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//===- Operation.h - MLIR Operation Class -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file defines the Operation class.
#include "mlir/IR/Block.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Diagnostics.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Region.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
namespace mlir {
class BlockAndValueMapping;
class Location;
class MLIRContext;
class OperandIterator;
class OperandTypeIterator;
struct OperationState;
class ResultIterator;
class ResultTypeIterator;
/// Terminator operations can have Block operands to represent successors.
using BlockOperand = IROperandImpl<Block>;
/// Operation is a basic unit of execution within a function. Operations can
/// be nested within other operations effectively forming a tree. Child
/// operations are organized into operation blocks represented by a 'Block'
/// class.
class Operation final
: public llvm::ilist_node_with_parent<Operation, Block>,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<Operation, OpResult, BlockOperand, unsigned,
Region, detail::OperandStorage> {
/// Create a new Operation with the specific fields.
static Operation *create(Location location, OperationName name,
ArrayRef<Value *> operands,
ArrayRef<Type> resultTypes,
ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes,
ArrayRef<Block *> successors, unsigned numRegions,
bool resizableOperandList);
/// Overload of create that takes an existing NamedAttributeList to avoid
/// unnecessarily uniquing a list of attributes.
static Operation *create(Location location, OperationName name,
ArrayRef<Value *> operands,
ArrayRef<Type> resultTypes,
const NamedAttributeList &attributes,
ArrayRef<Block *> successors, unsigned numRegions,
bool resizableOperandList);
/// Create a new Operation from the fields stored in `state`.
static Operation *create(const OperationState &state);
/// The name of an operation is the key identifier for it.
OperationName getName() { return name; }
/// If this operation has a registered operation description, return it.
/// Otherwise return null.
const AbstractOperation *getAbstractOperation() {
return getName().getAbstractOperation();
/// Returns true if this operation has a registered operation description,
/// otherwise false.
bool isRegistered() { return getAbstractOperation(); }
/// Remove this operation from its parent block and delete it.
void erase();
/// Create a deep copy of this operation, remapping any operands that use
/// values outside of the operation using the map that is provided (leaving
/// them alone if no entry is present). Replaces references to cloned
/// sub-operations to the corresponding operation that is copied, and adds
/// those mappings to the map.
Operation *clone(BlockAndValueMapping &mapper);
Operation *clone();
/// Create a deep copy of this operation but keep the operation regions empty.
/// Operands are remapped using `mapper` (if present), and `mapper` is updated
/// to contain the results.
Operation *cloneWithoutRegions(BlockAndValueMapping &mapper);
Operation *cloneWithoutRegions();
/// Returns the operation block that contains this operation.
Block *getBlock() { return block; }
/// Return the context this operation is associated with.
MLIRContext *getContext();
/// Return the dialact this operation is associated with, or nullptr if the
/// associated dialect is not registered.
Dialect *getDialect();
/// The source location the operation was defined or derived from.
Location getLoc() { return location; }
/// Set the source location the operation was defined or derived from.
void setLoc(Location loc) { location = loc; }
/// Returns the region to which the instruction belongs. Returns nullptr if
/// the instruction is unlinked.
Region *getParentRegion();
/// Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this operation
/// or nullptr if this is a top-level operation.
Operation *getParentOp();
/// Return the closest surrounding parent operation that is of type 'OpTy'.
template <typename OpTy> OpTy getParentOfType() {
auto *op = this;
while ((op = op->getParentOp()))
if (auto parentOp = llvm::dyn_cast<OpTy>(op))
return parentOp;
return OpTy();
/// Replace any uses of 'from' with 'to' within this operation.
void replaceUsesOfWith(Value *from, Value *to);
/// Replace all uses of results of this operation with the provided 'values'.
template <typename ValuesT,
typename = decltype(std::declval<ValuesT>().begin())>
void replaceAllUsesWith(ValuesT &&values) {
assert(std::distance(values.begin(), values.end()) == getNumResults() &&
"expected 'values' to correspond 1-1 with the number of results");
auto valueIt = values.begin();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumResults(); i != e; ++i)
/// Replace all uses of results of this operation with results of 'op'.
void replaceAllUsesWith(Operation *op) {
assert(getNumResults() == op->getNumResults());
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumResults(); i != e; ++i)
/// Destroys this operation and its subclass data.
