blob: 134658deabe8d69b5747cd32879f92fbbaab1b5a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================
"""Quantized distribution."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import distribution as distributions
from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import util as distribution_util
from tensorflow.python.util import deprecation
__all__ = ["QuantizedDistribution"]
"The TensorFlow Distributions library has moved to "
"TensorFlow Probability "
"( You "
"should update all references to use `tfp.distributions` "
"instead of `tf.contrib.distributions`.",
def _logsum_expbig_minus_expsmall(big, small):
"""Stable evaluation of `Log[exp{big} - exp{small}]`.
To work correctly, we should have the pointwise relation: `small <= big`.
big: Floating-point `Tensor`
small: Floating-point `Tensor` with same `dtype` as `big` and broadcastable
`Tensor` of same `dtype` of `big` and broadcast shape.
with ops.name_scope("logsum_expbig_minus_expsmall", values=[small, big]):
return math_ops.log(1. - math_ops.exp(small - big)) + big
_prob_base_note = """
For whole numbers `y`,
P[Y = y] := P[X <= low], if y == low,
:= P[X > high - 1], y == high,
:= 0, if j < low or y > high,
:= P[y - 1 < X <= y], all other y.
_prob_note = _prob_base_note + """
The base distribution's `cdf` method must be defined on `y - 1`. If the
base distribution has a `survival_function` method, results will be more
accurate for large values of `y`, and in this case the `survival_function` must
also be defined on `y - 1`.
_log_prob_note = _prob_base_note + """
The base distribution's `log_cdf` method must be defined on `y - 1`. If the
base distribution has a `log_survival_function` method results will be more
accurate for large values of `y`, and in this case the `log_survival_function`
must also be defined on `y - 1`.
_cdf_base_note = """
For whole numbers `y`,
cdf(y) := P[Y <= y]
= 1, if y >= high,
= 0, if y < low,
= P[X <= y], otherwise.
Since `Y` only has mass at whole numbers, `P[Y <= y] = P[Y <= floor(y)]`.
This dictates that fractional `y` are first floored to a whole number, and
then above definition applies.
_cdf_note = _cdf_base_note + """
The base distribution's `cdf` method must be defined on `y - 1`.
_log_cdf_note = _cdf_base_note + """
The base distribution's `log_cdf` method must be defined on `y - 1`.
_sf_base_note = """
For whole numbers `y`,
survival_function(y) := P[Y > y]
= 0, if y >= high,
= 1, if y < low,
= P[X <= y], otherwise.
Since `Y` only has mass at whole numbers, `P[Y <= y] = P[Y <= floor(y)]`.
This dictates that fractional `y` are first floored to a whole number, and
then above definition applies.
_sf_note = _sf_base_note + """
The base distribution's `cdf` method must be defined on `y - 1`.
_log_sf_note = _sf_base_note + """
The base distribution's `log_cdf` method must be defined on `y - 1`.
class QuantizedDistribution(distributions.Distribution):
"""Distribution representing the quantization `Y = ceiling(X)`.
#### Definition in Terms of Sampling
1. Draw X
2. Set Y <-- ceiling(X)
3. If Y < low, reset Y <-- low
4. If Y > high, reset Y <-- high
5. Return Y
#### Definition in Terms of the Probability Mass Function
Given scalar random variable `X`, we define a discrete random variable `Y`
supported on the integers as follows:
P[Y = j] := P[X <= low], if j == low,
:= P[X > high - 1], j == high,
:= 0, if j < low or j > high,
:= P[j - 1 < X <= j], all other j.
Conceptually, without cutoffs, the quantization process partitions the real
line `R` into half open intervals, and identifies an integer `j` with the
right endpoints:
R = ... (-2, -1](-1, 0](0, 1](1, 2](2, 3](3, 4] ...
j = ... -1 0 1 2 3 4 ...
`P[Y = j]` is the mass of `X` within the `jth` interval.
