blob: f5eb9a37ef046223efd635b734fbb7148cdef074 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Pattern.h - Pattern wrapper class ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// Pattern wrapper class to simplify using TableGen Record defining a MLIR
// Pattern.
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Argument.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Operator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
namespace llvm {
class DagInit;
class Init;
class Record;
} // end namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
namespace tblgen {
// Mapping from TableGen Record to Operator wrapper object.
// We allocate each wrapper object in heap to make sure the pointer to it is
// valid throughout the lifetime of this map. This is important because this map
// is shared among multiple patterns to avoid creating the wrapper object for
// the same op again and again. But this map will continuously grow.
using RecordOperatorMap =
llvm::DenseMap<const llvm::Record *, std::unique_ptr<Operator>>;
class Pattern;
// Wrapper class providing helper methods for accessing TableGen DAG leaves
// used inside Patterns. This class is lightweight and designed to be used like
// values.
// A TableGen DAG construct is of the syntax
// `(operator, arg0, arg1, ...)`.
// This class provides getters to retrieve `arg*` as tblgen:: wrapper objects
// for handy helper methods. It only works on `arg*`s that are not nested DAG
// constructs.
class DagLeaf {
explicit DagLeaf(const llvm::Init *def) : def(def) {}
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is not specified in the pattern. That is, it
// places no further constraints/transforms and just carries over the original
// value.
bool isUnspecified() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is matching an operand. That is, it specifies
// a type constraint.
bool isOperandMatcher() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is matching an attribute. That is, it
// specifies an attribute constraint.
bool isAttrMatcher() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is wrapping native code call.
bool isNativeCodeCall() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is specifying a constant attribute.
bool isConstantAttr() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is specifying an enum attribute case.
bool isEnumAttrCase() const;
// Returns this DAG leaf as a constraint. Asserts if fails.
Constraint getAsConstraint() const;
// Returns this DAG leaf as an constant attribute. Asserts if fails.
ConstantAttr getAsConstantAttr() const;
// Returns this DAG leaf as an enum attribute case.
// Precondition: isEnumAttrCase()
EnumAttrCase getAsEnumAttrCase() const;
// Returns the matching condition template inside this DAG leaf. Assumes the
// leaf is an operand/attribute matcher and asserts otherwise.
std::string getConditionTemplate() const;
// Returns the native code call template inside this DAG leaf.
// Precondition: isNativeCodeCall()
llvm::StringRef getNativeCodeTemplate() const;
// Returns true if the TableGen Init `def` in this DagLeaf is a DefInit and
// also a subclass of the given `superclass`.
bool isSubClassOf(StringRef superclass) const;
const llvm::Init *def;
// Wrapper class providing helper methods for accessing TableGen DAG constructs
// used inside Patterns. This class is lightweight and designed to be used like
// values.
// A TableGen DAG construct is of the syntax
// `(operator, arg0, arg1, ...)`.
// When used inside Patterns, `operator` corresponds to some dialect op, or
// a known list of verbs that defines special transformation actions. This
// `arg*` can be a nested DAG construct. This class provides getters to
// retrieve `operator` and `arg*` as tblgen:: wrapper objects for handy helper
// methods.
// A null DagNode contains a nullptr and converts to false implicitly.
class DagNode {
explicit DagNode(const llvm::DagInit *node) : node(node) {}
// Implicit bool converter that returns true if this DagNode is not a null
// DagNode.
operator bool() const { return node != nullptr; }
// Returns the operation referenced by this DAG node.
llvm::StringRef getOpName() const;
// Returns the operator wrapper object corresponding to the dialect op matched
// by this DAG. The operator wrapper will be queried from the given `mapper`
// and created in it if not existing.
Operator &getDialectOp(RecordOperatorMap *mapper) const;
// Returns the number of operations recursively involved in the DAG tree
// rooted from this node.
int getNumOps() const;
// Returns the number of immediate arguments to this DAG node.
int getNumArgs() const;
// Returns true if the `index`-th argument is a nested DAG construct.
bool isNestedDagArg(unsigned index) const;
// Gets the `index`-th argument as a nested DAG construct if possible. Returns
// null DagNode otherwise.
DagNode getArgAsNestedDag(unsigned index) const;
// Gets the `index`-th argument as a DAG leaf.
DagLeaf getArgAsLeaf(unsigned index) const;
// Returns the specified name of the `index`-th argument.
llvm::StringRef getArgName(unsigned index) const;
// Returns true if this DAG construct means to replace with an existing SSA
// value.
bool isReplaceWithValue() const;
// Returns true if this DAG node is the `verifyUnusedValue` directive.
bool isVerifyUnusedValue() const;
// Returns true if this DAG node is wrapping native code call.
bool isNativeCodeCall() const;
// Returns the native code call template inside this DAG node.
// Precondition: isNativeCodeCall()
llvm::StringRef getNativeCodeTemplate() const;
const llvm::DagInit *node; // nullptr means null DagNode
// Wrapper class providing helper methods for accessing MLIR Pattern defined
// in TableGen. This class should closely reflect what is defined as class
// `Pattern` in TableGen. This class contains maps so it is not intended to be
// used as values.
class Pattern {
explicit Pattern(const llvm::Record *def, RecordOperatorMap *mapper);
// Returns the source pattern to match.
DagNode getSourcePattern() const;
// Returns the number of results generated by applying this rewrite pattern.
int getNumResults() const;
// Returns the DAG tree root node of the `index`-th result pattern.
DagNode getResultPattern(unsigned index) const;
// Checks whether an argument or op with the given `name` is bound in
// source pattern. Prints fatal error if not; does nothing otherwise.
void ensureBoundInSourcePattern(llvm::StringRef name) const;
// Returns a reference to all the bound arguments in the source pattern.
llvm::StringMap<Argument> &getSourcePatternBoundArgs();
// Returns a reference to all the bound ops in the source pattern.
llvm::StringSet<> &getSourcePatternBoundOps();
// Returns the op that the root node of the source pattern matches.
const Operator &getSourceRootOp();
// Returns the operator wrapper object corresponding to the given `node`'s DAG
// operator.
Operator &getDialectOp(DagNode node);
// Returns the constraints.
std::vector<AppliedConstraint> getConstraints() const;
// Returns the benefit score of the pattern.
int getBenefit() const;
using IdentifierLine = std::pair<StringRef, unsigned>;
// Returns the file location of the pattern (buffer identifier + line number
// pair).
std::vector<IdentifierLine> getLocation() const;
// Recursively collects all bound arguments inside the DAG tree rooted
// at `tree`.
void collectBoundArguments(DagNode tree);
// The TableGen definition of this pattern.
const llvm::Record &def;
// All operators.
RecordOperatorMap *recordOpMap;
// All bound op arguments.
llvm::StringMap<Argument> boundArguments;
// All bound ops.
llvm::StringSet<> boundOps;
} // end namespace tblgen
} // end namespace mlir