blob: 97f69e2a51aecf7b4ee22a74bd10ab3975350291 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Tests for py_func op."""
import gc
import re
import numpy as np
from six.moves import queue
from six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from tensorflow.python.client import session as session_lib
from tensorflow.python.eager import backprop
from tensorflow.python.eager import context
from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function
from tensorflow.python.eager import function
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import errors
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util
from tensorflow.python.framework import type_spec
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import batch_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import gradients_impl
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import script_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_factory_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_tensor
from tensorflow.python.platform import test
def np_func(x, y):
return np.sinh(x) + np.cosh(y)
def matmul(x, y):
return math_ops.matmul(x, y)
class PyFuncTestBase(test.TestCase):
def verifyExceptionHandling(self, py_exp, tf_exp, eager=False):
def inner_exception():
raise py_exp("blah") # pylint: disable=not-callable
def raise_exception():
expected_regexp = r": blah.*" # Error at the top
expected_regexp += r"in raise_exception.*" # Stacktrace outer
expected_regexp += r"in inner_exception.*" # Stacktrace inner
expected_regexp += r": blah" # Stacktrace of raise
def expected_error_check(exception):
return, str(exception), re.DOTALL)
if eager:
if context.executing_eagerly():
with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(tf_exp, expected_error_check):
f = script_ops.eager_py_func(raise_exception, [], [])
f = script_ops.eager_py_func(raise_exception, [], [])
f = script_ops.py_func(raise_exception, [], [])
with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(tf_exp, expected_error_check):
class PyFuncTest(PyFuncTestBase):
"""Encapsulates tests for py_func only."""
def testRealDataTypes(self):
def sum_func(x, y):
return x + y
for dtype in [dtypes.float16, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64,
dtypes.uint8, dtypes.int8, dtypes.uint16, dtypes.int16,
dtypes.int32, dtypes.int64]:
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant(1, dtype=dtype)
y = constant_op.constant(2, dtype=dtype)
z = self.evaluate(script_ops.py_func(sum_func, [x, y], dtype))
self.assertEqual(z, 3)
def testComplexDataTypes(self):
def sub_func(x, y):
return x - y
for dtype in [dtypes.complex64, dtypes.complex128]:
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant(1 + 1j, dtype=dtype)
y = constant_op.constant(2 - 2j, dtype=dtype)
z = self.evaluate(script_ops.py_func(sub_func, [x, y], dtype))
self.assertEqual(z, -1 + 3j)
def testBoolDataTypes(self):
def and_func(x, y):
return x and y
dtype = dtypes.bool
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant(True, dtype=dtype)
y = constant_op.constant(False, dtype=dtype)
z = self.evaluate(script_ops.py_func(and_func, [x, y], dtype))
self.assertEqual(z, False)
def testSingleType(self):
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant(1.0, dtypes.float32)
y = constant_op.constant(2.0, dtypes.float32)
z = self.evaluate(script_ops.py_func(np_func, [x, y], dtypes.float32))
self.assertEqual(z, np_func(1.0, 2.0).astype(np.float32))
def testScalar(self):
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant(1.0, dtypes.float32)
y = constant_op.constant(2.0, dtypes.float32)
z = self.evaluate(
script_ops.eager_py_func(np_func, [x, y], [dtypes.float32]))
self.assertEqual(z[0], np_func(1.0, 2.0).astype(np.float32))
def testArray(self):
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant([1.0, 2.0], dtypes.float64)
y = constant_op.constant([2.0, 3.0], dtypes.float64)
z = self.evaluate(script_ops.py_func(np_func, [x, y], [dtypes.float64]))
np_func([1.0, 2.0], [2.0, 3.0]).astype(np.float64))
def testComplexType(self):
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant(1 + 2j, dtypes.complex64)
y = constant_op.constant(3 + 4j, dtypes.complex64)
z = self.evaluate(script_ops.py_func(np_func, [x, y], dtypes.complex64))
self.assertAllClose(z, np_func(1 + 2j, 3 + 4j))
def testRFFT(self):
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant([1., 2., 3., 4.], dtypes.float32)
def rfft(x):
return np.fft.rfft(x).astype(np.complex64)
y = self.evaluate(script_ops.py_func(rfft, [x], dtypes.complex64))
self.assertAllClose(y, np.fft.rfft([1., 2., 3., 4.]))
