blob: f0f6c3f5c353bdaeb066f5962ab36532134c5589 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc/grpc_session.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/device.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc/grpc_testlib.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_testutil.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/default_device.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/testlib.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/strcat.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/init_main.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/test.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/error_codes.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/public/session.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/port.h"
namespace tensorflow {
static SessionOptions Devices(int num_cpus, int num_gpus) {
SessionOptions result;
(*result.config.mutable_device_count())["CPU"] = num_cpus;
(*result.config.mutable_device_count())["GPU"] = num_gpus;
return result;
void CreateGraphDef(GraphDef* graph_def, string node_names[3]) {
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
Tensor a_tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({1, 2}));
test::FillValues<float>(&a_tensor, {1, 2});
Node* a = test::graph::Constant(&graph, a_tensor);
node_names[0] = a->name();
Tensor b_tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({2, 1}));
test::FillValues<float>(&b_tensor, {2, 1});
Node* b = test::graph::Constant(&graph, b_tensor);
node_names[1] = b->name();
Node* c = test::graph::Matmul(&graph, a, b, false, false);
node_names[2] = c->name();
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, graph_def);
// Asserts that "val" is a single float tensor. The only float is
// "expected_val".
static void IsSingleFloatValue(const Tensor& val, float expected_val) {
ASSERT_EQ(val.dtype(), DT_FLOAT);
ASSERT_EQ(val.NumElements(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(val.flat<float>()(0), expected_val);
static SessionOptions Options(const string& target, int placement_period) {
SessionOptions options;
// NOTE(mrry): GrpcSession requires a grpc:// scheme prefix in the target
// string. = strings::StrCat("grpc://", target);
return options;
static Session* NewRemote(const SessionOptions& options) {
return CHECK_NOTNULL(NewSession(options));
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, BasicNonProtoAPI) {
GraphDef graph;
string node_names[3];
// c = a * b
CreateGraphDef(&graph, node_names);
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
for (int iters = 0; iters < 25; ++iters) {
// Just run to target node
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs;
std::vector<string> targets = {node_names[2]};
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run(inputs, {}, targets, nullptr));
// Run to a target node and a real tensor
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs;
std::vector<string> names = {node_names[2] + ":0"};
std::vector<string> targets = {node_names[1]};
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run(inputs, names, targets, &outputs));
ASSERT_EQ(4.0, outputs[0].flat<float>()(0));
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, BasicCallable) {
GraphDef graph;
string node_names[3];
// c = a * b
CreateGraphDef(&graph, node_names);
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
for (int iters = 0; iters < 25; ++iters) {
// Just run to target node
CallableOptions opts;
Session::CallableHandle handle;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->MakeCallable(opts, &handle));
TF_CHECK_OK(session->RunCallable(handle, {}, nullptr, nullptr));
// Run to a target node and a real tensor
CallableOptions opts;
opts.add_fetch(node_names[2] + ":0");
Session::CallableHandle handle;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->MakeCallable(opts, &handle));
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->RunCallable(handle, {}, &outputs, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(1, outputs.size());
ASSERT_EQ(4.0, outputs[0].flat<float>()(0));
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, CallableWithOnDeviceFeedsAndFetches) {
// Specifying feeds/fetch devices for remote sessions is not yet defined.
// Ensure that the error is graceful.
GraphDef graph;
string node_names[3];
// c = a * b
CreateGraphDef(&graph, node_names);
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
std::vector<DeviceAttributes> devices;
ASSERT_GT(devices.size(), 0);
const string device_name = devices.back().name();
CallableOptions opts;
const string fetch = node_names[2] + ":0";
opts.mutable_fetch_devices()->insert({fetch, device_name});
Session::CallableHandle handle;
Status status = session->MakeCallable(opts, &handle);
EXPECT_EQ(error::UNIMPLEMENTED, status.code());
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, BasicNonProtoAPIConsistentOrder) {
GraphDef graph;
string node_names[3];
// c = a * b
CreateGraphDef(&graph, node_names);
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
// Test that the order of the output names matches the order of the
// returned Tensors.
