blob: 62b752cf40f94bfccbccc8761afc5a82f0bc25cc [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// An optimization pass that groups nodes marked with a common
// kXlaClusterAttr into functions, and replaces the original nodes by
// calls. The calls are annotated with kXlaCompiledKernelAttr.
#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/optimization_registry.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/function.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
namespace tensorflow {
// A rewriting function to apply to each subgraph during encapsulation.
// 'arg_source_tensors' are the tensors corresponding to the arguments in the
// original source graph (*not* 'graph').
// 'graph' is the subgraph. The rewriting may renumber the inputs and outputs;
// 'input_permutation' is a mapping from old argument numbers to new argument
// numbers, whereas 'output_permutation' is the same for outputs. Both
// 'input_permutation' and 'output_permutation' are initialized to the identity
// permutation. 'nodedef' is the NodeDef for the call to the function under
// construction, provided to allow additional attributes to be set.
// The rewrite may also change the NodeDef's operator name, and that
// name will be used as the name of the generated function.
typedef std::function<Status(
const std::vector<OutputTensor>& arg_source_tensors,
std::unique_ptr<Graph>* graph, std::vector<int>* input_permutation,
std::vector<int>* output_permutation, NodeDef* node_def)>
// Transformation that finds subgraphs whose nodes are marked with
// 'group_attribute', splits those subgraphs into functions, and replaces
// the originals with function calls.
// 'group_attribute' must be a string valued-attribute that names the new
// functions to introduce.
// If 'rewrite_subgraph_fn' is set, it is applied to each subgraph before
// function conversion.
// If 'reuse_existing_functions' is set, use an existing function with the
// same name, if any.
// TODO(phawkins): currently, some information in control edges
// is not preserved. Suppose you have A and B in the main
// graph, C and D in a subgraph. B and C have control deps from A, D has control
// dep from B. Originally D must run after C, post-transformation this
// dependency is lost.
Status EncapsulateSubgraphsInFunctions(
string group_attribute, const Graph& graph_in,
const RewriteSubgraphFn& rewrite_subgraph_fn, bool reuse_existing_functions,
std::unique_ptr<Graph>* graph_out, FunctionLibraryDefinition* library);
// The attribute that marks function calls produced by the encapsulate
// subgraphs pass and that should in turn be compiled via XlaLaunch operators.
extern const char* const kXlaCompiledKernelAttr;
// Does `node` have the kXlaCompiledKernelAttr attribute?
bool IsXlaCompiledKernel(const Node& node);
// Functions produced by the EncapsulateSubgraphs pass have their arguments in
// the order:
// 1) compile-time constant arguments, in host memory,
// 2) other arguments, in device memory.
// 3) resource variable arguments, in host memory. Note that only the resource
// Tensor itself is in host memory; the underlying value may be in device
// memory.
// The functions are annotated with the following attributes that describe how
// many constant and resource arguments there are:
// Name of the attribute containing the number of constant arguments.
extern const char* const kXlaNumConstantArgsAttr;
// Name of the attribute containing the number of resource variable arguments.
extern const char* const kXlaNumResourceArgsAttr;
// Sorts each node's control inputs by their names. This guarantees that for two
// structually equivalent GraphDefs, we get the same traversal ordering on
// node's control input fields.
// TODO(hpucha): Move the utilities to a more appropriate place.
void SortControlInputs(GraphDef* gdef);
class EncapsulateSubgraphsPass : public GraphOptimizationPass {
Status Run(const GraphOptimizationPassOptions& options) override;
} // namespace tensorflow