blob: 85a6a6221d96cb569aabb7e81270097fe1d62dd8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- LLVMDialect.cpp - MLIR SPIR-V dialect ------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the SPIR-V dialect in MLIR.
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/SPIRVDialect.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/SPIRVOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/SPIRVTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h"
#include "mlir/Parser.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace spirv {
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/"
} // namespace spirv
} // namespace mlir
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::spirv;
// SPIR-V Dialect
SPIRVDialect::SPIRVDialect(MLIRContext *context)
: Dialect(getDialectNamespace(), context) {
addTypes<ArrayType, ImageType, PointerType, RuntimeArrayType, StructType>();
#define GET_OP_LIST
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/"
// Allow unknown operations because SPIR-V is extensible.
// Type Parsing
// Forward declarations.
template <typename ValTy>
static Optional<ValTy> parseAndVerify(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, Location loc,
StringRef spec);
template <>
Optional<Type> parseAndVerify<Type>(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, Location loc,
StringRef spec);
template <>
Optional<uint64_t> parseAndVerify(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, Location loc,
StringRef spec);
// Parses "<number> x" from the beginning of `spec`.
static bool parseNumberX(StringRef &spec, int64_t &number) {
spec = spec.ltrim();
if (spec.empty() || !llvm::isDigit(spec.front()))
return false;
number = 0;
do {
number = number * 10 + spec.front() - '0';
spec = spec.drop_front();
} while (!spec.empty() && llvm::isDigit(spec.front()));
spec = spec.ltrim();
if (!spec.consume_front("x"))
return false;
return true;
static bool isValidSPIRVIntType(IntegerType type) {
return llvm::is_contained(llvm::ArrayRef<unsigned>({1, 8, 16, 32, 64}),
static bool isValidSPIRVScalarType(Type type) {
if (type.isa<FloatType>()) {
return !type.isBF16();
if (auto intType = type.dyn_cast<IntegerType>()) {
return isValidSPIRVIntType(intType);
return false;
static bool isValidSPIRVVectorType(VectorType type) {
return type.getRank() == 1 && isValidSPIRVScalarType(type.getElementType()) &&
type.getNumElements() >= 2 && type.getNumElements() <= 4;
bool SPIRVDialect::isValidSPIRVType(Type type) const {
// Allow SPIR-V dialect types
if (&type.getDialect() == this) {
return true;
if (isValidSPIRVScalarType(type)) {
return true;
if (auto vectorType = type.dyn_cast<VectorType>()) {
return isValidSPIRVVectorType(vectorType);
return false;
static Type parseAndVerifyType(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, StringRef spec,
Location loc) {
spec = spec.trim();
auto *context = dialect.getContext();
auto type = mlir::parseType(spec.trim(), context);
if (!type) {
emitError(loc, "cannot parse type: ") << spec;
return Type();
// Allow SPIR-V dialect types
if (&type.getDialect() == &dialect)
return type;
// Check other allowed types
if (auto t = type.dyn_cast<FloatType>()) {
if (type.isBF16()) {
emitError(loc, "cannot use 'bf16' to compose SPIR-V types");
return Type();
} else if (auto t = type.dyn_cast<IntegerType>()) {
if (!isValidSPIRVIntType(t)) {
emitError(loc, "only 1/8/16/32/64-bit integer type allowed but found ")
<< type;
return Type();
} else if (auto t = type.dyn_cast<VectorType>()) {
if (t.getRank() != 1) {
emitError(loc, "only 1-D vector allowed but found ") << t;
return Type();
if (t.getNumElements() > 4) {
"vector length has to be less than or equal to 4 but found ")
<< t.getNumElements();
return Type();
} else {
emitError(loc, "cannot use ") << type << " to compose SPIR-V types";
return Type();
return type;
// element-type ::= integer-type
// | floating-point-type
// | vector-type
// | spirv-type
// array-type ::= `!spv.array<` integer-literal `x` element-type
// (`[` integer-literal `]`)? `>`
static Type parseArrayType(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, StringRef spec,
Location loc) {
if (!spec.consume_front("array<") || !spec.consume_back(">")) {
emitError(loc, "spv.array delimiter <...> mismatch");
return Type();
int64_t count = 0;
spec = spec.trim();
if (!parseNumberX(spec, count)) {
emitError(loc, "expected array element count followed by 'x' but found '")