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs;
std::vector<string> names = {node_names[2] + ":0", node_names[0] + ":0",
node_names[1] + ":0"};
std::vector<string> target_ops = {node_names[1]};
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
ASSERT_TRUE(session->Run(inputs, names, target_ops, &outputs).ok());
ASSERT_EQ(4.0, outputs[0].flat<float>()(0));
ASSERT_EQ(1.0, outputs[1].flat<float>()(0));
ASSERT_EQ(2.0, outputs[2].flat<float>()(0));
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, NonLocalWithFilters) {
GraphDef graph;
string node_names[3];
// c = a * b
CreateGraphDef(&graph, node_names);
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
SessionOptions options; = strings::StrCat("grpc://", cluster->targets()[0]);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(options));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
GraphDef graph_copy(graph);
graph::SetDefaultDevice(cluster->devices()[0].name(), &graph_copy);
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run({}, {}, {node_names[2]}, nullptr));
GraphDef graph_copy(graph);
graph::SetDefaultDevice(cluster->devices()[1].name(), &graph_copy);
auto status = session->Create(graph_copy);
EXPECT_EQ(tensorflow::error::INVALID_ARGUMENT, status.code());
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, FetchMultipleTimes) {
GraphDef graph;
string node_names[3];
CreateGraphDef(&graph, node_names);
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
const std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs;
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
const string node = node_names[2] + ":0";
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run(inputs, {node, node}, {}, &outputs));
EXPECT_EQ(2, outputs.size());
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) {
const Tensor& t = outputs[i];
ASSERT_TRUE(t.IsInitialized()) << i;
ASSERT_EQ(4.0, t.flat<float>()(0)) << i;
// A = [3 2; -1 0]; x = rand(2, 1); We want to compute the largest
// eigenvalue for A, which is 2.0. Iteratively, we do
// repeat x = y / y.norm(); y = A * x; end
// At the end, we expect "lambda" converges to 2.0.
void FindMaxEigen(const string& target) {
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
Tensor a_tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({2, 2}));
// Store rows [3, 2] and [-1, 0] in row major format.
test::FillValues<float>(&a_tensor, {3, 2, -1, 0});
Node* a = test::graph::Constant(&graph, a_tensor);
// x is from the feed.
Tensor x_tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({2, 1}));
test::FillValues<float>(&x_tensor, {0, 0});
Node* x = test::graph::Constant(&graph, x_tensor);
// y = A * x
Node* y = test::graph::Matmul(&graph, a, x, false, false);
// y2 = y.^2
Node* y2 = test::graph::Unary(&graph, "Square", y);
// const tensor for reduction
Tensor rdim_tensor(DT_INT32, TensorShape({}));
rdim_tensor.scalar<int32>()() = 0;
Node* rdim = test::graph::Constant(&graph, rdim_tensor);
// y2_sum = sum(y2)
Node* y2_sum = test::graph::Reduce(&graph, "Sum", y2, rdim);
// y_norm = sqrt(y2_sum)
Node* y_norm = test::graph::Unary(&graph, "Sqrt", y2_sum);
// y_normalized = y ./ y_norm
Node* y_normalized = test::graph::Binary(&graph, "Div", y, y_norm);
GraphDef def;
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, &def);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(Options(target, 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
// Setup feeds and fetches.
float lambda;
Tensor feed_value(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({2, 1}));
feed_value.matrix<float>()(0, 0) = -3.1415;
feed_value.matrix<float>()(1, 0) = +2.7183;
for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) {
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run({{x->name(), feed_value}},
{y->name(), y_normalized->name()}, {}, &outputs));
const Tensor& y = outputs[0];
const Tensor& y_normalized = outputs[1];
// Print out lambda, x, and y.
CHECK_EQ(2, feed_value.NumElements());
CHECK_EQ(2, y.NumElements());
lambda = y.flat<float>()(0) / feed_value.flat<float>()(0);
printf("%06d lambda = %8.6f x = [%8.6f %8.6f] y = [%8.6f %8.6f]\n", i,
lambda, feed_value.flat<float>()(0), feed_value.flat<float>()(1),
y.flat<float>()(0), y.flat<float>()(1));
// Copies y_normalized to *x.
feed_value = y_normalized;
EXPECT_NEAR(2.0, lambda, 1e-6);
TEST(FindMaxEigenTest, RemoteDevice) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
void SetDevice(GraphDef* graph, const string& name, const string& dev) {
for (int i = 0; i < graph->node_size(); ++i) {
if (graph->node(i).name() == name) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Name '" << name << "' not found.";
// TODO(b/32636929): This test fails 1/1000 times. Disable it while we
// figure out why.
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, DISABLED_MultiDevices) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
const int kSize = 1048576;
// c = a * b = 2 * 3 * kSize
Tensor a_tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({1, kSize}));
Tensor b_tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({kSize, 1}));
for (int i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) {
a_tensor.flat<float>()(i) = 2;
b_tensor.flat<float>()(i) = 3;
Node* a = test::graph::Constant(&graph, a_tensor);
Node* b = test::graph::Constant(&graph, b_tensor);
Node* c = test::graph::Matmul(&graph, a, b, false, false);
GraphDef def;
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, &def);
// In this test, we force each node (a, b, c) on every possible device.
