blob: 38fb0c5d8611f798b897ba988a6feca502ac1cd8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace io {
namespace internal {
string JoinPathImpl(std::initializer_list<tensorflow::StringPiece> paths);
// Utility routines for processing filenames
#ifndef SWIG // variadic templates
// Join multiple paths together, without introducing unnecessary path
// separators.
// For example:
// Arguments | JoinPath
// ---------------------------+----------
// '/foo', 'bar' | /foo/bar
// '/foo/', 'bar' | /foo/bar
// '/foo', '/bar' | /foo/bar
// Usage:
// string path = io::JoinPath("/mydir", filename);
// string path = io::JoinPath(FLAGS_test_srcdir, filename);
// string path = io::JoinPath("/full", "path", "to", "filename);
template <typename... T>
string JoinPath(const T&... args) {
return internal::JoinPathImpl({args...});
#endif /* SWIG */
// Return true if path is absolute.
bool IsAbsolutePath(tensorflow::StringPiece path);
// Returns the part of the path before the final "/". If there is a single
// leading "/" in the path, the result will be the leading "/". If there is
// no "/" in the path, the result is the empty prefix of the input.
tensorflow::StringPiece Dirname(tensorflow::StringPiece path);
// Returns the part of the path after the final "/". If there is no
// "/" in the path, the result is the same as the input.
tensorflow::StringPiece Basename(tensorflow::StringPiece path);
// Returns the part of the basename of path after the final ".". If
// there is no "." in the basename, the result is empty.
tensorflow::StringPiece Extension(tensorflow::StringPiece path);
// Collapse duplicate "/"s, resolve ".." and "." path elements, remove
// trailing "/".
// NOTE: This respects relative vs. absolute paths, but does not
// invoke any system calls (getcwd(2)) in order to resolve relative
// paths with respect to the actual working directory. That is, this is purely
// string manipulation, completely independent of process state.
string CleanPath(tensorflow::StringPiece path);
// Populates the scheme, host, and path from a URI. scheme, host, and path are
// guaranteed by this function to point into the contents of uri, even if
// empty.
// Corner cases:
// - If the URI is invalid, scheme and host are set to empty strings and the
// passed string is assumed to be a path
// - If the URI omits the path (e.g. file://host), then the path is left empty.
void ParseURI(tensorflow::StringPiece uri, tensorflow::StringPiece* scheme,
tensorflow::StringPiece* host, tensorflow::StringPiece* path);
// Creates a URI from a scheme, host, and path. If the scheme is empty, we just
// return the path.
string CreateURI(tensorflow::StringPiece scheme, tensorflow::StringPiece host,
tensorflow::StringPiece path);
// Creates a temporary file name with an extension.
string GetTempFilename(const string& extension);
} // namespace io
} // namespace tensorflow