void destroy();
/// This drops all operand uses from this operation, which is an essential
/// step in breaking cyclic dependences between references when they are to
/// be deleted.
void dropAllReferences();
/// Drop uses of all values defined by this operation or its nested regions.
void dropAllDefinedValueUses();
/// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right before
/// `existingInst` which may be in the same or another block in the same
/// function.
void moveBefore(Operation *existingInst);
/// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right before
/// `iterator` in the specified block.
void moveBefore(Block *block, llvm::iplist<Operation>::iterator iterator);
/// Given an operation 'other' that is within the same parent block, return
/// whether the current operation is before 'other' in the operation list
/// of the parent block.
/// Note: This function has an average complexity of O(1), but worst case may
/// take O(N) where N is the number of operations within the parent block.
bool isBeforeInBlock(Operation *other);
void print(raw_ostream &os);
void dump();
// Operands
/// Returns if the operation has a resizable operation list, i.e. operands can
/// be added.
bool hasResizableOperandsList() { return getOperandStorage().isResizable(); }
/// Replace the current operands of this operation with the ones provided in
/// 'operands'. If the operands list is not resizable, the size of 'operands'
/// must be less than or equal to the current number of operands.
void setOperands(ArrayRef<Value *> operands) {
getOperandStorage().setOperands(this, operands);
unsigned getNumOperands() { return getOperandStorage().size(); }
Value *getOperand(unsigned idx) { return getOpOperand(idx).get(); }
void setOperand(unsigned idx, Value *value) {
return getOpOperand(idx).set(value);
// Support operand iteration.
using operand_iterator = OperandIterator;
using operand_range = llvm::iterator_range<operand_iterator>;
operand_iterator operand_begin();
operand_iterator operand_end();
/// Returns an iterator on the underlying Value's (Value *).
operand_range getOperands();
/// Erase the operand at position `idx`.
void eraseOperand(unsigned idx) { getOperandStorage().eraseOperand(idx); }
MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> getOpOperands() {
return getOperandStorage().getOperands();
OpOperand &getOpOperand(unsigned idx) { return getOpOperands()[idx]; }
// Support operand type iteration.
using operand_type_iterator = OperandTypeIterator;
using operand_type_range = llvm::iterator_range<operand_type_iterator>;
operand_type_iterator operand_type_begin();
operand_type_iterator operand_type_end();
operand_type_range getOperandTypes();
// Results
/// Return true if there are no users of any results of this operation.
bool use_empty();
unsigned getNumResults() { return numResults; }
Value *getResult(unsigned idx) { return &getOpResult(idx); }
// Support result iteration.
using result_iterator = ResultIterator;
using result_range = llvm::iterator_range<result_iterator>;
result_iterator result_begin();
result_iterator result_end();
result_range getResults();
MutableArrayRef<OpResult> getOpResults() {
return {getTrailingObjects<OpResult>(), numResults};
OpResult &getOpResult(unsigned idx) { return getOpResults()[idx]; }
// Support result type iteration.
using result_type_iterator = ResultTypeIterator;
using result_type_range = llvm::iterator_range<result_type_iterator>;
result_type_iterator result_type_begin();
result_type_iterator result_type_end();
result_type_range getResultTypes();
// Attributes
// Operations may optionally carry a list of attributes that associate
// constants to names. Attributes may be dynamically added and removed over
// the lifetime of an operation.
/// Return all of the attributes on this operation.
ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> getAttrs() { return attrs.getAttrs(); }
/// Return the internal attribute list on this operation.
NamedAttributeList &getAttrList() { return attrs; }
/// Set the attribute list on this operation.
/// Using a NamedAttributeList is more efficient as it does not require new
/// uniquing in the MLIRContext.
void setAttrs(NamedAttributeList newAttrs) { attrs = newAttrs; }
/// Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
Attribute getAttr(Identifier name) { return attrs.get(name); }
Attribute getAttr(StringRef name) { return attrs.get(name); }
template <typename AttrClass> AttrClass getAttrOfType(Identifier name) {
return getAttr(name).dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>();
template <typename AttrClass> AttrClass getAttrOfType(StringRef name) {
return getAttr(name).dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>();
/// If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new
/// value. Otherwise, add a new attribute with the specified name/value.
void setAttr(Identifier name, Attribute value) { attrs.set(name, value); }
void setAttr(StringRef name, Attribute value) {
setAttr(Identifier::get(name, getContext()), value);
/// Remove the attribute with the specified name if it exists. The return
/// value indicates whether the attribute was present or not.