// We test all possible cases.
for (const auto& a_dev : cluster->devices()) {
for (const auto& b_dev : cluster->devices()) {
for (const auto& c_dev : cluster->devices()) {
LOG(INFO) << "a: " << << " b: " <<
<< " c: " <<;
SetDevice(&def, a->name(),;
SetDevice(&def, b->name(),;
SetDevice(&def, c->name(),;
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1000)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
RunOptions options;
RunMetadata metadata;
session->Run(options, {}, {c->name()}, {}, &outputs, &metadata));
ASSERT_EQ(1, outputs.size());
IsSingleFloatValue(outputs[0], 6.0 * kSize);
const StepStats& ss = metadata.step_stats();
// NOTE(mrry): We only assert that `c` is placed correctly,
// because the current placement algorithm will move its
// inputs to be colocated with it, when it is the sole
// consumer.
bool c_placed_correctly = false;
for (const auto& dev : ss.dev_stats()) {
for (const auto& node : dev.node_stats()) {
if (node.node_name() == c->name() &&
dev.device() == {
c_placed_correctly = true;
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, LargeTensorSend) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
// Define a 3 GB fill result.
Tensor fill_shape_tensor(DT_INT32, TensorShape({4}));
fill_shape_tensor.vec<int32>()(0) = 1;
fill_shape_tensor.vec<int32>()(1) = 256;
fill_shape_tensor.vec<int32>()(2) = 1024;
fill_shape_tensor.vec<int32>()(3) = 1024;
Node* fill_shape_node = test::graph::Constant(&graph, fill_shape_tensor);
Tensor fill_val_tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({}));
fill_val_tensor.flat<float>()(0) = 1.0;
Node* fill_val_node = test::graph::Constant(&graph, fill_val_tensor);
Node* fill_node =
test::graph::Binary(&graph, "Fill", fill_shape_node, fill_val_node);
Tensor max_axes_tensor(DT_INT32, TensorShape({4}));
max_axes_tensor.vec<int32>()(0) = 0;
max_axes_tensor.vec<int32>()(1) = 1;
max_axes_tensor.vec<int32>()(2) = 2;
max_axes_tensor.vec<int32>()(3) = 3;
Node* max_axes_node = test::graph::Constant(&graph, max_axes_tensor);
Node* max_node = test::graph::Reduce(&graph, "Max", fill_node, max_axes_node);
GraphDef def;
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, &def);
SetDevice(&def, fill_node->name(), cluster->devices()[0].name());
SetDevice(&def, fill_node->name(), cluster->devices()[1].name());
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1000)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run({}, {max_node->name()}, {}, &outputs));
ASSERT_EQ(1, outputs.size());
IsSingleFloatValue(outputs[0], 1.0);
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, MultiDevices_String) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 1), 2, &cluster));
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1000)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
// b = a
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
Tensor a_tensor(DT_STRING, TensorShape({2, 2}));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
a_tensor.flat<tstring>()(i) = "hello, world";
Node* a = test::graph::Constant(&graph, a_tensor);
Node* b = test::graph::Identity(&graph, a);
GraphDef def;
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, &def);
// In this test, we force each node (a, b) on every possible device.
// We test all possible cases.
for (const auto& a_dev : cluster->devices()) {
for (const auto& b_dev : cluster->devices()) {
LOG(INFO) << "a: " << << " b: " <<;
SetDevice(&def, a->name(),;
SetDevice(&def, b->name(),;
Status s = session->Create(def);
if (s.ok()) {
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run({}, {b->name()}, {}, &outputs));
ASSERT_EQ(1, outputs.size());
ASSERT_EQ(outputs[0].dtype(), DT_STRING);
ASSERT_EQ(outputs[0].NumElements(), 4);
for (int i = 0; i < outputs[0].NumElements(); ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(outputs[0].flat<tstring>()(i), "hello, world");
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error: " << s;
ASSERT_TRUE((a_dev.device_type() == DEVICE_GPU) ||
(b_dev.device_type() == DEVICE_GPU));
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, SendRecv_Node_Naming) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 3, &cluster));
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
// This test case needs at least 3 devices.
CHECK_GE(cluster->devices().size(), 3);
const DeviceAttributes& src = cluster->devices()[0];
const DeviceAttributes& dst0 = cluster->devices()[1];
const DeviceAttributes& dst1 = cluster->devices()[2];
LOG(INFO) << "src = " << << " dst0 = " <<
<< " dst1 = " <<;
// Within the same session, we compute two subgraphs:
// 1) a on 'src' sends to b on 'dst0';
// 2) a on 'src' sends to c on 'dst1'.
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
Tensor a_tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({1, 1}));
a_tensor.flat<float>()(0) = 100;
Node* a = test::graph::Constant(&graph, a_tensor);
Node* b = test::graph::Identity(&graph, a);
Node* c = test::graph::Identity(&graph, a);
GraphDef def;
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, &def);
// The base graph have a, b, c, assigned to devices explicitly.
SetDevice(&def, a->name(),;
SetDevice(&def, b->name(),;
SetDevice(&def, c->name(),;
// Run subgraph a -> b, and fetch b.
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run({}, {b->name()}, {}, &outputs));
ASSERT_EQ(1, outputs.size());
IsSingleFloatValue(outputs[0], 100);
// Run subgraph a -> c, and fetch c.