def testPythonLiteral(self):
with self.cached_session():
def literal(x):
return 1.0 if float(x) == 0.0 else 0.0
x = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtypes.float64)
y = self.evaluate(script_ops.py_func(literal, [x], dtypes.float64))
self.assertAllClose(y, 1.0)
def testList(self):
with self.cached_session():
def list_func(x):
return [x, x + 1]
x = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtypes.float64)
y = self.evaluate(
script_ops.py_func(list_func, [x], [dtypes.float64] * 2))
self.assertAllClose(y, [0.0, 1.0])
def testTuple(self):
# returns a tuple
with self.cached_session():
def tuple_func(x):
return x, x + 1
x = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtypes.float64)
y = self.evaluate(
script_ops.py_func(tuple_func, [x], [dtypes.float64] * 2))
self.assertAllClose(y, [0.0, 1.0])
# returns a tuple, Tout and inp a tuple
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtypes.float64)
y = self.evaluate(
script_ops.py_func(tuple_func, (x,),
(dtypes.float64, dtypes.float64)))
self.assertAllClose(y, [0.0, 1.0])
def testStrings(self):
def read_fixed_length_numpy_strings():
return np.array([b" there"])
def read_and_return_strings(x, y):
return x + y
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant([b"hello", b"hi"], dtypes.string)
y = self.evaluate(
script_ops.py_func(read_fixed_length_numpy_strings, [],
z = self.evaluate(
script_ops.py_func(read_and_return_strings, [x, y], dtypes.string))
self.assertAllEqual(z, [b"hello there", b"hi there"])
def testStringsAreConvertedToBytes(self):
def read_fixed_length_numpy_strings():
return np.array([" there"])
def read_and_return_strings(x, y):
return x + y
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant(["hello", "hi"], dtypes.string)
y = self.evaluate(
script_ops.py_func(read_fixed_length_numpy_strings, [],
z = self.evaluate(
script_ops.py_func(read_and_return_strings, [x, y], dtypes.string))
self.assertAllEqual(z, [b"hello there", b"hi there"])
def testObjectArraysAreConvertedToBytes(self):
def read_object_array():
return np.array([b" there", u" ya"], dtype=np.object_)
def read_and_return_strings(x, y):
return x + y
with self.cached_session():
x = constant_op.constant(["hello", "hi"], dtypes.string)
y, = script_ops.py_func(read_object_array, [],
z, = script_ops.py_func(read_and_return_strings, [x, y], [dtypes.string])
self.assertListEqual(list(self.evaluate(z)), [b"hello there", b"hi ya"])
def testStringPadding(self):
correct = [b"this", b"is", b"a", b"test"]
with self.cached_session():
s, = script_ops.py_func(lambda: [correct], [], [dtypes.string])
self.assertAllEqual(s, correct)
def testStringPaddingAreConvertedToBytes(self):
inp = ["this", "is", "a", "test"]
correct = [b"this", b"is", b"a", b"test"]
with self.cached_session():
s, = script_ops.py_func(lambda: [inp], [], [dtypes.string])
self.assertAllEqual(s, correct)
def testNulTerminatedStrings(self):
inp = np.array(["this\0", "is\0\0", "a\0", "test\0\0"], dtype=np.str_)
correct = [b"this", b"is", b"a", b"test"]
with self.cached_session():
s, = script_ops.py_func(lambda: [inp], [], [dtypes.string])
self.assertAllEqual(s, correct)
def testLarge(self):
with self.cached_session() as sess:
x = array_ops.zeros([1000000], dtype=np.float32)
y = script_ops.py_func(lambda x: x + 1, [x], [dtypes.float32])
z = script_ops.py_func(lambda x: x * 2, [x], [dtypes.float32])
for _ in xrange(100):[y[0].op, z[0].op])
def testNoInput(self):
with self.cached_session():
x = self.evaluate(script_ops.py_func(lambda: 42.0, [], dtypes.float64))
self.assertAllClose(x, 42.0)
def testAlias(self):
with self.cached_session():
np_array = np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float32)
tf_array = script_ops.py_func(lambda: np_array, [], [dtypes.float32])
value = tf_array + constant_op.constant([2.0, 3.0], dtype=dtypes.float32)
self.assertAllEqual(np_array, [1.0, 2.0])
def testReturnUnicodeString(self):
with self.cached_session():
correct = u"你好 世界"
def unicode_string():
return correct
z, = script_ops.py_func(unicode_string, [], [dtypes.string])
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(z), correct.encode("utf8"))
def testBadNumpyReturnType(self):
with self.cached_session():
def bad():