If `low = 0`, and `high = 2`, then the intervals are redrawn
and `j` is re-assigned:
R = (-infty, 0](0, 1](1, infty)
j = 0 1 2
`P[Y = j]` is still the mass of `X` within the `jth` interval.
#### Examples
We illustrate a mixture of discretized logistic distributions
[(Salimans et al., 2017)][1]. This is used, for example, for capturing 16-bit
audio in WaveNet [(van den Oord et al., 2017)][2]. The values range in
a 1-D integer domain of `[0, 2**16-1]`, and the discretization captures
`P(x - 0.5 < X <= x + 0.5)` for all `x` in the domain excluding the endpoints.
The lowest value has probability `P(X <= 0.5)` and the highest value has
probability `P(2**16 - 1.5 < X)`.
Below we assume a `wavenet` function. It takes as `input` right-shifted audio
samples of shape `[..., sequence_length]`. It returns a real-valued tensor of
shape `[..., num_mixtures * 3]`, i.e., each mixture component has a `loc` and
`scale` parameter belonging to the logistic distribution, and a `logits`
parameter determining the unnormalized probability of that component.
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
tfd = tfp.distributions
tfb = tfp.bijectors
net = wavenet(inputs)
loc, unconstrained_scale, logits = tf.split(net,
scale = tf.nn.softplus(unconstrained_scale)
# Form mixture of discretized logistic distributions. Note we shift the
# logistic distribution by -0.5. This lets the quantization capture "rounding"
# intervals, `(x-0.5, x+0.5]`, and not "ceiling" intervals, `(x-1, x]`.
discretized_logistic_dist = tfd.QuantizedDistribution(
distribution=tfd.Logistic(loc=loc, scale=scale),
high=2**16 - 1.)
mixture_dist = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(
neg_log_likelihood = -tf.reduce_sum(mixture_dist.log_prob(targets))
train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(neg_log_likelihood)
After instantiating `mixture_dist`, we illustrate maximum likelihood by
calculating its log-probability of audio samples as `target` and optimizing.
#### References
[1]: Tim Salimans, Andrej Karpathy, Xi Chen, and Diederik P. Kingma.
PixelCNN++: Improving the PixelCNN with discretized logistic mixture
likelihood and other modifications.
_International Conference on Learning Representations_, 2017.
[2]: Aaron van den Oord et al. Parallel WaveNet: Fast High-Fidelity Speech
Synthesis. _arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.10433_, 2017.
"The TensorFlow Distributions library has moved to "
"TensorFlow Probability "
"( You "
"should update all references to use `tfp.distributions` "
"instead of `tf.contrib.distributions`.",
def __init__(self,
"""Construct a Quantized Distribution representing `Y = ceiling(X)`.
Some properties are inherited from the distribution defining `X`. Example:
`allow_nan_stats` is determined for this `QuantizedDistribution` by reading
the `distribution`.
distribution: The base distribution class to transform. Typically an
instance of `Distribution`.
low: `Tensor` with same `dtype` as this distribution and shape
able to be added to samples. Should be a whole number. Default `None`.
If provided, base distribution's `prob` should be defined at
high: `Tensor` with same `dtype` as this distribution and shape
able to be added to samples. Should be a whole number. Default `None`.
If provided, base distribution's `prob` should be defined at
`high - 1`.
`high` must be strictly greater than `low`.
validate_args: Python `bool`, default `False`. When `True` distribution
parameters are checked for validity despite possibly degrading runtime
performance. When `False` invalid inputs may silently render incorrect
name: Python `str` name prefixed to Ops created by this class.
TypeError: If `dist_cls` is not a subclass of
`Distribution` or continuous.