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run({}, {c->name()}, {}, &outputs));
ASSERT_EQ(1, outputs.size());
IsSingleFloatValue(outputs[0], 100);
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, Error) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
const string& master = cluster->targets()[0];
const string& dev_a = cluster->devices()[0].name();
const string& dev_b = cluster->devices()[1].name();
LOG(INFO) << "master " << master << "dev_a " << dev_a << "dev_b " << dev_b;
GraphDef gdef;
std::vector<string> fetches;
Graph g(OpRegistry::Global());
// a2 = a + error(a)
// Subgraph for "a" fails. The master will cancel the subgraph for
// "b" and then returns the Session::Run.
auto a = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor());
auto a_err = test::graph::Error(&g, a, "fantasia!");
auto a2 = test::graph::Add(&g, a, a_err);
// b2 = b + delay(b)
// Subgraph for "b" sleeps at the node "b_delay". When the sleep
// finishes, the subgraph "b" will continue execution till it
// notices that it is canceled. Meanwhile, subgraph's executor
// and its related state (registered ops) should still be alive.
auto b = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor());
auto b_delay = test::graph::Delay(&g, b, Microseconds(1000000));
auto b2 = test::graph::Add(&g, b, b_delay);
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&g, &gdef);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(Options(master, 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
Status status = session->Run({}, fetches, {}, nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(status.ToString().find("fantasia!"), string::npos);
// session->Close() shall clean up all states related to the session->
// E.g., deregisters subgraph with workers, etc.
// Sleep a bit so that most of asynchronous works finishes before
// the test process finishes.
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, ErrorStatusLog) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
const string& master = cluster->targets()[0];
const string& dev_a = cluster->devices()[0].name();
const string& dev_b = cluster->devices()[1].name();
LOG(INFO) << "master " << master << "dev_a " << dev_a << "dev_b " << dev_b;
GraphDef gdef;
std::vector<string> fetches;
Graph g(OpRegistry::Global());
// a2 = a + error(a)
// Subgraph for "a" fails. The master will cancel the subgraph for
// "b" and then returns the Session::Run.
auto a = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor());
auto a_err = test::graph::Error(&g, a, "fantasia!", true);
auto a2 = test::graph::Add(&g, a, a_err);
// b2 = b + delay(b)
// Subgraph for "b" sleeps at the node "b_delay". When the sleep
// finishes, the subgraph "b" will continue execution till it
// notices that it is canceled. Meanwhile, subgraph's executor
// and its related state (registered ops) should still be alive.
auto b = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor());
auto b_delay = test::graph::Delay(&g, b, Microseconds(1000000));
auto b2 = test::graph::Add(&g, b, b_delay);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(Options(master, 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
Status status = session->Run({}, fetches, {}, nullptr);
std::cerr << status << "\n";
EXPECT_NE(status.ToString().find("fantasia!"), string::npos);
EXPECT_NE(status.ToString().find("ErrorOp: fantasia!"), string::npos);
// session->Close() shall clean up all states related to the session->
// E.g., deregisters subgraph with workers, etc.
// Sleep a bit so that most of asynchronous works finishes before
// the test process finishes.
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, LongErrorMessage) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
const string& master = cluster->targets()[0];
const string& dev_a = cluster->devices()[0].name();
const string& dev_b = cluster->devices()[1].name();
LOG(INFO) << "master " << master << "dev_a " << dev_a << "dev_b " << dev_b;
GraphDef gdef;
std::vector<string> fetches;
Graph g(OpRegistry::Global());
// a2 = a + error(a)
// Subgraph for "a" fails. The master will cancel the subgraph for
// "b" and then returns the Session::Run.
auto a = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor());
std::vector<char> long_string_buffer(1024 * 1024, 'x');
StringPiece long_string(, 1024 * 1024);
string name = strings::StrCat(long_string, "fantasia!");
auto a_err = test::graph::Error(&g, a, name);
auto a2 = test::graph::Add(&g, a, a_err);
// b2 = b + delay(b)
// Subgraph for "b" sleeps at the node "b_delay". When the sleep
// finishes, the subgraph "b" will continue execution till it
// notices that it is canceled. Meanwhile, subgraph's executor
// and its related state (registered ops) should still be alive.
auto b = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor());
auto b_delay = test::graph::Delay(&g, b, Microseconds(1000000));
auto b2 = test::graph::Add(&g, b, b_delay);
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&g, &gdef);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(Options(master, 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
Status status = session->Run({}, fetches, {}, nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(status.ToString().find("fantasia!"), string::npos);
// session->Close() shall clean up all states related to the session->
// E.g., deregisters subgraph with workers, etc.
// Sleep a bit so that most of asynchronous works finishes before
// the test process finishes.
