blob: fc2f69e2ad353ca3d962ea5affb419610c95ff21 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// ==================
// An XLA cluster hoists all resource reads to be beginning of the cluster
// execution and all the resource writes to the end. This means it cannot
// enforce arbitrary ordering dependencies (via control or data edges) between
// resource operations. Since all resource reads happen before all resource
// writes, edges constraining resource reads to happen before resource writes
// are fine, but all other kinds of edges are problematic. This analysis
// computes the set of pairs of resource operations that cannot be put in the
// same cluster because XLA cannot respect the dependencies between them in the
// TensorFlow program.
// TODO(b/112856632): We can, in theory, support Read->Read and Write->Write
// dependencies.
// Specifically the result computed by this analysis contains the edge {W, R}
// iff all of these hold true:
// - In the graph (g - {edges from NextIteration to Merge}) there is a path
// from W to R.
// - IsEdgeSafe(W, R) == False [defined below]
// - W != R (note: some resource operations both read from and write to
// resource variables).
// The result is incorrect around loops because we ignore edges from
// NextIteration to Merge. For instance, in:
// Init -----> Merge <-------+
// | |
// v |
// Read |
// | |
// v |
// Write |
// | |
// v |
// NextIteration --+
// we won't put (Read, Write) in the returned set. This is fine if
// auto-clustering can only cluster the Read->Write edge, but it is a problem if
// it clusters the Write->NextIteration->Merge->Read edges instead. So we rely
// on auto-clustering to not cluster NextIteration->Merge edges. The same
// problem is present for the functional version of the loop above and we also
// rely on auto-clustering not clustering functional while loops containing
// resource operations.
// One way to think about this is that we only care about cases where two nodes,
// A and B, would normally have been put in the same cluster but cannot legally
// be in the same cluster because of resourcevar-dependencies. If A and B would
// normally have been put in the same cluster then all paths between A and B
// would have to be clusterable (otherwise we'd have introduced a cycle). Ergo
// there could not have been a NextIteration->Merge edge between A and B since
// we don't cluster these edges.
// --------------
// We traverse the graph minus backedges in reverse post order, mapping each
// node to the set of resource operation reaching that node. Since we visit
// producers before consumers, we can construct the set of reaching operations
// by taking the union of the operations reaching the input nodes. These
// "reaching resource operations" can then be used to create the pairs of
// incompatible nodes using `IsEdgeSafe`.
#include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/resource_operation_safety_analysis.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/xla_cluster_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/resource_operation_table.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/node_def.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/algorithm.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/tensor_id.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/hash/hash.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/ptr_util.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace {
// Maps `n` to the XlaResourceOpKind corresponding to its operation. If `n` is
// not a resource operation recognized by XLA then sets `out_resource_op_kind`
// to nullopt.
Status XlaResourceOpKindForNode(
const Node& n, const FunctionLibraryDefinition* flib_def,
const std::function<Status(const Node&, bool*)>& resource_ops_to_ignore,
absl::optional<XlaResourceOpKind>* out_resource_op_kind) {
bool should_ignore = false;
if (resource_ops_to_ignore) {
TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(resource_ops_to_ignore(n, &should_ignore));
if (should_ignore) {
*out_resource_op_kind = absl::nullopt;
return Status::OK();
const XlaResourceOpInfo* op_info = GetResourceOpInfoForOp(n.type_string());
if (op_info) {
*out_resource_op_kind = op_info->kind();
return Status::OK();
// We conservatively assume that functions will both read and write resource
// variables. In the future we may consider doing some form of
// inter-procedural analysis.
if (MayCallFunction(n, flib_def)) {
*out_resource_op_kind = XlaResourceOpKind::kReadWrite;
} else {
*out_resource_op_kind = absl::nullopt;
return Status::OK();
// Returns true if a control or data dependence from a TensorFlow operation of
// resource op kind `from` to a TensorFlow operation of resource op kind `to`
// can be represented by an XLA cluster and needs no special handling around
// auto-jit.
bool IsEdgeSafe(XlaResourceOpKind from, XlaResourceOpKind to) {
// XLA clusters force all reads to happen before all writes. Moreover the set
// of reads are executed as one atomic operation, and the set of writes are as
// another atomic operation. This means we can faithfully represent the
// following edges: Read->*, *->Write.
return from == XlaResourceOpKind::kRead || to == XlaResourceOpKind::kWrite;
using ResourceOp = std::pair<int, XlaResourceOpKind>;
string ResourceOpToString(const ResourceOp& resource_op) {
return absl::StrCat(
resource_op.first, ": ",
// A copy-on-write set used to store the set of ResourceOps reaching a node in a
// TensorFlow graph.