NamedAttributeList::RemoveResult removeAttr(Identifier name) {
return attrs.remove(name);
/// A utility iterator that filters out non-dialect attributes.
class dialect_attr_iterator
: public llvm::filter_iterator<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator,
bool (*)(NamedAttribute)> {
static bool filter(NamedAttribute attr) {
// Dialect attributes are prefixed by the dialect name, like operations.
return attr.first.strref().count('.');
explicit dialect_attr_iterator(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator it,
ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator end)
: llvm::filter_iterator<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator,
bool (*)(NamedAttribute)>(it, end, &filter) {}
// Allow access to the constructor.
friend Operation;
using dialect_attr_range = llvm::iterator_range<dialect_attr_iterator>;
/// Return a range corresponding to the dialect attributes for this operation.
dialect_attr_range getDialectAttrs() {
auto attrs = getAttrs();
return {dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.begin(), attrs.end()),
dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.end(), attrs.end())};
dialect_attr_iterator dialect_attr_begin() {
auto attrs = getAttrs();
return dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.begin(), attrs.end());
dialect_attr_iterator dialect_attr_end() {
auto attrs = getAttrs();
return dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.end(), attrs.end());
/// Set the dialect attributes for this operation, and preserve all dependent.
template <typename DialectAttrT>
void setDialectAttrs(DialectAttrT &&dialectAttrs) {
SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 16> attrs;
attrs.assign(std::begin(dialectAttrs), std::end(dialectAttrs));
for (auto attr : getAttrs())
if (!attr.first.strref().count('.'))
// Blocks
/// Returns the number of regions held by this operation.
unsigned getNumRegions() { return numRegions; }
/// Returns the regions held by this operation.
MutableArrayRef<Region> getRegions() {
auto *regions = getTrailingObjects<Region>();
return {regions, numRegions};
/// Returns the region held by this operation at position 'index'.
Region &getRegion(unsigned index) {
assert(index < numRegions && "invalid region index");
return getRegions()[index];
// Terminators
MutableArrayRef<BlockOperand> getBlockOperands() {
return {getTrailingObjects<BlockOperand>(), numSuccs};
/// Return the operands of this operation that are *not* successor arguments.
operand_range getNonSuccessorOperands();
operand_range getSuccessorOperands(unsigned index);
Value *getSuccessorOperand(unsigned succIndex, unsigned opIndex) {
assert(!isKnownNonTerminator() && "only terminators may have successors");
assert(opIndex < getNumSuccessorOperands(succIndex));
return getOperand(getSuccessorOperandIndex(succIndex) + opIndex);
bool hasSuccessors() { return numSuccs != 0; }
unsigned getNumSuccessors() { return numSuccs; }
unsigned getNumSuccessorOperands(unsigned index) {
assert(!isKnownNonTerminator() && "only terminators may have successors");
assert(index < getNumSuccessors());
return getTrailingObjects<unsigned>()[index];
Block *getSuccessor(unsigned index) {
assert(index < getNumSuccessors());
return getBlockOperands()[index].get();
void setSuccessor(Block *block, unsigned index);
/// Erase a specific operand from the operand list of the successor at
/// 'index'.
void eraseSuccessorOperand(unsigned succIndex, unsigned opIndex) {
assert(succIndex < getNumSuccessors());
assert(opIndex < getNumSuccessorOperands(succIndex));
getOperandStorage().eraseOperand(getSuccessorOperandIndex(succIndex) +
/// Get the index of the first operand of the successor at the provided
/// index.
unsigned getSuccessorOperandIndex(unsigned index);
// Accessors for various properties of operations
/// Returns whether the operation is commutative.
bool isCommutative() {
if (auto *absOp = getAbstractOperation())
return absOp->hasProperty(OperationProperty::Commutative);
return false;
/// Returns whether the operation has side-effects.
bool hasNoSideEffect() {
if (auto *absOp = getAbstractOperation())
return absOp->hasProperty(OperationProperty::NoSideEffect);
return false;
/// Represents the status of whether an operation is a terminator. We
/// represent an 'unknown' status because we want to support unregistered
/// terminators.
enum class TerminatorStatus { Terminator, NonTerminator, Unknown };
/// Returns the status of whether this operation is a terminator or not.