TEST(SessionTest, SharedVar) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 1, &cluster));
const string master = cluster->targets()[0];
CHECK_EQ(cluster->devices().size(), 1);
GraphDef gdef;
string init_name;
string inc_name;
string get_name;
Graph g(OpRegistry::Global());
Tensor one(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({}));
one.scalar<float>()() = 1.0;
Node* var = test::graph::Var(&g, DT_FLOAT, one.shape());
Node* init = test::graph::Assign(&g, var, test::graph::Constant(&g, one));
init_name = init->name();
Node* update = test::graph::Assign(
&g, var, test::graph::Add(&g, var, test::graph::Constant(&g, one)));
inc_name = update->name();
get_name = var->name();
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&g, &gdef);
// Init a variable
Session* sess = NewRemote(Options(master, 1));
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inp;
TF_CHECK_OK(sess->Run(inp, {}, {init_name}, nullptr));
delete sess;
for (int rep = 1; rep < 10; ++rep) {
// Update a variable
Session* sess = NewRemote(Options(master, 1));
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inp;
TF_CHECK_OK(sess->Run(inp, {}, {inc_name}, nullptr));
delete sess;
// Gets the variable's value.
Session* sess = NewRemote(Options(master, 1));
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inp;
std::vector<Tensor> ret;
TF_CHECK_OK(sess->Run(inp, {get_name}, {}, &ret));
ASSERT_EQ(ret.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ret[0].scalar<float>()(), 1.0 * (1 + rep));
delete sess;
void CreateInvalidGraph(const string& graph_def_ascii,
const string& error_substring) {
GraphDef graph;
CHECK(protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(graph_def_ascii, &graph));
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1)));
Status s = session->Create(graph);
EXPECT_NE(s.error_message().find(error_substring), string::npos);
TEST(SessionTest, InvalidOpName) {
node {
name: 'a:b' op: 'Const'
attr { key: 'dtype' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'value' value {
tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape { dim [{size:1}, {size:1}] }
float_val: [100] }
} }
"Illegal op name");
node {
name: 'a:0' op: 'Const'
attr { key: 'dtype' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'value' value {
tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape { dim [{size:1}, {size:1}] }
float_val: [100] }
} }
"Illegal op name");
node {
name: '_a' op: 'Const'
attr { key: 'dtype' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'value' value {
tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape { dim [{size:1}, {size:1}] }
float_val: [100] }
} }
"Illegal op name");
TEST(SessionTest, InvalidOpInputName) {
node {
name: 'a' op: 'const'
attr { key: 'dtype' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'value' value {
tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape { dim [{size:1}, {size:1}] }
float_val: [100] }
} }
node {
name:'b' op:'MatMul' input:'a:first' input:'a'
attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'transpose_a' value { b: false } }
attr { key: 'transpose_b' value { b: false } }
attr { key: '_kernel' value { s: 'eigen' } }
"Illegal op input name");
node {
name: 'a' op: 'const'
attr { key: 'dtype' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'value' value {
tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape { dim [{size:1}, {size:1}] }
float_val: [100] }
} }
node {
name:'b' op:'MatMul' input:'_a' input:'a'
attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'transpose_a' value { b: false } }
attr { key: 'transpose_b' value { b: false } }
attr { key: '_kernel' value { s: 'eigen' } }
"Illegal op input name");
node {
name: 'a' op: 'const'
attr { key: 'dtype' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'value' value {
tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape { dim [{size:1}, {size:1}] }
float_val: [100] }
} }
node {
name:'b' op:'MatMul' input:'_a:0' input:'a'
attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'transpose_a' value { b: false } }
attr { key: 'transpose_b' value { b: false } }
attr { key: '_kernel' value { s: 'eigen' } }
"Illegal op input name");
node {
name: 'a' op: 'const'
attr { key: 'dtype' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'value' value {
tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape { dim [{size:1}, {size:1}] }
float_val: [100] }
} }
node {
name:'b' op:'MatMul' input:'a:01' input:'a'
attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'transpose_a' value { b: false } }
attr { key: 'transpose_b' value { b: false } }
attr { key: '_kernel' value { s: 'eigen' } }
"Illegal op input name");
TEST(SessionTest, ExtendValidation) {
GraphDef graph;
bool success = protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(R"(
node {
name: 'a' op: 'Const'
attr { key: 'dtype' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'value' value {
tensor { dtype: DT_FLOAT tensor_shape { dim [{size:1}, {size:1}] }
float_val: [100] }
} }
// NOTE(mrry): CHECK not done inline to avoid a compilation error in
// open-source (due to a multi-line string in a macro argument).
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(
NewRemote(Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1)));
// 1. Fail with an unknown input name.