<< spec << "'";
return Type();
if (spec.trim().empty()) {
emitError(loc, "expected element type");
return Type();
ArrayType::LayoutInfo layoutInfo = 0;
size_t lastLSquare;
// Handle case when element type is not a trivial type
auto lastRDelimiter = spec.rfind('>');
if (lastRDelimiter != StringRef::npos) {
lastLSquare = spec.find('[', lastRDelimiter);
} else {
lastLSquare = spec.rfind('[');
if (lastLSquare != StringRef::npos) {
auto layoutSpec = spec.substr(lastLSquare);
auto layout =
parseAndVerify<ArrayType::LayoutInfo>(dialect, loc, layoutSpec);
if (!layout) {
return Type();
if (!(layoutInfo = layout.getValue())) {
emitError(loc, "ArrayStride must be greater than zero");
return Type();
spec = spec.substr(0, lastLSquare);
Type elementType = parseAndVerifyType(dialect, spec, loc);
if (!elementType)
return Type();
return ArrayType::get(elementType, count, layoutInfo);
// TODO(ravishankarm) : Reorder methods to be utilities first and parse*Type
// methods in alphabetical order
// storage-class ::= `UniformConstant`
// | `Uniform`
// | `Workgroup`
// | <and other storage classes...>
// pointer-type ::= `!spv.ptr<` element-type `,` storage-class `>`
static Type parsePointerType(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, StringRef spec,
Location loc) {
if (!spec.consume_front("ptr<") || !spec.consume_back(">")) {
emitError(loc, "spv.ptr delimiter <...> mismatch");
return Type();
// Split into pointee type and storage class
StringRef scSpec, ptSpec;
std::tie(ptSpec, scSpec) = spec.rsplit(',');
if (scSpec.empty()) {
"expected comma to separate pointee type and storage class in '")
<< spec << "'";
return Type();
scSpec = scSpec.trim();
auto storageClass = symbolizeStorageClass(scSpec);
if (!storageClass) {
emitError(loc, "unknown storage class: ") << scSpec;
return Type();
if (ptSpec.trim().empty()) {
emitError(loc, "expected pointee type");
return Type();
auto pointeeType = parseAndVerifyType(dialect, ptSpec, loc);
if (!pointeeType)
return Type();
return PointerType::get(pointeeType, *storageClass);
// runtime-array-type ::= `!spv.rtarray<` element-type `>`
static Type parseRuntimeArrayType(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, StringRef spec,
Location loc) {
if (!spec.consume_front("rtarray<") || !spec.consume_back(">")) {
emitError(loc, "spv.rtarray delimiter <...> mismatch");
return Type();
if (spec.trim().empty()) {
emitError(loc, "expected element type");
return Type();
Type elementType = parseAndVerifyType(dialect, spec, loc);
if (!elementType)
return Type();
return RuntimeArrayType::get(elementType);
// Specialize this function to parse each of the parameters that define an
// ImageType. By default it assumes this is an enum type.
template <typename ValTy>
static Optional<ValTy> parseAndVerify(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, Location loc,
StringRef spec) {
auto val = spirv::symbolizeEnum<ValTy>()(spec);
if (!val) {
emitError(loc, "unknown attribute: '") << spec << "'";
return val;
template <>
Optional<Type> parseAndVerify<Type>(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, Location loc,
StringRef spec) {
// TODO(ravishankarm): Further verify that the element type can be sampled
auto ty = parseAndVerifyType(dialect, spec, loc);
if (!ty) {
return llvm::None;
return ty;
template <>
Optional<uint64_t> parseAndVerify(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, Location loc,
StringRef spec) {
uint64_t offsetVal = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
if (!spec.consume_front("[")) {
emitError(loc, "expected '[' while parsing layout specification in '")
<< spec << "'";
return llvm::None;
spec = spec.trim();
if (spec.consumeInteger(10, offsetVal)) {
emitError(loc, "expected unsigned integer to specify layout information: '")
<< spec << "'";
return llvm::None;
spec = spec.trim();
if (!spec.consume_front("]")) {
emitError(loc, "missing ']' in decorations spec: '") << spec << "'";
return llvm::None;
if (spec != "") {
emitError(loc, "unexpected extra tokens in layout information: '")
<< spec << "'";
return llvm::None;
return offsetVal;
// Functor object to parse a comma separated list of specs. The function
// parseAndVerify does the actual parsing and verification of individual
// elements. This is a functor since parsing the last element of the list
// (termination condition) needs partial specialization.
