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//===- ConvertStandardToLLVM.h - Convert to the LLVM dialect ----*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// Provides a dialect conversion targeting the LLVM IR dialect. By default, it
// converts Standard ops and types and provides hooks for dialect-specific
// extensions to the conversion.
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
namespace llvm {
class IntegerType;
class LLVMContext;
class Module;
class Type;
} // namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
namespace LLVM {
class LLVMDialect;
class LLVMType;
} // namespace LLVM
/// Conversion from types in the Standard dialect to the LLVM IR dialect.
class LLVMTypeConverter : public TypeConverter {
using TypeConverter::convertType;
LLVMTypeConverter(MLIRContext *ctx);
/// Convert types to LLVM IR. This calls `convertAdditionalType` to convert
/// non-standard or non-builtin types.
Type convertType(Type t) override;
/// Convert a non-empty list of types to be returned from a function into a
/// supported LLVM IR type. In particular, if more than one values is
/// returned, create an LLVM IR structure type with elements that correspond
/// to each of the MLIR types converted with `convertType`.
Type packFunctionResults(ArrayRef<Type> types);
/// Returns the LLVM context.
llvm::LLVMContext &getLLVMContext();
/// Returns the LLVM dialect.
LLVM::LLVMDialect *getDialect() { return llvmDialect; }
/// Promote the LLVM struct representation of all MemRef descriptors to stack
/// and use pointers to struct to avoid the complexity of the
/// platform-specific C/C++ ABI lowering related to struct argument passing.
SmallVector<Value *, 4> promoteMemRefDescriptors(Location loc,
ArrayRef<Value *> opOperands,
ArrayRef<Value *> operands,
OpBuilder &builder);
/// Promote the LLVM struct representation of one MemRef descriptor to stack
/// and use pointer to struct to avoid the complexity of the platform-specific
/// C/C++ ABI lowering related to struct argument passing.
Value *promoteOneMemRefDescriptor(Location loc, Value *operand,
OpBuilder &builder);
/// LLVM IR module used to parse/create types.
llvm::Module *module;
LLVM::LLVMDialect *llvmDialect;
Type convertStandardType(Type type);
// Convert a function type. The arguments and results are converted one by
// one. Additionally, if the function returns more than one value, pack the
// results into an LLVM IR structure type so that the converted function type
// returns at most one result.
Type convertFunctionType(FunctionType type);
// Convert the index type. Uses llvmModule data layout to create an integer
// of the pointer bitwidth.
Type convertIndexType(IndexType type);
// Convert an integer type `i*` to `!llvm<"i*">`.
Type convertIntegerType(IntegerType type);
// Convert a floating point type: `f16` to `!llvm.half`, `f32` to
// `!llvm.float` and `f64` to `!llvm.double`. `bf16` is not supported
// by LLVM.
Type convertFloatType(FloatType type);
// Convert a memref type into an LLVM type that captures the relevant data.
// For statically-shaped memrefs, the resulting type is a pointer to the
// (converted) memref element type. For dynamically-shaped memrefs, the
// resulting type is an LLVM structure type that contains:
// 1. a pointer to the (converted) memref element type
// 2. as many index types as memref has dynamic dimensions.
Type convertMemRefType(MemRefType type);
// Convert a 1D vector type into an LLVM vector type.
Type convertVectorType(VectorType type);
// Get the LLVM representation of the index type based on the bitwidth of the
// pointer as defined by the data layout of the module.
LLVM::LLVMType getIndexType();
// Extract an LLVM IR dialect type.
LLVM::LLVMType unwrap(Type type);
/// Base class for operation conversions targeting the LLVM IR dialect. Provides
/// conversion patterns with an access to the containing LLVMLowering for the
/// purpose of type conversions.
class LLVMOpLowering : public ConversionPattern {
LLVMOpLowering(StringRef rootOpName, MLIRContext *context,
LLVMTypeConverter &lowering, PatternBenefit benefit = 1);
// Back-reference to the lowering class, used to call type and function
// conversions accounting for potential extensions.
LLVMTypeConverter &lowering;
} // namespace mlir