GraphDef extension;
success = protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(R"(
node {
name:'b' op:'MatMul' input:'a:first' input:'a'
attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'transpose_a' value { b: false } }
attr { key: 'transpose_b' value { b: false } }
attr { key: '_kernel' value { s: 'eigen' } }
Status s = session->Extend(extension);
EXPECT_NE(s.error_message().find("Illegal op input name"), string::npos);
// 2. Succeed with a valid node.
success = protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(R"(
node {
name:'b' op:'MatMul' input:'a' input:'a'
attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'transpose_a' value { b: false } }
attr { key: 'transpose_b' value { b: false } }
attr { key: '_kernel' value { s: 'eigen' } }
// 2. Fail with a duplicate node.
success = protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(R"(
node {
name:'b' op:'MatMul' input:'a' input:'a'
attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }
attr { key: 'transpose_a' value { b: false } }
attr { key: 'transpose_b' value { b: false } }
attr { key: '_kernel' value { s: 'eigen' } }
s = session->Extend(extension);
EXPECT_NE(s.error_message().find("'b', which was created by a previous call"),
// Tests that Create() with "operation_timeout_in_ms" set times out.
TEST(SessionTest, CreateTimeoutWithSessionOptions) {
// Creates a RemoteSession with "operation_timeout_in_ms" set to 100.
SessionOptions options = Options("", 1);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(options));
// Creates a long running op.
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
Node* b = test::graph::Constant(&graph, Tensor());
test::graph::Delay(&graph, b, Microseconds(1000000));
GraphDef gdef;
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, &gdef);
Status status = session->Create(gdef);
// Either error is possible, depending on the environment.
EXPECT_TRUE(error::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED == status.code() ||
error::UNAVAILABLE == status.code());
// Tests that Create() with "timeout_in_ms" in RunOptions set times out.
TEST(SessionTest, CreateTimeoutWithRunOptions) {
SessionOptions options = Options("", 1);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(options));
// Creates a long running op.
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
Node* b = test::graph::Constant(&graph, Tensor());
test::graph::Delay(&graph, b, Microseconds(1000000));
GraphDef gdef;
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, &gdef);
RunOptions run_options;
// Sets RunOption timeout_in_ms to 20.
Status status = session->Create(run_options, gdef);
// Either error is possible, depending on the environment.
EXPECT_TRUE(error::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED == status.code() ||
error::UNAVAILABLE == status.code());
// Tests that Run() with "operation_timeout_in_ms" set times out.
TEST(SessionTest, RunTimeoutWithSessionOptions) {
// Creates a RemoteSession with "operation_timeout_in_ms" set to 100.
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 1, &cluster));
SessionOptions options = Options(cluster->targets()[0], 100);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(options));
// Creates a long running op.
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
Node* b = test::graph::Constant(&graph, Tensor());
Node* b_delay = test::graph::Delay(&graph, b, Microseconds(2000000));
GraphDef gdef;
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, &gdef);
RunOptions run_options;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Create(run_options, gdef));
// Verifies that Run() times out, and the error code is DEADLINE_EXCEEDED.
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs;
Status status = session->Run(inputs, {}, {b_delay->name()}, nullptr);
// TODO(sherrym): Due to potentially a GRPC bug, we sometimes get
// GRPC_CHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR which is mapped to error::INTERNAL.
EXPECT_TRUE(error::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED == status.code() ||
error::INTERNAL == status.code());
// Tests that Run() with "timeout_in_ms" set times out.
TEST(SessionTest, RunTimeoutWithRunOptions) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 1, &cluster));
SessionOptions options = Options(cluster->targets()[0], 1);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(options));
// Creates a long running op.
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
Node* b = test::graph::Constant(&graph, Tensor());
Node* b_delay = test::graph::Delay(&graph, b, Microseconds(1000000));
GraphDef gdef;
test::graph::ToGraphDef(&graph, &gdef);
// Verifies that Run() times out, and the error code is DEADLINE_EXCEEDED.
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs;
RunOptions run_options;
Status status = session->Run(run_options, inputs, {}, {b_delay->name()},
nullptr, nullptr);
// TODO(sherrym): Due to potentially a GRPC bug, we sometimes get
// GRPC_CHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR which is mapped to error::INTERNAL.
EXPECT_TRUE(error::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED == status.code() ||
error::INTERNAL == status.code());
TEST(SessionTest, TestCompression) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 1, &cluster));
SessionOptions options = Options(cluster->targets()[0], 100);
RPCOptions* rpc_options = options.config.mutable_rpc_options();
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(options));
static const float kTestValue = 409.1934f;
Graph graph(OpRegistry::Global());
Tensor tensor(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({1, 1}));
tensor.flat<float>()(0) = kTestValue;
Node* b = test::graph::Constant(&graph, tensor);
GraphDef gdef;
RunOptions run_options;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Create(run_options, gdef));
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs;
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
TF_CHECK_OK(session->Run(inputs, {b->name()}, {}, &outputs));
ASSERT_EQ(1, outputs.size());
IsSingleFloatValue(outputs[0], kTestValue);
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, ErrorAggregationTwoWorkersTwoErrors) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(1, 0), 2, &cluster));
auto& devs = cluster->devices();
const string& master = cluster->targets()[0];
// worker 1
const string w1_dev1 = devs[0].name();
// worker 2
const string w2_dev1 = devs[1].name();
LOG(INFO) << "master " << master << "w1_dev1 " << w1_dev1 << " w2_dev1 "
<< w2_dev1;
GraphDef gdef;
std::vector<string> fetches;
// Set up a graph to test the error handling when two workers both reports
// original errors. The expected behavior is:
// 1. The master issues a cancel operation upon receiving the first error.