template <typename ParseType, typename... Args> struct parseCommaSeparatedList {
Optional<std::tuple<ParseType, Args...>>
operator()(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, Location loc, StringRef spec) const {
auto numArgs = std::tuple_size<std::tuple<Args...>>::value;
StringRef parseSpec, restSpec;
std::tie(parseSpec, restSpec) = spec.split(',');
parseSpec = parseSpec.trim();
if (numArgs != 0 && restSpec.empty()) {
emitError(loc, "expected more parameters for image type '")
<< parseSpec << "'";
return llvm::None;
auto parseVal = parseAndVerify<ParseType>(dialect, loc, parseSpec);
if (!parseVal) {
return llvm::None;
auto remainingValues =
parseCommaSeparatedList<Args...>{}(dialect, loc, restSpec);
if (!remainingValues) {
return llvm::None;
return std::tuple_cat(std::tuple<ParseType>(parseVal.getValue()),
// Partial specialization of the function to parse a comma separated list of
// specs to parse the last element of the list.
template <typename ParseType> struct parseCommaSeparatedList<ParseType> {
operator()(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, Location loc, StringRef spec) const {
spec = spec.trim();
auto value = parseAndVerify<ParseType>(dialect, loc, spec);
if (!value) {
return llvm::None;
return std::tuple<ParseType>(value.getValue());
// dim ::= `1D` | `2D` | `3D` | `Cube` | <and other SPIR-V Dim specifiers...>
// depth-info ::= `NoDepth` | `IsDepth` | `DepthUnknown`
// arrayed-info ::= `NonArrayed` | `Arrayed`
// sampling-info ::= `SingleSampled` | `MultiSampled`
// sampler-use-info ::= `SamplerUnknown` | `NeedSampler` | `NoSampler`
// format ::= `Unknown` | `Rgba32f` | <and other SPIR-V Image formats...>
// image-type ::= `!spv.image<` element-type `,` dim `,` depth-info `,`
// arrayed-info `,` sampling-info `,`
// sampler-use-info `,` format `>`
static Type parseImageType(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, StringRef spec,
Location loc) {
if (!spec.consume_front("image<") || !spec.consume_back(">")) {
emitError(loc, "spv.image delimiter <...> mismatch");
return Type();
auto value =
parseCommaSeparatedList<Type, Dim, ImageDepthInfo, ImageArrayedInfo,
ImageSamplingInfo, ImageSamplerUseInfo,
ImageFormat>{}(dialect, loc, spec);
if (!value) {
return Type();
return ImageType::get(value.getValue());
// Method to parse one member of a struct (including Layout information)
static ParseResult
parseStructElement(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, StringRef spec, Location loc,
SmallVectorImpl<Type> &memberTypes,
SmallVectorImpl<StructType::LayoutInfo> &layoutInfo) {
// Check for a '[' <layoutInfo> ']'
auto lastLSquare = spec.rfind('[');
auto typeSpec = spec.substr(0, lastLSquare);
auto layoutSpec = (lastLSquare == StringRef::npos ? StringRef("")
: spec.substr(lastLSquare));
auto type = parseAndVerify<Type>(dialect, loc, typeSpec);
if (!type) {
return failure();
if (layoutSpec.empty()) {
return success();
if (layoutInfo.size() != memberTypes.size() - 1) {
emitError(loc, "layout specification must be given for all members");
return failure();
auto layout =
parseAndVerify<StructType::LayoutInfo>(dialect, loc, layoutSpec);
if (!layout) {
return failure();
return success();
// Helper method to record the position of the corresponding '>' for every '<'
// encountered when parsing the string left to right. The relative position of
// '>' w.r.t to the '<' is recorded.
static bool
computeMatchingRAngles(Location loc, StringRef const &spec,
SmallVectorImpl<size_t> &matchingRAngleOffset) {
SmallVector<size_t, 4> openBrackets;
for (size_t i = 0, e = spec.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (spec[i] == '<') {
} else if (spec[i] == '>') {
if (openBrackets.empty()) {
emitError(loc, "unbalanced '<' in '") << spec << "'";
return false;
matchingRAngleOffset.push_back(i - openBrackets.pop_back_val());
return true;
static ParseResult
parseStructHelper(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, StringRef spec, Location loc,
ArrayRef<size_t> matchingRAngleOffset,
SmallVectorImpl<Type> &memberTypes,
SmallVectorImpl<StructType::LayoutInfo> &layoutInfo) {
// Check if the occurrence of ',' or '<' is before. If former, split using
// ','. If latter, split using matching '>' to get the entire type
// description
auto firstComma = spec.find(',');
auto firstLAngle = spec.find('<');
if (firstLAngle == StringRef::npos && firstComma == StringRef::npos) {
return parseStructElement(dialect, spec, loc, memberTypes, layoutInfo);
if (firstLAngle == StringRef::npos || firstComma < firstLAngle) {
// Parse the type before the ','
if (parseStructElement(dialect, spec.substr(0, firstComma), loc,
memberTypes, layoutInfo)) {
return failure();
return parseStructHelper(dialect, spec.substr(firstComma + 1).ltrim(), loc,
matchingRAngleOffset, memberTypes, layoutInfo);
auto matchingRAngle = matchingRAngleOffset.front() + firstLAngle;
// Find the next ',' or '>'
auto endLoc = std::min(spec.find(',', matchingRAngle + 1), spec.size());
if (parseStructElement(dialect, spec.substr(0, endLoc), loc, memberTypes,
layoutInfo)) {
return failure();
auto rest = spec.substr(endLoc + 1).ltrim();
if (rest.empty()) {
return success();
if (rest.front() == ',') {
return parseStructHelper(
dialect, rest.drop_front().trim(), loc,
memberTypes, layoutInfo);
emitError(loc, "unexpected string : '") << rest << "'";
return failure();
// struct-type ::= `!spv.struct<` spirv-type (` [` integer-literal `]`)?