TerminatorStatus getTerminatorStatus() {
if (auto *absOp = getAbstractOperation()) {
return absOp->hasProperty(OperationProperty::Terminator)
? TerminatorStatus::Terminator
: TerminatorStatus::NonTerminator;
return TerminatorStatus::Unknown;
/// Returns if the operation is known to be a terminator.
bool isKnownTerminator() {
return getTerminatorStatus() == TerminatorStatus::Terminator;
/// Returns if the operation is known to *not* be a terminator.
bool isKnownNonTerminator() {
return getTerminatorStatus() == TerminatorStatus::NonTerminator;
/// Returns if the operation is known to be completely isolated from enclosing
/// regions, i.e. no internal regions reference values defined above this
/// operation.
bool isKnownIsolatedFromAbove() {
if (auto *absOp = getAbstractOperation())
return absOp->hasProperty(OperationProperty::IsolatedFromAbove);
return false;
/// Attempt to fold this operation with the specified constant operand values
/// - the elements in "operands" will correspond directly to the operands of
/// the operation, but may be null if non-constant. If folding is successful,
/// this fills in the `results` vector. If not, `results` is unspecified.
LogicalResult fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results);
/// Returns if the operation was registered with a particular trait, e.g.
/// hasTrait<OperandsAreIntegerLike>().
template <template <typename T> class Trait> bool hasTrait() {
auto *absOp = getAbstractOperation();
return absOp ? absOp->hasTrait<Trait>() : false;
// Operation Walkers
/// Walk this operation in postorder, calling the callback for each operation
/// including this one.
void walk(llvm::function_ref<void(Operation *)> callback);
/// Specialization of walk to only visit operations of 'T'.
template <typename T> void walk(llvm::function_ref<void(T)> callback) {
walk([&](Operation *op) {
if (auto derivedOp = dyn_cast<T>(op))
// Other
/// Emit an error with the op name prefixed, like "'dim' op " which is
/// convenient for verifiers.
InFlightDiagnostic emitOpError(const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit an error about fatal conditions with this operation, reporting up to
/// any diagnostic handlers that may be listening.
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit a warning about this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic
/// handlers that may be listening.
InFlightDiagnostic emitWarning(const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit a remark about this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic
/// handlers that may be listening.
InFlightDiagnostic emitRemark(const Twine &message = {});
Operation(Location location, OperationName name, unsigned numResults,
unsigned numSuccessors, unsigned numRegions,
const NamedAttributeList &attributes);
// Operations are deleted through the destroy() member because they are
// allocated with malloc.
/// Returns the operand storage object.
detail::OperandStorage &getOperandStorage() {
return *getTrailingObjects<detail::OperandStorage>();
/// Provide a 'getParent' method for ilist_node_with_parent methods.
/// We mark it as const function because ilist_node_with_parent specifically
/// requires a 'getParent() const' method. Once ilist_node removes this
/// constraint, we should drop the const to fit the rest of the MLIR const
/// model.
Block *getParent() const { return block; }
/// The operation block that containts this operation.
Block *block = nullptr;
/// This holds information about the source location the operation was defined
/// or derived from.
Location location;
/// Relative order of this operation in its parent block. Used for
/// O(1) local dominance checks between operations.
mutable unsigned orderIndex = 0;
const unsigned numResults, numSuccs, numRegions;
/// This holds the name of the operation.
OperationName name;
/// This holds general named attributes for the operation.
NamedAttributeList attrs;
// allow ilist_traits access to 'block' field.
friend struct llvm::ilist_traits<Operation>;
// allow block to access the 'orderIndex' field.
friend class Block;
// allow ilist_node_with_parent to access the 'getParent' method.
friend class llvm::ilist_node_with_parent<Operation, Block>;
// This stuff is used by the TrailingObjects template.
friend llvm::TrailingObjects<Operation, OpResult, BlockOperand, unsigned,
Region, detail::OperandStorage>;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<OpResult>) const {
return numResults;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<BlockOperand>) const {
return numSuccs;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Region>) const { return numRegions; }
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<unsigned>) const { return numSuccs; }
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, Operation &op) {
return os;
/// This class implements the const/non-const operand iterators for the
/// Operation class in terms of getOperand(idx).
class OperandIterator final
: public indexed_accessor_iterator<OperandIterator, Operation *, Value *,
Value *, Value *> {
/// Initializes the operand iterator to the specified operand index.