// 2. The master may receive one or both errors depending on the timing
// of the cancel operation.
// Set up:
// Set up two workers. Both worker reports error the master without any
// delay.
Graph g(OpRegistry::Global());
// Worker 1. a_err runs on w1_dev1 and a_delay runs on w2_dev2.
auto a = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(1));
auto a_err = test::graph::Error(&g, a, "fantasia1!");
// Worker 2. b2 depends on a_err and detects the error via the rendezvous
// from worker 1.
auto b = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(1));
auto b_err = test::graph::Error(&g, b, "fantasia2!");
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(Options(master, 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
Status status = session->Run({}, fetches, {}, &outputs);
LOG(INFO) << status;
// Status contains the error either worker1 or worker2.
EXPECT_NE(status.ToString().find("fantasia"), string::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::Code::INTERNAL);
// session->Close() shall clean up all states related to the session->
// E.g., deregisters subgraph with workers, etc.
// Sleep a bit so that most of asynchronous works finishes before
// the test process finishes.
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, ErrorAggregationTwoWorkerRace) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(2, 0), 2, &cluster));
auto& devs = cluster->devices();
const string& master = cluster->targets()[0];
// worker 1
const string w1_dev1 = devs[0].name();
const string w1_dev2 = devs[1].name();
// worker 2
const string w2_dev1 = devs[2].name();
LOG(INFO) << "master " << master << "w1_dev1 " << w1_dev1 << " w1_dev2 "
<< w1_dev2 << " w2_dev1 " << w2_dev1;
GraphDef gdef;
std::vector<string> fetches;
std::vector<string> targets;
// Set up a graph to test the error handling when a derived error is
// reported to master before the original error. The expected behavior is:
// 1. the original error will be received by the master and reported
// to the user as the error status.
// Setup:
// Worker 1 generates the original error but it delays for 5 seconds before
// reporting to master. Worker 2 detects the error (via Rendezvous) and
// reports to the master before worker 1.
Graph g(OpRegistry::Global());
// Worker 1. a_err runs on w1_dev1 and a_delay runs on w2_dev2.
auto a = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(1));
auto a_err = test::graph::Error(&g, a, "fantasia!");
auto a_delay = test::graph::Delay(&g, a, Microseconds(5000000));
// We need to put a_delay in targets instead of fetches. Putting
// a_delay in fetches will cause the executor for w1_dev2 to report failure
// status as well as the Rendezvous is already poisoned by the a_err op in
// w1_dev1.
// Worker 2. b2 depends on a_err and detects the error via the rendezvous
// from worker 1.
auto b = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(3));
auto b2 = test::graph::Add(&g, b, a_err);
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(Options(master, 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
Status status = session->Run({}, fetches, targets, &outputs);
LOG(INFO) << status;
// assert status contains the root error
EXPECT_NE(status.ToString().find("fantasia!"), string::npos);
// assert status does not contain cancelled error.
EXPECT_EQ(status.ToString().find("Cancelled"), string::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::Code::INTERNAL);
// session->Close() shall clean up all states related to the session->
// E.g., deregisters subgraph with workers, etc.
// Sleep a bit so that most of asynchronous works finishes before
// the test process finishes.
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, ErrorAggregationThreeWorkerRaceVariant1) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(2, 0), 3, &cluster));
auto& devs = cluster->devices();
const string& master = cluster->targets()[0];
// worker 1
const string w1_dev1 = devs[0].name();
const string w1_dev2 = devs[1].name();
// worker 2
const string w2_dev1 = devs[2].name();
// worker 3
const string w3_dev1 = devs[4].name();
LOG(INFO) << "master " << master << "w1_dev1 " << w1_dev1 << " w1_dev2 "
<< w1_dev2 << " w2_dev1 " << w2_dev1 << " w3_dev1 " << w3_dev1;
GraphDef gdef;
std::vector<string> fetches;
std::vector<string> targets;
// Set up a graph to test the error handling when a derived error is
// reported to master before the original error and a third worker is
// canceled by the master. The expect behavior is that
// 1. the original error will be received by the master,
// 2. the canceled error will be treated as a derived error.