// (`, ` spirv-type ( ` [` integer-literal `] ` )? )*
static Type parseStructType(SPIRVDialect const &dialect, StringRef spec,
Location loc) {
if (!spec.consume_front("struct<") || !spec.consume_back(">")) {
emitError(loc, "spv.struct delimiter <...> mismatch");
return Type();
if (spec.trim().empty()) {
emitError(loc, "expected SPIR-V type");
return Type();
SmallVector<Type, 4> memberTypes;
SmallVector<StructType::LayoutInfo, 4> layoutInfo;
SmallVector<size_t, 4> matchingRAngleOffset;
if (!computeMatchingRAngles(loc, spec, matchingRAngleOffset) ||
parseStructHelper(dialect, spec, loc, matchingRAngleOffset, memberTypes,
layoutInfo)) {
return Type();
if (layoutInfo.empty()) {
return StructType::get(memberTypes);
if (memberTypes.size() != layoutInfo.size()) {
emitError(loc, "layout specification must be given for all members");
return Type();
return StructType::get(memberTypes, layoutInfo);
// spirv-type ::= array-type
// | element-type
// | image-type
// | pointer-type
// | runtime-array-type
// | struct-type
Type SPIRVDialect::parseType(StringRef spec, Location loc) const {
if (spec.startswith("array"))
return parseArrayType(*this, spec, loc);
if (spec.startswith("image"))
return parseImageType(*this, spec, loc);
if (spec.startswith("ptr"))
return parsePointerType(*this, spec, loc);
if (spec.startswith("rtarray"))
return parseRuntimeArrayType(*this, spec, loc);
if (spec.startswith("struct"))
return parseStructType(*this, spec, loc);
emitError(loc, "unknown SPIR-V type: ") << spec;
return Type();
// Type Printing
static void print(ArrayType type, llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
os << "array<" << type.getNumElements() << " x " << type.getElementType();
if (type.hasLayout()) {
os << " [" << type.getArrayStride() << "]";
os << ">";
static void print(RuntimeArrayType type, llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
os << "rtarray<" << type.getElementType() << ">";
static void print(PointerType type, llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
os << "ptr<" << type.getPointeeType() << ", "
<< stringifyStorageClass(type.getStorageClass()) << ">";
static void print(ImageType type, llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
os << "image<" << type.getElementType() << ", " << stringifyDim(type.getDim())
<< ", " << stringifyImageDepthInfo(type.getDepthInfo()) << ", "
<< stringifyImageArrayedInfo(type.getArrayedInfo()) << ", "
<< stringifyImageSamplingInfo(type.getSamplingInfo()) << ", "
<< stringifyImageSamplerUseInfo(type.getSamplerUseInfo()) << ", "
<< stringifyImageFormat(type.getImageFormat()) << ">";
static void print(StructType type, llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
os << "struct<";
auto printMember = [&](unsigned i) {
os << type.getElementType(i);
if (type.hasLayout()) {
os << " [" << type.getOffset(i) << "]";
mlir::interleaveComma(llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, type.getNumElements()), os,
os << ">";
void SPIRVDialect::printType(Type type, llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {
switch (type.getKind()) {
case TypeKind::Array:
print(type.cast<ArrayType>(), os);
case TypeKind::Pointer:
print(type.cast<PointerType>(), os);
case TypeKind::RuntimeArray:
print(type.cast<RuntimeArrayType>(), os);
case TypeKind::Image:
print(type.cast<ImageType>(), os);
case TypeKind::Struct:
print(type.cast<StructType>(), os);
llvm_unreachable("unhandled SPIR-V type");