blob: d09e8150f4c5894973546c385cc76207f2e81332 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- LLVMDialect.h - MLIR LLVM IR dialect ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file defines the LLVM IR dialect in MLIR, containing LLVM operations and
// LLVM type system.
#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Function.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TypeSupport.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/"
namespace llvm {
class Type;
class LLVMContext;
} // end namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
namespace LLVM {
class LLVMDialect;
namespace detail {
struct LLVMTypeStorage;
struct LLVMDialectImpl;
} // namespace detail
class LLVMType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<LLVMType, mlir::Type,
detail::LLVMTypeStorage> {
enum Kind {
using Base::Base;
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) { return kind == LLVM_TYPE; }
LLVMDialect &getDialect();
llvm::Type *getUnderlyingType() const;
/// Utilities to identify types.
bool isFloatTy() { return getUnderlyingType()->isFloatTy(); }
bool isDoubleTy() { return getUnderlyingType()->isDoubleTy(); }
bool isIntegerTy() { return getUnderlyingType()->isIntegerTy(); }
bool isIntegerTy(unsigned bitwidth) {
return getUnderlyingType()->isIntegerTy(bitwidth);
/// Array type utilities.
LLVMType getArrayElementType();
unsigned getArrayNumElements();
bool isArrayTy();
/// Vector type utilities.
LLVMType getVectorElementType();
bool isVectorTy();
/// Function type utilities.
LLVMType getFunctionParamType(unsigned argIdx);
unsigned getFunctionNumParams();
LLVMType getFunctionResultType();
bool isFunctionTy();
/// Pointer type utilities.
LLVMType getPointerTo(unsigned addrSpace = 0);
LLVMType getPointerElementTy();
bool isPointerTy();
/// Struct type utilities.
LLVMType getStructElementType(unsigned i);
unsigned getStructNumElements();
bool isStructTy();
/// Utilities used to generate floating point types.
static LLVMType getDoubleTy(LLVMDialect *dialect);
static LLVMType getFloatTy(LLVMDialect *dialect);
static LLVMType getHalfTy(LLVMDialect *dialect);
static LLVMType getFP128Ty(LLVMDialect *dialect);
static LLVMType getX86_FP80Ty(LLVMDialect *dialect);
/// Utilities used to generate integer types.
static LLVMType getIntNTy(LLVMDialect *dialect, unsigned numBits);
static LLVMType getInt1Ty(LLVMDialect *dialect) {
return getIntNTy(dialect, /*numBits=*/1);
static LLVMType getInt8Ty(LLVMDialect *dialect) {
return getIntNTy(dialect, /*numBits=*/8);
static LLVMType getInt8PtrTy(LLVMDialect *dialect) {
return getInt8Ty(dialect).getPointerTo();
static LLVMType getInt16Ty(LLVMDialect *dialect) {
return getIntNTy(dialect, /*numBits=*/16);
static LLVMType getInt32Ty(LLVMDialect *dialect) {
return getIntNTy(dialect, /*numBits=*/32);
static LLVMType getInt64Ty(LLVMDialect *dialect) {
return getIntNTy(dialect, /*numBits=*/64);
/// Utilities used to generate other miscellaneous types.
static LLVMType getArrayTy(LLVMType elementType, uint64_t numElements);
static LLVMType getFunctionTy(LLVMType result, ArrayRef<LLVMType> params,
bool isVarArg);
static LLVMType getFunctionTy(LLVMType result, bool isVarArg) {
return getFunctionTy(result, llvm::None, isVarArg);
static LLVMType getStructTy(LLVMDialect *dialect, ArrayRef<LLVMType> elements,
bool isPacked = false);
static LLVMType getStructTy(LLVMDialect *dialect, bool isPacked = false) {
return getStructTy(dialect, llvm::None, isPacked);
template <typename... Args>
static typename std::enable_if<llvm::are_base_of<LLVMType, Args...>::value,
getStructTy(LLVMType elt1, Args... elts) {
SmallVector<LLVMType, 8> fields({elt1, elts...});
return getStructTy(&elt1.getDialect(), fields);
static LLVMType getVectorTy(LLVMType elementType, unsigned numElements);
static LLVMType getVoidTy(LLVMDialect *dialect);
friend LLVMDialect;
/// Get an LLVMType with a pre-existing llvm type.
static LLVMType get(MLIRContext *context, llvm::Type *llvmType);
/// Get an LLVMType with an llvm type that may cause changes to the underlying
/// llvm context when constructed.
static LLVMType getLocked(LLVMDialect *dialect,
llvm::function_ref<llvm::Type *()> typeBuilder);
///// Ops /////
#include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/"
class LLVMDialect : public Dialect {
explicit LLVMDialect(MLIRContext *context);
static StringRef getDialectNamespace() { return "llvm"; }
llvm::LLVMContext &getLLVMContext();
llvm::Module &getLLVMModule();
/// Parse a type registered to this dialect.
Type parseType(DialectAsmParser &parser, Location loc) const override;
/// Print a type registered to this dialect.
void printType(Type type, DialectAsmPrinter &os) const override;
/// Verify a region argument attribute registered to this dialect.
/// Returns failure if the verification failed, success otherwise.
LogicalResult verifyRegionArgAttribute(Operation *op, unsigned regionIdx,
unsigned argIdx,
NamedAttribute argAttr) override;
friend LLVMType;
std::unique_ptr<detail::LLVMDialectImpl> impl;
/// Create an LLVM global containing the string "value" at the module containing
/// surrounding the insertion point of builder. Obtain the address of that
/// global and use it to compute the address of the first character in the
/// string (operations inserted at the builder insertion point).
Value *createGlobalString(Location loc, OpBuilder &builder, StringRef name,
StringRef value, LLVM::LLVMDialect *llvmDialect);
} // end namespace LLVM
} // end namespace mlir