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//===- OperationSupport.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file defines a number of support types that Operation and related
// classes build on top of.
#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Identifier.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Value.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"
#include <memory>
namespace mlir {
class Block;
class Dialect;
class Operation;
struct OperationState;
class OpAsmParser;
class OpAsmParserResult;
class OpAsmPrinter;
class OpFoldResult;
class ParseResult;
class Pattern;
class Region;
class RewritePattern;
class Type;
class Value;
/// This is an adaptor from a list of values to named operands of OpTy. In a
/// generic operation context, e.g., in dialect conversions, an ordered array of
/// `Value`s is treated as operands of `OpTy`. This adaptor takes a reference
/// to the array and provides accessors with the same names as `OpTy` for
/// operands. This makes possible to create function templates that operate on
/// either OpTy or OperandAdaptor<OpTy> seamlessly.
template <typename OpTy> using OperandAdaptor = typename OpTy::OperandAdaptor;
class OwningRewritePatternList;
enum class OperationProperty {
/// This bit is set for an operation if it is a commutative operation: that
/// is a binary operator (two inputs) where "a op b" and "b op a" produce the
/// same results.
Commutative = 0x1,
/// This bit is set for operations that have no side effects: that means that
/// they do not read or write memory, or access any hidden state.
NoSideEffect = 0x2,
/// This bit is set for an operation if it is a terminator: that means
/// an operation at the end of a block.
Terminator = 0x4,
/// This bit is set for operations that are completely isolated from above.
/// This is used for operations whose regions are explicit capture only, i.e.
/// they are never allowed to implicitly reference values defined above the
/// parent operation.
IsolatedFromAbove = 0x8,
/// This is a "type erased" representation of a registered operation. This
/// should only be used by things like the AsmPrinter and other things that need
/// to be parameterized by generic operation hooks. Most user code should use
/// the concrete operation types.
class AbstractOperation {
using OperationProperties = uint32_t;
/// This is the name of the operation.
const StringRef name;
/// This is the dialect that this operation belongs to.
Dialect &dialect;
/// Return true if this "op class" can match against the specified operation.
bool (&classof)(Operation *op);
/// Use the specified object to parse this ops custom assembly format.
ParseResult (&parseAssembly)(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *result);
/// This hook implements the AsmPrinter for this operation.
void (&printAssembly)(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter *p);
/// This hook implements the verifier for this operation. It should emits an
/// error message and returns failure if a problem is detected, or returns
/// success if everything is ok.
LogicalResult (&verifyInvariants)(Operation *op);
/// This hook implements a generalized folder for this operation. Operations
/// can implement this to provide simplifications rules that are applied by
/// the Builder::createOrFold API and the canonicalization pass.
/// This is an intentionally limited interface - implementations of this hook
/// can only perform the following changes to the operation:
/// 1. They can leave the operation alone and without changing the IR, and
/// return failure.
/// 2. They can mutate the operation in place, without changing anything else
/// in the IR. In this case, return success.
/// 3. They can return a list of existing values that can be used instead of
/// the operation. In this case, fill in the results list and return
/// success. The caller will remove the operation and use those results
/// instead.
/// This allows expression of some simple in-place canonicalizations (e.g.
/// "x+0 -> x", "min(x,y,x,z) -> min(x,y,z)", "x+y-x -> y", etc), as well as
/// generalized constant folding.
LogicalResult (&foldHook)(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results);
/// This hook returns any canonicalization pattern rewrites that the operation
/// supports, for use by the canonicalization pass.
void (&getCanonicalizationPatterns)(OwningRewritePatternList &results,
MLIRContext *context);
/// Returns whether the operation has a particular property.
bool hasProperty(OperationProperty property) const {
return opProperties & static_cast<OperationProperties>(property);
/// Returns an instance of the concept object for the given interface if it
/// was registered to this operation, null otherwise. This should not be used
/// directly.
template <typename T> typename T::Concept *getInterface() const {
return reinterpret_cast<typename T::Concept *>(
/// Returns if the operation has a particular trait.
template <template <typename T> class Trait> bool hasTrait() const {
return hasRawTrait(ClassID::getID<Trait>());
/// Look up the specified operation in the specified MLIRContext and return a
/// pointer to it if present. Otherwise, return a null pointer.
static const AbstractOperation *lookup(StringRef opName,
MLIRContext *context);
/// This constructor is used by Dialect objects when they register the list of
/// operations they contain.
