blob: 5457ac5cd711883397fb679dff1b406009418ebe [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/gpu_hlo_schedule.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/stream_assignment.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_computation.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_instruction.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_opcode.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/test_helpers.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/hlo_test_base.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/test_utils.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/types.h"
namespace xla {
namespace gpu {
class GpuHloScheduleTest : public HloTestBase {
using HloVec = std::vector<HloInstruction*>;
// Pre-canned shapes.
Shape f32_2x2_ = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {2, 2});
static std::unique_ptr<GpuHloSchedule> BuildGpuHloSchedule(
HloModule* module, const StreamAssignment& streams) {
return GpuHloSchedule::Build(module, streams, /*pointer_size=*/8)
std::unique_ptr<HloModule> CreateNewVerifiedModule() {
HloModuleConfig config;
auto debug_options = GetDebugOptionsForTest();
return absl::make_unique<HloModule>("test_module", config);
HloVec RemoveHlo(const HloVec& input,
const std::unordered_set<const HloInstruction*>& remove) {
HloVec result(input);
result.erase(std::remove_if(result.begin(), result.end(),
[&remove](const HloInstruction* x) {
return remove.count(x) > 0;
return result;
// Test of a single stream, where data dependencies fully determine the
// execution order.
TEST_F(GpuHloScheduleTest, SequentialMatMul) {
HloComputation::Builder builder("entry_computation");
HloInstruction* x = builder.AddInstruction(HloInstruction::CreateParameter(
/*parameter_number=*/0, f32_2x2_, /*name=*/"x"));
HloInstruction* y = builder.AddInstruction(HloInstruction::CreateParameter(
/*parameter_number=*/1, f32_2x2_, /*name=*/"y"));
HloInstruction* z = builder.AddInstruction(HloInstruction::CreateParameter(
/*parameter_number=*/2, f32_2x2_, /*name=*/"z"));
HloInstruction* dot1 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, x, y));
HloInstruction* dot2 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, dot1, z));
auto module = CreateNewVerifiedModule();
std::unique_ptr<StreamAssignment> streams = AssignStreams(*module);
auto schedule = BuildGpuHloSchedule(module.get(), *streams);
// Remove parameters, which are unordered.
EXPECT_EQ(RemoveHlo(schedule->ThunkLaunchOrder(), {x, y, z}),
HloVec({dot1, dot2}));
// Parameters x,y,z are mutually unordered, while dot1 and dot2 are
// transitively ordered by operands.
auto order = schedule->ConsumeHloOrdering();
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(x, y));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(y, dot1));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot1, z));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(z, dot2));
// Test of a single stream, where data dependencies do not fully determine the
// execution order, but the stream assignment does.
TEST_F(GpuHloScheduleTest, SequentialAdd) {
HloComputation::Builder builder("entry_computation");
HloInstruction* x = builder.AddInstruction(HloInstruction::CreateParameter(
/*parameter_number=*/0, f32_2x2_, /*name=*/"x"));
HloInstruction* y = builder.AddInstruction(HloInstruction::CreateParameter(
/*parameter_number=*/1, f32_2x2_, /*name=*/"y"));
HloInstruction* z = builder.AddInstruction(HloInstruction::CreateParameter(
/*parameter_number=*/2, f32_2x2_, /*name=*/"z"));
HloInstruction* add1 = builder.AddInstruction(
HloInstruction::CreateBinary(f32_2x2_, HloOpcode::kAdd, x, y));
HloInstruction* add2 = builder.AddInstruction(
HloInstruction::CreateBinary(f32_2x2_, HloOpcode::kAdd, y, z));
HloInstruction* add3 = builder.AddInstruction(
HloInstruction::CreateBinary(f32_2x2_, HloOpcode::kAdd, add1, add2));
auto module = CreateNewVerifiedModule();
std::unique_ptr<StreamAssignment> streams = AssignStreams(*module);
auto schedule = BuildGpuHloSchedule(module.get(), *streams);
// Remove parameters, which are unordered.
EXPECT_EQ(RemoveHlo(schedule->ThunkLaunchOrder(), {x, y, z}),
HloVec({add1, add2, add3}));
// Parameters x,y,z are mutually unordered, while add1, add2 and add3 are
// transitively ordered by operands.
auto order = schedule->ConsumeHloOrdering();
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(x, y));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(y, add1));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(add1, z));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(z, add2));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(add2, add3));
// Test of two streams.