// Setup:
// Worker 1 generates the original error but it delays for 5 seconds before
// reporting to master. Worker 2 detects the error (via Rendezvous) and
// reports to the master before worker 1. Worker 3 runs a delay op and will
// be canceled by the master.
Graph g(OpRegistry::Global());
// Worker 1. a_err runs on w1_dev1 and a_delay runs on w2_dev2.
auto a = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(1));
auto a_err = test::graph::Error(&g, a, "fantasia!");
auto a_delay = test::graph::Delay(&g, a, Microseconds(5000000));
// Putting a_delay in fetches will cause the executor for w1_dev2 to report
// failure status as well due to the use of SendOp, as the Rendezvous is
// already poisoned by the a_err op in w1_dev1.
// Worker 2. b2 depends on a_err and detects the error via the rendezvous
// from worker 1.
auto b = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(3));
auto b2 = test::graph::Add(&g, b, a_err);
// Worker 3. Runs only a delay op. This worker will be cancelled by master
// when the master receives the root error from Worker 1.
auto c = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(3));
auto c_delay = test::graph::Delay(&g, c, Microseconds(4000000));
// Put c_delay in targets so that an implicit SendOp for c_delay to
// worker 1 is not generated.
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(Options(master, 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
Status status = session->Run({}, fetches, targets, &outputs);
LOG(INFO) << status;
// assert status contains the root error
EXPECT_NE(status.ToString().find("fantasia!"), string::npos);
// assert status does not contain cancelled or aborted error.
EXPECT_EQ(status.ToString().find("Cancelled"), string::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(status.ToString().find("Aborted"), string::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::Code::INTERNAL);
// session->Close() shall clean up all states related to the session->
// E.g., deregisters subgraph with workers, etc.
// Sleep a bit so that most of asynchronous works finishes before
// the test process finishes.
TEST(GrpcSessionTest, ErrorAggregationThreeWorkerRaceVariant2) {
std::unique_ptr<test::TestCluster> cluster;
TF_CHECK_OK(test::TestCluster::MakeTestCluster(Devices(2, 0), 3, &cluster));
auto& devs = cluster->devices();
const string& master = cluster->targets()[0];
// worker 1
const string w1_dev1 = devs[0].name();
const string w1_dev2 = devs[1].name();
// worker 2
const string w2_dev1 = devs[2].name();
// worker 3
const string w3_dev1 = devs[4].name();
LOG(INFO) << "master " << master << "w1_dev1 " << w1_dev1 << " w1_dev2 "
<< w1_dev2 << " w2_dev1 " << w2_dev1 << " w3_dev1 " << w3_dev1;
GraphDef gdef;
std::vector<string> fetches;
std::vector<string> targets;
// Set up a graph to test the error handling when a derived error is
// reported to master before the original error and a third worker is
// aborted from an implicit SendOp. The expect behavior is that
// 1. the original error will be received by the master,
// 2. the aborted error will be treated as a derived error.
// Setup:
// Worker 1 generates the original error but it delays for 5 seconds before
// reporting to master. Worker 2 detects the error (via Rendezvous) and
// reports to the master before worker 1. Worker 3 runs a delay op and an
// implicit SendOp (for sending tensor c_delay to Worker 1) and will be
// aborted by worker 1.
Graph g(OpRegistry::Global());
// Worker 1. a_err runs on w1_dev1 and a_delay runs on w2_dev2.
auto a = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(1));
auto a_err = test::graph::Error(&g, a, "fantasia!");
auto a_delay = test::graph::Delay(&g, a, Microseconds(5000000));
// Putting a_delay in fetches will cause the executor for w1_dev2 to report
// failure status as well due to the use of SendOp, as the Rendezvous is
// already poisoned by the a_err op in w1_dev1.
// Worker 2. b2 depends on a_err and detects the error via the rendezvous
// from worker 1.
auto b = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(3));
auto b2 = test::graph::Add(&g, b, a_err);
// Worker 3. Runs only a delay op. This worker will be cancelled by master
// when the master receives the root error from Worker 1.
auto c = test::graph::Constant(&g, Tensor(3));
auto c_delay = test::graph::Delay(&g, c, Microseconds(4000000));
// Put c_delay in fetches so that an implicit SendOp for c_delay to worker 1
// is generated.
std::unique_ptr<Session> session(NewRemote(Options(master, 1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(session != nullptr);
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
Status status = session->Run({}, fetches, targets, &outputs);
LOG(INFO) << status;
// assert status contains the root error
EXPECT_NE(status.ToString().find("fantasia!"), string::npos);
// assert status does not contain cancelled or aborted error.
EXPECT_EQ(status.ToString().find("Cancelled"), string::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(status.ToString().find("Aborted"), string::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), error::Code::INTERNAL);
// session->Close() shall clean up all states related to the session->
// E.g., deregisters subgraph with workers, etc.
// Sleep a bit so that most of asynchronous works finishes before
// the test process finishes.
} // namespace tensorflow