# Structured numpy arrays aren't supported.
return np.array([], dtype=[("foo", np.float32)])
y, = script_ops.py_func(bad, [], [dtypes.float32])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.InternalError,
"Unsupported numpy data type"):
def testBadReturnType(self):
with self.cached_session():
def bad():
# Non-string python objects aren't supported.
return {"foo": dtypes.float32}
z, = script_ops.py_func(bad, [], [dtypes.int64])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.InternalError,
"Unsupported object type"):
def testReturnInput(self):
with self.cached_session():
def ident(x):
return x[0]
p = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32)
# Create a numpy array aliasing a tensor and a tensor aliasing this array
z, = script_ops.py_func(ident, [p], [dtypes.float32])
z += 0.0 # Makes sure we release the tensor aliasing the numpy array x[0]
# above instead of using its memory as the return value of
self.assertEqual(0.0, z.eval(feed_dict={p: [0.0]}))
def testStateful(self):
# Not using self.cached_session(), which disables optimization.
with session_lib.Session():
producer = iter(range(3))
x, = script_ops.py_func(lambda: next(producer), [], [dtypes.int64])
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(x), 0)
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(x), 1)
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(x), 2)
def testStateless(self):
# Not using self.cached_session(), which disables optimization.
with session_lib.Session():
producer = iter(range(3))
x, = script_ops.py_func(
lambda: next(producer), [], [dtypes.int64], stateful=False)
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(x), 0)
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(x), 0)
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(x), 0)
def testGradientFunction(self):
# Input to tf.compat.v1.py_func is necessary,
# otherwise get_gradient_function() returns None per default.
a = constant_op.constant(0)
x, = script_ops.py_func(lambda a: 0, [a], [dtypes.int64])
y, = script_ops.py_func(lambda a: 0, [a], [dtypes.int64], stateful=False)
self.assertEqual(None, ops.get_gradient_function(x.op))
self.assertEqual(None, ops.get_gradient_function(y.op))
def testCOrder(self):
with self.cached_session():
val = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
x, = script_ops.py_func(lambda: np.array(val, order="F"), [],
self.assertAllEqual(val, self.evaluate(x))
def testParallel(self):
# Tests that tf.compat.v1.py_func's can run in parallel if they release
# the GIL.
with self.cached_session() as session:
q = queue.Queue(1)
def blocking_put():
q.join() # Wait for task_done().
return 42
def blocking_get():
v = q.get(block=True) # Wait for put().
return v
x, = script_ops.py_func(blocking_put, [], [dtypes.int64])
y, = script_ops.py_func(blocking_get, [], [dtypes.int64])
# This will result in a deadlock if the py_func's don't run in parallel.[x, y])
def testNoReturnValueStateful(self):
class State(object):
def __init__(self):
self._value = np.array([1], np.int64)
def _increment(self, diff):
self._value += diff
def increment(self, diff):
return script_ops.py_func(self._increment, [diff], [], stateful=True)
def value(self):
return self._value
with self.cached_session():
s = State()
op = s.increment(constant_op.constant(2, dtypes.int64))
ret = self.evaluate(op)
self.assertAllEqual([3], s.value)
def testNoReturnValueStateless(self):
def do_nothing(unused_x):
f = script_ops.py_func(
do_nothing, [constant_op.constant(3, dtypes.int64)], [], stateful=False)
with self.cached_session():
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(f), [])
def testExceptionHandling(self):
with self.cached_session():
self.verifyExceptionHandling(ValueError, errors.InvalidArgumentError)
self.verifyExceptionHandling(TypeError, errors.InvalidArgumentError)
self.verifyExceptionHandling(StopIteration, errors.OutOfRangeError)
self.verifyExceptionHandling(MemoryError, errors.ResourceExhaustedError)
class WeirdError(Exception):
self.verifyExceptionHandling(WeirdError, errors.UnknownError)
def testFunctionReferencesAreKept(self):
g = ops.Graph()
with g.as_default():
c = constant_op.constant([1.], dtypes.float32)
@batch_ops.batch_function(1, 10, 100000)
def fn(x):
# Upon exiting this function, the py_func holds the sole reference
# to this lambda, without which it would be garbage collected.
return script_ops.py_func(lambda x: x, [x], [dtypes.float32])
result = fn(c)
class PyFuncAndEagerPyFuncTest(PyFuncTestBase):
"""Encapsulates tests shared between py_func and eager_py_func."""