NotImplementedError: If the base distribution does not implement `cdf`.
parameters = dict(locals())
values = (
list(distribution.parameters.values()) +
[low, high])
with ops.name_scope(name, values=values) as name:
self._dist = distribution
if low is not None:
low = ops.convert_to_tensor(low, name="low")
if high is not None:
high = ops.convert_to_tensor(high, name="high")
tensors=[self.distribution, low, high])
# We let QuantizedDistribution access _graph_parents since this class is
# more like a baseclass.
graph_parents = self._dist._graph_parents # pylint: disable=protected-access
checks = []
if validate_args and low is not None and high is not None:
message = "low must be strictly less than high."
low, high, message=message))
self._validate_args = validate_args # self._check_integer uses this.
with ops.control_dependencies(checks if validate_args else []):
if low is not None:
self._low = self._check_integer(low)
graph_parents += [self._low]
self._low = None
if high is not None:
self._high = self._check_integer(high)
graph_parents += [self._high]
self._high = None
super(QuantizedDistribution, self).__init__(
def distribution(self):
"""Base distribution, p(x)."""
return self._dist
def low(self):
"""Lowest value that quantization returns."""
return self._low
def high(self):
"""Highest value that quantization returns."""
return self._high
def _batch_shape_tensor(self):
return self.distribution.batch_shape_tensor()
def _batch_shape(self):
return self.distribution.batch_shape
def _event_shape_tensor(self):
return self.distribution.event_shape_tensor()
def _event_shape(self):
return self.distribution.event_shape
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
low = self._low
high = self._high
with ops.name_scope("transform"):
n = ops.convert_to_tensor(n, name="n")
x_samps = self.distribution.sample(n, seed=seed)
ones = array_ops.ones_like(x_samps)
# Snap values to the intervals (j - 1, j].
result_so_far = math_ops.ceil(x_samps)
if low is not None:
result_so_far = array_ops.where(result_so_far < low,
low * ones, result_so_far)
if high is not None:
result_so_far = array_ops.where(result_so_far > high,
high * ones, result_so_far)
return result_so_far
def _log_prob(self, y):
if not hasattr(self.distribution, "_log_cdf"):
raise NotImplementedError(
"'log_prob' not implemented unless the base distribution implements "
y = self._check_integer(y)
return self._log_prob_with_logsf_and_logcdf(y)
except NotImplementedError:
return self._log_prob_with_logcdf(y)
def _log_prob_with_logcdf(self, y):
return _logsum_expbig_minus_expsmall(self.log_cdf(y), self.log_cdf(y - 1))
def _log_prob_with_logsf_and_logcdf(self, y):
"""Compute log_prob(y) using log survival_function and cdf together."""
# There are two options that would be equal if we had infinite precision:
# Log[ sf(y - 1) - sf(y) ]
# = Log[ exp{logsf(y - 1)} - exp{logsf(y)} ]
# Log[ cdf(y) - cdf(y - 1) ]
# = Log[ exp{logcdf(y)} - exp{logcdf(y - 1)} ]
logsf_y = self.log_survival_function(y)
logsf_y_minus_1 = self.log_survival_function(y - 1)
logcdf_y = self.log_cdf(y)
logcdf_y_minus_1 = self.log_cdf(y - 1)
# Important: Here we use select in a way such that no input is inf, this
# prevents the troublesome case where the output of select can be finite,
# but the output of grad(select) will be NaN.
# In either case, we are doing Log[ exp{big} - exp{small} ]
# We want to use the sf items precisely when we are on the right side of the
# median, which occurs when logsf_y < logcdf_y.
big = array_ops.where(logsf_y < logcdf_y, logsf_y_minus_1, logcdf_y)
small = array_ops.where(logsf_y < logcdf_y, logsf_y, logcdf_y_minus_1)
return _logsum_expbig_minus_expsmall(big, small)
def _prob(self, y):
if not hasattr(self.distribution, "_cdf"):
raise NotImplementedError(
"'prob' not implemented unless the base distribution implements "
y = self._check_integer(y)
return self._prob_with_sf_and_cdf(y)
except NotImplementedError:
return self._prob_with_cdf(y)
def _prob_with_cdf(self, y):
return self.cdf(y) - self.cdf(y - 1)
def _prob_with_sf_and_cdf(self, y):
# There are two options that would be equal if we had infinite precision:
# sf(y - 1) - sf(y)
# cdf(y) - cdf(y - 1)
sf_y = self.survival_function(y)
sf_y_minus_1 = self.survival_function(y - 1)
cdf_y = self.cdf(y)
cdf_y_minus_1 = self.cdf(y - 1)
# sf_prob has greater precision iff we're on the right side of the median.
return array_ops.where(
sf_y < cdf_y, # True iff we're on the right side of the median.