template <typename T> static AbstractOperation get(Dialect &dialect) {
return AbstractOperation(
T::getOperationName(), dialect, T::getOperationProperties(), T::classof,
T::parseAssembly, T::printAssembly, T::verifyInvariants, T::foldHook,
T::getCanonicalizationPatterns, T::getRawInterface, T::hasTrait);
StringRef name, Dialect &dialect, OperationProperties opProperties,
bool (&classof)(Operation *op),
ParseResult (&parseAssembly)(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *result),
void (&printAssembly)(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter *p),
LogicalResult (&verifyInvariants)(Operation *op),
LogicalResult (&foldHook)(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results),
void (&getCanonicalizationPatterns)(OwningRewritePatternList &results,
MLIRContext *context),
void *(&getRawInterface)(ClassID *interfaceID),
bool (&hasTrait)(ClassID *traitID))
: name(name), dialect(dialect), classof(classof),
parseAssembly(parseAssembly), printAssembly(printAssembly),
verifyInvariants(verifyInvariants), foldHook(foldHook),
opProperties(opProperties), getRawInterface(getRawInterface),
hasRawTrait(hasTrait) {}
/// The properties of the operation.
const OperationProperties opProperties;
/// Returns a raw instance of the concept for the given interface id if it is
/// registered to this operation, nullptr otherwise. This should not be used
/// directly.
void *(&getRawInterface)(ClassID *interfaceID);
/// This hook returns if the operation contains the trait corresponding
/// to the given ClassID.
bool (&hasRawTrait)(ClassID *traitID);
class OperationName {
using RepresentationUnion =
llvm::PointerUnion<Identifier, const AbstractOperation *>;
OperationName(AbstractOperation *op) : representation(op) {}
OperationName(StringRef name, MLIRContext *context);
/// Return the name of the dialect this operation is registered to.
StringRef getDialect() const;
/// Return the name of this operation. This always succeeds.
StringRef getStringRef() const;
/// If this operation has a registered operation description, return it.
/// Otherwise return null.
const AbstractOperation *getAbstractOperation() const;
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
void dump() const;
void *getAsOpaquePointer() const {
return static_cast<void *>(representation.getOpaqueValue());
static OperationName getFromOpaquePointer(void *pointer);
RepresentationUnion representation;
OperationName(RepresentationUnion representation)
: representation(representation) {}
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, OperationName identifier) {
return os;
inline bool operator==(OperationName lhs, OperationName rhs) {
return lhs.getAsOpaquePointer() == rhs.getAsOpaquePointer();
inline bool operator!=(OperationName lhs, OperationName rhs) {
return lhs.getAsOpaquePointer() != rhs.getAsOpaquePointer();
// Make operation names hashable.
inline llvm::hash_code hash_value(OperationName arg) {
return llvm::hash_value(arg.getAsOpaquePointer());
/// This represents an operation in an abstracted form, suitable for use with
/// the builder APIs. This object is a large and heavy weight object meant to
/// be used as a temporary object on the stack. It is generally unwise to put
/// this in a collection.
struct OperationState {
Location location;
OperationName name;
SmallVector<Value *, 4> operands;
/// Types of the results of this operation.
SmallVector<Type, 4> types;
SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 4> attributes;
/// Successors of this operation and their respective operands.
SmallVector<Block *, 1> successors;
/// Regions that the op will hold.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<Region>, 1> regions;
/// If the operation has a resizable operand list.
bool resizableOperandList = false;
OperationState(Location location, StringRef name);
OperationState(Location location, OperationName name);
OperationState(Location location, StringRef name, ArrayRef<Value *> operands,
ArrayRef<Type> types, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes,
ArrayRef<Block *> successors = {},
MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>> regions = {},
bool resizableOperandList = false);
void addOperands(ArrayRef<Value *> newOperands) {
assert(successors.empty() &&
"Non successor operands should be added first.");
operands.append(newOperands.begin(), newOperands.end());
void addTypes(ArrayRef<Type> newTypes) {
types.append(newTypes.begin(), newTypes.end());
/// Add an attribute with the specified name.
void addAttribute(StringRef name, Attribute attr) {
addAttribute(Identifier::get(name, getContext()), attr);
/// Add an attribute with the specified name.
void addAttribute(Identifier name, Attribute attr) {
attributes.push_back({name, attr});
/// Add an array of named attributes.
void addAttributes(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> newAttributes) {
attributes.append(newAttributes.begin(), newAttributes.end());
void addSuccessor(Block *successor, ArrayRef<Value *> succOperands) {
// Insert a sentinal operand to mark a barrier between successor operands.
operands.append(succOperands.begin(), succOperands.end());
/// Create a region that should be attached to the operation. These regions
/// can be filled in immediately without waiting for Operation to be
/// created. When it is, the region bodies will be transferred.
Region *addRegion();
/// Take a region that should be attached to the Operation. The body of the
/// region will be transferred when the Operation is constructed. If the
/// region is null, a new empty region will be attached to the Operation.
void addRegion(std::unique_ptr<Region> &&region);
/// Sets the operand list of the operation as resizable.
void setOperandListToResizable(bool isResizable = true) {
resizableOperandList = isResizable;
/// Get the context held by this operation state.