// TODO(sanjoy): It may be useful to pull this out into its own header at some
// point.
class ResourceOpSet {
using Impl = absl::flat_hash_set<ResourceOp>;
ResourceOpSet() = default;
// Adds all ResourceOp s in `other` to this set.
void Add(const ResourceOpSet& other) {
if (other.impl_ == impl_) {
other.frozen_ = true;
if (!impl_) {
other.frozen_ = true;
impl_ = other.impl_;
for (ResourceOp resource_op : other) {
void Add(const ResourceOp& resource_op) {
if (!IsCopy() && Contains(resource_op)) {
// We can avoid the copy if the item we want to insert already exists.
Impl::const_iterator begin() const {
return impl_ ? impl_->begin() : GetEmptyImpl()->begin();
Impl::const_iterator end() const {
return impl_ ? impl_->end() : GetEmptyImpl()->end();
bool Contains(const ResourceOp& resource_op) const {
return impl_ != nullptr && impl_->count(resource_op);
bool IsCopy() const { return storage_ != nullptr; }
void EnsureIsCopied() {
if (storage_ == nullptr) {
storage_ = absl::make_unique<Impl>();
for (ResourceOp op : *this) {
impl_ = storage_.get();
static Impl* GetEmptyImpl() {
static Impl* empty_impl = new Impl;
return empty_impl;
Impl* impl_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> storage_;
// frozen_ is true if there is another set pointing to this set's impl_. We
// can no longer add elements to this set in that case since the sets pointing
// to this set expect the contents of this set to be stable.
mutable bool frozen_ = false;
string ResourceOpSetToString(const ResourceOpSet& resource_op_set) {
std::vector<string> elements_debug_string;
std::transform(resource_op_set.begin(), resource_op_set.end(),
std::back_inserter(elements_debug_string), ResourceOpToString);
return absl::StrCat("{", absl::StrJoin(elements_debug_string, ","), "}");
string NodeToString(const Node& n, XlaResourceOpKind resource_op_kind) {
return absl::StrCat(
"[",, ": ", n.type_string(), "(",
XlaResourceOpInfo::XlaResourceOpKindToString(resource_op_kind), ")", "]");
} // namespace
Status ComputeIncompatibleResourceOperationPairs(
const Graph& g, const FunctionLibraryDefinition* flib_def,
const std::function<Status(const Node&, bool*)>& resource_ops_to_ignore,
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>* result) {
std::vector<Node*> rpo;
GetReversePostOrder(g, &rpo, /*stable_comparator=*/NodeComparatorName(),
/*edge_filter=*/[](const Edge& edge) {
return !edge.src()->IsNextIteration();
auto resource_op_set_for_node =
const bool vlog = VLOG_IS_ON(2);
for (Node* n : rpo) {
absl::optional<XlaResourceOpKind> op_kind;
*n, flib_def, resource_ops_to_ignore, &op_kind));
ResourceOpSet* resource_op_set = &resource_op_set_for_node[n->id()];
// Merge the reaching resource operations for all the incoming edges to
// create the set of all possible resource ops reaching `n`.
for (const Edge* e : n->in_edges()) {
if (n->IsMerge() && e->src()->IsNextIteration()) {
// Ignore back-edges (see file comment).
const ResourceOpSet& incoming_op_set =
// Add to the "incompatible resource ops" set if necessary.
if (op_kind) {
for (ResourceOp incoming_op : *resource_op_set) {
if (IsEdgeSafe(incoming_op.second, *op_kind)) {
if (vlog) {
VLOG(2) << "Unsafe edge: "
<< NodeToString(*g.FindNodeId(incoming_op.first),
<< " -> " << NodeToString(*n, *op_kind);
result->push_back({incoming_op.first, n->id()});
resource_op_set->Add({n->id(), *op_kind});
if (vlog) {
VLOG(3) << n->name() << " -> " << ResourceOpSetToString(*resource_op_set);
std::sort(result->begin(), result->end());
CHECK(std::unique(result->begin(), result->end()) == result->end());
return Status::OK();
} // namespace tensorflow