sf_y_minus_1 - sf_y,
cdf_y - cdf_y_minus_1)
def _log_cdf(self, y):
low = self._low
high = self._high
# Recall the promise:
# cdf(y) := P[Y <= y]
# = 1, if y >= high,
# = 0, if y < low,
# = P[X <= y], otherwise.
# P[Y <= j] = P[floor(Y) <= j] since mass is only at integers, not in
# between.
j = math_ops.floor(y)
result_so_far = self.distribution.log_cdf(j)
# Broadcast, because it's possible that this is a single distribution being
# evaluated on a number of samples, or something like that.
j += array_ops.zeros_like(result_so_far)
# Re-define values at the cutoffs.
if low is not None:
neg_inf = -np.inf * array_ops.ones_like(result_so_far)
result_so_far = array_ops.where(j < low, neg_inf, result_so_far)
if high is not None:
result_so_far = array_ops.where(j >= high,
return result_so_far
def _cdf(self, y):
low = self._low
high = self._high
# Recall the promise:
# cdf(y) := P[Y <= y]
# = 1, if y >= high,
# = 0, if y < low,
# = P[X <= y], otherwise.
# P[Y <= j] = P[floor(Y) <= j] since mass is only at integers, not in
# between.
j = math_ops.floor(y)
# P[X <= j], used when low < X < high.
result_so_far = self.distribution.cdf(j)
# Broadcast, because it's possible that this is a single distribution being
# evaluated on a number of samples, or something like that.
j += array_ops.zeros_like(result_so_far)
# Re-define values at the cutoffs.
if low is not None:
result_so_far = array_ops.where(j < low,
if high is not None:
result_so_far = array_ops.where(j >= high,
return result_so_far
def _log_survival_function(self, y):
low = self._low
high = self._high
# Recall the promise:
# survival_function(y) := P[Y > y]
# = 0, if y >= high,
# = 1, if y < low,
# = P[X > y], otherwise.
# P[Y > j] = P[ceiling(Y) > j] since mass is only at integers, not in
# between.
j = math_ops.ceil(y)
# P[X > j], used when low < X < high.
result_so_far = self.distribution.log_survival_function(j)
# Broadcast, because it's possible that this is a single distribution being
# evaluated on a number of samples, or something like that.
j += array_ops.zeros_like(result_so_far)
# Re-define values at the cutoffs.
if low is not None:
result_so_far = array_ops.where(j < low,
if high is not None:
neg_inf = -np.inf * array_ops.ones_like(result_so_far)
result_so_far = array_ops.where(j >= high, neg_inf, result_so_far)
return result_so_far
def _survival_function(self, y):
low = self._low
high = self._high
# Recall the promise:
# survival_function(y) := P[Y > y]
# = 0, if y >= high,
# = 1, if y < low,
# = P[X > y], otherwise.
# P[Y > j] = P[ceiling(Y) > j] since mass is only at integers, not in
# between.
j = math_ops.ceil(y)
# P[X > j], used when low < X < high.
result_so_far = self.distribution.survival_function(j)
# Broadcast, because it's possible that this is a single distribution being
# evaluated on a number of samples, or something like that.
j += array_ops.zeros_like(result_so_far)
# Re-define values at the cutoffs.
if low is not None:
result_so_far = array_ops.where(j < low,
if high is not None:
result_so_far = array_ops.where(j >= high,
return result_so_far
def _check_integer(self, value):
with ops.name_scope("check_integer", values=[value]):
value = ops.convert_to_tensor(value, name="value")
if not self.validate_args:
return value
dependencies = [distribution_util.assert_integer_form(
value, message="value has non-integer components.")]
return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(dependencies, value)