def verifyPyFuncsNoIncrease(self, make_graph):
initial_size = script_ops._py_funcs.size()
for _ in xrange(1000):
self.assertEqual(initial_size, script_ops._py_funcs.size())
def testCleanup(self):
def make_graph():
g = ops.Graph()
with g.as_default():
c = constant_op.constant([1.], dtypes.float32)
_ = script_ops.py_func(lambda x: x + 1, [c], [dtypes.float32])
_ = script_ops.eager_py_func(lambda x: x + 1, [c], [dtypes.float32])
# These ops have a reference to 'c' which has a reference to the
# graph.
# Checks if the functions are being deleted though the graph is
# referenced from them (see #18292).
lambda x: x + c.shape[0], [c], [dtypes.float32])
lambda x: x + c.shape[0], [c], [dtypes.float32])
def testCleanupInTfFunction(self):
def make_graph():
g = ops.Graph()
with g.as_default():
def fn():
c = constant_op.constant([1.], dtypes.float32)
_ = script_ops.py_func(lambda x: x + 1, [c], [dtypes.float32])
_ = script_ops.eager_py_func(lambda x: x + 1, [c], [dtypes.float32])
# These ops have a reference to 'c' which has a reference to the
# graph.
# Checks if the functions are being deleted though the graph is
# referenced from them (see #18292).
lambda x: x + c.shape[0], [c], [dtypes.float32])
lambda x: x + c.shape[0], [c], [dtypes.float32])
class EagerPyFuncTest(PyFuncTestBase):
"""Encapsulates tests for eager_py_func only."""
def testEagerSingleOutputInt32(self):
a = array_ops.ones((3, 3), dtype=dtypes.int32)
x = array_ops.ones((3, 1), dtype=dtypes.int32)
output = script_ops.eager_py_func(matmul, inp=[a, x], Tout=dtypes.int32)
ret = self.evaluate(output)
self.assertAllEqual(ret, [[3], [3], [3]])
def testRenamedDeviceInTestClusterCorrectlyIdentifiedAsLocalhost(self):
if context.executing_eagerly():
self.skipTest("b/126565353: We don't test eager's remote execution.")
workers, _ = test_util.create_local_cluster(num_workers=1, num_ps=0)
worker = workers[0]
session = session_lib.Session(
with ops.device("/job:worker/task:0/cpu:0"):
a = array_ops.ones((3, 3), dtype=dtypes.float32)
x = array_ops.ones((3, 1), dtype=dtypes.float32)
output = script_ops.eager_py_func(matmul, inp=[a, x], Tout=dtypes.float32)
ret =
self.assertAllClose(ret, [[3.0], [3.0], [3.0]])
def testEagerSingleOutputFloat32(self):
with test_util.device(use_gpu=True):
a = array_ops.ones((3, 3), dtype=dtypes.float32)
x = array_ops.ones((3, 1), dtype=dtypes.float32)
output = script_ops.eager_py_func(matmul, inp=[a, x], Tout=dtypes.float32)
ret = self.evaluate(output)
self.assertAllClose(ret, [[3.0], [3.0], [3.0]])
def testEagerArrayOutput(self):
with test_util.device(use_gpu=True):
a = array_ops.ones((3, 3), dtype=dtypes.float32)
x = array_ops.ones((3, 1), dtype=dtypes.float32)
output = script_ops.eager_py_func(
lambda a, x: [matmul(a, x)], inp=[a, x], Tout=[dtypes.float32])
ret = self.evaluate(output)
self.assertAllEqual(ret, [[[3.0], [3.0], [3.0]]])
def testEagerReturnNone(self):
with test_util.device(use_gpu=True):
def no_return_value():
output = script_ops.eager_py_func(no_return_value, inp=[], Tout=[])
ret = self.evaluate(output)
if context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertEqual(len(ret), 0)
def testEagerPyFuncInDefun(self):
with test_util.device(use_gpu=True):
def wrapper():
a = array_ops.ones((3, 3), dtype=dtypes.float32)
x = array_ops.ones((3, 1), dtype=dtypes.float32)
return script_ops.eager_py_func(matmul, inp=[a, x], Tout=dtypes.float32)
wrapped = function.defun(wrapper)
ret = self.evaluate(wrapped())
self.assertAllEqual(ret, [[3.0], [3.0], [3.0]])
def testEagerExceptionHandling(self):
with test_util.device(use_gpu=True):
ValueError, errors.InvalidArgumentError, eager=True)
TypeError, errors.InvalidArgumentError, eager=True)
StopIteration, errors.OutOfRangeError, eager=True)
MemoryError, errors.ResourceExhaustedError, eager=True)
NotImplementedError, errors.UnimplementedError, eager=True)