MLIRContext *getContext() { return location->getContext(); }
namespace detail {
/// A utility class holding the information necessary to dynamically resize
/// operands.
struct ResizableStorage {
ResizableStorage(OpOperand *opBegin, unsigned numOperands)
: firstOpAndIsDynamic(opBegin, false), capacity(numOperands) {}
~ResizableStorage() { cleanupStorage(); }
/// Cleanup any allocated storage.
void cleanupStorage() {
// If the storage is dynamic, then we need to free the storage.
if (isStorageDynamic())
/// Sets the storage pointer to a new dynamically allocated block.
void setDynamicStorage(OpOperand *opBegin) {
/// Cleanup the old storage if necessary.
firstOpAndIsDynamic.setPointerAndInt(opBegin, true);
/// Returns the current storage pointer.
OpOperand *getPointer() { return firstOpAndIsDynamic.getPointer(); }
/// Returns if the current storage of operands is in the trailing objects is
/// in a dynamically allocated memory block.
bool isStorageDynamic() const { return firstOpAndIsDynamic.getInt(); }
/// A pointer to the first operand element. This is either to the trailing
/// objects storage, or a dynamically allocated block of memory.
llvm::PointerIntPair<OpOperand *, 1, bool> firstOpAndIsDynamic;
// The maximum number of operands that can be currently held by the storage.
unsigned capacity;
/// This class handles the management of operation operands. Operands are
/// stored similarly to the elements of a SmallVector except for two key
/// differences. The first is the inline storage, which is a trailing objects
/// array. The second is that being able to dynamically resize the operand list
/// is optional.
class OperandStorage final
: private llvm::TrailingObjects<OperandStorage, ResizableStorage,
OpOperand> {
OperandStorage(unsigned numOperands, bool resizable)
: numOperands(numOperands), resizable(resizable) {
// Initialize the resizable storage.
if (resizable) {
new (&getResizableStorage())
ResizableStorage(getTrailingObjects<OpOperand>(), numOperands);
~OperandStorage() {
// Manually destruct the operands.
for (auto &operand : getOperands())
// If the storage is resizable then destruct the utility.
if (resizable)
/// Replace the operands contained in the storage with the ones provided in
/// 'operands'.
void setOperands(Operation *owner, ArrayRef<Value *> operands);
/// Erase an operand held by the storage.
void eraseOperand(unsigned index);
/// Get the operation operands held by the storage.
MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> getOperands() {
return {getRawOperands(), size()};
/// Return the number of operands held in the storage.
unsigned size() const { return numOperands; }
/// Returns the additional size necessary for allocating this object.
static size_t additionalAllocSize(unsigned numOperands, bool resizable) {
return additionalSizeToAlloc<ResizableStorage, OpOperand>(resizable ? 1 : 0,
/// Returns if this storage is resizable.
bool isResizable() const { return resizable; }
/// Clear the storage and destroy the current operands held by the storage.
void clear() { numOperands = 0; }
/// Returns the current pointer for the raw operands array.
OpOperand *getRawOperands() {
return resizable ? getResizableStorage().getPointer()
: getTrailingObjects<OpOperand>();
/// Returns the resizable operand utility class.
ResizableStorage &getResizableStorage() {
return *getTrailingObjects<ResizableStorage>();
/// Grow the internal resizable operand storage.
void grow(ResizableStorage &resizeUtil, size_t minSize);
/// The current number of operands, and the current max operand capacity.
unsigned numOperands : 31;
/// Whether this storage is resizable or not.
bool resizable : 1;
// This stuff is used by the TrailingObjects template.
friend llvm::TrailingObjects<OperandStorage, ResizableStorage, OpOperand>;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<ResizableStorage>) const {
return resizable ? 1 : 0;
} // end namespace detail
} // end namespace mlir
namespace llvm {
// Identifiers hash just like pointers, there is no need to hash the bytes.
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::OperationName> {
static mlir::OperationName getEmptyKey() {
auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey();
return mlir::OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
static mlir::OperationName getTombstoneKey() {
auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey();
return mlir::OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
static unsigned getHashValue(mlir::OperationName Val) {
return DenseMapInfo<void *>::getHashValue(Val.getAsOpaquePointer());
static bool isEqual(mlir::OperationName LHS, mlir::OperationName RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
/// The pointer inside of an identifier comes from a StringMap, so its alignment
/// is always at least 4 and probably 8 (on 64-bit machines). Allow LLVM to
/// steal the low bits.
template <> struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::OperationName> {
static inline void *getAsVoidPointer(mlir::OperationName I) {
return const_cast<void *>(I.getAsOpaquePointer());
static inline mlir::OperationName getFromVoidPointer(void *P) {
return mlir::OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(P);
enum {
NumLowBitsAvailable = PointerLikeTypeTraits<
} // end namespace llvm