TEST_F(GpuHloScheduleTest, DISABLED_ConcurrentMatMul) {
HloComputation::Builder builder("entry_computation");
HloInstruction* x = builder.AddInstruction(HloInstruction::CreateParameter(
/*parameter_number=*/0, f32_2x2_, /*name=*/"x"));
HloInstruction* y = builder.AddInstruction(HloInstruction::CreateParameter(
/*parameter_number=*/1, f32_2x2_, /*name=*/"y"));
HloInstruction* dot1 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, x, y));
HloInstruction* dot2 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, y, x));
HloInstruction* add =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, dot1, dot2));
auto module = CreateNewVerifiedModule();
std::unique_ptr<StreamAssignment> streams = AssignStreams(*module);
auto schedule = BuildGpuHloSchedule(module.get(), *streams);
// Remove parameters, which are unordered.
HloVec thunk_launch_order = RemoveHlo(schedule->ThunkLaunchOrder(), {x, y});
EXPECT_TRUE(thunk_launch_order == HloVec({dot1, dot2, add}) ||
thunk_launch_order == HloVec({dot2, dot1, add}));
// Parameters x,y are mutually unordered, while dot1, dot2 and add are
// transitively ordered by operands.
auto order = schedule->ConsumeHloOrdering();
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(x, dot1));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(x, dot2));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(y, dot1));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(y, dot2));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot1, add));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot2, add));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(x, x));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(x, y));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(y, x));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(y, y));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot1, x));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot1, y));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot1, dot1));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot1, dot2));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot2, x));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot2, y));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot2, dot1));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(dot2, dot2));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(add, x));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(add, y));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(add, dot1));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(add, dot2));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(add, add));
// Test of multiple streams.
TEST_F(GpuHloScheduleTest, DISABLED_LatticeMatMul) {
// d00 -- layer 0
// / \
// d10 d11 -- layer 1
// / \ / \
// d20 d21 d22 -- layer 2
// \ / \ /
// d30 d31 -- layer 3
// \ /
// d40 -- layer 4
HloComputation::Builder builder("entry_computation");
std::vector<HloInstruction*> params;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
i, f32_2x2_, /*name=*/absl::StrFormat("param%d", i))));
HloInstruction* d00 = builder.AddInstruction(
CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, params[2], params[3]));
HloInstruction* d10 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, params[1], d00));
HloInstruction* d11 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, d00, params[4]));
HloInstruction* d20 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, params[0], d10));
HloInstruction* d21 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, d10, d11));
HloInstruction* d22 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, d11, params[5]));
HloInstruction* d30 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, d20, d21));
HloInstruction* d31 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, d21, d22));
HloInstruction* d40 =
builder.AddInstruction(CreateCanonicalDot(f32_2x2_, d30, d31));
auto module = CreateNewVerifiedModule();
std::unique_ptr<StreamAssignment> streams = AssignStreams(*module);
// The two dots on layer 1 are concurrent.
// The three dots on layer 2 are concurrent.
// The two dots on layer 3 are concurrent.
// We don't check the thunk launch order, since there are many valid total
// orders, and it's annoying to express.
auto schedule = BuildGpuHloSchedule(module.get(), *streams);
auto order = schedule->ConsumeHloOrdering();
const HloVec all_params(
{params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]});
const HloVec all_ops({d00, d10, d11, d20, d21, d22, d30, d31, d40});
// Parameters are mutually unordered, and never execute before ops.
for (const HloInstruction* param : all_params) {
for (const HloInstruction* param2 : all_params) {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(param, param2));
for (const HloInstruction* op : all_ops) {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(op, param));
// Check ordering of params before ops.
for (const HloInstruction* op : all_ops) {
if (op == d20 || op == d30 || op == d40) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[0], op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[0], op));
if (op != d00 && op != d11 && op != d22) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[1], op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[1], op));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[2], op));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[3], op));
if (op != d00 && op != d10 && op != d20) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[4], op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[4], op));
if (op == d22 || op == d31 || op == d40) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[5], op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(params[5], op));
// Check ordering of ops before ops.
for (const HloInstruction* op : all_ops) {
if (op != d00) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(d00, op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(d00, op));
if (op == d20 || op == d21 || op == d30 || op == d31 || op == d40) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(d10, op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(d10, op));
if (op == d21 || op == d22 || op == d30 || op == d31 || op == d40) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(d11, op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(d11, op));
if (op == d30 || op == d40) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(d20, op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(d20, op));
if (op == d30 || op == d31 || op == d40) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(d21, op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(d21, op));
if (op == d31 || op == d40) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(d22, op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(d22, op));
if (op == d40) {
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(d30, op));
EXPECT_TRUE(order->ExecutesBefore(d31, op));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(d30, op));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(d31, op));
EXPECT_FALSE(order->ExecutesBefore(d40, op));
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace xla