blob: 4ccf19ffc6606eee78883e404a2634051f68d5bf [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package tensorflow;
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
option go_package = "";
// A TensorBundle addition which saves extra information about the objects which
// own variables, allowing for more robust checkpoint loading into modified
// programs.
message TrackableObjectGraph {
message TrackableObject {
message ObjectReference {
// An index into `TrackableObjectGraph.nodes`, indicating the object
// being referenced.
int32 node_id = 1;
// A user-provided name for the edge.
string local_name = 2;
message SerializedTensor {
// A name for the Tensor. Simple variables have only one
// `SerializedTensor` named "VARIABLE_VALUE" by convention. This value may
// be restored on object creation as an optimization.
string name = 1;
// The full name of the variable/tensor, if applicable. Used to allow
// name-based loading of checkpoints which were saved using an
// object-based API. Should match the checkpoint key which would have been
// assigned by tf.train.Saver.
string full_name = 2;
// The generated name of the Tensor in the checkpoint.
string checkpoint_key = 3;
// Whether checkpoints should be considered as matching even without this
// value restored. Used for non-critical values which don't affect the
// TensorFlow graph, such as layer configurations.
bool optional_restore = 4;
message SlotVariableReference {
// An index into `TrackableObjectGraph.nodes`, indicating the
// variable object this slot was created for.
int32 original_variable_node_id = 1;
// The name of the slot (e.g. "m"/"v").
string slot_name = 2;
// An index into `TrackableObjectGraph.nodes`, indicating the
// `Object` with the value of the slot variable.
int32 slot_variable_node_id = 3;
// Objects which this object depends on.
repeated ObjectReference children = 1;
// Serialized data specific to this object.
repeated SerializedTensor attributes = 2;
// Slot variables owned by this object.
repeated SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
// The registered saver used to save this object. If this saver is not
// present when loading the checkpoint, then loading will fail.
RegisteredSaver registered_saver = 4;
repeated TrackableObject nodes = 1;
message RegisteredSaver {
// The name of the registered saver/restore function.
string name = 1;
// Unique auto-generated name of the object.
string object_name = 2;