blob: e0e7deb98e579c090c8fae320a3ba8a3ce8dbe5f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/cpu/runtime_key_value_sort.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/dynamic_annotations.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
namespace {
using tensorflow::int16;
using tensorflow::int32;
using tensorflow::int64;
using tensorflow::int8;
using tensorflow::uint16;
using tensorflow::uint32;
using tensorflow::uint64;
using tensorflow::uint8;
template <typename KeyType>
void KeyValueSort(std::pair<KeyType, int64>* row_to_sort, int64 num_elements) {
std::sort(row_to_sort, row_to_sort + num_elements);
// For floating point numbers, we want a total order comparator. -NaN and NaN
// should appear at the beginning and end of the ordering, and -0.0 should
// appear before 0.0. Also we want to have a stable sort, so if the keys are the
// same, we compare the index values.
template <typename KeyType>
bool LessThan(KeyType lhs, int64 lhs_index, KeyType rhs, int64 rhs_index) {
bool lhs_is_negative = std::signbit(lhs);
bool rhs_is_negative = std::signbit(rhs);
// If the signs are different, we can just compare the signs.
if (lhs_is_negative != rhs_is_negative) {
return lhs_is_negative && !rhs_is_negative;
bool lhs_nan = std::isnan(lhs);
bool rhs_nan = std::isnan(rhs);
// Exactly one number is nan?
if (lhs_nan != rhs_nan) {
if (lhs_nan) {
return lhs_is_negative;
return !rhs_is_negative;
if (lhs != rhs) {
return lhs < rhs;
return lhs_index < rhs_index;
template <>
void KeyValueSort(std::pair<double, int64>* row_to_sort, int64 num_elements) {
std::sort(row_to_sort, row_to_sort + num_elements,
[](const std::pair<double, int64>& lhs,
const std::pair<double, int64>& rhs) -> bool {
return LessThan(lhs.first, lhs.second, rhs.first, rhs.second);
template <>
void KeyValueSort(std::pair<float, int64>* row_to_sort, int64 num_elements) {
std::sort(row_to_sort, row_to_sort + num_elements,
[](const std::pair<float, int64>& lhs,
const std::pair<float, int64>& rhs) -> bool {
return LessThan(lhs.first, lhs.second, rhs.first, rhs.second);
template <>
void KeyValueSort(std::pair<Eigen::half, int64>* row_to_sort,
int64 num_elements) {
std::sort(row_to_sort, row_to_sort + num_elements,
[](const std::pair<Eigen::half, int64>& lhs,
const std::pair<Eigen::half, int64>& rhs) -> bool {
return LessThan(
Eigen::half_impl::half_to_float(lhs.first), lhs.second,
Eigen::half_impl::half_to_float(rhs.first), rhs.second);
template <typename KeyType>
void KeyValueSortImpl(KeyType* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
// High-level idea of the iteration/sorting logic:
// Conceptually we have a 3-dimensional shape [a, b, c]. b corresponds to the
// dimension to sort, c is the product of the more minor dimensions (set to 1
// if b is the most minor dimension), and a is the product of the more major
// dimensions (set to 1 if b is the most major dimension). There are a * c
// many rows that we need to sort. We iterate through these, calculate a
// 'base_offset' value which points to the first element in that row, and add
// i * c for accessing the 'i'-th element in that row.
int64 sort_dimension_elements = b;
int64 num_iteration_elements = a * c;
int64 sort_dimension_offset = c;
std::unique_ptr<std::pair<KeyType, int64>[]> row_to_sort(
new std::pair<KeyType, int64>[sort_dimension_elements]);
std::unique_ptr<std::string[]> reordered_values(
new std::string[sort_dimension_elements]);
for (int64 index = 0; index < num_iteration_elements; ++index) {
// 'index' can be split into two values which index into the 'c' dimension
// and the 'a' dimension, respectively. 'index' % 'c' is the index into the
// 'c' dimension, 'index' / 'c' is the index into the 'a' dimension. When
// calculating the base offset, we need to multiply the index into the 'a'
// dimension with 'b' * 'c'.
// 'index' / 'c' * 'c' * 'b' = ('index' - 'index' % 'c') * 'b'.
int64 base_offset =
index % sort_dimension_offset +
(index - index % sort_dimension_offset) * sort_dimension_elements;
// TODO(b/26783907): We could define a custom iterator class that references
// both arrays. Then we could avoid the intermediate copy. However this
// would become more complicated, and it is not clear if the benefit is high
// enough.
for (int64 i = 0; i < sort_dimension_elements; ++i) {
row_to_sort[i] =
std::make_pair(keys[base_offset + i * sort_dimension_offset], i);
KeyValueSort(row_to_sort.get(), sort_dimension_elements);
for (int64 i = 0; i < sort_dimension_elements; ++i) {
keys[base_offset + i * sort_dimension_offset] = row_to_sort[i].first;
if (values == nullptr) {
// Reorder the values according to the order defined by the keys.
for (int64 i = 0; i < sort_dimension_elements; ++i) {
int64 memory_index =
(base_offset + row_to_sort[i].second * sort_dimension_offset) *
reordered_values[i] = std::string(values + memory_index,
for (int64 i = 0; i < sort_dimension_elements; ++i) {
int64 memory_index = (base_offset + i * sort_dimension_offset) *
memcpy(values + memory_index, reordered_values[i].c_str(),
} // namespace
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortPRED(
bool* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortS8(
int8* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortU8(
uint8* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortS16(
int16* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortU16(
uint16* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortF16(
Eigen::half* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortS32(
int32* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortU32(
uint32* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortF32(
float* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortS64(
int64* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortU64(
uint64* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);
TF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_MEMORY void __xla_cpu_runtime_KeyValueSortF64(
double* keys, int64 a, int64 b, int64 c, char* values,
int32 values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes) {
KeyValueSortImpl(keys, a, b, c, values, values_primitive_type_size_in_bytes);