class WeirdError(Exception):
self.verifyExceptionHandling(WeirdError, errors.UnknownError, eager=True)
def testEagerReturningVariableRaisesError(self):
def return_variable():
return resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(0.0)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.UnknownError,
"Attempting to return a variable"):
output = script_ops.eager_py_func(
return_variable, inp=[], Tout=dtypes.float32)
def testTapeCache(self):
# Testing for b/198962664 (gh:#51839)
old_cache_size = len(script_ops.tape_cache)
def f(x):
return x**2
x = constant_op.constant(3.0)
y = script_ops.eager_py_func(f, inp=[x], Tout=dtypes.float32)
# No cache if there is no active tape
self.assertEqual(len(script_ops.tape_cache), old_cache_size)
with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
y = script_ops.eager_py_func(f, inp=[x], Tout=dtypes.float32)
# A new cache entry is created when running eagerly.
if context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertEqual(len(script_ops.tape_cache), old_cache_size + 1)
self.assertEqual(len(script_ops.tape_cache), old_cache_size)
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y, x)
# Force a evaluation.
# Cache entry consumed after gradient calculation.
self.assertEqual(len(script_ops.tape_cache), old_cache_size)
def testEagerGradientTape(self):
def f(x):
return x**2
x = constant_op.constant(3.0)
with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
y = script_ops.eager_py_func(f, inp=[x], Tout=dtypes.float32)
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y, x)
self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(dy_dx), 6.0)
# Test complex values
x = constant_op.constant(3.0 + 3.0j)
with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
y = script_ops.eager_py_func(f, inp=[x], Tout=dtypes.complex128)
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y, x)
# Gradient of complex will be the conj
self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(dy_dx), 6.0 - 6.0j)
def testEagerGradientGraph(self):
def f(x):
return x**2
x = constant_op.constant(3.0)
y = script_ops.eager_py_func(f, inp=[x], Tout=dtypes.float32)
dy_dx = gradients_impl.gradients(y, x)[0]
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(dy_dx), 6.0)
def testEagerGradientGraphTwoOutputs(self):
def f(x, y):
return x * y, x / y
x = constant_op.constant(3.0)
y = constant_op.constant(2.0)
fa, fb = script_ops.eager_py_func(f, inp=[x, y],
Tout=[dtypes.float32, dtypes.float32])
dy_dx = gradients_impl.gradients(fa + fb, x)[0]
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(dy_dx), 2.5)
def testEagerGradientTapeMultipleArgs(self):
def f(x, y):
return x**2 + y**2
x = constant_op.constant(3.0)
y = constant_op.constant(4.0)
with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
z = script_ops.eager_py_func(f, inp=[x, y], Tout=dtypes.float32)
dz_dx, dz_dy = tape.gradient(z, [x, y])
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(dz_dx), 6.0)
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(dz_dy), 8.0)
def testEagerGradientGraphMultipleArgs(self):
def f(x, y):
return x**2 + y**2
x = constant_op.constant(3.0)
y = constant_op.constant(4.0)
z = script_ops.eager_py_func(f, inp=[x, y], Tout=dtypes.float32)
dz_dx, dz_dy = gradients_impl.gradients(z, [x, y])
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(dz_dx), 6.0)
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(dz_dy), 8.0)
def testEagerGradientGraphLogHuber(self):
def log_huber(x, m):
if math_ops.abs(x) <= m:
return x**2
return m**2 * (1 - 2 * math_ops.log(m) + math_ops.log(x**2))
x = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32)
m = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32)
y = script_ops.eager_py_func(
func=log_huber, inp=[x, m], Tout=dtypes.float32)
dy_dx = gradients_impl.gradients(y, x)[0]
with self.cached_session() as sess:
# Takes the first branch of log_huber.
y, dy_dx =[y, dy_dx], feed_dict={x: 1.0, m: 2.0})
self.assertEqual(y, 1.0)
self.assertEqual(dy_dx, 2.0)
def testEagerRespectsDevicePlacementOfOp(self):
def f(x):
return math_ops.square(x)
def g(x):
return math_ops.add(x, x)
with ops.device("/CPU:0"):
# Explicitly ask for the py_funcs to execute on CPU, even if
# a GPU is available.
x = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32)
y = script_ops.eager_py_func(func=f, inp=[x], Tout=dtypes.float32)
z = script_ops.eager_py_func(func=g, inp=[y], Tout=dtypes.float32)
with self.session() as sess:
output =, feed_dict={x: 3.0})
self.assertEqual(output, 18.0)
def testEagerPyFuncOnGPUWithStrings(self):
def fn(a):
return str(a.dtype)
x = constant_op.constant("x", dtype=dtypes.string)
output = script_ops.eager_py_func(fn, inp=[x], Tout=dtypes.string)
self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(output), "<dtype: 'string'>".encode("utf8"))
def testEagerPyFuncNotACallable(self):
x = constant_op.constant("x", dtype=dtypes.string)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "callable"):
_ = script_ops.eager_py_func(x, inp=[x], Tout=dtypes.string)
def testUnsupportedToutType(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
TypeError, "Cannot convert .* to a TensorFlow DType."):
script_ops.eager_py_func(lambda x: x, [1], [{}])
def testRaggedTensorArg(self):
x = ragged_factory_ops.constant([[1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]])
y, = script_ops.eager_py_func(math_ops.reduce_sum, [x], [dtypes.int32])
self.assertAllEqual(y, 21)
def testRaggedTensorReturn(self):
def fn(v, l):
return ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths(v, l)
values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
lengths = constant_op.constant([3, 1, 2], dtypes.int64)
out_signature = [ragged_tensor.RaggedTensorSpec([None, None], dtypes.int32)]
y, = script_ops.eager_py_func(fn, [values, lengths], out_signature)
self.assertIsInstance(y, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor)
self.assertAllEqual(y, [[1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]])
def testRaggedExpectedListGotList(self):
x = ragged_factory_ops.constant([[1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]])
x_spec = type_spec.type_spec_from_value(x)
y, = script_ops.eager_py_func(lambda v: [v], [x], [x_spec])
self.assertAllEqual(y, x)
def testRaggedExpectedListGotTuple(self):
x = ragged_factory_ops.constant([[1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]])
x_spec = type_spec.type_spec_from_value(x)
y, = script_ops.eager_py_func(lambda v: (v,), [x], [x_spec])
self.assertAllEqual(y, x)
def testRaggedExpectedListGotSingleValue(self):
x = ragged_factory_ops.constant([[1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]])
x_spec = type_spec.type_spec_from_value(x)
y, = script_ops.eager_py_func(lambda v: v, [x], [x_spec])
self.assertAllEqual(y, x)
def testRaggedNoReturnValue(self):
x = ragged_factory_ops.constant([[1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6]])
result = self.evaluate(script_ops.eager_py_func(lambda v: None, [x], []))
if context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertEqual(result, [])
def testRaggedBadReturnTypeExpectedTensorReturnedRagged(self):
rt = ragged_factory_ops.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
(ValueError, errors.InvalidArgumentError),
"py_function: func=.* returned .* which did not match Tout=.*"):
result = script_ops.eager_py_func(lambda x: x + 3, [rt], [dtypes.int32])
def testRaggedBadReturnTypeExpectedRaggedReturnedTensor(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
(ValueError, errors.InvalidArgumentError),
"py_function: func=.* returned .* which did not match Tout=.*"):
result = script_ops.eager_py_func(
func=lambda x: x,
inp=[constant_op.constant([[1, 2, 3]])],
Tout=[ragged_tensor.RaggedTensorSpec([None, None], dtypes.int32)])
if __name__ == "__main__":