::GetTokenFromFiles() {
string credentials_filename;
if (!GetEnvironmentVariableFileName(&credentials_filename).ok() &&
!GetWellKnownFileName(&credentials_filename).ok()) {
return errors::NotFound("Could not locate the credentials file.");
Json::Value json;
Json::Reader reader;
std::ifstream credentials_fstream(credentials_filename);
if (!reader.parse(credentials_fstream, json)) {
return errors::FailedPrecondition(
"Couldn't parse the JSON credentials file.");
if (json.isMember("refresh_token")) {
json, kOAuthV3Url, &current_token_, &expiration_timestamp_sec_));
} else if (json.isMember("private_key")) {
json, kOAuthV4Url, kOAuthScope, &current_token_,
} else {
return errors::FailedPrecondition(
"Unexpected content of the JSON credentials file.");
return Status::OK();
Status GoogleAuthProvider::GetTokenFromGce() {
std::vector<char> response_buffer;
const uint64 request_timestamp_sec = env_->NowSeconds();
kGceTokenPath, &response_buffer));
StringPiece response =
StringPiece(&response_buffer[0], response_buffer.size());
response, request_timestamp_sec, &current_token_,
return Status::OK();
Status GoogleAuthProvider::GetTokenForTesting() {
const char* token = std::getenv(kGoogleAuthTokenForTesting);
if (!token) {
return errors::NotFound("The env variable for testing was not set.");
expiration_timestamp_sec_ = UINT64_MAX;
current_token_ = token;
return Status::OK();
} // namespace tensorflow