OperandIterator(Operation *object, unsigned index)
: indexed_accessor_iterator<OperandIterator, Operation *, Value *,
Value *, Value *>(object, index) {}
Value *operator*() const { return this->object->getOperand(this->index); }
/// This class implements the operand type iterators for the Operation
/// class in terms of operand_iterator->getType().
class OperandTypeIterator final
: public llvm::mapped_iterator<OperandIterator, Type (*)(Value *)> {
static Type unwrap(Value *value) { return value->getType(); }
using reference = Type;
/// Initializes the operand type iterator to the specified operand iterator.
OperandTypeIterator(OperandIterator it)
: llvm::mapped_iterator<OperandIterator, Type (*)(Value *)>(it, &unwrap) {
// Implement the inline operand iterator methods.
inline auto Operation::operand_begin() -> operand_iterator {
return operand_iterator(this, 0);
inline auto Operation::operand_end() -> operand_iterator {
return operand_iterator(this, getNumOperands());
inline auto Operation::getOperands() -> operand_range {
return {operand_begin(), operand_end()};
inline auto Operation::operand_type_begin() -> operand_type_iterator {
return operand_type_iterator(operand_begin());
inline auto Operation::operand_type_end() -> operand_type_iterator {
return operand_type_iterator(operand_end());
inline auto Operation::getOperandTypes() -> operand_type_range {
return {operand_type_begin(), operand_type_end()};
/// This class implements the result iterators for the Operation class
/// in terms of getResult(idx).
class ResultIterator final
: public indexed_accessor_iterator<ResultIterator, Operation *, Value *,
Value *, Value *> {
/// Initializes the result iterator to the specified index.
ResultIterator(Operation *object, unsigned index)
: indexed_accessor_iterator<ResultIterator, Operation *, Value *, Value *,
Value *>(object, index) {}
Value *operator*() const { return this->object->getResult(this->index); }
/// This class implements the result type iterators for the Operation
/// class in terms of result_iterator->getType().
class ResultTypeIterator final
: public llvm::mapped_iterator<ResultIterator, Type (*)(Value *)> {
static Type unwrap(Value *value) { return value->getType(); }
using reference = Type;
/// Initializes the result type iterator to the specified result iterator.
ResultTypeIterator(ResultIterator it)
: llvm::mapped_iterator<ResultIterator, Type (*)(Value *)>(it, &unwrap) {}
// Implement the inline result iterator methods.
inline auto Operation::result_begin() -> result_iterator {
return result_iterator(this, 0);
inline auto Operation::result_end() -> result_iterator {
return result_iterator(this, getNumResults());
inline auto Operation::getResults() -> llvm::iterator_range<result_iterator> {
return {result_begin(), result_end()};
inline auto Operation::result_type_begin() -> result_type_iterator {
return result_type_iterator(result_begin());
inline auto Operation::result_type_end() -> result_type_iterator {
return result_type_iterator(result_end());
inline auto Operation::getResultTypes() -> result_type_range {
return {result_type_begin(), result_type_end()};
} // end namespace mlir
namespace llvm {
/// Provide isa functionality for operation casts.
template <typename T> struct isa_impl<T, ::mlir::Operation> {
static inline bool doit(const ::mlir::Operation &op) {
return T::classof(const_cast<::mlir::Operation *>(&op));
/// Provide specializations for operation casts as the resulting T is value
/// typed.
template <typename T> struct cast_retty_impl<T, ::mlir::Operation *> {
using ret_type = T;
template <typename T> struct cast_retty_impl<T, ::mlir::Operation> {
using ret_type = T;
template <class T>
struct cast_convert_val<T, ::mlir::Operation, ::mlir::Operation> {
static T doit(::mlir::Operation &val) { return T(&val); }
template <class T>
struct cast_convert_val<T, ::mlir::Operation *, ::mlir::Operation *> {
static T doit(::mlir::Operation *val) { return T(val); }
} // end namespace llvm